Brookdale's New Gym Reveals Latest Ideas ftfU" •' " < ' ? . " ! - . • • • ' ' ..' "• •••'• SEE STORY PAGE 16 Windy and Cool THE DAILY FINAL Partly cloudy, windy and cool today, tonight and tomor- row; chance of occasional r EDITION •howei. 26 PAGES Moiunouili County'** Oulatanding Home Newspaper NO. 255 KM) BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, JUNK 23,1072 TEN CENTS inmiiuiiistrmiiiiiHtHiiiiitumitHmtiiimi immiHtiaitimutmiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinuittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiuiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiinuii iiiuiniiiiiiiiiimiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuuiiuiunD Agnes Batters East; Local Area Spared Despite rain and wind rem- measures along Broad St., Road In Little Silver. Traffic However, cessation of rain nants of tropical storm Agnes, south of Monmouth St., in the was diverted until about B eliminated the danger. The the local area escaped serious area of the intersection with p.m. avenue was not closed to traf- damage yesterday. Canal St., proved just pre- The only other storm-con- fic at any time, according to Elsewhere, however, the cautionary, and were not nected damage reported in police. Riverdale Ave. In Mon- storm buffeted the Eastern needed. This is the area the Red Bank area was in mouth Beach was closed to' seaboard, with up to a foot of where serious flooding nor- Rumson, where a tree blown traffic in the late afternoon, rain and winds gusting to gale mally occurs in a heavy rain. over by the wind, damaged a however. force, causing widespread Marine Park's lowest por- porch at the home of Mrs. The Marine Police reported flooding, disrupting utilities tions were inundated by flood-* Robert Bruce, 79 East River no problems with high tides and transportation and forc- ing of the Navesink, with the Road. along the shores of the ing the evacuation of entire perimeter road being com- In the Sea Bright-Monmouth Shrewsbury and Navesink towns. pletely impassable, and the Beach area, along Ocean Rivers and no problems with At least 41 deaths were at- children's playground com- Ave., there was some concern flooding. The high winds tributed to the storm, which pletely under water. late in the afternoon when caused concern to boat own- earlier left another 18 dead in The only major area road Ocean Ave., in the vicinity of ers, however, with some boats Florida and Cuba. closed to traffic yesterday af- the Marine Police Barracks, being blown loose from moor- In Red Bank, precautionary ternoon was Seven Bridges was being covered by water. See Agnes Page 25 July 17 Assembly Rtglittr Staff Photo VICTIM OF THE STORM - The porch at the home of Mrs. Robert Bruce, 79 E. River, Road, Rumson, Vote Set on Taxes was damaged yesterday afternoon when strong winds, following the progress of tropical storm Agnes, TRENTON (AP) - Demo- sales tax exemption on items bookkeeping expenses. They other key items in the pack- toppled the tree at left. Police reported no none Injured in the Incident. cratic and Republican leaders now taxed under the. Atlantic would get to keep 2 per cent age of nearly 600 bills and res- in the Assembly have agreed City luxury tax. Those Include of the first $500 they collect, olutions. on a tentative date of July 17 hotel and motel rooms, liquor, 1% per cent of the second for a vote on the major items Chester Apy, R-Monmouth, entertainment and cigarettes. $500, 1 per cent of the third in Gov. William T. CahiU's tax vice chairman of the Taxation The committee voted to reform program. $500 and % per cent over Committee, said he was clarify the sales tax law to ex- $1,500. "hopeful" that major bills 32 Protesters Fined, The decision came yes- empt insurance premiums, On the timetable, both could be released')by July 6 terday only three days after certain banking services such Democratic leader John J. and voted on by the 17th. Assembly Democrats had as checking and charge ac- Horn of Camden and Republi- With this in mind, Monday's threatened to block a vote un- counts. til September. The date is can leader Richard W. De- scheduled Assembly session And it voted to reimburse only a week later than Cah- Korte of Bergen agreed a vote has been cancelled so the Get Suspended Terms merchants who collect the tax could be taken July 17 on the committee can spend all day ill's earlier projected deadline for then? administrative and income tax bill and perhaps working on other bills. MIDDLETOWN - Iii a American Civil Liberties two attorneys their identi- lands to a point about ISO feet of July 10, which had so ang- joint trial made possible by Union lawyer from Mt. Holly, fication as having been on the west of the ammunition depot ered the Democrats. stipulations read into the Mu- and John Egnal of Phila- scene at the Naval Ammuni- gates on Rt. 36 