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1\ .'~ """".,,, '.' ~y I~! f~:""*' A..1..~"ce-'LlfDh~(\'ce ~T""A.h ~10 &.IA ",;J t:" ,;J It lI) FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA ,ou.-,. <k~e !l;t ~t-+~ 4th Year No. 58 OJ\..-,.r-kJ' 4..1..t-I\ce -\lfPht-l1.J'ce ~T-flA.h ~-\... ~Of) - en «!J+, Iiifj ADDIS ABABA -7th July, 1998 f ih1f-fl +ml1r-~ 9"he 0.'-" tnf)ct~'-" fmll) D'/tD-6It). CONTENTS ~".~ ck~e liU;i/Iilj '-9". Proclamation No. 126/1998 fIifjli 01:'-" ,ou.-,. f01:'-" 1991 Fiscal Year Budget ~tp~ 1~ ;tfi Proclamation Page 806 ~tp~ ck~e lifttl/Iif2 PROCLAMATION NO. 126/1998 A4..1..t-/;\ ou'..,F'-" Ft-"'~ f;J-m1: f01:'-" ~tp~ BUDGET PROCLAMATION FOR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKINGS "Iitf:lii fl1l"" 'JOO"" O~1..t-.c\ 00''''''''''''' ""7.h'i"dJ). WHEREAS, it is necessary to approve and disburse on ",t-"~'i" "'.c\"'l\-"'~ f"7.J'llL.c\1lD-' Ol"" "K'~" OOl"" time the budgetary appropriations for undertakings by the Federal 'J00i: ooloot.f 10:""" ",t- tPJ'f'.c\"llL"'" OOOIT).! Government during the 1991 (E.C.) fiscal year. "" .,.ooc WHEREAS, the House of Federation has set the formula f~1..t-"- 00''''''''''' "h.c\l\-~ ~.,..." '''7.''''''0''''' flJ.,~1i' 9"hC 0."" fdJ"'~ ll"IT~! to be followed by the Federal Government in respect of subsidies to be made to Regional Governments; "h.c\l\-~ O"7."'mlD-~""'" f4..1..t-1\- 00''''''''''' ItJl""'i" "" WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the Constitution that the cfI C ,.,1:t..., ",.c\II)' ~'~"7.'fi.lD- 0'-"100,.,,,,i: ,.,.~~.,., Federal Government shall be vested with auditing and inspecting ll"IT~ ! powers over subsidies made by it to Regional Governments; 11"-""f'k,f 4..1..t-"«£ Jl lfUht-U«£ tT-olt.h '-"100''''''''''' NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) 2~(ii) ~'i" (I) 001Pi."" ~'~"7.h"'''lD- ;J-lD-~.c\1I and (10) of the Constitution ofthe Federal Democrtic Republic of "''''K' Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: hf:A II,~ PART 1 m~iIiI General 1I,,,,x- Ii' "u "'f':E- "fIuf:lii I1l"" 'JOO""fOl"" "'f':E-cfI...C Article 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the" 1991 Fiscal iif~"i/Xuf:l" '"-0,,. It.m.,.ll "~".c\:: Year Budget Proclamation No.126/ 1998." II'",X- ,. hm9"1\.li/Xitf1 'J.9". 19"1':~llh ...~r!)/Xufjli'J.,... Article 2. The Federal Budget is hereby appropriated for the Fiscal year commencing on Hamle 1,1990 E.C'-and I1"7.LROOlD-O"'~ fOl"" 'JOO""...ILlD-ll...01J.,t-.c\ ending on Sene 30,1991 E.C. from Federal Govern- h"7.11lD-10. ~'i"hI\." ""-0 hlllJ ;JC ment revenues and other funds for the undertakings set 00''''''''''' "" O''',f,f"lD- lP'mi.V lD-ll... ""'m"''''''''' ",t-"~ forth in the Schedule hereto: "'.c\"'l\-"'~ ., ". ~,~",oo"h"'lD-! (A) For Recurrent v)"oo~l1~ dJ".1."