The Florida Legislature General Appropriations Act Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida Adjusted for Vetoes and Supplementals FISCAL ANALYSIS IN BRIEF For Fiscal Year 2006-07 The Fiscal Analysis in Brief is an annual report prepared by the Florida Legislature to summarize fiscal and budgetary information affecting the 2006-2007 fiscal year. The document contains graphical depictions and detailed listings of appropriations, fund sources, nonrecurring issues, vetoed items, financial outlooks, and legislation affecting revenues. It also includes the Truth in Bonding Statement used to support the General Appropriations Act. Various sources were used to prepare this document. Among the most important were data from the Legislative Appropriations System / Planning and Budgeting Subsystem (LAS/PBS), multiple consensus estimating conferences, the General Appropriations Act and other fiscal-related legislation, the Governor's Veto Message and explanatory information used during the appropriations process. Published August 2006 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 2006-25 Laws of Florida (HB 5001) and all Supplemental Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Overview and Summaries Chart 1 - Appropriations by Fund Source. 1 Chart 2 - Appropriations by Program Area (Sections of the Appropriations Bill) . 2 Chart 3 - Appropriations by Expenditure Type . 3 Chart 4 and Chart 5 - Appropriations History: Combined Total, Percent and Appropriation Levels . 4 Chart 6 - Total Appropriations Funding Source Mix by Program Area . 5 Chart 7 - General Revenue Appropriations by Program Area. 6 Chart 8 - Summary of Appropriations . 7 FY 2006-2007 Appropriations by Detail Fund . 8 Non-recurring Appropriations for FY 2006-2007 . 12 Adjusted for Vetoes and Supplementals Vetoed Appropriations FY 2006-2007 . 31 Revenue Sources and Financial Outlooks Chart 9 - Projected Recurring General Revenue Sources, FY 2006-2007. 40 General Revenue Fund Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Retrospect, FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. 41 General Revenue Fund Financial Outlook Statement FY 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. 42 Florida Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund - Retrospect - FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. 44 Florida Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund Financial Outlook Statement FY 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 . 45 Educational Enhancement (Lottery) Trust Fund Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Retrospect - FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 . 46 Educational Enhancement (Lottery) Trust Fund Financial Outlook Statement FY 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 . 47 Principal State School Trust Fund Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Retrospect - FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 . 48 Principal State School Trust Fund Financial Outlook Statement FY 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 . 49 Other Related Information Impact of Legislation Affecting Revenues For The 2006 Legislative Session. 50 Measures Affecting Revenue and Tax Administration - 2006 Regular Session . 51 Truth in Bonding Statement FY 2006-2007 . 53 ii Chart 1 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals Total - $73,636.9 (Dollars in Millions) Funding Source Dollars Percent General Revenue 29,135.2 39.6% Tobacco Trust Fund 435.1 0.6% Other Trust Funds (Federal) 20,199.5 27.4% Other Trust Funds (State) 22,428.0 30.5% Lottery Trust Fund 1,439.1 2.0% Total 73,636.9 100% Funding Sources Lottery Trust Fund Other Trust Funds 2.0% Other Trust Funds (State) (Federal) 30.5% 27.4% General Revenue 39.6% Tobacco Trust Fund 0.6% Fiscal Analysis in Brief 1 FY 2006-2007 Chart 2 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals Total - $73,636.9 (Dollars in Millions) Program Area Dollars Percent (Section of General Appropriations Act) Education 23,089.0 31.4% Health/Human Services 23,596.1 32.0% Judicial/Courts 457.7 0.6% Public Safety/Corrections 4,159.9 5.6% Natural Resources/Transportation/ Economic Development 15,284.4 20.8% General Government 7,049.8 9.6% Total All Funds 73,636.9 100.0% Total Funding by Program Area Education 31.4% Health/Human Services 32.0% Judicial/Courts 0.6% General Government 9.6% Natural Resources/ Transportation/ Economic Public Safety/Corrections Development 5.6% 20.8% Fiscal Analysis in Brief 2 FY 2006-2007 Chart 3 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals Total - $73,636.9 (Dollars in Millions) Expenditure Type Dollars Percent General Operations 22,636.3 30.7% Medicaid/TANF 16,108.0 21.9% Aid to Local Governments 21,444.8 29.1% General Fixed Capital Outlay (FCO) 2,942.6 4.0% DOT Work Program 8,109.7 11.0% Debt Service 1,707.2 2.3% Financial Assistance/Claims 688.3 0.9% Total 73,636.9 100.0% Expenditure