in Leonardo, Cahill and his GOP leaders nicipal Court record, Judge delphia, a member of the tion Depot Gate in Leonardo where those arrested failed to in the House have already an- f Ronald L. Moran found 32 war Pennsylvania bar appearing Saturday, June 10, when the keep moving or disperse when nounced that the first bill to protesters guilty of violating with Judge Koran's per- 32 defendants were arrested. called on to do so by police. be voted on would be the in- Britain to Floaf the township anti-loitering or- mission, were tried at once, They also stipulated that evi- The police chief stated that come tax bill. dinance. as were two other defendants dence presented on behlaf of- two of the defendants, Brad- In another development, the Each defendant was fined who presented their own the five tried in person would ford J. Lyttle of 339 Lafayette Assembly Taxation Com- $75 and $10 court costs and cases. apply equally to them. St., New York City," and Ken- mittee voted to amend Cah- Its Pound Sterling sentenced to 30 days in the All pleaded innocent. The two defendants who neth Curtln of 1107 Carroll St., ill's proposed sales tax county jail. Judge Horan sus- Only five of the 30 defend- presented their own argu- Brooklyn, flouted an agree- changes, reducing the antici-: LONDON (AP) - The Brit- Parliament Monday by Denis cial matters. He predicted a pended the jail sentences. ants represented by the two ments also agreed to the sti- ment allegedly made with po- pated revenue gain from $213 ish government has decided Healey, the opposition Labor devaluation perhaps in July or All the defendants have in- attorneys were tried in per- pulations. lice not to stop near the depot million down to $188 million. to allow the pound sterling to party's spokesman on finan- August. dicated they will appeal their son, though a number of the Called to the witness stand Promised Peaceful March Those changes would lift the float, without government in- convictions. others were scattered through by Patrick D. Healy, munici- Chief McCarthy said Mr. present 5 per cent sales tax terference to keep the rate of Yesterday's unusual proce- the audience in a crowded pal prosecutor, Police Chief Lyttle and Mr. Curtin, both from non-prescription drugs, exchange within certain lim- dure took from 2 until nearly 7 courtroom. Joseph M. McCarthy testified apparently acting as leaders household paper products, its, "as a temporary mea- p.m. Thirty defendants repre- Those not personally on the war protesters inarched of the march, approached him household cleaning products, sure," the Treasury an- sented by Emerson Darnell, trial stipulated through the June 10 from Atlantic High- as the 40-member group en- veterinary prescription medi- nounced today. tered the township at Ave. D cines and certain railroad re- The government closed the in Leonardo and agreed to pair materials. London foreign exchange march peaceably to the vici- The committee also voted to market today and Monday in nity of the depot. They prom- delete CahiU's proposed ex- an effort to ease the pressure Clear Horse Owner, ised to keep moving and not to tension of the tax to laundry on the pound, which has been block streets or driveways, and dry cleaning services, to beset by rumors that it would the chief stated. legal fees for criminal and be devalued. He met the two leaders quasi-criminal cases and legal For the time being, a Trea- again at the depot's main gate services provided by legal aid sury spokesman said, the Driver on 1 Charge on Rt. 36, Chief McCarthy societies. market rate for sterling will •went oh, and the promise was It also voted to retain the not necessarily be confined By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI peared relieved that they sion for about an hour for a repeated. within announced limits, ei- were acquitted of the one rereading of testimony from Trouble started, the chief ther with respect to the U.S. FREEHOLD - After delib- count and some of the few court reporter Vincent G. De- testified, when the marchers dollar or to the currencies of erating about four hours yes- spectators that remained in Bonis. walked about 100 feet beyond Schotte Tells the six countries of the Eu- terday, a jury acquitted two the courtroom went to them By its verdict, the jury the gate and formed a "vigil ropean Common Market. harness race horse figures of and shook their hands after showed that it believed part of line" along Urn edge of the Of ,$3 Million The pound was last deva- conspiracy to bribe two state the court session. the testimony of Gregos and highway. lued in November, 1967. Its police detectives but said it County Court Judge Patrick Baldachino in which they de- "They admitted over tneir Stock Loss par value has been $2.60571 was deadlocked on the re- J.
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