Accused Persons arrested in Kannur district from 22.01.2017 to 28.01.2017 Name of the Name of Name of the Place at Date & Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police Arresting father of Address of Accused which Time of which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Officer, Rank Accused Arrested Arrest accused & Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kannotpoikayil House, Eruvessy Male 1 Anil K S Surendran Eruvessy Amsam, Amsam, Cr.No.34/17 u/s Vipinkumar K G 45/17 Pooparamba Pooparamba 22/1/17 at 15(c) r/w 63 of , SI of Police, Released on 20.10 hrs Abkari Act Kudiyanmala Kudiyanmala PS bail Eruvessy Pazhayamadathil Male Amsam, 2 Sunil Thomas House, Naduvil Cr.No.35/17 u/s Vipinkumar K G 30/17 Edamanakaval Amsam, Puranjan 22/1/2017 at 279 IPC and , SI of Police, Released on a 20.40 hrs 185 of MV Act Kudiyanmala Kudiyanmala PS bail Vadakkepurayil 63/17 u/s 4(1) 3 Peethambaran Ambu 52 house, Peralam Onakunnu (A) r/w 21(1) of Bejoy MN SI of JFCM amsom desam 22/1/17 MMDR Payannur Police Payyannur 64/17 u/s 4(1) VV House, Udinoor 4 Sajesh VV VV Kunhiraman 38 Payyanur (A) r/w 21(1) of Bejoy MN SI of JFCM Nadakkav 22/1/17 MMDR Payannur Police Payyannur Payyyadakath house, 65/17 u/s 4(1) 5 MadhusoodananKunhambu 46 kozhummal Peralam Payyanur (A) r/w 21(1) of Bejoy MN SI of JFCM amsom 22/1/17 MMDR Payannur Police Payyannur 66/17 u/s 4(1) Ettukudukka Peralam 6 Lokanathan Moorthi 24 Payyanur (A) r/w 21(1) of Bejoy MN SI of JFCM amsom 22/1/17 MMDR Payannur Police Payyannur Mattathil (H), 38/17 Surrd.in the 22.01.2017 Sreekandapur Released on 7 Aneesh M A Augusty Cherupuzha P O, 1536/16 U/s Sajeev P B. SI Male station at 12.30 Hrs. am Bail Kollada 279, 338 IPC 58/17 U/s 15© 43/17 Parakkal (H), Pattanur 22.01.2017 Sreekandapur Released on 8 Basheer Memi Kottoor r/w 63 Abkari Sajeev P B. SI Male amsom Ayipuzha at 16.15 Hrs. am Bail Act 22.01.17 at Cr: No 52/17 U/s Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on 29/17- Parakkal (H),Vayathur 14.50 hrs. 279 IPC & 185 SI of Police, Bail 9 Sreenivasan Gopalan Ulikkal Male Amsom Eruthukadave of MV Act Ulikkal 22.01.17 at Cr. No.53/17. Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on Nelluvelil (H), 44/17- 17.00 hrs. U/s 15 © r/w 63 SI of Police, Bail 10 Vinod Mathew Nuchiyad amsom Alavikunnu Male of Abkari Act Ulikkal Alavikunnu 22.01.2017 48/17 u/s Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on Thadathel(H), at 17.10 hrs 15(C)r/w 63 of Police Bail 11 Suneesh Sukumaran Male Age:31/17, Payyavoor Alakode Abkari Act. Amso, Mutharikulam Orathel(H), Age:38/17, 22.01.2017 49/17 u/s Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on 12 Latheesh John Male Eruvessy Amsom, Alakode at 17.40 hrs 15(C)r/w 63 of Police Bail Nellikkutty Abkari Act. 22.01.2017 50/17 u/s 15 of Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on Kuttivelil(H), at 18.50 hrs KG Act Police Bail 13 Chacko Mathew Male Age:57/17, Udhayagiri Arivilanjapoyil Amsom, Arivilanjapoyil Age:46/17, 22.01.2017 50/17 u/s 15 of Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on Parappallil(H), at 18.50 hrs KG Act Police Bail 14 Tomy Chacko Male Arivilanjapoyil Udhayagiri Amso, Arivilanjapoyil Age:54/17, 22.01.2017 50/17 u/s 15 of Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on Arippattu(H), at 18.50 hrs KG Act Police Bail 15 Soman Raghavan Male Arivilanjapoyil Udhayagiri Amsom, Arivilanjapoyil 22.01.2017 50/17 u/s 15 of Alakode C.Vijayan, SI of Released on Age:33/17, Pulikkal(H), at 18.50 hrs KG Act Police Bail 16 Saneesh Joseph Male Udhayagiri Amsom, Arivilanjapoyil Arivilanjapoyil Notice Cr.No.70/17 u/s Released on Age.48/1 Rajeev Nivas, 17 Pradeepan.KK Nanu Kariyad Served on 118( a) of KP Chokli Premdas, SI(S) Bail 7, Male Po.Kariyad South 22.01.17 Act Kannotpoikayil House, Eruvessy Male 18 Anil K S Surendran Eruvessy Amsam, Amsam, Cr.No.34/17 u/s Vipinkumar K G 45/17 Pooparamba Pooparamba 22/1/17 at 15(c) r/w 63 of , SI of Police, Released on 20.10 hrs Abkari Act Kudiyanmala Kudiyanmala PS bail Eruvessy Pazhayamadathil Male Amsam, 19 Sunil Thomas House, Naduvil Cr.No.35/17 u/s Vipinkumar K G 30/17 Edamanakaval Amsam, Puranjan 22/1/2017 at 279 IPC and , SI of Police, Released on a 20.40 hrs 185 of MV Act Kudiyanmala Kudiyanmala PS bail Kooveri amsam 123/17u/s PALAM KUNNEL(H) 20 Jeyson Sebastan 49/17 elamberm 1/23/2017 15©r/w 63 of Taliparamba CP prasanth BAILED KURUMATUR para Abkari act Kooveri amsam 123/17u/s 21 Viswan Pappan 68/17 Rajeevganthi kolani elamberm 23.1-2017 15©r/w 63 of Taliparamba CP prasanth BAILED para Abkari act Taliparamba Chellamkunnel 125/17U/s 22 Ramakrishnan Kunhiraman 29/17 amsam 23.1.2017 Taliparamba CP prasanth BAILED house,Kurumathur 118(a) of kp act chiravak cheroot house Taliparamba 279 ipcand 185 23 Annil kumar Kunhiraman 47/17 23.1.2017 Taliparamba Abdul Nazer BAILED kootiyeri amsam amsam manna of mv act 23.01.17 at Cr: No 54/17 U/s Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on Ellukalayil (H), 31/17- 17.10 hrs. 279 IPC & 185 SI of Police, Bail 24 Sabu.C.E Chako Vayathur amsom Ulikkal Male of MV Act Ulikkal Peratta 23.01.17 at Cr. No.55/17. Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on 26/17- Nambiarkulam (H), 18.10 hrs. U/s 118 (a) of SI of Police, Bail 25 Rahul.T Raju Peratta Male Vallitode Perinkari KP Act Ulikkal 23.01.17 at Cr. No.55/17. Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on 30/17- Rishana Manzil, 18.10 hrs. U/s 118 (a) of SI of Police, Bail 26 Shanij.T.P Mayan Peratta Male Vallithode, KP Act Ulikkal Panachikal(H),Ayyank Cr.No.33/2017 unnu amsom U/s 279 IPC & M. Sajith, S.I of Released on 27 Mohanan P.P Padmanabhan 53/17 Angadikkadav Karikottakari Angadikadavu KL 13 H 23.01.2017 Sec.185 of MV Police, bail 5219 MC at 21.00 hrs Act Karikkottakari PS Kundathil house, 1/23/2017 68/17 u/s Payyannur Ashokan KK SI of Released on 28 Sujith K Surendran 30 Kozhummal Karivellur Payannur 279IPCand bail amsom 185ofMVact Police Edavilath Veedu, 69/17 u/s Payyannur Ashokan KK SI of Released on 29 Raveendran E MV Kelu 60 Kokkanissery Payannur 279IPCand bail Payyannur 1/23/2017 