~------------------------- - - ---- COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY by Paul E. Patterson, Anna Davis, and C. Wilson Gray A.E. Extension Series No. 93-2 January 1993 Presented at the 1993 Idaho Potato School Pocatello, Idaho January 19-21, 1993 and Oalry Management Computer Workshops: Caldwell, ID February 22-23, 1993 Twin Falls, 10 February 24-25, 1993 Preston, 10 March 1-2, 1993 Idaho Falls, ID March 3-4, 1993 COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY Access - The sequence of locating and Architecture - The way in which the processing information or locating and components of a computer system are retrieving data from a disk. organized and inter-connected. Access time - The period of time between a Archive - To copy information to a storage request for information and the availability of device that holds files which need not be that data. Often used to reference the speed instantly accessible. of a hard disk drive. Artificial Intelligence - The ability of a Acoustic coupler - A form of low speed computer to imitate certain human actions or modem that sends and receives data uSIng a skills such as problem solving, decision conventional telephone handset and does not making and learmng. require a permanent connection to the line. It is frequently used with portable terminals. ASCII - (American Standard Code for Information Interchange.) A standard seven­ Address - Identification code that references bit hex-to-character conversion code used to specific data location within storage. represent up to 256 different letters, numbers, and symbols. Every character has a Address modes - The manner in which the unique binary representation. computer codes registers and memory in order to access and work with data. The Assembler - A program that deciphers coded number of available address modes is a instructions prepared by the programmer and measure of the computer's power. then translates them into binary machine language. Address register - A specific location in the Central Processing UnIt (CPU) for storage of . Asynchronous device - A piece of equipment identification code (address) values. having a variable or random time interval between successive events. The transmission Alphanumeric - A character set that contains of information (character, word, or small both letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9). Other block) is individually timed by the use of start characters, such as punctuations marks, may and stop bits. also be allowed. AUTOEXEC.BAT - A special batch file Analog - Contrasted to digital, analog devices containing a series of commands that DOS measure a continuous variable, such as will execute when the cmputer is turned on. voltage levels. ANSI - (American National Standards Institute.) A private organization that publishes proposed standards for products, Backup - An extra copy of a disk or file which Including computer languages. Adherence to has been made in case the original disk is lost standards is voluntary. or ruined. Backups of all master disks should be made ' immediately upon receiving or Applications - Software programs that purchasing a new piece of software. Also perform a specific user-oriented task such as make backups of important work disks and word processing or payroll. Applications can files. be either purchased as a package, or custom designed by a programmer. Bad Sector - A disk sector that cannot reliably hold data because of a media flaw or damaged format markings. 2 BASIC - (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Byte - A unit of memory capacity. A Instructional Code.) A common, easily standard-length sequence of bIts, usually learned computer language developed in the eight, used to represent a single character. 1960's at Dartmouth College. Batch File - A file containing a series of commands that the operating system executes when the file is called. C - A very concise programming language widely used for writing operating systems and Baud - A measure of the rate of data application programs. transmission, bits per second. Typically referred to as "Baud rate" with data CAD - (Computer Aided Design.) An communications. Baud rate divided by "10" is advanced graphics program that assists in approximately equal to characters per second product design. (cps). Thus, 1200 - baud is about 120 cps. Carriage return - A control character Binary - A number system with a base of "2," recognized as a signal for the end of a rather than 10, using only two digits: "0" and particular input of data. "1". Cache Memory • A high speed memory which BIOS (Basic Input/Output System.) - The contains the next most likely instruction to be part of the operating system that handles the executed or data block to be used. communications between the computer and its peripherals. These programs are often Carrier - The reference signal on which burned into the read-only memory (ROM) information is superimposed for transmission chips. or reception of data over telephone lines. BIT· (BInary digiT) The basic element of a Character - A symbol, such as a letter or byte (eight bits constitute one