February 18, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2311 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, February 18, 1992 The House met at 12 noon. ginia, to the National Nutrition Mon­ Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. The Chaplain, Rev. James David itoring Advisory Council. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ The message also announced that, APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF er: pursuant to Public Law 94--201 , the BOARD OF VISITORS TO U.S. May we learn, O God, all Your les­ Chair, on behalf of the President pro MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY sons that tell us to be faithful stewards tempore, appoints Juris K. Ubans of of the resources of the land. Keep us, Maine, to the Board of Trustees of the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro- we pray, away from any waste and ex­ American Folklife Center. visions of section 1295(h) of title 46, cess that threatens the whole creation. United States Code, the Chair appoints Remind us every day of our duty to be as members of the Board of Visitors to responsible as the caretakers of the re­ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy sources of this world so those who fol­ REPRESENT THE HOUSE AT AP­ the following Members on the part of low us will inherit a good land filled PROPRIATE CEREMONIES FOR the House: with the beauty and bounty and mag­ OBSERVANCE OF GEORGE WASH­ Mr. MANTON of New York and nificence of Your great creation. Amen. INGTON'S BIRTHDAY Mr. BATEMAN of Virginia. Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that it shall be THE JOURNAL APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF in order for the Speaker to appoint two BOARD OF VISITORS TO U.S. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Members of the House, one upon the MILITARY ACADEMY ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ recommendation of the minority lead­ ceedings and announces to the House er, to represent the House of Rep­ The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ his approval thereof. resentatives at appropriate ceremonies visions of section 4355(a) of title 10, Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ for the observance of George Washing­ United States Code, the Chair appoints nal stands approved. ton's birthday to be held on Friday, as members of the Board of Visitors to February 21, 1992. the U.S. Military Academy the follow­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ing Members on the part of the House: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the request of the gentleman from Mis­ Mr. HEFNER of North Carolina; The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman sissippi? Mr. LAUGHLIN of Texas; from Wyoming [Mr. THOMAS] come for­ There was no objection. Mr. FISH of New York; and ward and lead the House in the Pledge The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the Mr. LOWERY of California. of Allegiance. order of the House of today, the Chair Mr. THOMAS of Wyoming led the appoints the following Members to rep­ APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Pledge of Allegiance as follows: resent the House of Representatives at BOARD OF VISITORS TO U.S. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the appropriate ceremonies for the observ­ NAVAL ACADEMY United States of America, and to the Repub­ ance of George Washington's birthday The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ lic for which it stands, one nation under God, to be held on Friday, February 21 , 1992: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. visions of section 6968(a) of title 10, Mr. MORAN of Virginia and United States Code, the Chair appoints Mr. BATEMAN of Virginia. as members of the Board of Visitors to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the U.S. Naval Academy the following A message from the Senate by Mr. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Members on the part of the House: Hallen, one of its clerks, announced BOARD OF VISITORS TO U.S. AIR Mr. MCMILLEN of Maryland; that the Senate had passed without FORCE ACADEMY Mr. MRAZEK of New York; amendment a concurrent resolution of Mr. SKEEN of New Mexico; and The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ Mrs. BENTLEY of Maryland. the House of the following title: . visions of section 9355(a) of title 10, H. Con. Res. 206. Concurrent resolution United States Code, the Chair appoints providing for the printing of a revised edi­ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO NA­ tion of the pamphlet entitled "The Constitu­ as members of the Board of Visitors to tion of the United States of America" as a the U.S. Air Force Academy the follow­ TIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON House document. ing Members on the part of the House: THE PUBLIC SERVICE The message also announced that the Mr. DICKS of Washington; The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ Senate had passed, with amendments Mr. BARNARD of Georgia; visions of section 5(a)(2) of Public Law in which the concurrence of the House Mr. HEFLEY of Colorado; and 101-363, the Chair appoints the gen­ is requested, a bill and concurrent reso­ Mr. DELAY of Texas. tleman from Minnesota [Mr. SIKORSKI] lution of the House of the following ti­ to the National Advisory Council on tles: the Public Service on the part of the APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF House. H.R. 476. An act to designate certain rivers BOARD OF VISITORS TO U.S. in the State of Michigan as components of COAST GUARD ACADEMY the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes, and The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO H. Con. Res. 268. Concurrent resolution to visions of section 194(a) of title 14, TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD correct technical errors in the enrollment of United States Code, the Chair appoints The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ the bill H.R. 3866. as members of the Board of Visitors to visions of 2 U.S.C. 473(a), the Chair ap­ The message also announced that, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy the fol­ points on the part of the House the pursuant to Public Law 101- 445, the lowing Members on the part of the gentlewoman from Missouri [Ms. HORN] Chair, on behalf of the President pro House: to the Technology Assessment Board tempore, appoints Lynn Parker, of Vir- Mr. GEJDENSON of Connecticut and to fill the existing vacancy thereon. D This symbol represents che rime of day during che House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p .m. Maccer sec in this typeface indicaces words inserced or appended, rather chan spoken, by a Member of che House on the floor. 2312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 18, 1992 APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF NA­ of age. The program would provide pre­ inner cities and rural areas. Women who do TIONAL EDUCATION COMMISSION ventive, prenatal, major, and extended not receive routine prenatal care are ap­ ON. TIME AND LEARNING medical services. proximately three times more likely to de­ It would be administered by a new liver low birth weight infants. Lack of pre­ The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ natal care leads to high infant mortality, visions of section 102(b) of Public Law National Childrens' Health Care Ad­ low birth weight, and a high incidence of pre­ 102-62, the Chair appoints on the part ministration under the Department of ventible birth defects and retardation. of the House Mr. Christopher T. Cross Health and Human Services. All medi­ A child born in Japan, Finland, Hong Kong, of Chevy Chase, MD, to the National cally necessary costs would be covered. Ireland, Australia, Canada, Singapore or any Education Commission on Time and No other insurance would be needed. of 12 other industrialized nations hfl,s a bet­ It is long past time for this Nation to ter chance of surviving his or her first year Learning to fill the existing vacancy than a child born in the U.S. A child born in thereon. see to it that it is producing healthy children. We are way behind most in­ Czechoslovakia or Bulgaria has a better chance of celebrating its first birthday than dustrialized nations. This bill would a black child born in America's urban areas APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF provide the basis for a heal thy, produc­ or the rural South. From 1989-2000, 520,000 in­ COMMITTEE ON THE HOUSE RE­ tive Nation. In time, it will pay for it­ fants will die if the U.S. infant mortality CORDING STUDIO self. rate continues unchecked. This is more than Please take a look at it. Cosponor it. the total number of battlefield deaths of The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ OLIN CHILD HEALTH CARE BILL American forces in World Wars I and II, visions of 2 U.S.C. 123(b), the Chair ap­ Korea and Vietnam combined. Low birth points as members of the Committee (This bill would establish a National Health Care Program for all pregnant women weight (5.5 pounds or less) is a leading factor on the House Recording Studio the fol­ and children under age seven. There would be contributing to infant mortality. Since 1980, lowing Members of the House: no eligibility requirements. It would ensure no progress has been made in reducing the Mr. ROSE of North Carolina; that all America's children would get a overall rate at which babies are born too Mr. SWIFT of Washington; and healthy start.) soon or too small. Investment in comprehensive prenatal and Mr. BOEHLERT of New York. I. NEED maternal care would reduce the expenditures (a) Children for neo-natal intensive care of low birth Children are the most vulnerable segment weight and/or high risk infants (which aver­ APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF of our population, but are the least able to age over $20,000 per child at a cost of $1.5 bil­ ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE be advocates for themselves.
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