o»ixii iNsnrure Of TtCHNOlOGY phiudeiphia, pa. VOLUME XLI FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1964 NUMBER 13 25 Selected Seniors Hear Top Educators To Speak President Predict Future By Philip L. Zwick At Hagerty Installation Laying his cards on the table, Faculty Does Above Average Job Dr. William W. Hagerty, Drexel's He complimented the faculty for Dr. William W. Hagerty will cation.” president, answered all the quest­ doing a well above average job of be officially Installed as Drexel's Dr. Harry Ransom, Chancellor ions and accusations that five years teaching under some severe handi­ seventh president at the Academy of the University of Texas, will at DIT can breed when he person­ caps and predicted that future work of Music next Tuesday evening. be the principal speaker at a ally solicited the opinion of twenty- loads would permit more technical Five colloqula will be presented luncheon honoring Dr. Hagerty on five selected seniors at a meeting papers to be j)roduced. He empha­ on Wednesday In conjunction with Wednesday in the Sheraton Hotel. last Wednesday. sized that Drexel would be more the inaugural ceremonies. He will address the luncheon with the topic “ The Sciences, Inside 160 Ph.D's Granted In 1970 advantageously publicized In this Addresses Will Mark Ceremony manner than it would by becoming Dr. Logan Wilson, President of and Outside." L'nder relentless questioning for known through sports activities. the American Council on Educa­ Five Colloquio Scheduled two hours, Dr. Hagerty revealed a tion, will be the featured speaker New EE Department Heod The colloqula, which run con­ wealth of information about the at the Inauguration. His address Several electrical engineering currently beginning at 10 a.m., present and future status of the to the assemblage is entitled “ Pub­ Institute. Most noteworthy was the (Conl'd on page 6, col. 4) lic Policy Issues In Higher Edu- will relate to the five major ed­ announcement of plans to graduate ucational fields at Drexel -- approximately 70 Ph.D.'s in en­ Senate Report engineering, business administra- gineering, 50 in the sciences and ion, basic sciences, home 40 In business by 1970. economics and library science. Dr. William Hagerty The establishment of a limited Presiding over each colloquium Stanford S. Kight, William Baumol, Bachelor of Arts program to bridge Library Hours Are Extended will be a member of Drexel's and William Dill will be the panel­ the gap for those students who de­ Board of Trustees. ists to discuss “The Scientific cide to change their college after Panelists on the engineering col­ Revolution in Management.'’ Rob­ their freshman year was also re­ As Result of Senate Action loquium will include Dr. Llewel­ ert Worden will chair this col­ lyn M. K. Boelter and Dr. J. vealed. The Library administration has lected by a committee of students loquium of the Business Admin­ Herbert Hollomon. J. Benton Jones istration College. Four Point Grode System approved the request for additional and faculty. will lead the topic on “ Education Dr. Edward U. Condan will dis­ Library hours during the summer Buses Provided for Inaugural for Engineering Leadership in the P.evlslon in the grading system term. The additional hours will cuss “ The Integration of the from a 100 to a 4.0 basis was also The I.F. Council and the Senate year 2000.” be scheduled on Saturdays, be­ The Doctors Robert H. Roy, (Cant’d on page 2, col. 5) prophesied for September, 1965. tween June 27 and August 29 from is sponsoring free bus transporta­ After a heated discussion with the 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The regular tion to President Hagerty’s Instal­ seniors. Dr. Hagerty agreed to Monday thru Friday Summer term lation at the Academy of Music on supply some general figures on schedule will still be in effect. Tuesday, May 12, for campus stu­ financial matters such as sources dents. The buses will leave the Curtain Time Approaches Nick Salamon was elected as of income and means of disburse­ Freshman Camp Director with girls' dormitory before the cere­ ment to the students through the Dave Steinberg filling the post of monies and return afterwards. Triangle. For Instance, fifty per Assistant Director. The administration has re­ For Shaiiespeare’s Drama cent of the budget goes to teaching quested the faculty not to give Big Brother Program Explained This Is well above the national tests during installation week, so The Drexel Player's new pro­ the Activities Center or may be purchased at the door for $1.00 average of one-third. The new Big Brother program that students may attend the in­ duction of Romeo and Juliet is The seniors