Condor, 82:176-179 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1980 DESTRUCTION OF NESTS BY THE SHORT-BILLED MARSH WREN JAROSLAV PICMAN AND ANNA K. PICMAN ABSTRACT.-Short-billed Marsh Wrens (Cistothorus platensis) examined experimentally offered nests of Red-winged Blackbirds, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Long-billed Marsh Wrens, and conspecifics. They also pecked eggs of Zebra Finches, Long-billed Marsh Wrens, Red-winged Blackbirds, and Cinnamon Teal, and once a male wren also pecked nestling Red-winged Blackbirds. Marsh wrens broke all small eggs, but the largest (teal) eggs sur- vived the wrens ’ attacks. Results suggested that Short-billed Marsh Wrens attack eggs regardless of their size and color, but can destroy only small eggs. These wrens probably have a significant impact on nesting success of other small sympatric birds, including conspecifics. By destroying nests, Short- billed Marsh Wrens probably exclude other birds from the vicinity of their activity centers and thereby reduce interference from them. Among all temperate zone passerines, giana), and Song Sparrows (Melospiza mel- marsh-nesting birds suffer the highest nest odia; Walkinshaw 1935, Bent 1948, mortality rates, mainly through predation Kroodsma and Verner 1978, this study). (Ricklefs 1969). Predators include raccoons, Nest destruction by this wren, therefore, mink, hawks, owls, jays, crows, and water might present an important factor reducing snakes (Allen 1914, Bent 1958, Robertson reproductive success of these and possibly 1972). Other studies have shown that one of other marsh-nesting birds. the most important predators destroying The questions we asked during this study nests of marsh-dwelling passerines in North were: (1) Do Short-billed Marsh Wrens nor- America is the Long-billed Marsh Wren mally destroy nests? (2) What kinds of nests (Cistothorus palustris; Allen 1914, Orians and eggs will these wrens attack? (3) Do and Willson 1964, Burt 1970, Verner 1975, they attack nestlings? (4) Do affected Picman 1977a, 1980). Destruction of nests species interact behaviorally with Short- by small passerines appears rare, but has billed Marsh Wrens? (5) Why do these been observed in several species of wrens, wrens attack nests with eggs or young? including the House Wren (Troglodytes ae- don; Kendeigh 1941); Long-billed Marsh METHODS Wren (Allen 1914); Cactus Wren (Campy- This study was conducted early in July 1979 near Lake lorhynchus brunneicapillus; Anderson and Manitoba in the Delta Marsh, at the University of Man- Anderson 1973); and Bewicks’ Wren (Thry- itoba Field Station. Short-hilled Marsh Wrens occur omanes bewickii; Picman, pers. observ.). there on wet whitetop (Scolochloa festucacea)-sedge (Curer utherodes) meadows. Other abundant birds This indicates that nest-destroying behavior nesting svmoatricallv with Short-billed Marsh Wrens might be a common feature of the wren fam- in thishabitat were- Red-winged Blackbirds, Yellow- ily. throats, and Savannah Sparrows. In this study, we investigated nest-de- We stndied nest-destroying behavior by offering stroying behavior of another wren, the wrens nests with eggs or nestlings. We offered nests to singing males in their courtship centers, usually Short-billed Marsh Wren (Cistothorus pla- within 2 m of their courtship nests. We attached the tensis) which breeds on wet sedge and grass experimental nests, holding one or two eggs or nest- meadows adjacent to marshes of eastern and lings, to the vegetation with elastic bands. We oh- central North America (Bent 1948). This served the birds at distances of at least 15 m from the offered nests for 30 min after the first approach by a species frequently is sympatric with Red- wren to a nest. winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), We offered wrens eggs in nests of Red-winged Black- Long-billed Marsh Wrens, Common Yel- birds, Yellow-headed Blackbirds (Xanthocevhalus lowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), Savannah mnthocephulus), Long-billed Marsh Wrens, and Short- billed Marsh Wrens. The birds were oresented real Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), eggs of Zebra Finches (Poephilu gut&), Long-billed Henslows’ Sparrows (Ammodramus hens- Marsh Wrens, Red-winged Blackbirds, and Cinnamon lowii), Swamp Sparrows (Melospiza geor- Teal (Anus cyunopteru). Zebra Finch eggs served as [17’31 NEST DESTRUCTION BY MARSH WRENS 177 TABLE 1. Responses of Short-billed Marsh Wrens to standing on the nest edge. All the birds re- various nests. sponded positively to conspecific nests and a majority also responded to blackbird nests Rt??pollSe (Table 1). In two trials male wrens removed Type uf nest Pocitive Negative some nest material from the offered Long- Red-winged Blackbird 19 4 billed Marsh Wren nests and used it im- Yellow-headed Blackbird 1 4 mediately for building their own nests. Long-billed Marsh Wren 