byte). It is a punctuation mark, used to represent data or type of electrical switch that is either "on" or operational instructions. "off." One binary digit is usually represented by "1" or "0." Circuit - A complete electronic path. A collection of cirCUIts is gathered together on a Boot Record - A one-sector record on the plastic sheet to produce a circuit board. disk which supplies instructions to the computer on how to load the operating Clock - A timing device in the control unit system into memory, thus bootIng the which is used to synchronize the operation of computer. different parts of the computer. Booting up or Bootstrapping - The initial COBOL • (COmmon Business Oriented loading of information that takes place when Language.) A programming language, a computer is turned on, enabling it to read resembling English, that is used primarily for in or respond to further instructions. business applications. BufTer - A memory storage area that Code - A set of rules that specifies the temporarily holds data during the transfer manner in which data may be represented. between internal and external or inputj output storage. Compatibility - The capability of a computer to work with other deVlces like printers, data Bug. Mistake in a program or malfunction in storage units and with other computer a computer. models either from the same or different manufacturers. Also could include software Bus· The electrical pathway over which data and program languages. and other signals travel. 3 Compiler • A programming language CPU (Central Processing Unit) - The brain translator that converts programs from high­ of a microcomputer. It contains the address level language (such as FORTRAN or registers, arithmetic logic unit, and timing PASCAL) to machine language. Compiled signal generator. programs typically execute faster than coded programs. < CR> • The symbol standing for carriage return. Component • A part of a computer system, usually a specific piece of equipment. CRT· SEE Screen. Computer • An electronic device that is Crash • A malfunction that brings work to a capable of number computations, data halt. A head crash means physical damage to storage, and logical operation. The computer a disk and probably data loss. is directed by a program that is prepared by a human. Cursor· An electronically generated symbol that appears on the screen of the Computer ~aphics • The process of microcomputer to tell the operator where the converting dIgital information into a format next character will appear. that can be displayed visually on a graphics terminal. Cylinder. The total number of tracks that can be read on a hard disk without moving Computer language - A specific set of rules the heads. A typical 20 meg hard disk will and symbols which is used to communicate have 4 heads and 615 cylinders, where each with a computer. BASIC and FORTRAN cylinder is 4 tracks. are two such languages common to computer users. Computer program • A series of instructions that guide the activities of a computer. Data • The input of facts, numbers, letters, and symbols that when processed becomes Computer system • The combination of usable information. hardware (equipment) and software (programs) WhICh is used for performing Database • An or~anized collection of certain tasks. interrelated informatIon about a particular field or topic. CONFIG.SYS • A file which is created to tell the DOS operating system how to configure DBMS • (Data Base Management System.) itself when the computer starts up. A computer application program designed to keep records in a database. Connector • A physical interface (plug) between components, typically male or Data processing - The manipulation of data female. by following a sequence of instructions to achieve a desired result. Conventional Memory - The first 640K of memory. DOS is limited to conventional Debug • The process of locating, identifying memory for use in running applications. and correcting mistakes or problems with a program or equipment. The same idea as CP/M - (Control Program (for) Micro­ trouble-shooting. computers.) An operating system from Digital Research, Inc., widely used before the Default • The standard option which is introduction of MS-PC/DOS. assumed if you fail to specify otherwise. CPS • (Characters per second.) The speed of Delete • To erase data from the screen or operation of a printer or data transmission from a disk, whether it be a character, device. sentence, or a whole file. Similar to erase. 4 Density - The amount of data that can be Documentation - A description of what a packed into a given area on a floppy disk. A program does, how it does it, its assumptions, double density 3-1/2" diskette holds 720K of and possible applications. An "owner's and information; a high density one holds 1.44 operator's manual" for a program or piece of megs. hardware. Desktop Publishing - The process of using a DOS - (Disk Operating System.) . Any microcomputer, laser printer and specialized operating system that emphasizes the use of software to create documents for publication dtsks to store files.
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