![Arxiv:2104.11409V1 [Math.AT]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE C2n BOREL DUAL STEENROD ALGEBRA NICK GEORGAKOPOULOS Abstract. In this very short note, we expand the Hu-Kriz computation of the G-equivariant Borel dual Steenrod algebra in characteristic 2, from the group G = C2 to all power-2 cyclic groups G = C2n . Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Conventions and notations 1 3. Borel cohomology 2 4. The Borel dual Steenrod algebra 3 5. Comparison with Greenlees’s description 4 References 5 1. Introduction In this companion piece to [Geo21a], we show that the C2-equivariant Borel dual Steenrod algebra computation in [HK96] generalizes to all groups G = C2n . More precisely, we give an explicit description of the RO(C2n )-graded ring of the F F hC2n F hC2n homotopy fixed points (H 2 ∧H 2)⋆ as a Hopf algebroid over (H 2)⋆ , F where 2 stands for the constant C2n -Green functor associated to the field of two elements. We also compare our description to the dual description of the Borel Steenrod algebra of [Gre88]. Acknowledgment. We would like to thank Peter May for his numerous editing suggestions, including the idea to split off this paper from [Geo21a]. arXiv:2104.11409v1 [math.AT] 23 Apr 2021 2. Conventions and notations F We will use the letter k to denote the field 2 with trivial G = C2n action, the F constant G-Mackey functor k = 2 and the corresponding equivariant Eilenberg- MacLane spectrum Hk. The meaning should always be clear from the context. Henceforth all our co/homology will be in k coefficients. We use k⋆(X) to denote the RO(G)-graded Mackey functor of G-equivariant homology in k- H coefficients. The value of k⋆(X) on the G/H orbit is denoted by k⋆(X). The real representation ring RO(C2n ) is spanned by the irreducible represen- tations 1, σ, λs,k where σ is the 1-dimensional sign representation and λs,m is the 2-dimensional representation given by rotation by 2πs(m/2n) degrees for 1 ≤ m dividing 2n−2 and odd 1 ≤ s < 2n/m. Note that 2-locally, Sλs,m ≃ Sλ1,m as 1 C2n -equivariant spaces, by the s-power map. Therefore, to compute k⋆(X) for ⋆ ⋆ ∈ RO(C2n ) it suffices to only consider in the span of 1, σ, λk := λ1,2k for 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2(λn−1 = 2σ and λn = 2). C2n For V = σ or V = λm, denote by aV ∈ k−V the Euler class induced by the V C2n ֒ 0 inclusion of north and south poles S → S ; also denote by uV ∈ k|V|−V the orientation class generating the Mackey functor k|V|−V = k ([HHR16]). 3. Borel cohomology Let EG be a contractible free G-space and EG˜ be the cofiber of the collapse 0 h map EG+ → S . For a spectrum X we use the notation Xh = EG+ ∧ X, X = t h F(EG+, X) and X = EG˜ ∧ X ; there is a cofiber sequence h t Xh → X → X h t The G-fixed points of Xh, X , X are the nonequivariant spectra of homotopy or- hG tG bits XhG, homotopy fixed points X and Tate fixed points X respectively. |V| V The orientation classes uV : k ∧ S → k ∧ S are nonequivariant equivalences, h t hence induce G-equivalences in Xh, X , X for a k-module X, so they act invertibly h t on Xh⋆, X⋆ and X⋆. This implies that h h t t Xh⋆ ≈ Xh|⋆| , X⋆ = X|⋆| , X⋆ = X|⋆| and the RO(G) graded part is determined by the integer graded part. Proposition 3.1. For G = C2n and n > 1: hG ± ± ± 2 k = k[aσ, a , u , u ,..., u ]/a ⋆ λ0 σ λ0 λn−2 σ tG ± ± ± ± 2 k = k[aσ, a , u , u ,..., u ]/a ⋆ λ0 σ λ0 λn−2 σ −1 tG hG hG and khG⋆ = Σ k⋆ /k⋆ (forgetting the ring structure). The map khG⋆ → k⋆ is trivial. Proof. The homotopy fixed point spectral sequence becomes: H∗(G; k)[u±, u± ,..., u± ] =⇒ khG σ λ0 λn−2 ⋆ We have H∗(G; k) = k∗BG = k[a]/a2 ⊗ k[b] where |a| = 1 and |b| = 2. The −1 spectral sequence collapses with no extensions and we can identify a = aσuσ a a ∞ λ0 λ0 and b = a u−1. Finally, EG˜ = S λ0 = colim(Sλ0 −→ Sλ0 −→ ··· ) so to get ktG λ0 λ0 ⋆ we are additionally inverting aλ0 . For G = C2 we have hC2 ± k⋆ = k[aσ, uσ ] tC2 ± ± k⋆ = k[aσ , uσ ] Σ−1 tC2 hC2 hC2 and khC2⋆ = k⋆ /k⋆ (forgetting the ring structure). The map khC2⋆ → k⋆ is trivial. 