S i g m a MARCH Kappa TRIANGLE I 9 3 9 Official Publication of Sigma Kappa CONTENTS Board Clarion Call to Convention . .. .. Alice Hersey Wick 3 What the Well Dressed Sigma Kappa Will Wear .. of ....... ........ ... .. Helen Wilsey Shelton 4 Golden Gate International Exposition . ... .. .. .. .. .. 5 Eating Around San Francisco .. .... .... .. ..... 6 Convention Expenses . .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... .. 7 Editors Here Are Your Convention Committee Chairmen ... .. 8 Register for Convention Early ... .... ... ... .. .... .. .. 11 Speeding the Parting Guest ..... .. .. .. Helen Shelton 12 Proposed Order of Business for Convention .. .. ..... 13 Official Tour .... .. ... .. .. .... ... ... .. ... .. 14 Editor-in-Chief Post-Convention Tour . .. .. .. .. ..... .. 16 MRS, ]AMES STANNARD BAKER International Rush Committee . .. , . .. ... 17 (Frances Warren Baker) Psi Chapter to Celebrate 20th Anniversary May 27-28 ... 17 289 Woodland Road Statistical Report on Scholarship . .. ........... .. 18 Highland Park, Ill. Rho and Sigma Tie to Win Scholarship Cup for 1937-1938 . 19 Announcement of Installation of Beta Delta Chapter ... .. 19 Alpha Omicron Wins Contest Again . ......... .. 20 Beta Gamma Sponsors Tea for Red Cross in China .. .. Grace Wye 22 Collexe Editor Alpha Omicron and Los Angelj:!s Public Relations Project . 22 ERDENE GAGE Your Traveling Secretary Reports Again ... ...... .... .. .... .. .. ............. Ruth Norton Donnelly 23 177 Arnold Avenue Scan,dinavian Co-operatives .... .. .. Dorothy Lgngdon 26 Edgewood, R.I. Mexican Holiday .. .. ..... .. Meta Neumann Cohn 27 The Passing of Rev. Orville J. Guptill ... .. .. \ ... Dr. Warren j. Moulton 30 Neal D. Bousfield, the Mission's New Superintendent . ... 30 Actin!{ Alumn.e Editor Tenth Draft ... ... .. ... .. .... Ethel Mershon 32 Alumn.e Club Edi~r Manitoba Co-eds Qualify for D.D. Degrees? .... Grace Wye 33 Fraternity Women's Essay Contest .. ... : . ....... 33 MRS. ROBERT ]. PARKER How Our Chapters Observed International Founders' Day .. 34 (Edna Monch Parker) 39 237 Juanita Way i~i~~~:s ·: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40 San Francisco, Calif. Milestones . ...... .. .. .... 41 With Sigmas Everywhere . .. 45 Directory .. .. ... ..... .. ... ..... 51 P hi/anthro py Editor SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and De­ NELLIE B. MANSFIELD cember, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publishing 56 Hillside Avenue Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. Entered as second-class matter October U, 1910, at the post office at Everett, Mass. Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 13, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Price $2 .00 per annum. Single copies 50 cents. Life subscnption $15.00. ChapltrJ, (:olltgt and Alumn~ must send manuscript in time to reach Director of Central Office their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and September. MRS. EDWARD D. TAGGART All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Mrs. Taggart (Margaret Hazlett Taggart) at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 129 East Market Building, Room 605, 129 East Market Indianapolis, Ind. Building, Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Frat<rnity Magazines Associated, Indianapolis, Ind. 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, Ill., or 52 . Vanderbilt avenue, New York City. Campanile at the University of California Sigma Kappa Triangle VoL 33 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.1 Clarion Call to Convention By ALICE HERSEY WICK, Grand President IGMA KAPPA celebrates its sixty-fifth an active and constructive part in the panel year, and its fiftieth convention this discussions of our sorority problems ; study S July. That combination plus the travel carefully in advance the Items of Business; attraction of the San Francisco Exposition, know your chapter's opinions and be ready plus the typical Californian modesty in prom­ to present them accurately and concisely. ising us a Super-Colossal affair, should make Choose your convention delegate wisely. this convention a most outstanding one. It would do no harm to consider those elec­ To a Confirmed Conventionite, the plans tions in a business sense, inasmuch as· you for. such a gathering are practically intoxi­ need to be assured that the girl whose ex­ cating. When the TRIANGLE starts listing penses are paid to convention will earn her scenic routes, railroad fares, local plans for way, will bring enough clear thinking, con­ hospitality and house parties, a C.C. gets so structive suggestions, and keen interest to excited she is in a delicious state of inner the proceedings, and above all take back to turmoil until she actually gets on that special her chapter the true international viewpoint train. We not only offer, but promise, an of Sigma Kappa and