LIST OF PH.D SCHOLARS WHO HAVE BEEN AWARDED PH.D DEGREE BY FRI DEEMED UNIVERSITY S.No Name of Scholar Address Discilpline Topic Date on which Degree Awarded 1 Sh. C.N.Pandey Vill-Baran, P.O. Forestry Studies on Bulk flow and 7 May, 1995. 9205/PHD/013 Bariyasanpur, diffusion of moisture in Distt.-Varanasi Populus Deltoides and Eucalyptus Tereticornis for predicting drying rate. 2 Sh. M.S. Prakash Door No. 2-35- Forestry Investigation on Growth 29 July, 1995. 15/2, Perrrajupete, Responses of "Acacia Kakinada-53003. nilotica" to Bio-fertilizers (A.P.) Inoculations. 3 Sh. Dalip Kumar C-70, Anup Forestry Impact of Different 30 September, 1995. Pandey Nagar, P.O.- Concentrations of Distillary 9205/PHD/012 Uttamnagar, New Effluent of Growth & Delhi-59. Biomass of the Three Social Forestry Species Viz. Acacia catechu, Dalbergi sissoo & Morus alba 4 Sh. Rishi Kumar S/o Sh. Forestry Selection and Multiplication 8 November, 1995. Verma C.S.Verma, H.No- of Superior profagules of 9209/PHD/031 588, Alipur, Delhi- Eucalyptus for yield 36 improvement. 5 Sh. S.Srinivas Punarvasu', 58, Forestry Effects on Growing Forest 16 November, 1995. 9205/PHD/003 Gadge Nagar, Trees on the Agricultural Mankapur, Soils with Special Reference Nagpur-440030. to Allelopathy. 6 Sh. Ashok Kumar S/o Forestry Genetic improvement of 27 May, 1996. 9206/PHD/016 Sh.S.S.Chauhan, Casuarina equisetifolia. Vill.& Post- Khiwai, Distt. Meerut- 250344.(U.P) 7 Mrs. A.Madhavi Rani C/o A.S.Rao, Forestry Development of Criteria for 27 May, 1996. 9206/PHD/018 H.No.94, Jounalist Producing Quality Planting Colony-A, Jubilee Material in Bambusa Hills, Hyderabad- arundinaccea 33, (A.P) 8 Shri B.P.S. Panwar Vill. Sakarpur Forestry Study of Soil Changes under 31 March, 1997 9205/PHD/010 Purana, P.O. Popular (Populus deltoides Kelanpur, Via M.) Based Agro-forestry Purkazi, Distt. Systems in North - Western Muzaffarnagar. Uttar Pradesh, India (U.P)-251317. 9 Sh. B.S.Jadoun Vill. Gothua, P.O.- Forestry Effect of Sodium, Boron and 31 March, 1997 9206/PHD/015 Shakarouli, Distt.- Fluorine Hazards of Irrigation Etah. (U.P)- water on Acacia nilotia 207302. 10 Km. N.Preetha Happy Home, Forestry Investigation on Process 31 March, 1997 9206/PHD/020 Peringara P.O., Control or large Scale in vitro Tiruvalla, Kerala- Multiplication of 689108. Dendrocalamus strictus. 11 Mrs. Geeta Varshneya 21, Tilak Marg, Forestry Soil Studies in Environmental 31 March, 1997 9209/PHD/044 Rishikesh, Dehra assessment of Social Forestry Dun. Programme in western U.P. 12 Sh. Pradeep Sharma Chemistry Chemical Investigation on the 31 March, 1997 9211/PHD/070 Division, FRI, Barks and levels of Acacia Dehra Dun catechu. 13 Sh. Mohd. Saleem House No.-190, Forestry Studies on mass propagation 31 March, 1997 9201/PHD/097 Subash Nagar, of phyllostachys pubescens & Sector-A, Jammu Dendrocalamus giganteus Tawi, J&K- through tissue culture and 180004.India. macro proliferation. 14 Sh. Sushil Kumar Kapta Niwas, Forestry Social forestry project of 31 March, 1997 9301/PHD/077 Kamla Nagar, Himachal Pradesh : An Sanjauli, Shimla- evaluative study. 171006. 15 Sh. T.R. Manoharan Chellam, Forestry Economics of protected Area- 16 October, 1997. 9301/PHD/085 T.C.3/1199, A case study of Periyar Tiger Marackal Lane, Reserve. Kesavadasapuram, Trivandrum- 695004. 