~ -OC 4,047,647,100 Expenditure Birr 4,047,647,100 ,,) ""'C;J-.c\ dJ'L1."~ " 2,905,299,800 (B) For Capital ..h) "h.c\l\-~ f"7."'''' ~.,..." 4,123,916,900 Expenditure " 2,905,299,800 " (C) For Subsidy 00) "~~'&;'f' ooll''',&;~C "lD-'ll.c\ Appropriation oo'}..,,,,..,. ~.,..." ii' h4..1..t..c\ " 39;139,800 to Regions 4,123,916,900 f 4..1..t-.c\ oo'}..,,,,..,. dJ'L1. (D) For Dire Dawa Adm.Council: ~9"C " 11,116,003,600 1. Federal Government Subsidy Birr 39,139,800 ~. "lD-'}lll\- h10.m. f"7.!dJlI)lD- 21,000,000 Federal Government Total" 11,116,003,600 2. Council's Retained Rev: 21,000,000 m:""" ~9"C ." 11,137,003,600 Grand Total 11,137,003,600 ("",t- "')~ o.lt.M "'}~ oo.,..",,,Pf ...q..,. "7.It.M 1(u ll~ll"" 00'" -oc) "4..1..t-1\- 00''''''''''' dJ'L1. Eleven billions one hundred thiry-seven million three "ll"" thousand and six hundred birr) If'f ~'}JlhLA OtlU "'f':E- ,,.L:"s;...c\ II n"- 'f';J13.05 ~:Jt"" ;JII.IlJ7-.Pf.<f:. iti'Lji Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001 u.&-/A ~,,~+ :Jtt.1IJ~'I'C!~ A~@+1 !Df~ ,.,... 1X" ~f1 . l\"}+~ C' t\TC"A.."li"}'it\A' A' l\1A..,tro.,."f ~,,)I-fLfJ-"t\P't. ""b.Jr f""4l~I-tD-'} 00l-0Ji' 0:(:" ml- I-oom1l'i l\OA ",lImc l\f,~A'" II l\,,}+~ g. Ofm~ ""'*~1' ~f+h4lt\ ftPJ..1A~ 1I''f' t\*"7.. foo"}..,P':" 1Pt.+if"f l\h4l"1. t\1I')' ".,cs,."f 00001,1 O"'fDcll):" fl-oom1l ~1:"7..1 hlj:l l\oohmi' , fhlj:lfDc"} 1.JI. t\oomA"}'i OfLUl\\\:\"} OtPJ..(}mfDcil1:C "f, f~:""kl~ ilth.t.ce Q"}h OtPJ..mh~fDcOOIP~:" mt\1: t\",hh4lA t\1"}Uil tPJ..th:"~ P'AII)"} + (}1'.,.;t- A If hlj:A 0-11-1- fO)!-1- AII+"1J!.C l\ "}+ ~ ~. f A..1ot./A oo"}..,P':" l\"":" P' A II)"} ji' ".,cs, ftPJ..oot\h;t-TfDcfA..lot.tr OO,,}"'P'Tl\""+ fO":e, ~"~sP"f t\foop'1,1 o.;t-TfDcp't.'i l\1A..,tro+ OfLUl\'P:E-f+4l+""TfDc"} 0:(+ OtPJ..mf,~n+ 1.JI.f1'}Uil tPJ..th+~ hA..lot.tr oo,,}"'p'+ 10.'1' ht\." M6J.h ~"}JlhCJ:A+4l~ p.t\+ ;t-!l.A" g. f+4l+""TfDc m~"" fO:(+ oom"} ~"}"+mO+ 1ft;> OA..lot.tr oo,,}"'p'+ P'C t\tPJ..+,cs,,~:,. .,h'C;t-tro"f Qt\4lfDcn:(:" «Joo:"..h1,.+ +hht\~ 1(1.50% (""''' 000"') "f,OAI' hUoo). 0:(:" «Joo+ 1(1.1TfDc~"}"l\h4l"1.~i: mm. ~1"~'" ~,,}Jl(}~O+ t\00lj:+1: f1"}Uil tPJ..th+~ P'AII)"} +(}~.,.;t-AII c. OttO 0:(:" l\'P:E- "f, "A+oot\hi: t\l\Jlh mf,'" 00:(+ «Jooi: t\+4l+.4,. TC":(h.,."f (TC"..,t.qo"f) t\..'C;t-A'" .,~ t\00,,0~ +~"'I, P't.sP"f hl11:C ",,}"fLfJ-T' hV1C fDch...,.. II'~ hfDc1}tV1C ~C,cs;t- O".AO+' 0,)"+ t 01'~ 1"}Uil f+~OfDc 'l..,il 0011i: f\.~;J11" f".AOi:'i f,),,+fDc l\h+'P~" 'P;JfDc 01"}Uil +00,,}1IC"t 1'~ 1"}Uil,.. h"~ ;t-htro OtPJ..oot\h+fDc00/0.+ (l\C,)h+ t "}tJ-h l\C,)h+' TC":(h+ mf,'" TC"..,t.,..) h,.. ""}JlooU1il "'I' P't. "f, ""}JlfDcA ""}Jll"c,,, t\1"}Uil tPJ..th+~ OfLU l\'P:E- hAil)"} +"I'.,.;t-AII g. h.f11:C h,)c,cs;t- t\l\Jlh mf,'" t\+ 4l+.4,.TC":(h.,."f TC"..,t.qo"f fDc +~"., I, -""}"fLfJ-'" 1 1 f +11 fil1:C'i ,)C.c;;t-(O"'AO+' 0,),,+ t O...