January 2004 Volume 1, Issue 1 Team Noreen Raises $29,000 for Women’s Heart Foundation Washington, DC -Tom “Noreen was with me all Major sponsors included Daly’s mission to raise funds the way again this year, “ said HIGHLIGHTS L’Oreal USA, Olympic Manu- for women’s heart disease con- Daly. “My sister was one of facturing Group, Handy and Page tinues to be an inspiration. 250,000 women who died un- Harman, and Illinois Tool & This year Tom formed Team expectedly from heart disease Dye Work Foundation. Gender Care Noreen with a group of his last year. I have to do some- Conference Series 2 personal friends and business thing for her and for other associates who traveled to Ar- women, and running helps me lington, Virginia this year to cope with her death.” Tom’s Women’s Heart Week 2 race in the United States Ma- parents, Dolores and Phil rine Corps Marathon on Octo- Daly, led the cheering squad, Study: Different ber 26. along with Noreen’s children Warning Signs of Team Noreen raised more Sarah and Ryan. Heart Attack in Women 2 than $29,000 for WHF. Hon- Members of Team Noreen oring his late sister, Noreen are Tom Daly of Westfield, Daly Carlson, who died in MA; Mike Cagle of Highlands 2001 from a heart attack due Ranch, CO, Joe Stassi of Cas- One Woman’s Story 3 Team Noreen: top row, L-R: Phil Daly, Tracy to an undetected heart ailment tle Rock, CO; and Drew Fran- Franzen, Runners Drew Franzen, Mike Cagle at the age of 47, members of zen of Gurnee, IL. You seethe and Tom Daly; Dolores Daly and Joe Stassi. Team Noreen completed the team’s race finish times at: Bottom row, Kaitlyn, Michael and Erin Jankowski, with their mother Kathryn; and Recipes from the Heart 3 race in courageous fashion. www.marinemarathon.com Noreen’s children, Sarah and Ryan Carlson Calendar of Events 4 New Jersey Office on Women’s Health Awards WHF $200,000 Health Partners & Sponsors 4 Trenton, NJ -- According to received by the Foundation. programs planned in 2004, Peri Nearon, State Coordinator Bonnie Arkus, WHF’s including activities surround- of the New Jersey Office of Executive Director, said the ing Women’s Heart Week, a Women’s Health, money will be used to link conference on gender care, and Department of provider groups with the an outreach to minority Health and Senior public through symposia, women throughout the state. Did You Know? Services, the round table discussions, “This is an exciting oppor- Women’s Heart conferences, and workshops. tunity to work with the · Heart Disease is the Peri Nearon Foundation has The funds will also be used to Women's Heart Foundation, #1 Killer of Women. been selected to enhance the foundation’s and to highlight this critical · Heart attack symp- receive a grant of $200,000 to website with more interactive issue for women", said Ms. toms are often milder execute a statewide education programming to inform all Nearon.The program will be in women program targeting women and women about this growing officially announced next heart disease. It is a one-time health threat. month. · The most common special grant and the largest ever WHF has a wide range of heart attack symptom in women is general- ized weakness, often- New York Times and WHF Plan Sunday Supplement mistaken for the flu. The New York Times and the Women’s Heart Foundation have agreed to publish a special editorial · Shortness of breath section “Take New Jersey Women to Heart” on Sunday, February 1, 2004 that will address heart and indigestion are disease in women as well as point to health resources around the state with specific programs for other common signs women. Don’t miss this special edition that you can share with your friends and family. of a heart attack. Page 2 Women’s Cardio- Gram Volume 1, Issue 1 Gender Care Initiative Being Launched Heart disease is not just a man’s models to be most responsive to teristics, behaviors and social disease; it is also the #1 killer of women.” Research conducted by roles — all of which impact women. Differences in how this Dr. Riegel and others verifies the women’s care, says Dr. Riegel. disease manifests itself and how need to implement new cardiovas- “Women are socialized to take care women respond to care can con- cular care programs to address of others over themselves and to tribute to delays in diagnosis and women’s needs, which are differ- value others over themselves. We inappropriate care for a woman. ent. WHF is launching a new pro- need to examine how this impacts “It’s is vitally important to con- gram that is being introduced at women with heart disease and re sider women when designing new