3 2 Short-billed Marsh Wren 5 0 RESPONSE TO EGGS Total 28 10 Nine (7 males, 2 females) of 13 marsh wrens that responded positively to nests also pecked the offered eggs (15 trials) in one or Short-billed Marsh Wren egg mimics. Because only more trials. Short-billed Marsh Wrens two blackbird eggs were available, we covered them with a transparent glue and thus made them unbreak- pecked all eggs regardless of their size or able for marsh wrens. We offered nestling Red-winged color (Table 2). Wrens broke all small eggs Blackbirds (approximately 2 and 3 days old) in a Red- (Zebra Finch and Long-billed Marsh Wren) winged Blackbird nest to five male Short-billed Marsh they pecked, but could not break the largest Wrens that had pecked eggs in earlier trials. (teal) eggs. On only one occasion (of 11 Offering one nest with eggs or nestlings to a wren was considered a single trial. Each wren was offered cases when wrens broke the eggs) a male one nest per day, but individual wrens were offered wren was seen to eat something from a bro- two to four nests in trials conducted on consecutive ken Long-billed Marsh Wren egg. After days. All trials were conducted between 06:OO and breaking the eggs, wrens removed them by I2:OO. In each category (egg, nestling, or nest), five or more trials were conducted with different marsh either dropping them from the nest edge wrens. We carried out a total of 40 trials during which (seven cases) or by carrying them away from 16 male Short-billed Marsh Wrens were offered nests the nests (four cases). On one occasion a with eggs or nestlings. A positive response to a nest male wren carried the broken egg approxi- consisted of the bird landing on it, and a positive re- mately 30 m away from the offered nest. sponse to an egg or nestling consisted of the bird peck- ing it. RESPONSE TO NESTLINGS RESULTS Four of five male Short-billed Marsh Wrens RESPONSE TO NESTS that were offered Red-winged Blackbird Short-billed Marsh Wrens responded posi- nestlings approached the nest, landed on its tively to the four different types of nests in top, and examined its contents. However, 28 of 40 trials (Table 1). Thirteen wrens (10 only one of these birds pecked weakly at males, 3 females) responded to the offered the young before it left. When the nest was nests in at least one trial. Wrens that re- examined for any damage, the two young sponded positively usually approached the showed no noticeable wounds. offered nests slowly and cautiously through the vegetation from below, perched on ADDITIONAL BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS them, and examined their contents. Some of Two Red-winged Blackbird females at- the wrens then pecked the eggs while tacked male Short-billed Marsh Wrens that TABLE 2. Summary of trials with four types of eggs offered in various nests to Short-billed Marsh Wrens. %zl Response in trials No. egg\ with Color Sizeof No. Posi- Nega- positive Re- Type of nest(s) Type of eggs of eggs we! (mm)* trials tive tive results Broken moved usedin trials Zebra Finch White 13.8 x 10.6 5 3 2 6 6 6 Red-winged Blackbird Long-billed Dark brown 15.8 x 12.5 20 8 12 10 10 10 Both blackbirds Marsh Wren and both wrens Red-winged Light blue, 25.5 x 18.6 5 1 4 2 -- Red-winged Blackbird spotted Blackbird Cinnamon Olive brown 47.6 x 33.2 5 3 2 3 0 0 Red-winged Teal Blackbird Total 35 15 20 21 16 16 * Dimensionsof one measuredegg of eachspecies are given. 178 J. PICMAN AND A. K. PICMAN were singing on the top of vegetation. The and remove the broken eggs and nest ma- two wrens immediately stopped singing terial from the attacked nests. Long-billed and hid low in the vegetation. Male Short- Marsh Wrens also kill and remove small billed Marsh Wrens stopped singing and nestlings (Picman 1977a, b). Our data sug- became very cautious after they were ap- gest that the relationships between Short- proached by male Red-winged Blackbirds billed Marsh Wrens and other sympatric (five cases), a male Yellow-headed Black- marsh-nesting passerines are similar to bird (one case), and a Savannah Sparrow those between Long-billed Marsh Wrens (one case). Male wrens, however, did not and blackbirds (e.g. Verner 1975). respond to numerous swallows that foraged Why do Short-billed Marsh Wrens de- around them. This indicates that, like Long- stroy eggs? Although eggs could provide an billed Marsh Wrens (Picman, unpubl. data), important energy resource, in only one of Short-billed Marsh Wrens respond specifi- our 16 observations of egg-destruction did cally to birds that are aggressive towards a wren eat something from the broken egg. them. During one trial a female Red-winged It seems more likely that, through nest de- Blackbird landed on the Short-billed Marsh struction, Short-billed Marsh Wrens may re- Wren nest, examined it, and pecked at its duce interference competition with other top.
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