of the Panhellenic world unusual number of worth-while things for in general, to deserve having the Grand this convention, plus a large supply of fun. Treasury pay her way. In order to get some of the necessary Convention is a challenge to every Sigma lengthy business discussions attended to care­ Kappa. To the alumnre, to renew acquaint­ fully, the Grand Council will meet at ances, to increase active interest in every Lambda's house in Berkeley, June 30; the phase of our progress and projects; to the Regional Presidents and District Counselors college members-to understand thoroughly will join us on July 1; and any chapter what Sigma Kappa International means and wishing our special consideration for any stands for, to know that the names of the of its affairs is to send its delegate July 2. officers mean human beings and not ogres Convention itself will open on July 3. to be dreaded, to experience for the first Despite the fact that we promise a lot of time the unforgettable thrill of seeing hun­ fun and friendly get-togethers during con­ dreds of gold Triangles all at once and to vention, we must come down to earth long know that we are nation-wide in our strength, enough to consider business for, after all, our pride of achievement, and our ambi­ that's the real reason for having an inter­ tions for continued constructive progress in national convention. Come prepared to take the Greek world. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 What the Well Dressed Sigma Kappa Will Wear By HELEN WILSEY SHELTON, Lambda AN FRANCISCO, for all that it is in linen suits. These things are, of course, worn California and has a wonderful cli­ in the environs of the city, down in the Smate and sun umpty steen days out of warmth of the Peninsula south of San Fran­ 365 (see all Chamber of Commerce book­ cisco, over in Berkeley where you will at­ lets) is NOT HOT in July. In fact, July is tend the house party, and of course at all the apt to be a very foggy month (you don't summer resorts and even in the larger towns know how it is hurting us, to have to admit in the southern part of the state where sum­ all this) ; in fact if the temperature ever so mer is really warm. If you are spending much as reaches eighty while you are in San some time in the state visiting resorts and Francisco, I myself will eat the thermome­ the south, by all means bring light things, ter. Of course something might happen, I but if your stay will be confined to San might be wrong ; we are always having the Francisco a0:d the convention they will only most UNUSUAL weather you know. Well be a needless burden, perhaps usurping space anyway now I have betrayed San Francisco which could be filled with something more and promised to eat ground glass, all for useful. the one purpose of trying to tell all of you Now for the actual clothes needed: there to be sure and bring warm enough clothes will be a suit or equivalent (you knitters to convention. If I catch any of you standing would be very comfortable in some of your up in front of the Fairmont hotel in chiffon own handiwork) , a coat, a silk dress or two, and no coat and freezing in the wind, I shall and an evening dress, two if you choose, for immediately hurl myself off the bridge (yes, there will be three fo~mal dinners during either one) , for I will know at last that I am convention. We definitely urge you to have a failure. However, if, on the other hand, I one white evening dress for the pearl ban­ meet the train and see you all with nice top­ quet. White is compulsory for the initiation coats over your arms, I shall beam and beam which immediately precedes the banquet, so and my destiny will have been fulfilled. a white formal which could be worn for both But seriously: do by all means bring events would cut down your luggage and warm enough clothing; bring things which also add to the beauty of the all white ban­ come in layers so that you can put on or take quet. If it is impossible, a pastel evening off parts of them. Three piece suits seem the dress will be acceptable, and a white sports perfect outfit, to us, for you can wear the dress for the initiation itself. Don't forget long coat with everything else, and much your bathing suit, if you are planning to use of the time the suit alone will be warm the plunge at the hotel ; it is a delightful enough. And such an outfit is so comfort­ place to swim, and open at all times to you. able and may be varied endlessly with And bring cameras so you can record your blouses and sweaters, which incidentally take doings. little room in your luggage. Women in San The other necessities-your "intimate ap­ Francisco you will find wear suits and suits parel," as I believe the smart shops call it­ and more suits. They also wear print dresses we leave to your own discretion, for you under dark wool coats.
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