Type - Total Funds Medicaid/TANF 21.9% Aid to Local Governments 29.1% General Operations 30.7% General Fixed Capital Outlay (FCO) 4.0% Financial Assistance/ Claims 0.9% DOT Work Program Debt Service 11.0% 2.3% Fiscal Analysis in Brief 3 FY 2006-2007 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals (Dollars in Millions) Chart 4 General Appropriations - Combined Total and % Change 80,000 25.0% Total Appropriation Percent Change 70,000 20.0% 60,000 15.0% 50,000 10.0% 40,000 5.0% 30,000 0.0% 20,000 10,000 -5.0% - -10.0% Appropriations Levels 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - General Revenue Trust Funds Fiscal Year 2001-02 Adjusted for December Special Session Fiscal Analysis in Brief 4 FY 2006-2007 Chart 6 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals Total - $73,636.9 (Dollars in Millions) General State Trust Federal Trust Program Area (Bill Section) Lottery Tobacco All Funds Revenue Funds Funds Education 14,233.0 1,439.1 4,746.9 2,670.0 23,089.0 Health/ Human Services 7,509.4 435.1 3,140.6 12,511.0 23,596.1 Judicial/ Courts 436.3 16.0 5.4 457.7 Public Safety/ Corrections 3,560.9 365.8 233.2 4,159.9 Natural Resources/ Transportation/ Economic Development 572.4 11,426.6 3,285.4 15,284.4 General Government 2,823.2 2,732.1 1,494.5 7,049.8 Total by Fund 29,135.2 1,439.1 435.1 22,428.0 20,199.5 73,636.9 Funding Source Mix by Program Area Federal Trust Funds State Trust Funds 25,000.0 Tobacco 20,000.0 Lottery 15,000.0 General Revenue 10,000.0 5,000.0 0.0 Education Health/ Human Services Judicial/ Courts Public Safety/ Corrections Natural Resources/ General Government Transportation/ Economic Development Fiscal Analysis in Brief 5 FY 2006-2007 Chart 7 Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adjusted for Vetoes & Supplementals General Revenue by Program Area: Total - $29,135.2 (Dollars in Millions) Program Area Dollars Percent (Section of General Appropriations Act) Education 14,233.0 48.9% Health/Human Services 7,509.4 25.8% Judicial/Courts 436.3 1.5% Public Safety/Corrections 3,560.9 12.2% Natural Resources/Transportation/ Economic Development 572.4 2.0% General Government 2,823.2 9.7% Total 29,135.2 100.0% General Revenue Appropriations by Program Area Education 48.9% Health/Human Services 25.8% Judicial/Courts 1.5% Public Safety/Corrections 12.2% General Government Natural Resources/ 9.7% Transportation/ Economic Development 2.0% Fiscal Analysis in Brief 6 FY 2006-2007 Chart 8 Summary of Appropriations Chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida (HB 5001) and other Legislative Actions FUNDING SOURCE LEGISLATION - Bill Number OTHER GENERAL (Laws of Florida Number) LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST ALL FUNDS REVENUE FUNDS I. Conference Report on HB 5001 General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Chapter 2006-25, L.O.F Sections 1-7 27,848.1 1,439.1 2,713.8 442.0 38,883.3 71,326.3 Sections 8 - 53 11.0 333.5 344.5 Less Vetoed Items* (198.6) (26.2) (6.9) (216.2) (447.9) Less Failed Contingencies* - (271.5) Net 2006-07 Appropriations in the General Appropriations Act 27,660.5 1,439.1 2,687.6 435.1 38,729.1 70,951.4 II. 2006-07 Special Appropriations Acts and Claims Bills Special Appropriations Acts and Claims Bills (Net of Vetoes)* 1,474.7 1,210.8 2,685.5 SUBTOTAL 29,135.2 1,439 2,687.6 435.1 39,939.9 73,636.9 III. Other 2006-07 Appropriations and Transfers Transfer to the Budget Stabilization Fund 157.3 157.3 Total Effective Appropriations 29,292.5 1,439.1 2,687.6 435.1 39,939.9 73,794.2 * Amounts listed may include double budget authority not included in the General Revenue Financial Outlook Statement on Pages 42 and 43 of this Fiscal Analysis in Brief. Fiscal Analysis in Brief 1 FY 2006-2007 FUNDING SOURCE LEGISLATION - Bill Number OTHER GENERAL (Laws of Florida Number) LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST ALL FUNDS REVENUE FUNDS Fiscal Analysis in Brief 2 FY 2006-2007 2006-07 APPROPRIATIONS BY DETAIL FUND Adjusted for Vetoes and Supplementals STATE FEDERAL TOTAL FUND TITLE FUND # DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND 2021 388,828,907 255,195,258 644,024,165 AG EMERGENCY ERAD TF 2360 10,045,948 10,045,948 AG LAW ENFORCEMENT TF 2025 23,035 23,035 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TF 2035 26,043,797 1,658,250 27,702,047 ALCOHOL/DRUGABU/MEN HLH TF 2027 124,960,514 124,960,514 ALCOHOLIC,BEV,TOBACCO TF 2022 26,339,671 26,339,671 ANTI-FRAUD TRUST FUND 2038 338,280 338,280 ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TF 2033 1,880,634 1,880,634 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TF 2245 18,500,000 18,500,000 BRAIN & SPINAL CORD INJ/TF 2390 11,876,578 11,696,891 23,573,469 BUREAU OF AIRCRAFT TF 2066 2,942,205 2,942,205 CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMNT TF 2069 2,188,879 2,188,879 CAP IMPROVEMENTS FEE TF 2071 25,000,000
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