THE BULLETIN OF THE SANDON STUDIOS SOCIETY LIBERTY BUILDINGS SCHOOL LANE LIVERPOOL No. 1. MARCH, 1912 6, UPPER DUKE STREET (Opposite St. Mark's Church). WORKSHOPS: St. Mark's Schools, Roscoe Street. 1amts m. Smitb ~ Son Beg to announce that they are prepared to execute all kinds of Ecclesiastical and Domestic DECORATING PAINTING, GILDING, PAPERHANGING, PLUMB! G, AND GENERAL REPAIRS TO PROPERTY. Newest Designs in Wallpapers. Gas and Electric Lighting. Telephone No. 2311 Royal. W. BROOKS & CO., THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE H ighest Quality family 0roctrs and Moderate Price Provision mtrcbants Frequent Deliveries to all parts of Liverpool and Suburbs within a radius of Fifteen Miles, and orders collected by Representatives. 1 & 3, Elliot Street, Liverpool 85 & 89, MYRTLE STREET, (Top corner of Clayton Square) III, UPPER HILL STREET, I, THE VILLAGE, WE T DERBY. TELEPHONE 243 ANFIELD. mrs. m. de [. Bodill, Teacher of Pianoforte and T heory of Music, Pupil and Certificated Teacher of the German Institute of Music, Liverpool (founded by Herr Krausse; Director, Osborne Edmondson, Dips.Leip.Con. Terms on Application. Pupils prepared for the Royal Academy Examinations. 12, BAR ARD RoAD, OxToN, AT Ho~rn, HANDLEY BROTHERS BIRKE HEAD. THURSDAYS, 2-8 P.M. SANDON STUDIO S}'CIETY, LIBERTY BUILDINGS, CH0OL LANE, LIVERPOOL GENERAL PRIN TERS if TELEPHONE, ROYAL 2179 &c., 146 BRECK ROAD mrs. mac nair (Late Instructress of Embroidery at the Glasgow chool of Art) will give a Course of Twelve Lessons at the above address on DECORATIVE NEEDLEWORK, on T ESDAY AFTER oo s, from 2 till 4, and on THURSDAY MORNINGS EVERTON, LIVERPOO L from 11 to 1. FEE FOR THE COURSE, £2 2. Beginning Thursday, May 2nd. MRS. MAC NAIR will also give a Course at any Lady's Private House for Six or more Workers. For further particulars a pply to- MRS. MAC NAIR, AT GR EE BANK SCHOOL, SEFTON PARK. Eleanor B. Page, JI.R.D.S., ABLETT TUDIO, LIBERTY BUILDINGS. Specialities : Specialities : Classes daily for Drawing and Painting. fiugo Cang 6J £0. PICTURES ARTISTS' OUT-DOOR SKETCHING CLASSE from April to October. AND JI. COLOURS THE ABLETT SYSTEM THOROUGHLY TAUGHT PICTURE­ ~ Jlrt Rtpository ~ .,,. AND ( common-sense method of teaching children). FRAMING. MATERIALS Established 1874. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A REPUTATIO FOR ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING, AND GUARA TEE OU D WORK- SP ACE TO BE LET. MANSHIP AT STRICTLY MODERATE PRICES. GIVE U A TRIAL ORDER. NOTE OUR ADDRFSSES, 14, Church Street, Liverpool. The Playgoers' Society and the Sandon Society entrust their Typing and Duplicating work to us. 24, Great Western Arcade, BIRMINGHAM, May we have yours ? . • . • HAROLD OGDEN & Co., Arcade Bdgs., Lord St. And at The Cross and Eastgate Row, CHESTER. THE BULLETIN GENESIS. E are ometimes asked what are centre round which all else that the club W the object of our club, and I stands for is grouped. fear some people, hearing of our For the sake of the new member who concert and our dance and other suc­ know nothing about the origin and history cessful and plea ant entertainment , look of the movement, it might be well in this upon u merely a a society for entertain­ fir t number of our Review to look back ing. It is greatly to the credit of our to what we came from and see how we energetic Entertainment Committee that come to exist now.1'rmong the first chairs thi i the way we strike outsider , but FLEXIBLE COLLAR CASE. of the Liverpool I University {then the we hould like to affirm here that the real Univer ity College) was the Roscoe Chair Cao be strapped to hold any number of Coll.us, at object of the club i something quite same time keeping them in shape. of Art, founded to commemorate the name Chrome Lamb ... 4/- 4 /6 5/- different. We want to timulate the of William Roscoe, by Mr. Philip Rathbone Pigskin 6/- 6/6 6/- arti tic and intellectual life of Liverpool and Mi s E. H. Holt. It was founded by bringing together tho e who are in­ specially for painting and Art criticism and 24-IN. ROLLED HIDE DRESS SUIT terested in omethiog more than fashion was held by no !es distinguished men CASE LEATHER CUSHIONS. and football and bridge and the share than R. A. M. Steven on and Sir W. Martin \Vith Two I ickel-plated Double Action Locks, market. We want the amateur musical Conway, and had con iderable influence on and full set of moulded pockets containing Silver, For motor car and railway travelling ; in a enthusiast to meet the rising profes ional the art of Liverpool. In 18~H it was Ebony and Leather Fittings, and the young composer, the collector of As illu trated £5 5 0 variety of shape . developed into a chair of Architecture and taste to meet the promi ing arti t. We the