Victorian Beer Label Collectors' Society Newsletter NOVEMBER 1988 VOLUME 17 No.6 FOSTER'S CENTENARY EDITION The International Society ofLabel Collectors-Australian Brewery Research NATIONAL BEVERAGE VICTORIAN BEER LABEL COLLECTORS' SOCIETY PATRONS: AUSTRALIAN BREWERIES PRESIDENT: L. Godden, 1379 North Rd., Clayton, 3168. (03) 544-1374 VICE PRESIDENT: J . Wilks, 65 Tiverton Dr., Mulgrave, 3170. (03) 561-4221 SF:CRETARY: G. Crompton, 11 Dublin Ave., Strathmore, 3041. (03) 379-4375 TREASURER: A. Freer, 28 Allnutt Pde., Cheltenham, 3192. (03) 584-1353 EDITOR: J. Wilks, 65 Tiverton Dr., Mulgrave, 3168. (03) 561-4221 RAFFLE CO-ORDINATOR: G. Crompton, 11 Dublin Ave., Strathmore, 3041. (03) 379-4375 To enable smoother running of our Society, would members please co-operate as follows: 1. Forward all monies to the Treasurer, except for raffles. 2. Forward all contributions for the Newsletter to the Editor. 3. All general Society business, requests for labels from the Society stocks, contributions and raffle ticket requests to the Secretary. 4. New members and changes of address to the Treasurer. 5. Please forward an S.A.E. with all correspondence that requires a reply. MEMBERSHIP FEES: JOINING FEE: $1.00 Australian. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: $10.00 Australian, due and payable on July 1st, plus any levies that may be called. PRO-RATA RATES: After October 31st, $7.00 Australian. After February 28th, $4.00 Australian. Overseas members requiring the Newsletter by Airmail, please add A$7.00 to cover postage. Canadian, US, British, and New Zealand currencies accepted. This journal is copyright. None of the Victorian Beer Label Collectors' Society Newsletter is Lobe reproduced or used in any manner without the prior permission in writing of the Editor and the Secretary of the Society V.B.L.C.S The International Society of Label Collectors- Australian Brewery Research FROH THE EDITOR Firstly , on behalf of the VBLCS, I wish to thank Carlton & United Breweries for their generous assistance with this Newsletter . The coloured cover was supplied as a gift from CUB to the society, and hopefully this Newsletter is a fitting tribute to commemorate 100 years of Fosters. Also I wish to thank Keith Deutsher, Kerry Walton and Andrew Bailey for their photoc opies of ear l y labels and their dating of these labels, which is an imp ortant part of collec ting. 0Gtobsr Meeting Notes Some nearby noisy parties made this meeting a little more difficult for some members to hear all that was said, although when those attending moved closer, there was plenty of vigorous discussion. The treasurer reported that finances were sound, due in a large part to the low cost of the Newsletter as presently printed. The Ellis-Kells (Darwin,early 1950's) labels came under discussion and it was noted that there were at least eight variations. As most members were unlikely to collect a full set, it was agreed to have colour photocopy sets prepared for the next meeting. Details of costs etc. for country, interstate and overseas members will be detailed in a later Newsletter. The Secretary advised members to buy any beers with Bond Brewing as the address, as labels with this name were no longer available and the VBLCS is unable to obtain copies for members. Our Constitution is being reviewed and should be available for printing within a short time. Mini-Breweries came in for quite a lot of discussion and the need for restraint by members in writing to them was once again stressed. <Remember, one ex-member caused a lot of problems for the Society in this regard with mini-breweries before, DON ' T MESS IT UP FOR OTHER MEMBERS.> A re- design of the Club Anniversary Brew label was discussed and it was noted that the degree of support from members would have to be higher to justify costs of a new design. Members displayed posters of interest, and made plastic holders and envelopes available to those present. The raffle was drawn and the winners were: 1. F 4 yellow R. Mackie Vic. 2. F98 white J. Finegan Vic. 3 . F80 white S. Roberts Vic. 4. F86 white J. Weatherill Vic. Despite many interstate and overseas participants, the Vies scooped the pool. It was J. Weatherill ' s first meeting, so !'1e was quite pleased with the result. The auction of the October lots from the Keith Wittenbach collection was conducted with all lots going to Martin Sauereisen of West Germany. Details elsewhere in this Newsletter. The rest of the meeting was given over to discussion and swapping. NEXT MEETING. will be held at the Royal Hotel 75 Flemington Road North Melbourne on Sunday 11th December commenci~g at 12 NOON. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME!! We will try t c conclude the official part of the the m~eting by 1.30 P.M. then adjourn for a meal in the hotel bistro after which the meeting will rec onvene for the usual exchange of labels. CATALOGUES. The following are available from the Secretary; 1. Castlemaine Perkins beer labels $2.00 post free 2.Queensland <Brisbane) beer labels four 39c stamps 3.Cairns, Toowoomba, Rockhampton four 39c stamps ADDITIONS. Since printing of the QLDCBris) catalogue, three further different labels have been found and they are; BULIMBA DIETALE AO, 26 2/3 imp fl oz. with dark blue QB monogram. FOSTERS LAGER Ala, 375mL with small 4.9% ALC/VOL in gold border and without full address . MELBOURNE BITI'ER A7a, 740mL, 85X89mm with curled foot on "R". would members who have the catalogue please make these alterations. AUCTION RESULTS. Lot 1 Volum $24 M. Sauereisen Lot 2 Darwin $42 " " Lot 3 Heleys $28 " II Lot 4 Cascade $28 " II Lot 5 Cascade $28 " " There was keen competition for these lots but Martin managed to top all bids. Congratulations . LAST OF THE KEITH WITTENBACH LOTS. The remain1ng lots as advertised in the Vol 17 No . 5 Newsletter will be auctioned at the December meeting. NEW ISSUE NEWS. The secretary thanks L. Godden, J. Wilks, R. Mackie, A. Freer, P. Rose, R. Greenaway and J. Hepworth for their information on new issues . The label on the left was in use from 1908 till 1813, when it was changed to the label on the right which was in use until c. 1930 . Kerry Walton 24 Asquith St . Mo rningside QLD 4170, wants playing cards featuring beer labels and beer advertisements (Australian ) . Kerry c an swap Australian and early 1900 ' s New Zealand labels for these . i \_ \ t·; .. "C :~ ' ·. 'i "··"'-- · ...._ .·' ... _ The labels on this page were registered in Hy special 1897 with the thanks to Keith exception of the Deutsher and Phoenix Prize Kerry Walton for Ale , note the labels on Co.Ltd, not this and the Propriety Ltd. page following . which makes it an earlier label. u;e l::.:el o:-: :~!e lr:-:t :fl :!:·:r!l :~22. ~:.u u~ tne rignt f r 0 n l ~ · ~ 4 . The o .:-3.utiful Topaz label bel oi-l is from 1697. On the l e ft is a CUB labal but using '' The Foster Brewery" on the labe l , used 1907-08. The label on the right was used from 1908 till 1913 . The three labels at top of the page are from the 1960's, the 1962 po~er conference special is in the possess1on the editor and is possibly the only one left in existance. The 26 2/3 Fl Ozs is circa 1967. Fosters Export Lager, Label Blue & Yellow, was not generally available in Victoria, but was obtainable interstate, the label in its various forms was in production from the 1930 ' s until the late 1960's. Fosters Special Export, Red & Yellow, cir ca 1935. Fosters Stout was produced from circa 1960 until circa 1983 . Early labels were for reputed quarts, pints and nips , later for bottles and stubbies. Export labels, firstly overprinted for USA and later to show brewing material and also filling date and expiry date . This type of information is required by certain overseas countries. Further variations on Fosters. On the left is a early Crown Lager label (pre WW 2) and on the right a label from circa 1968, this label later became CARLTON ? Crown Lager which is still current today, and is CUB ' s prestige ·' labe l . The label on the left is one of the rare series of Melbourne Cup labels that has been produced for Australia ' s most famous horse race, whereas the label on the right was printed but never released generally. Raffls This months raffle will have a Courage Doppell Bock and a good range of Courage Australia labels in each prize. In addition there will be a Darwin label plus a range of obsolete Australian label s and a mix of foreign labels . Each of the four prizes will have a minimum of 200 labels . Tickets are 5 for $1.00 minimum 1 or 12 for $2.00 maximum. All tickets from George Crompton, please include a SAE if you want your tickets sent to you . A pre-Federation (1901) post car d POST ~ CARD issued by the Victor ian Colon y · ~ This Cud m.'y pMi throuch the :addition;,.J pcl'§t:Lge to :an)• or the Post Office, c .1890 vlt..:- Ntw South 'Vales1 Snuth Ta..... nunia., \Ves t ~m Auuralia, New with advertising for Fosters Lager and a l so Havelock tobacco . It therefor e was known as the "Beer & 'Baccy Card" . Shown her e is two matchbox covers also from the 1890's advertising Foste rs Lager. Notice the price, 6d (sixpence = five cents) per Quart. That is , an imperial quart ( 40 fl oz o r 1.13 litres) SdOH ON~ ll"W 3H0d .......ci)z: -3 ::z::w0 -a 0~ :::0 ~338 1-U) 1"1"1 oct:!: On the far left is C)' ei3E>~l :E~ z tr new keg l abel t hat FOSTER'S® >-~ > !-0 is required for ~H ·3~~-0J ....
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