TOURS AND TRAVEL 46 SOKOLOV (2nd Floor) RAMAT HASHARON TEL. 03 5400070 HOME.PHONE NO. 052-446967 DEAR FRIENDS, ^ IT SEEMSA LONGTIME SINCE I LAST WROTETO YOU AND WITHTHE WEATHER Xf ASAF ITTT IS,TF ITSTTF HARDuapn TO TELLTFt I WHETHERUUPTUCD TTCITS RIIMMCOSUMMER IJTMTCO OR WINTER _ u A- HAVE■ ■ rBEEN - n i - r - i . > |S TRAVELLING QUITE A BIT LATELY (KEEPING MY AGENT BUSY...) AND HAVE A FEW EXCITING DESTINATIONS TO REPORT TO YOU. IN SEPTEMBER I TOOK MY FAMILY FOR A WEEK'S VACATION TO YUGOSLAVIA (VIA ROME AND TRIESTE) I WAS KEEN TO SEE FOR MYSELF WHY THIS EAST EUROPEAN ! COUNTRY HAS BECOME THE HIT OF THE YEAR - IN THE FEW DAYS WE WERE L!. THERE WE SAW SOME OF THE MOST MAGNIFiCANT SCENERY IMAGINABLE - LAKE BLED, THE WORLD FAMOUS POSTOUNA CAVES (ABOUT. 100 TIMES LARGER THAN CAN60) AND THEN ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I'VE EVER SEEN - THE PLITVICE LAKES - 16 LAKES JOINED TOGETHER WITH RIVERS AND WATERFALLS N - THEN VIA ZAGREB TO THE BEAUTIFUL COASTLINE AT OPATIJA - THE COUNTRY fK IS CLEAN^EXCELLENTLY SIGNPOSTED, VERY GEARED FOR TOURISTS AND ALSO M VERY INEXPENSIVE COMPARED TO EUROPE - ALSO NOT MUCH TO BUY SO ALL IN IS ' ALL A CHEAP HOLIDAY. UNFOTUNATELY S.A. PASSPORT HOLDERS ARE NOT YET ALLOWED IN- BUT WE'RE WORKING ON IT - SO STAY IN TOUCH. AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS MONTH 1 ATTENDED A CONFERENCE ON TRAVEL IN s s VIENNA - PUTTING POLITICAL FEELINGS ASIDE I REALLY ENJOYED REDISCOVERING THIS BEAUTIFUL CITY WHERE EVERYTHING CARRIES ON AT A LEISURELY PACE AND ONE CAN CLOSE ONE'S EYES AND IMAGINE THE BEAUTY AND SPLENDOUR OF THE LORDS AND LADIES OF THE 18TH CENTURY - A NIGHT AT THE OPERA WILL ALSO REMAIN IN MY MIND FOR A LONG TIME. FINALLY ON MY WAY HOME I STOPPED IN ISTANBUL WHICH HAS ALSO BECOME A PRIME DESTINATION FOR ISRAELIS THIS YEAR - THE CITY IS REALLY THROBBING. THE WORD TRAFFIC-JAM TAKES ON A NEW MEANING - ITS FULL OF mrj EKCITEMENT ORIENTAL GRANDAND THE BAZAAR SHOPPING IS HASFULL TO OF BE UNBELIEVABLESEEN TO BE BELIEVED. BARGAIN THE PRICESHUGE A ih w^ TEN WHICH DAY IS TOUR LITERALLY WOULD TEEMING ALSO TAKE WITH YOU MAGNIFICENT DOWN SOUTH BEAUTY TO IZMIR SPOTS AND - TO NO THE PROBLEM COAST L.K Il| FOR S.A. PASSPORTS TO GET VISAS AND THE FACT THAT ITS ONLY ONE AND A ^ HALF HOURS FLIGHT TIME AWAY MAKES THE WHOLE PACKAGE VERY REASONABLE. V 1 HOPE I'VE GIVEN YOU ALL A FEW IDEAS FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP - BE ADVENTUROUS - DC.N'T KEEP GOING BACK TO THE SAME PLACES. I'LL BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU PLAN - IN FACT I THINK I'LL BE ARRANGING A SPECIAL TOUR FOR 'TELFED READERS' TO THE ABOVE PLACES - IF YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA PLEASE GIVE ME A RING. IN ADDTION TO THE ABOVE MY OFFICE IS OF COURSE READY TO HELP YOU WITH ALL YOUR TRAVEL PLANS - ALL MY STAFF RONIT, SHOSH, ANAT, YAEL LEORA DINA AND DUDDIE SPEAK S. AFRICAN. ' . L, SOPLEASE GIVE US A CALL OR EVEN BETTER DROP IN TO OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW h! PREMISES AT 46 SOKOLOV STHEbl (BANK DISCOUNI BUILDING ) - FLOOH IS HAVE r —A — GREAT 1988\^ K^ V B E S T R E G A R D S , \ / / y ^ = T E R R Y K E S S E L . REACHING OUT The Channuka lights have burnt out but their afterglow remains in modern deeds of various kinds. South African, Mendel Kaplan has been named Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency. Beit Protea wins through realms of bureaucratic red tape. New regional committees have been formed. The winter sports season has begun with South Africans active in all fields. Winter is also the time for walking and we invite you to get your family together, put on your walking boots and set off in the footsteps of the Maccabiim. The calender year ends with a period of consolidation for the Telfed Offices. Just on 1000 olim arrived in 1987. (in 1986 there were 635 olim and 254 came in 1985.) Continued success is envisaged for 1988. call doesJelfed not magazine suffice for it has reports been to a come busy flyingtime. We into havethe office. learnt Everyone much. We does now not know have that a compulsiveone phone desire to tell the world all their news. But we remain optimistic. We hope that all your news will be good and that you will tell us everything: that we will be inundated with all your photographs; and that all our advertisers will beg for more space. We have made many friends, we have satisfied customers. We just want morel Contents. Honour