"Baby, Dou'f“ You Cry," “J eys, whv kave been ipiniuag it CAKaiwA niga SATURDAY. SEPT. 10th. 1949 Don’t Care Who Knows” aud aloiost daily ever siiice ite re­ PAOEWOim Jacqyef To “ Did You See Jackie Robinson lease • couple of months Appear In Hit That Ballf”, appears to uemonstratlog oace more the' have come up with a real smaah power of the disc jockey. Atlanta in “ Lovely In Her Evening Uown,” His Decca record of Dinah Tempted Billie Holiday Wows ATLANTA, Gu — The com­ the ballad, which ia sung by the ing one-night stand of lUiuois Johnson’s band’s romantic bal- By Religious Jacquet and his high-fyling ladier, Arthur Prysock, is sched­ Sextete at the Memorial Audi­ uled for release on September Music Again torium in Atlanta will be mark­ 15 and tremendous interest al­ NEW YORK — Diash Wash- Harlem, Broadway ed by an assembly of this city’s ready has been aroused on the top diiiC-Jockeys, who will turn ington, currently holdiug down strength of that one Mutual the top spot in most recohl pop­ By FLOYD SMELSOH Also appearing the same night out to greet the mighty mile of Network airing. ularity ratings, has for the se­ NLW-VORK — Billie HoUi- as gai'st artist of the Art Ford the saxophone iu hi*', first local program uver W.IM.X., New appearance. cond time in a year been the re­ <U>-, ag«iii provf* iHJUvinciofly cipient of a serious offer to en­ concluai\'ely her right to the York l>aily Ne«s Television. La Vaughan Thew great sucCt-ises marked Jacquet’s UCA Victor wax­ ter the reliigious and gospel sing title •* America'* Number 1 Soog ing of ‘'Black Velvet,” which is ing field. Stylist, by public ••claim and Billii- Holiday’s initial video eii; Is Headliner a b»g hit in every section of the The latest oflVr, which the popular demand, with packed try htTf; uiul alrtady other cotuitry, has caused an extra singing star described as “ temp­ audiences at every performan- plans art’ underway to televise At Convention her in otlifi' extensivi' T. V’. special stir in this city and for * I ■ ' 'i '- DAVENPORT, Iowa —Sarah ing” was made through envoys ce. the past couple of weeks has been Variety newspaper, consider­ kIiows, including the Artluir Vaughan was accordetl another of the evangelistic group to I'Ja Just about the most-played re­ Washington backstage at the ed the bible of critic# of the (iiKlfrev Show. signal honor in being chosen as HOLIDAY ON TOUR cord on local dis<‘-Jockey shows. the liHidliiier at the annual eJ>n- Apollo Theatre here, where she stage, ac*reen, radio and amuae- Miss Holiday’s next appear Among the Atlanta dis<JtK*k- is being featured on a big holi ment world paid high tribute to vcuti<m of the Tobacco Associa­ an<'** in«‘lu<le a <‘on<*ert in Boston, eys wlio will l>e on hand to wel­ day kill. U Holiday . Quote; *‘811116 tion of America, which was stag the HOt-ne of many of the noble come the renowned “ Dynamo (Jl Although Mi,<w Washin|tton. Holliday, making her first New The Saxophone” in his first lo ed over the Udmr Day week end tri\iinphs of innsii* masters, and at the Davenport Coliseum. did not give an affirmative re­ York appearance for some time the greatest artists of tli<' day. cal stand are Zeiias Sears ol due to legal snafus, was topliner ply to the overture, it wasn't be­ ,|(M* (ilazer, head of the Asso­ WOST, N'e.l “ .Jack The Bellboy 'I'hc incomparable singing star cause she wouldn’t have been of the new all-star show at the Lukens (if WKAS, Don Barber who never bi'forc had made an Appollo, in Harlem. She dupli­ ciated B«M)king Corporation is perfectly at home in the new readying a tonr for Billie Holi- of WAGA, Boh Wats«)n of W Hp|H‘«rance in Ihis section of the surroundings. At one time, when cated and top*, all previous en­ SB and Don Ellitt of WCON. Toiiutry, was selected for this gagements at the ace vaudeville Hay through the Deep South, her she was a key voice of the Mar­ fiMt trip to that part of the prime engagement on the recom- tin Singers, Miss Washington house.” country. Managers have been re- meiulatioii of several members “ Lady Day,’"!!