DEFENSE AUTHO RIZATIO N MO VES FO RWARD 8 OCTO BER 2008 p. 18 0–120 mph in twenty seconds Focusing on the Future 7 History and Heritage 14 MESOTHELIOMA<RXU3DUWQHU)RU6XFFHVV If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with, or died from asbestos related lung cancer or mesothelioma, we may be able to help you get monetary compensation from the asbestos companies. %(5*0$1)52&.7 ([SHULHQFHG/HJDO&RXQVHOIRU9LFWLPVRI$VEHVWRV'LVHDVHV 7ROO)UHH )LUVW$YHQXH)RXUWK)ORRU 6HDWWOH:$ ZZZEHUJPDQOHJDOFRP THE NORTHWEST’S LEADING FIRM IN ASBESTOS LITIGATION October 2008 Volume 87 Number 10 1 Featured 18 FRA TOD A Y OCT 18 SHARP CHUTERS O Imagine stepping from an aircraft and falling BER 2008 thousands of feet through thin air … hurtling toward the earth at a heart-stopping 120 miles per hour … and loving every minute of it! Departments 2 COMMUNICATIONS 5 NED PERSPECTIVE Focusing on the future 6 SHIPMATE FORUM 8 ON & OFF CAPITOL HILL Defense authorization moves forward 11 12 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Continued outreach 14 HISTORY & HERITAGE USS Kittyhawk 26 NEWS FROM THE BRANCHES 28 REUNIONS 30 TAPS 14 31 LOOKING FOR… 36 LA FRA NEWS ON THE COVER LOYALTY, PROTECTION AND SERVICE Not for the feint of heart, formation skydiving requires precise coordination and countless hours FRA IS A CONGRESSIONALLY CHARTERED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION of practice. The Navy Parachute Team, the Leap ADVOCATING FOR CURRENT AND FORMER ENLISTED MEMBERS OF THE Frogs, perform freefalling aerial formations like U.S. NAVY, MARINE CORPS AND COAST GUARD ON CAPITOL HILL. FOR those shown, as well as canopy-relative work, MORE INFORMATION ON THE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE VISIT maneuvering open parachute canopies in close WWW.FRA.ORG OR CALL 800-FRA-1924. proximity during descent. COMMUNIcatIONS 2 NATIONAL OFFICERS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nat’l President Lawrence J. Boudreaux, Hangtown Branch 275 Donald Mucheck, Charleston Branch 50 Nat’l Vice President BER 2008 O Nat’l Executive Dir. Joseph L. Barnes, Navy Dept. Branch 181 Finance Officer Paul Rigby OCT Y Junior PNP Jerry L. Sweeney, Navy Dept. Branch 181 A History and Heritage … Eileen Murphy FOR MORE THAN 80 years FRA has represented the needs of enlisted sea REGIONAL PRESIDENTS FRA TOD service personnel. Shipmate Edo Forsythe suggested that FRA Today New England William J. Waite, Pinetree Branch 156 focus on our nation’s Sea Service heritage and connect current and for- Northeast James E. Brown, Staten Island Branch 226 mer enlisted personnel through sharing stories (see September 2008 East Coast Claire Haynes Purdy, Annapolis Branch 24 Shipmate Forum). This month FRA is launching what will be a recur- Southeast Roger E. Mitchell, Gasparilla Branch 188 ring item in the magazine: History and Heritage. North Central Marty J. Posekany, Wolverine Branch 298 This month’s focus is on the USS Kitty Hawk (page 14). Please share South Central Melvin R. Harper, Mountain Home Branch 251 your memories and stories online in the Communities section of the Southwest Harry N. Lyons, Green Valley Branch 77 West Coast Lee M. Hollowell, Jr., Lake Shasta Branch 281 FRA’s website at www.fra.org/history and join a conversation about the Northwest Robert E. Gilmore, Whidbey Island Branch 97 Kitty Hawk. If you have another topic you care to discuss, please click Nat’l. Parliamentarian PNP J.C. Jim Eblen, San Diego Branch 9 on “Create a New Topic” and start your own discussion. Nat’l Chaplain Patrick H. LeClaire, Silver Dollar Branch 192 ACTIVE DUTY ADVISORY COUNCIL TEDDY ROOSEVElt PILGRIMAGE Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Joe Campa Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent Another proud example of FRA’s heritage is the upcom- Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Charles Bowen ing Teddy Roosevelt Pilgrimage. In honor of President RESERVE ADVISORY COUNCIL Roosevelt’s founding of the modern Navy, shipmates of Force Master Chief of the Naval Reserve Ronney A. Wright the Northeast Region will host the 81st annual Theodore USMC Reserve Force Sergeant Major Kim E. Davis Roosevelt Pilgrimage on Sunday, 26 October 2008. The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Force Jeffrey Smith noon memorial service will take place at Roosevelt’s grave in the Young’s Memorial Cemetery in Oyster Bay, N.Y. FRA TODAY MAGAZINE Branches and units that wish to present wreaths during Publisher FRA the ceremony may purchase them through Pilgrimage Managing Editor Eileen Murphy Contributing Editor Lauren Armstrong Chairman PRPNE Gottfried Mahler. Design and Art Direction Coffee and refreshments will be served prior to the FIREBRAND, Alexandria, VA www.firebrandstudios.com Design Director Scott Rodgerson service (0900 to 1120) at the National Audubon Society