~ 1"}Uil) oom"} P't. "f, f\.fDcA00:(+ «Jooi: O+~"'I, O:(:"~+ t\Ch1lil +m..,."f ,..hC 0.+ +C(1 oo~,,~ f,t;>CO;t-A:: ~. OA..Iot.A oo,,}"'p'+ f4.f,'i"Jh l\h+.c;"C l\'P:E- ~I'C 2~lIilf1til hl\,,}+~ I~~hh l\'}+~ f O+OOt\h+fDc OOIP~+ i fO:(+ 1IfDcfDcC+4lKtPJ.. f,"'iA II Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 58 7thJuly, 1998-Page 807 Article 3. 'No transfers sballbe made to appropriation for salaries, wages and allowances from appropriation of the recurrent budget made for professional and other services as well as operational expenditures. Article 4. The Minister of Finance is hereby authorised to grant advance of salary to permanent Federal Civil Servants for necessary cases in accordance with directives issued thereon, and to fix the period of repayment thereof and to collect interest thereon at the rate fixed by the National Bank of Ethiopia. PARTll BUDGET ADMINISTRATION Article 5. Powers of Federal Government Organs 1. The Minister of Finance is hereby authorized and directed, upon the request of the heads of the concerned Federal Government organs, to disburse out of the Federal Government revenues and other funds the amounts appropriated herein for undertakings of their respective organs. 2. The Minister of Finance is hereby authorized to allow Federal Government hospitals, to retain and expend within their total budgetary appropriations, receipts from the current fiscal year up to an amount not exceeding 50% (Fifty Percent) of their receipt for the previous fiscal year. 3. The Minister of Finance is hereby empowered to r~ord on the appropriated Qudgetary head, subhead, project, or program of the respective public body, as the case may be, and undertake all acts necessary for the utilisation of any additional loan or aid in kind and/or in cash obtained from foreign or local sources for carrying out approved or new capital project' or recurrent programs. 4. Additional loan or aid in kind. and/or in cash upon utilisation for approved or new projects or programs shall be ratified by the House of Peoples' Representatives as supplementary budget. 5. Budgetary transfers shall be made in accordance with Articles 17 up to 20 of the Federal Government of Ethiopia Financial Administration Proclamation No 57/1996. .,,. ~f~AJ..~.A~:M"":Jt&.4I ..,c 2~(tk -9+'t IfinCt"f""' FederalNegaritGa~eta-~N():58 7. July,I~Page808 I hf:A PARTJII t . 1. ' f''''"p~ n;(T BUDGET APPROPRIATION 11C Article 6. FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT h'}+:t 1;' I\L1..~I"A.OfJ'}..,rT , BUDGET. Birr' ," u) 1\000"O~n~T 4,047,647,100 " a) Recurrent Budget 4,047,647,100 1\) I\i11;;t-A n~T 2,9p5,299,89() Y:IJOC 6,952,946,900 b) Capital Budget 2,905,299,800 Total 6;952,946,900 h'}+:t 1.' I\hAf\o:f Y:'JoIP/ Article 7.

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