
A CLINICAL OUTBREAK OF TRICHURIS DISCOLOR INFECTION IN STABLED CALVES H. J. Smith and R. G. Stevenson* CLINICAL FINDINGS In December, 1968, a dead Holstein calf approximately ten months of age was submitted for necropsy. This animal, one of eight replace- ment heifers, had started to lose weight a few weeks previously. Marked diarrhea, accom- panied by tenesmus, was observed during the week prior to the death of the calf. The feces were foamy and contained large amounts of mucus. In the terminal stages, the calf had shown complete anorexia and had ground its teeth. Gastrointestinal parasitism was suspected but treatment with thiabendazolel (TBZ) had little or no effect. FiGuRE 2. Photomicrograph showing exudate and Post-mortem examination revealed a very double operculated Trichuris eggs within a cyst in thickened and oedematous cecum and large the submucosa of the cecum. H & E X165. intestine. The mucosa was hemorrhagic with testinal tract revealed the presence of 1587 areas of ulceration. Histologically, there were Trichuris worms. These were identified as T. many cystic spaces, lined by a single layer of discolor (Linstow, 1906) and differentiated cells within the lamina propria and submucosa from T. ovis and other Trichuris spp. on the (Figure 1). The cysts oontained necrotic debris, basis of spicule length, spicule sheath mor- phology, egg size and other morphological characters (3, 5). FIELD INVESTIGATION An investigation carried out on the farm of origin revealed that the eight calves had been stabled until about six to eight months of age, at which time they had been moved to a vacant barn in which feeder cattle had been housed the previous winter. The manure pack, which had remained from the previous winter, was four to five feet thick. Old, poor quality hay had been used as bedding and the calves had FiGuRE 1. Photomicrograph showing several been observed to grub in the bedding. The cysts (arrows) in the lamina propria and submu- owner had noticed that the calves suddenly be- cosa of the cecum. Pollak X24. came unthrifty and started to lose weight about four to six weeks after entering the barn. As mucus, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes indicated above, treatment of several of the and double-operculated Trichuris-like worm more severely affected calves with TBZ had re- eggs (Figure 2). Inflammatory cells surround- sulted in little or no improvement. ing the cysts also extended into the muscularis Fecal samples collected from the remaining mucosa and submucosa. calves revealed Trichuris egg counts up to 1200 Parasitological examination of the gastroin- per gram (epg) and other gastrointestinal hel- minth (GIH) egg counts up to 200 epg in *Animal Pathology Division, Health of Animals several animals. Fecal examinations by the Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, Atlan- simple sodium nitrate flotation technique of tic Area Branch Laboratory, P.O. Box 1410, Sack- at various levels of the manure ville, New Brunswick. samples taken lThibenzole, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Montreal, pack showed that both Trichuris and other Canada. GIH eggs were present. 102 CANS.- VET. JoURL, vol. 11, no. 5, May, 1970 Trichuris Discolor In consideration of the parasitological find- a massive build-up and ingestion of infective ings and the failure of earlier attempts at con- Trichuris eggs by susceptible animals. trol, treatment with methyridine2 was suggested. it is interesting to note that signs of anorexia, A marked improvement occurred in all calves diarrhea, loss of condition and loss of weight except for one animal which relapsed a few have been observed in the clinical cases of days later. This animal subsequently died and trichuriasis described to date in sheep, swine post-mortem and histological examinations re- and a camel (3, 4, 6), including the present vealed lesions of mucosal disease. No Trichuris one in calves. The pathological lesions also were or other worms were recovered although Tri- similar to those previously described for tri- churis egg counts of 300 epg had been recorded churiasis in other species (6, 8). prior to treatment with methyridine. The prompt recovery of the calves following treatment with methyridine, an anthelmintic DISCUSSION known to be effective against Trichuris spp. (9), supported the diagnosis and the role of Considering the number of Trichuris discolor Trichuris discolor in the present outbreak. The recovered from the one animal examined prior fact that TBZ failed to bring about an appre- to methyridine treatment, the pathological ciable improvement in the calves suggests that lesions observed in the cecum and large intes- only small numbers of other gastrointestinal tine, the Trichuris egg counts in several af- worms were present. Previous work has shown fected calves and the improvement observed that TBZ has good efficacy against the common following methyridine treatment, it is reason- GIH parasites found in calves in this area (7). able to suggest that the outbreak was an acute This