Production Manager Sandy Jones at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary, located next to the cemetery. Shipmates and ladies are also invited to a lun- FRA TODAY (ISSN 0028-1409) IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., AleXandria, VA 22314-2754. A member’S SUbscripTION is COvered BY The member’S cheon following the service at the Matinecock Masonic annUal DUes. PeriOdicals POSTage paid AT AleXandria, VA and addiTIOnal OFFICES. PUBLICATION OF NON-SPONSORED ADVERTISING IN FRA TODAY DOES NOT Historical Society Building located at 14 West Main Street CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE FRA OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: MEMBER SERVICES, FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, in Oyster Bay. VA 22314-2754. FRA TODAY IS PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL CURRENT AND FORMER ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NavY, MARINE CORPS, AND COAST GUARD. For further information or to make luncheon reserva- ELIGIBLE NON-MEMBERS ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ESTABLISHED 1 NOVEMBER 1923. TITLE REGISTERED WITH U.S. PATENT OFFICE. tions, contact PRPNE Gottfried Mahler at silverfox324@ FRA ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS: 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-2754 PHONE: 703-683-1400, 800-FRA-1924 • FAX: 703-549-6610 • E-MAIL: [email protected] juno.com or 631-273-2847. WWW.FRA.ORG VOLUME 87 NUMBER 10 Eileen Murphy is the Director of Marketing and Communications and serves as the Managing Editor of FRA Today. Please contact her at [email protected]. CARRIN-NA-1008:Layout 1 8/15/08 8:43 AM Page 1 TO HONOR YOUR SERV ICE TO COUNTRY OFFICIAL CAREER SERVICE RINGS HANDCRAFTED IN AMERICA FEATURING YOUR SERVICE AND CAREER EMBLEMS e are proud to introduce our new,exclusive UNITED STATES series of Official Military Career Service NAVY W CAREER SERVICE Rings, crafted in America with Solid 10 Karat Gold, SterlingSilver detailed with 22 Karat Gold and brilliant Service Capstones. N2 N3 N4 N5 AVIATION AVIATION ELECTRICIAN’S HOSPITAL ELECTRONICS STRUCTURAL MATE MATE •Your Service Branch Namein bold sculpted TECHNICIAN lettering surrounds a solid 10 Karat Gold Navy Ring shown with Service Emblem mounted onaspecial NAVY SERVICE N1 capstone (Navy & Coast Guard– Sapphire Blue, N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 Marine Corps– Red) MACHINIST’S MESS MGT. 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BOATSWAIN MATE COAST GUARD CG12 CAREER SERVICE CG4 CG8 CG11 CG14 CG16 CG20 CG23 CG24 ELECTRICIAN'S OPERATIONS YEOMAN ELECTRONICS GUNNERS STOREKEEPER CHIEF PETTY SENIOR CHIEF MATE SPECIALIST TECH MATE OFFICER PETTY OFFICER ARMY&AIR FORCE FREE CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER: 1-800-255-3048 CAREER SERVICE RINGS FLAG PIN Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm EST Have Credit card and ring size ready when ordering. ALSO AVAILABLE! with everyorder. VISIT VETCOM.COM OR CALL FOR DETAILS. Or, Mail to: Veterans Commemoratives™ Military Career Service Rings, Two Radnor Corporate Center, Suite 120, Radnor,PA 19087-4599 YES. I wish to order the following exclusive Military Career Service Shipping Address: (We CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes) Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Ring, personalized with my initials and year dates of service. PLEASE SEND ME A FREE AMERICAN FLAG PIN. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Service: Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard Call or visit www.Vetcom.com for Army & Air Force and additional Career/Division Insignias. Address:____________________________________________________________ Career Insignia: (Enter emblem #. See pictures&numbers above): _______ Ring Size: _______ Initials (3): ____ ____ ____ Svc. Yrs: _____to_____ City:_________________________________ State:________ Zip: ____________ (A ring size guide will be sent to you to assure proper fit. Or, you may check with your jeweler.) I Need Send No Money Now. Phone #: (___________) ______________________________________________ I will be billedin four monthly installments of $49.75* each with the first payment due prior to shipment. My satisfaction is completely guaranteed orImay return my ring within30 days for replacement or refund. Signature: __________________________________________________________ * Plus $14.95 for engraving, shipping, and handling. PA residents add 6% ($12.84) state sales tax. Price guaranteed for only 30 days, because of increasing cost of silver and gold. © ICM 2006-2008 CARRIN-NA-1008 FOR OTHER FINE MILITARY RINGS,WATCHES&COLLECTIBLES VISIT VETERANS COMMEMORATIVES ONLINE AT WWW.VETCOM.COM We were there when you landed on the northern coast of France.
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