* usual, didn’t ■ILLII holiday was one of the most highly re- ((uesting her appearance there Four More of the Tobacco Association’s en­ let them down. Superbly gowned Following her tedipus engage­ gardetl gosJwl singers in the for a number of years and she is tertainment committee, who and niftily coiffed, the noted ment at the Apollo in Harlem, Added To country. {rlad to fnllfill their eager expee- caught Sarah’s recent stint at 3'list gave out a solid song Billie Holiday gathered more The popular songstress admit­ sonfr st tations at this tinie. PlIitT §Ttl»i TOWAHDt I»0tl0 BECOVtHY: If* a big 4»y tor Xew York’s Bop City and were session . a thriller that had laurels and high praise in tele­ NCC Staff 4.yM r^d polio patient Wlllio tholton of Pino Bluff, Ark., who ohowo ted to being kindly disposed to­ LATEST RECORDS OUT Mo happy mothor h o y ^ fll ho ean walk aldod by crMtehoo ond • •s»» impressed with her perfor­ ’em begging for npore. vision as guest star of the N. B.- mance that they practically in­ wards the gospel field. However, C, Eddie Condon T. V. Show Miss Holiday has Just com- The appointment of four ad­ los brant, Thouoando wTyouBQotoro Uko Wllllo hovo boon opoodfd to while she wouldn't accept the To those in the knew the ditional faculty members at the I rooovory with tho ooolotonco of tho National Foundation for sisted upon signing her for the Saturday evening that was rated Jileted a series of recordings for present proposal, she said there Harlem playhouse ,the Apollo is North Carolina College at Dur­ I infantllo Paralysis now conducting a na|ionwldo Polio Kpldtmie convwition. aaid to be the Jinx of show bua- a spellbinder, in which she por­ Deeca Corporation, of whom she Imorfloney Drlvo for tho firot timo In lU hlotopy. High cooU of pr^ was no guarantee that she might trayed the life of Bessie Smith. is an exclusive artist. An Album ham was recently announced. ivldlng medical caro havo oxhauotod tho National Foundations Upon her return east next not go back to her first love in ineas . the toughest house to •pidomio aid funda. Contrlbutlono ahoi^d bo aont to POLIO, caro of please the sophiiiticated audience The latter blues singer, one of of Bessie Smith numbers includ­ Dr. Alvin W. Rose, University week, Sarah will open a brief en­ life, ___ ________ ing “ Aint Nobody’s Busines.s, your leeal Poot Oflloo. ' ‘ ^ . All the past season the place the greatest artists of yester­ of Chicago, Ph, D, degree-hold- gagement at the Rainbow Inn, Aw ell known evaugelistic fig­ has been nearly empty, until the year. Miss Holiday sang one of “ Keeps On Rairtin’ ”, “ Give er who received the A. B. degree New Brunswick, N. J., on IVi- Me A Pigfoot and A Glass of ure, currently in New York but arrival of “ L*dy Day” which Bessie’s favorite songs “ Keeps from Lincoln University (Mo.) day, September 9, and then set who prefered that his name not provAl to be a bonanza, which On Raining.” At the close, Mr. Beer.” Also “ Them There and the M, A. degree from the out on a theater tour. Ryes,” and “ Baby Get Ijost’ be revealed keen disappointment reaped a harvest of gold. Condon told Miss Holiday “ You University of Iowa, will be pro- Band Routes- in failing to nab what be dess- SCORES IN TELEVISIOir are the best Bessie since Besaie. ” fes.sor of sociology at the college. cribed as!“ A certain asset in the Mrs .Addie Scott Powell, recip­ EARL BOSTIC Sept. 16—Philadelphia, Pa. Buckner Is Sept. 14—Macon, 6a. Sept. 17—Newark, N. J. fight to win new souls to the ient of the A. B. and M. A. de- cause.” trroes in English from Paine Col- Sept. 15—Atlanta, Ga. Back At Hub iCpre and the Univefslty of Iowa SepL 16—Charleston, S. C. DINAH WASHINGTON City Nitery Ravens, D. Washington, Joe refppi'tively, and of the B. S. de­ Sept. 17—Tuskpgee, Ala, JOE THOMAS BAND NAACP Lauds cree in Library Science from the Sept, J8—Bridgeport, Cwn. BOSTON, Mass. — Milt Buck Atlanta University Library EDDIE VINSON ner, whose' exciting new band Rep. Opposing Kchool, will join the library Sept 8—Cbadbouroe, N, Q, Publishers set tjie Hub City’s jazz ^ult on staff. Sept. 9^—Lsrnchburg, Va, its collective ear earliep ih the Rankin BHI Sept. 10—Chatanooga, Tenn. summer in an engagement at the WASHINGTON Thomas Band To Tour South Substituting for Dr. Raleigh Sept. 11—Clarksville, Tenn. Vie For Buddy'i Hi-Hat OInb, has retpfne4 to Leslie S. Perry of the Wash­ Morgan, French professor on Sept. 17—tlint, Mich. Latest Song that nitery for a repeat booking ington Bureau of the Nation­ NEW YORK — Flans were leave for the J940-60 term, will Sept. 18—Indianapolis, Ind. al Association for the Ad« completed here this week for an­ by popular demand, which got be Mrs, Estelle J. Himes, holder NEW Y’^ORK — Buddy .John underway on August 31. vancem<\it of Colored People other whirlwind fiften state Roy Brown Issues Challenge of the B.
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