16 Km. Raka Verma 25, New Cantt. Forestry Biomass Productivity and 28 January, 1998 9205/PHD/009 Road, Nutrient Cycling in Second Hathibarkula, Growth Forest Appeared as a Dehra Dun. Result of Disturbance in old growth Pinus roxburghii Plantation 17 Sh. Devender Singh 34-L, Khurbara, Forestry Chemical Modification of 28 January, 1998 Virmani Dehradun. Wood with Acetic Anhydride. 9206/PHD/021 18 Sh. Subhash Chandra C/o Dr.Biswas, Forestry Chemical, Biochemical and 28 January, 1998 Biswas P.O.- nutritional Analysis of 9212/PHD/071 Mahasamund, selected forest and hybrid Distt.-Raipur, Legume seeds by (M.P.)-493545. conventional methods and new assay development by instrumentational methods. 19 Sh. Anil Kumar S/o Dr. Banarasi Forestry Studies on the performance of 28 January, 1998 Yadav 9212/PHD/113 Lal, (Prof. & Head- some medicinal and aromatic Agronomy), plants under poplar (E. G.B.Pant Univ. of deltoides - 3) plantation in Agriculture & Kumaon foot Hills. Technology, Pantnagar, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar-263145. (U.A) 20 Km. Anita V. Vasanth Vihar, Forestry Landuse change and its 28 January, 1998 9301/PHD/083 T.C.7/1991, impact on socio-economic Pangode, conditions of the tribals: A Thirumala, P.O., case study of Wayand in Trivandrum- Kerala. 695006. 21 Sh. Shashi Kumar 1-A, Rispana Forestry Biomass and nutrient 28 January, 1998 9301/PHD/090 Road, Dehra Dun dynamics in a restored mine ecosystem of Doon Valley 22 Sh. Himmat Singh Eastern Forestry Forestry Survey identification and 28 January, 1998 K.C. 9305/PHD/121 Regional Office, distribution of Leguminous Birat Nagar, and non-leguminous nitrogen Morang, Nepal fixing plants vis-à-vis Via Jogbani, nodulation behaviour in Bihar. relation to altitudinal variations from Terai to tree line in the forest of Eastern Nepal 23 Km. Sushma Sharma C/o sharma Tent Forestry Improvement in Propagation 28 January, 1998 House, Rajendra and Establishment of Nagar, Bilaspur, Bamboos through tissue (M.P.)-495001. culture techniques 24 Sh. N.K. Joshi IIFM, Nehru Forestry Computer-based simulation 28 January, 1998 9206/PHD/145 Nagar, Bhopal, Model for Afforestation on (M.P.) waste lands 25 Sh. Pankaj Khullar 97/3 (A)-1, Civil Forestry Studies on Growth Attributes 28 January, 1998 9310/PHD/150 Lines, Jhansi, and proliferation behaviour of (U.P)-248001. seedlings of some sympodial bamboos as affected by silvicultural manipulations 26 Smt. Amarinder Kaur C/o S.Harbhajan Forestry Impact of forestry extension 28 January, 1998 9312/PHD/167 Singh Advocate, programmes on rural women H.No. 1285, of Ambala district in Haryana Sector, Sector-18 27 Sh. Prabhakar Conservator of Forestry Eco-Edaphic studies on plant 28 January, 1998 S.Mardikar Forest,D-State succession in the revegetated forest research bauxite mine overburdens in Institute, P.O. Amarkantak area of Madhya Polypather, Pradesh. Jabalpur. 28 Sh. Naresh K. Kapse Vill. & Post- Forestry Formulation of Biofungicidal 28 January, 1998 Palandur (Ch.), preparations to control fungal Distt. Bhandara. Decay of stored Bamboos with particular Emphasis on Trihodermi species. 29 Km. Seema D/o Sh. K.D. Forestry Studies on Biotechnological 30 March, 1998 Srivastava Srivastava, 6-B, modifications of 9206/PHD/025 Haridwar Road, Dendrocalamus strictus Dehra Dun. Fibres. 