director hip of a School of Architecture PRICE : 9 /6 to 40/- want all the bright, appreciative people, to and Applied Art under Prof. F.1\1.Simpson. meet the clever and original. This ought This wa a school of practi ing tudios of to give plea ure to them all and make for painting, culpture, de ·ign, architecture mutual development quite apart from the and the craft , hou ed in a small temporary actual entertainment at which they meet. building in the niver ity precinct . It The entertainment al o generally have a was the joint foundation of the city and character of their own, and we try always the University and was under joint to offer omething of real merit and, if management. The main object of the possible, of originality. We make no school was that all candidates for the Uni­ effort to be Bohemian, nor do we defy ver ity Architectural Certificate should convention, but we are very simple and have ome training and show a certain direct, and where there is a friendly pirit proficiency in the ister art of de ign, of comrade hip conventions quite naturally drawing, painting, and modelling, and of slip out of ight. We hope that becau e the practical working of craft such as we are all ready and anxiou to be friendly ironwork, and "tained gla s, which are with everybody, the ordinary barrier may part of the bu ine of the architect. \Vhen not be erected, and o our parties may be the Univer ity recei\·ed it charter and POCKET CASE pleasant. became the Univer ·ity of Liverpool an Some people have a ked the reason for attempt was made to combine the Art To hold Letter , Contract Ticket and our name. \Vhy "Sandon," and why School with the l\lunicipal or Government Gold. Made from best Quality " tudio , " when there i no obviou con­ School which exL ts in every town under Pig kin, of great durability. nection with the former and the latter are the supervision of the Science and Art not what strikes a new member a the Department at South Keo ington. This PRICE : 6/8. mo t prominent feature of the club? The movement wa re i ted by the students Larger Cases, with Silver and Ebony Fittings, reason i , the name " Sandon" represents and oppo ed by many members of the £9 9 0; £12 12 0; £16 10 0 to us a tradition and the word " Studio " Council and Univer ity, but in 1905 the the essential idea of practical art a a amalgamation was carried out and the FA CY LEATHER HOWROOMS, Frederick F. Hudson's (Opposite Central tation) I 15A, RANELAGH STREET, LIVERPOOL Telephone 5248 Royal. (Formerly l\lana ger to ALBERT BARKt;R, LTD., ew Bond Street, London; JOHN BAGSHAW & 0NS, Liverpool ; and FJNNJGAN's, LTD., Liverpool. THE BULLETIN THE BULLETIN University chool became absorbed in the place, a way would be found to preserve THE GENERAL MEETING. larger Municipal School. it for the city. With this in view, they THE BULLETIN let the large room for exhibitions, bazaars, However, under such men as Robert oF THE SANDON STUDIOS SocIETY. T a General Meeting held on the 19th Anning Bell, Augustus John, and David and lectures, and they got up dances, A January, 1912,convened to elect the Muirhead, the chool had always held a exhibitions, and entertainments, and invited new Treasurer (Mr ewell Bacon), t. MARCH, 1912. rather special position as the home of Liverpool to come. Liverpool did come, QUARTERLY-NO. an interim report was read by the Hon. Sec­ individual and independent art, so that, and it was urprising to find what numbers retary, who informed us that a Quarterly of people either knew nothing or had both by tradition and training, its members HE quarterly is ue of The Bulletin Meeting of the General Committee was were strongly averse from the South forgotten about the lovely old Ho pital, held in December and satisfactory report and exclaimed with wonder at its beauty i intended primarily to keep mem­ Kensington methods and teaching. Conse­ T bers better informed of the variou were given by the Executive, Artists' and quently the great majority of the students and appropriateness for arti tic purpo es. Entertainments' ommittees. A new life In the meantime, Prof. Reilly, who had official happening connected with the resolved to trike out for themselves. Sandon Studios ociety. With a member­ room ha been opened and the old one has These students, rather more than forty in always had the place in his mind, and been converted into a tea room, a the coveted it for his architectural school, had ship of over three hundred, many of whom number, almost all poor, but tremendously are profe sionally intere ted in one or more small one was found inadequate for the in earnest, took a cheap house, the old worked untiringly to arou e public interest growing needs of the Society.
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