also probably accounts for the complete trichuriasis. It would appear that all the condi- absence of GIH parasites other than Trichuris tions necessary for an outbreak to occur were in the first calf necropsied. present. The feeder cattle kept in the barn the In addition to the identification of T. discolor previous winter undoubtedly had seeded the as the cause of the present clinical outbreak of manure pack with T. discolor eggs. Conditions trichuriasis, one of the few cases reported in in the closed vacant barn during the summer ruminants, it would also appear to be the first presumably were ideal for maturation and sur- report of this species in Canadian cattle. The vival of the Trichuris eggs. The use of hay as previously known distribution of this species in bedding probably encouraged the susceptible North America was Alabama, Florida, Georgia, calves to grub in the litter when they were Idaho, Louisiana and Maryland (2). It is sug- placed in the barn and, in so doing, they in- gested that perhaps this species has a wider gested large numbers of infective Trichuris distribution in cattle than reports indicate. It eggs within a short period of time. seems that these worms have attracted little The various species of Trichuris in domestic attention, probably because of the low numbers animals normally are not associated with any normally found in cattle and other livestock. It pathological condition (1, 8). Usually only low also may be that specific identifications have numbers of these worms are recovered from not always been made. infected animals (8). Thus, only a few reports are available indicating that Trichuris spp. may assume a pathogenic role, especially in SUMMARY ruminants. Farleigh, in 1966 (4), attributed anorexia, diarrhea, loss of condition and deaths A clinical outbreak of trichuriasis in stabled to the heavy T. ovis burdens found in sheep calves caused by a heavy infestation with Tri- fed grain on the ground under drought condi- churis discolor is described. It would appear tions in Australia. Chandler, in 1930 (3), attri- that the present report is the first recorded buted the death of a camel, which had chronic clinical outbreak in cattle and one of the few diarrhea and dysentery for several weeks, to the reports of clinical trichuriasis in ruminants. Tri- large burden of T. tenuis found at necropsy. churiasis and the unusual circumstances which In 1960, Powers et al (6) were able to pro- permitted the present outbreak to develop are duce clinical manifestations of anorexia, dys- discussed. entery and pronounced loss of weight in pigs experimentally infected with T. suis. The pres- ent outbreak of trichuriasis in calves appears RISUMEI to be another instance of the pathogenicity of Description d'une eclosion de trichuriase Trichuris spp. under conditions favorable for chez des veaux en stabulisation causee par une infestation grave de Trichuris discolor. Il semble 2Mintic, Ayerst Laboratories, Montreal, Canada. que ce rapport soit le premier concernant une 103 CANADIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL telle infestation chez le betail. I1 n'existe que 4. FARLEIGH, E. A. Observations on the patho- quelques rapports de Trichuriase chez les ru- genic effects of Trichuris ovis in sheep under minants. Suit une discussion sur la mortalite et drought conditions. Aust. vet. J. 42: 462-463. 1966. les circonstances exceptionnelles a l'origine de 5. MORGAN, B. B. and P. A. HAWKINS. Veterin- son apparition. ary Helminthology. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub- lishing Company. 1949. 6. POWERS, i(. G., A. C. TODD and S. H. McNUTT. REFERENCES Experimental infections of swine with Tri- 1. BECK, J. W. and M. BEVERLEY-BUSTON. The churis suis. Am. J. vet. Res. 21: 262-268. pathology of Trichuris, Capillaria and Trichi- 1960. nella infections. Helminth. Abstr. 37 (Part 1): 7. SMITH, H. J. and R. McG. ARCHIBALD. Criti- 1-26. 1968. cal trials on the efficacy of thiabendazole 2. BECKLUND, W. W. Revised check list of in- against Ostertagia ostertagi, Cooperia onco- ternal and external parasites of domestic ani- phora and Nematodirus helvetianus. Can. vet. mals in the United States and possessions and J. 9: 57-60. 1968. in Canada. Am. J. vet. Res. 25: 1380-1416. 8. SOULSBY, E. J. L. Textbook of Veterinary Clin- 1964. ical Parasitology. Volume I. Helminths. Ox- 3. CHANDLER, A. C. Specific characters in the ford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1965. genus Trichuris, with a description of a new 9. WALLEY, J. K. Methyridine a new anthel- species, Trichuris tenuis, from a camel. J. Para- mintic for sheep and cattle. Vet. Rec. 73: sit. 16: 198-206. 1930. 159-168. 1961. ABSTRACTS Harris, D. L. & Switzer, W. P. (1968). Tur- AM2 did not depend on the presence of phage. binate atrophy in young pigs exposed to Bor- Spore preparations of the non-lysogenic and detella bronchiseptica, Pasteurella multocida, artificially produced lysogenic derivatives did and combined inoculum.-Am. J. vet.
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