conceded that pub­ at Drexel was explained and was stallation. now set to open on Thursday, or $1.50 per couple. The Player's production of licity about Drexel events was on given operating funds of $50. The A fifty dollar reward is being May 14 and run through to May Romeo and Juliet, the immortal the upsurge, but emphasized that purpose of the program was also offered for Information leading to 16. The entire play is being bard’s famous tragedy of young It had a long way to go. The presi­ briefly explained by its chairman, the recovery of a Bronze Black staged in the original three- love, is generously interlaced with dent stated in his opinion that Drex­ Steve Cohen. The Big Brother pro­ Leopard sculpture. The animal quarter round style at the Activ­ ribald comedy and high adventure. el was the best engineering school gram will begin this September, was taken from in front of Com­ ities Center, 32nd and Chestnut It is a powerful story skillfully In the country without a doctoral with the purpose of assisting monwealth Hall at 10:15 p.m. on Streets. F reshmen in adjusting to the rigors on the night on April 17. The The curtain will rise promptly carried out by a cast of DIT vet­ program and was at least as good erans as well as talented new­ as the average college giving the of Drexel college life. Dean of Men's Office is co-or­ at 8:31 p.m. Tickets are now Future big brothers will be se­ dinating the recovery operation. available at the reception desk of comers to the stage. Ph.D. The play Is under the direc­ tion of Richard Morgan, who (for the first time) is attempting Miss DIT of 1964 To Be Crowned At Prom to stage the play in the three- The highlight of this evening’s quarter round style. This will annual Spring Prom will be the elevate the audience and bring them crowning of Drexel's new school into more Intimate contact with queen, miss Marilyn Marks, Drex- the actors and the stage area el's present Miss DIT, will sur­ than conventional theater stages. render her crown to the girl cho­ John Green (Romeo) and Linda sen as Miss DIT of 1964 at ap­ Manerchia (Juliet) are featured proximately 11:00 p.m. as the pair of star-crossed lovers. They are supported by a large Sixteen Candidates Originally (Cant’d on page 3, col. 3) The original sixteen candidates for Miss DIT of 1964 were re­ duced to four candidates by stu­ dent vote last week. Each of the President Appoints finalists will be the representative queen of her class. Marsha Lapoff was selected to High School Principal be Miss Freshman and Carol Pen- nock was chosen as Miss Sopho­ As Associate Dean more. Miss Junior is Use Hof- Dr. William W. Hagerty has re­ mannis while Pam Williams is cently announced the appointment Miss Senior. Voting took place on of Donald E. Beineman, as As­ Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Use Hofmannis sociate Dean of Admissions, to be in the Great Court. effective July 1, 1964. Mr. Beine­ Voting At The Prom Court and will continue until short­ only four blocks away and there is man is presently principal of the ly after the Prom starts. This ample parking nearby. Haddon Heights High School In The voting to select this year's year’r. Prom will be held at the The Prom is scheduled to run New Jersey. Marsha Lapoff Queen started Wednesday in the Philadelphia Athletic Club as it from 9:00 p.m. to 1;00 a.m. Ad­ Originally from Jim Thorpe, was last year. mission to the Prom is by class Pennsylvania, Mr. Beineman was Dancing will commence at 9:00 dues card only. Dress Is semi- graduated from Muhlenberg Col­ p.m. Entertainment will be pro­ formal. Dues may be paid at the lege A.B. and received his M.S. vided by the Count Basie jazz or­ Comptroller’s ofhce before 4:30 in Education from the University chestra as well as the New Hope p.m. this afternoon. of Pennsylvania. He is presently Singers. The Count is well known completing the work on his Dis­ by jazz music lovers and is held sertation for his Doctorate In Ed­ in high esteem by his fellow mus­ ucation, which he plans to receive icians. New Hope Singers are one in the coming year. of the newest and fastest rising Among Mr. Beineman’s in­ vocal and instrumental folk groups. terests are his memberships in the They have appeared in leading Local,’ County, State Education As­ coffee houses in the Philadelphia sociations, the National Education area as well as the rest of the Association and National Associa­ country. tion of Secondary School Prin­ Directions To The Prom cipals. He has served the Philadelphia Suburban Principals The Philadelphia Athletic Club Association as Treasurer, Vice- Is located at 314 N.
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