RWJUH early next year that seeks covery.” Dr. Riegel is the keynote cardiac care models” says Dr. Bar- to identify these differences and presenter at WHF’s Gender Care bara Riegel, DNSc, RN, CS, educate the nursing community Initiative inaugural event—a pro- FAAN, Associate Professor of about successful models for fessional medical conference with Nursing at the University of Penn- women. The WHF Gender Care continuing education credits for sylvania School of Nursing. “Some program addresses not only the nurses that will take place Febru- models of care work well for biophysical differences but also the ary 7 at RWJUH in New Bruns- women, some do not. There are sociocultural norms and experi- wick. Download brochure at www. Dr. Barbara Riegle ways we can modify existing care ences, values, psychosocial charac- womensheart.org Plans Set for Women’s Heart Week 2004 WHF is gearing up for another fourteen Health Partner with out- woman must respond. It features Women’s Heart Week February reach starting on February 1– Na- three New Jersey women who 1-7 with a media campaign and tional Women’s Heart Wellness recognized those symptoms and screening programs. This is the Day, following the seven focus who all had positive outcomes. organization’s 10th annual days of Women’s Heart Week to Meet Cindy, Jean and Beverly by event. The organization is look- promote heart wellness in women. going to Women’s Heart Week In 2003, WHF served ing to expand its outreach, “We are excited about this col- dedicated website at www. 1,000 women on made possible by a special grant laboration and have set a goal of womensheartweek.org. For a com- February 1. Over 1600 it received from the Office on reaching 50,000 women through- plete list of activities in New Jersey women were directly Women’s Health, NJ Depart- out the state”, says Bonnie Arkus, during the month of February, served during the week. ment of Health and Senior Ser- WHF executive director. click on EVENTS. Another 1.2 million vices and by partnering with WHF designed a new brochure Below are scenes from Women’s Heart heard our message hospitals. “Take New Jersey addressing some of the milder Week 2003 at RWJUH in New locally and 42 million Women to Heart” involves heart disease symptoms and how a Brunswick. nationally. Study: Women Have Earlier Warning of MI Unusual fatigue and sleeplessness may be an early warning sign for heart attack (also called “MI” or myo- cardial infarction) in a woman. A study of 515 women survivors published in Circulation found that 95% had such symptoms as much as one month prior to being stricken. Chest pains can be an early indicator of a heart attack, but 43% of women in the study said they never experienced chest discomfort. Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet women fear breast cancer and don’t realize heart disease as a Gender Care Aware threat. Nieca Goldberg, MD, a cardiologist from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, said the study could change the way doctors practice and could perhaps be able to intervene before a heart attack occurs, lead- ing to better health outcomes for women. The study emphasizes the need to educate women and their doctors about early warning signs. Source: Trenton Times and Assoc Press 11.04.2003 Women’s Cardio- Gram Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 One Woman’s Story My name is Marguerite Bradley sponse was that I have a very com- so much more for me to learn and I am a 43-year-old African- plicated cardiac history and it may about heart disease and the factors American female. I suffered from have been difficult for the first two that contribute to it, some of that I heart disease when I was only at cardiologists to pick up on what can control, some that I can’t. 28, but it was not diagnosed until was going on. In reality, I believe In closing, my goal is to be- much later. I had a moderate size Dr. Vigilante’s experience with come an advocate for women with heart attack and the damage was women was key. heart disease in my community, done to the front left ventricle of It’s likely that I have had heart especially the minority commu- my heart. The doctors were very disease since the age of eighteen. nity. African-American women puzzled because there were no At that time I experienced pain in with heart disease are underedu- clogged arteries or plaque and were my chest and radiating down both cated about the facts and risks of not sure what caused the heart arms, back, and shoulders. It heart disease. Many minority attack.
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