for Mendel Kaplan , . , 5 R e g i o n a l N e w s 1 7 Beth Protea 6 Abrahamson-Rabinovitz Memorial N e w f r o m T e l f e d 7 Forest 19 L e t s G e t T o g e t h e r 8 H a b o n i m 2 1 M i d a r 9 People 22 People Think Aliya Started Sport 23 i n 1 9 8 0 ' s 1 0 N e w A r r i v a l s 2 5 Muizenberg, The Maccabees South African Stars 27 and Modiin 13 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d i t o r 3 1 T h e J a n o w e r P i e c e 1 5 Classified 33 TELFED Editorial Board: Telfed is published by the Chairman Hertzel Katz. South African Zionist Federation. Members. Harold Blumberg Debbie Marcus Israel Office: Bet Clal Fanny Robinson 5 Druyanov Street, Tel-Aviv 61114 Sidney Shapiro Tel. 03-290131 Production. Editor: Regional Offices. Fanny Robinson Jerusalem: Tel. 02-630801 Advertising Joyce Katz Beersheva: Tel. 057-73811 Office Asst. Susan Sharon Haifa: Tel 04-641058 Jane Dickman Despatch Rishon Lezion Tel: 03-994111 Graphics Dalia Marcus Printer Yair Kazir Publishers Cover An ornate Russian Channukiah in silver with clock, silver birds and flowers. From the Ticho Collection. Jerusalem. WZPS Photo by Shuki Kook. South aT-African expressed Zionist Federation in articles or of in the this Editorial publication Board of are Telfed. not Nornecessarily can the organisation those of the be held responsible for the contents of the advertisements TOURISTS, FOREIGN RESIDENTS AND OLIM We've Got a New Address for You in Jerusalem ^// Welcome to our Tourist, Foreign Resident and Our new center is located at; w Olim Center in Jerusalem, the newest of Bank Jerusalem Branch Hapoalim's special addresses just for you. 16 King George St., Tel: (02) 207628,207676 Here you'll find comprehensive services that Working hours: meet your specific financial needs. Sun.-Thurs.: 8:30 am -12:30 pm Sun., Tues.,Thurs.: 4:00 pm -6:00 pm Ask about: V.i.P. Free Foreign Currency Frl.:8:30 am-12:00 noon Accounts: Preferential interest rates; Shekel Accounts; savings and investment plans; Israel Our other Tourist, Foreign Resident and Bonds. Our professional staff will assist you Olim Centers: personally- and in your own language. Tel Aviv: 104 Hayarkon St., Tel: (03) 243311 Just walk through the door. You'll feel right Haifa: 105 Hanassi Blvd. Tel: (04) 353311 at home. Netanya: 11 Kikar Ha'atzmaut. Tel: (053) 339741 B a n k H a p o a l i m : G r e a t H o n o u r f o r M e n d e l Kaplan the South African Board of Education and past National Chairman of the United Communal Fund and of the Israel United Appeal. Mendel Kaplan is completely involved in his Jewish Heritage. A tolerant traditional shomer shabbathe studies Talmudcn a regular weekly basis and is an avid general reader with an extensive library. His sharp inquiring mind allows him to assess situations quickly and correctly. His wide interests range from the business world to history, archaeology travel and sport. A keen sportsman he played 1st team rugby at school and at university. In Israel he is concerned with a variety of projects including the Old Yishuu Court # Museum; the City of David Archaeological Project; the Botanical Garden in Jerusalem; Beth Hatefutsoth and in the advancement of sporting facilities. In 1985 he was made an honorary Fellow of the City of Jerusalem. He established a chair of Israel—Egyptian studies at Tel-Aviv university; A chair of Medical Ethics Mr. Mendel Kaplan. at Ben Gurion university; helped create a Department of Bio-Technology under ex- President Katzir at Tel-Aviv university and the Isaac and Jessie Kaplan School for Jewish Mendel Kaplan has been elected Chairman of Studies at Cape Town University. the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency. South African based, he is a lawyer by training Yet to Mendel, top priority is given to his family and an industrialist by profession controlling a and friends, so clearly depicted in his book family business manufacturing steel, wire and "From Stetl to Steelmaking". He also published wire products. Born in Parow, Cape he "Jewish Roots in the South African Economy". matriculated from Wynberg Boys High in 1953 and gained a B. Com LLB from the University Mendel and his wife Jill have four children. The of Cape Town and an MBA from Columbia eldest, Sharon lives in Jerusalem where the Kaplans have a home in which they spend part University. He has an Honorary Doctorate of the year.
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