185ofMVact Police 88/17 U/s 279 Released on Male Puthiyapurayil ( H ), Kannur amsom, 23.01.2107 A Kuttikrishnan SI 30 Viju. V Kumaran IPC & 185 of M Kannur town bail 43/17 Melechovva, Kannur Caltex at 00.55 hrs of Polioce V Act Pran House, 23.01.2017 51/17 u/s 279 Alakode T.V.Ashokan, SI Released on Age:35/17, at 11.30 hrs IPC &185 of MV of Police Bail 31 Madhu Kelan Male Alakode Farlongkara, Vellad Act. Amsom. Kodakanal House, 23.01.2017 52/17 u/s Alakode T.V.Ashokan, SI Released on 32 Jose.K.A Abraham Male Age:57/17, Koli, Alakode at 14.10 hrs 15(C)r/w 63 of of Police Bail Alakode Amsom Abkari Act. Koyilandi House, Edakkad CR NO 57/17 SUNIL Kannur Amsom Thayyil 23.01.2017 RELEASED ON 33 RAMAN 48/17 Amsom U/S 15© R/W 63 KANNURCITY PRADEEP.K.O KUMAR.K Desom, Thayyil (PO) - at 14.00 BAIL Vattakkulam OF MV ACT 9895254479 Cr.No.71/17 u/s Notice Age.30/1 Vraprantavida(H), 118( e) of KP RELEASED ON 34 Vijesh.V Balan Chokli Served on Chokli Premdas, SI(S) 7, Male Mokeri, Panoor Act & 185 of BAIL 23.01.17 MV Act 22/17 U/s 143, 20/17 Sreelakshmi, Andoor Surrendered at 24.01.17 at 147, 148, P. Rajesh, S I of 35 Akshay K P Sahadevan Taliparamba BAILED Male Amsom , Thaliyil PS 17.00 hrs 294(b), 323, 324 Police r/w 149 IPC 22/17 U/s 143, 23/17, Eecha (H), Thaliyil, Surrendered at 24.01.17 at 147, 148, P. Rajesh, S I of 36 Nikhil U Mohanan Taliparamba BAILED Male Andoor Amsom PS 17.00 hrs 294(b), 323, 324 Police r/w 149 IPC 22/17 U/s 143, Madathil Parasmbil, 28/17, Surrendered at 24.01.17 at 147, 148, P. Rajesh, S I of 37 Sreesankar VinodVinod Thaliyil, Andoor Taliparamba BAILED Male PS 17.00 hrs 294(b), 323, 324 Police Amsom r/w 149 IPC 22/17 U/s 143, 21/17, Mathrukripa, Thaliyil, Surrendered at 24.01.17 at 147, 148, P. Rajesh, S I of 38 Akshay K P Sreedharan Taliparamba BAILED Male Andoor Amsom PS 17.00 hrs 294(b), 323, 324 Police r/w 149 IPC 22/17 U/s 143, 24/17, Chandroth (H), Thaliyil, Surrendered at 24.01.17 at 147, 148, P. Rajesh, S I of 39 Rahul C Ratheesh Taliparamba BAILED Male Andoor Amsom PS 17.00 hrs 294(b), 323, 324 Police r/w 149 IPC Charuvila Puthen 130/17 U/s 279 27/17, Veedu, 24.01.17 at K T Varghese, SI 40 Ranjith C Chandran Manna IPC & 185 M V Taliparamba BAILED male Nellipparamb,Kuttiyeri 16.20 hrs of Police Act Amsom 131/17 U/s 279 K P 24/17, Vadakkini Purayil (H), 24.01.17 at 41 Rahul C Rajan Kappalam IPC & 185 M V Taliparamba Radhakreishnan BAILED Male Mandamkundu 17.35 hrs Act , S I of Police Arakkale Valappil (H), 132/17 U/s 279 23/17, 24.01.17 at Rajeesh, S I Of 42 Nidhin Balan Ammamkulam, Taliparamba IPC & 185 M V Taliparamba BAILED Male 20.05 hrs Police Kooveri Amsom Act Chakkalakal House, Eruvessy Male Eruvessy Amsam, Amsam, Cr.No.38/17 u/s Balakrishnan.P 43 Sathyan C V Velayudan 49/17 Midilakayam, Edamanakaval 24/1/17 at 279 IPC and SI of Police, Released on Kayalampara a 19.45 hrs 185 of MV Act Kudiyanmala Kudiyanmala PS bail 24.01.17 at Cr: No 56/17 U/s Ulikkal Sivan Chodath , Released on 26/17- Kunnummal (H), 02.50 hrs.
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