2 4. The Borel dual Steenrod algebra The G-Borel dual Steenrod algebra is hG (k ∧ k)⋆ hG This is a Hopf algebroid over k⋆ . We will implicitly be completing it at the ideal generated by aσ for G = C2, n > and at the ideal generated by aλ0 for G = C2 , n 1 (see [HK96] pg. 373 for more details in the case of G = C2). With this convention, Hu-Kriz computed the C2-Borel dual Steenrod algebra to be hC2 hC2 (k ∧ k)⋆ = k⋆ [ξi] i for |ξi| = 2 − 1 (ξ0 = 1). The generators ξi restrict to the Milnor generators in the nonequivariant dual Steenrod algebra and 2k ∆(ξi) = ∑ ξj ⊗ ξk j+k=i ǫ(ξi) = 0, i ≥ 1 ηR(aσ) = aσ ∞ −1 2i−1 −2i ηR(uσ) = ∑ aσ uσ ξi i=0 Proposition 4.1. For G = C2n , n > 1, hG hG (k ∧ k)⋆ = k⋆ [ξi] i for |ξi| = 2 − 1 restricting to the C2n−1 generators ξi, with 2k ∆(ξi) = ∑ ξj ⊗ ξk j+k=i ǫ(ξi) = 0 , i ≥ 1 ηR(aσ) = aσ , ηR(aλ0 ) = aλ0 ηR(uσ) = uσ + aσξ1 > ηR(uλm ) = uλm ,m 0 i i η (u )−1 = a2 −1u−2 ξ2 R λ0 ∑ λ0 λ0 i i . hG ∗ Proof The computation of (k ∧ k)∗ = (k ∧ k) (BG) follows from the compu- hG ∗ 2 tation of k∗ = k (BG) = k[a]/a ⊗ k[b] and the fact that nonequivariantly, k ∧ k is a free k-module. To see that the homotopy fixed point spectral se- quence for k ∧ k converges strongly, let FiBG be the skeletal filtration on the Lens ∞ 1 ∗ i space BG = S /C2n ; we can then compute directly that limi (k ∧ k) (F BG) = 1 2 i limi (k[a]/a ⊗ k[b]/b ) = 0. hG hG Thus we get (k ∧ k)⋆ = k⋆ [ξi] and the diagonal ∆ and augmentation ǫ are the same as in the nonequivariant case. The Euler classes aσ, aλ0 are maps of spheres so they are preserved under ηR. The action of ηR on uσ, uλ0 can be 3 hG computed through the right coaction on k⋆ : The (completed) coaction of the nonequivariant dual Steenrod algebra on k∗(BG) = k[a]/a2 ⊗ k[b] is a 7→ a ⊗ 1 2i 2 b 7→ ∑ b ⊗ ξi i To verify the formula for the coaction on b we need to check that Sq1(b) = 0 (the alternative is Sq1(b) = ab). From the long exact sequence associated to 0 → Z /2 → Z /4 → Z /2 → 0, we can see that the vanishing of the Bockstein 2 Z Z on b follows from H (C2n ; /4) = /4 (n > 1). −1 −1 After identifying a = aσu and b = a u we get the formula for η (u ) σ λ0 λ0 R λ0 and also that ηR(uσ) = uσ + ǫaσξ1 where ǫ is either 0 or 1. This is equivalent to −1 −1 −2 ηR(uσ ) = uσ + ǫaσuσ ξ1 h(C n /C ) and to see that ǫ = 1 we use the map khC2 = k 2 2n−1 → khC2n that sends > aσ, uσ to aσ, uσ respectively. Finally, to compute ηR(uλm ) for m 0 note that hC hC n /C m hC n k 2n−m = k 2 2 → k 2 sends aλ0 , uλ0 to aλm = 0, uλm respectively. 5. Comparison with Greenlees’s description We now compare our result with the description of the Borel Steenrod algebra given in [Gre88], which is dual to our calculation. In our notation, the G-spectrum b of [Gre88] is b = kh and bV (X) corresponds h |V| h V to (k )G (X); to get (k )G(X) we need to multiply with the invertible element hG ⋆ h ⋆ h uV ∈ k|V|−V. The Borel Steenrod algebra is bG b = (k )G (k ) and the Borel dual G h G h hG Steenrod algebra is b⋆b =(k )⋆(k )=(k ∧ k)⋆ . Greenlees proves that the Borel Steenrod algebra is given by the Massey- Peterson twisted tensor product ([MP65]) of the nonequivariant Steenrod algebra ∗ h ⋆ hG k k and the Borel cohomology of a point (k )G = k−⋆. The twisting has to do h ⋆ with the fact that the action of the Borel Steenrod algebra on x ∈ (k )G (X) is given by: (θ ⊗ a)(x) = θ(ax) ∗ hG ′ ′ where θ ∈ k k and a ∈ k⋆ . The product of elements θ ⊗ a and θ ⊗ a in the Borel Steenrod algebra is not θθ′ ⊗ aa′, since θ does not commute with cup-products, but rather satisfies the Cartan formula: ′ ′′ ′ ′′ θ(ab) = ∑ θi(a)θi (b) , ∆θ = ∑ θi ⊗ θi i i Therefore: ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ (θ ⊗ a)(θ ⊗ a )(x) = θ(aθ (a x)) = ∑ θi(a)(θi θ )(a x) i 4 so ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ (θ ⊗ a)(θ ⊗ a ) = ∑ θi(a)(θi θ ⊗ a ) (1) i (we have ignored signs as we are working in characteristic 2). ∗ hG So the Borel Steenrod algebra is k k ⊗ k⋆ with twisted algebra structured defined by (1). ∗ h ⋆ Moreover, Greenlees expresses the action of k k on (k )G (X) in terms of the ∗ action of k k on the orientation classes uV and the usual (nonequivariant) action ∗ h ∗ ∗ of k k on (k )G(X) = k (X ∧G EG+).
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