30 Mrs. Poornima Uniyal 8, Rameshwar Forestry Effect of inoculation and 30 March, 1998 9209/PHD/042 Mohalla, Near nitrogen fertilizers on Jhanda Talab, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, Dehra dun. assimilation and growth behaviour in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. 31 Sh. H.N.Mishra 19, Trevor Road, Forestry Study of Structural viability 30 March, 1998 9211/PHD/068 FRI, Dehra Dun. of integrated Bamboo Culm columns for economic use as mining props. 32 Sh. N.G. S/o late Sh. Forestry Provenance Variation in Seed 31 August, 1998 Ramachandra N.Gangadharappa, and Seedling Parameters in 9205/PHD/005 Alakapur (Post), Acacia catechu Willd. Via Thonedebhavi, Gowribidanur (Taluk), Kohar, Distt., Karnataka. 33 Sh. V.K.Kulshreshtha 31, P.S.T., Forestry To Determine Critical Limits 31 August, 1998 9205/PHD/008 Colony, VIP of Nutrients in Soil and Plant Road, Agra- Parts of Dalbergia sissoo. 282001. 34 Sh. Vishnu Bhatt Biotechnology Forestry Biochemical Genetic studies 31 August, 1998 9208/PHD/027 Section, Crop in Casuarina spp. Improvement 35 Smt. Nidhi Rastogi 205/4, Joshi Tola, Forestry Study of changes in soil 31 August, 1998 9209/PHD/037 Subhash Marg, properties and forest Lucknow-226003. vegetation consequent upon introduction of Madhya Ganga Canal System in Uttar Pradesh. 36 Sh. D.C. Chaudhary 124/1-1, Rajendra Forestry Biological application of 31 August, 1998 9209/PHD/038 Nagar, Street No.- essential oils from Eucalyptus 4, Dehra Dun. species. 37 Smt. Rama H.No.-13, Street Forestry Socio-economic impact as a 31 August, 1998 Venkataraman No. 12, Ashirwad result of mining in Dehradun, Enclave, Dehra Mussoorie area. 38 Ms. Meeta Gaur AFRI, 16/512, Forestry Investigation on the 31 August, 1998 9301/PHD/073 Choprani Housing morphology Bionomics Board, Jodhpur. ecology and management of Rohida Defoliator Patialus Tecomella Panji (Coleoptera 39 Sh. Jayasankar B. Jaya Bhavan, Forestry EconomicCurculionidae)Analysis of Forest 31 August, 1998 9301/PHD/087 T.C.27/854, Resource management : A Vanchiyoor P.O., study of Bamboos in Kerala. Trivandrum- 40 Smt. Nanita Khatri C/o Sh. Ashok Forestry Study of agroforestry systems 31 August, 1998 9301/For/078 L.N.Khatri, with reference to agriculture Rajpura, crop-rotation 41 Km. Vinita Sharma D/oBurhanpur, Sh. (M.P). Forestry Species diversity and 31 August, 1998 9301/PHD/056 S.N.Sharma, 1/11, pollination ecology of Honey Idgah, Dehra Dun bee fauna in a subtropical forest ecosystem 9in Doon Valley) 42 Sh. P.Jaya 420-B, Kumara Forestry Physiological investigations 31 August, 1998 9302/PHD/097 Vilas, Ramavarma on the performace of oilpalm Puram, Nagercoil- (Elacis guineenisis Jaeq.) 629001, Tamil introduced from different Nadu sources. 43 Sh. Krishna Kumar Vill. & P.O.- Forestry Contribution of VA 31 August, 1998 Chandra Lakhali, Via- mycorrhiza in afforestation of 9304/PHD/080 Bamhanidih, coal mine area. Champa, Distt.- 44 Sh. A.O.Varghese PootholeBilaspur, P.O.,(M.P.)- Forestry Ecological studies of the 31 August, 1998 9308/PHD/158 Trichur, Kerala- Forest of Peppara wildlife 680004. sanctuary (Kerala) using remote sensing techniques. 45 Ms. Kiran Agnihotri Q.No.-544, Forestry Pysiomorphological changes 31 August, 1998 9309/PHD/105 H.T.P.P.Colony, associated with adventitious Darri, Bilaspur. root formation in clum cuttings of some Bamboos of central India.
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