STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BRIAN J. BOYLE, Commissioner of Public Lands ART STEARNS, Supervisor DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES RAYMOND LASMANIS, State Geologist MOUNT ST. HELENS­ ANNOTATED INDEX TO VIDEO ARCHIVES BY ROBERT LOGAN and CONNIE J. MANSON INFORMATION CIRCULAR 76 Sponsored by National Science Foundation Grant EAR-8023821 For sale by D.epartment of l\etural Resources, Olympia, Washington Price $1.50 1983 MOUNT ST. HELENS- ANNOT A TED INDEX TO VIDEO ARCHIVES BY ROBERT LOGAN and CONNIE J. MANSON INTRODUCTION The reawakening of Mount St. Helens in segments of tapes covering early minor eruptive 1980 shocked and fascinated Pacific North­ activity, major explosive eruptions, mudflows, west residents. Mount St. Helens made many of impact on humans, flood damage, ash falls, and them aware of ever-present but usually unobtru­ much more. The collection is available for sive geologic processes for the first time. The viewing on suitable viewing equipment at the event has been remarkable not only for its socio­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources office economic effects on the region, but also for its at 4224 Sixth Ave., S.E., Lacey, Washington. The important contributions to the many disciplines collection is intended for research use only, and of science; it has provided an unparalleled oppor­ utilization of the collection for entertainment or tunity for direct and intensive study of strato­ commercial ventures is prohibited. volcano behavior. Due to the proximity of To facilitate the use of these archives, we populated areas and consequent intensive interest have compiled this annotated index. Individual shown by the media, extensive video documenta­ video tape segments are listed in chronological tion of the volcano and its activity was made. order with a brief subject description. Shortly after the major eruption in 1980, the Washington State Division of Geology and Earth Funding for the project was provided by the Resources (Department of Natural Resources) National Science Foundation under Grant Num­ recognized the value of these video records and ber EAR-8023821. We especially thank John initiated efforts to preserve them. With funds Klien of Channel 2 (KATU), Craig Kuhlman of provided by the National Science Foundation, the Channel 6 (KOIN), and George Wolverton of video tape files of five television stations serving Channel 8 (KGW), in Portland, Oregon; and the Seattle and Portland areas were reviewed for Paul Steinle of Channel 5 (KING) and Pauline footage covering all events concerning Mount St. Crane of Channel 7 (KIRO), in Seattle, Washing­ Helens and its activity. Criteria for selection of ton. Without their generous assistance and tapes were based on both historic and scientific cooperation and that of their staffs, this project significance. The collection consists of unedited would not have been possible. 2 Segment Date Sta­ Tape Counter Description no. tion no. no. 1 3-80 KGW 3 3128-'3185 Mount St. Helens as seen from Timberline parking lot 2 3-20-80/ KGW 3 1956-3123 Mount St. Helens as seen from Timberline 3-27-80 parking lot; interview with Highway Dept. employee about pre-May 18 earthquakes and avalanche danger 3 3-24-80 KOIN 6 1576-2255 Mount St. Helens summit and surrounding area 4 3-24-80 KOIN 6 2255-2425 Kl RO news report on seismic activity at Mount St. Helens; interview with Steve Malone ( University of Washington) 5 3-24-80 KING 1 001-062 Interview with Steve Malone (University of Washington) about increased seismic activity at Mount St. Helens 6 3-25-80 KOIN 5 5020-end General views of Mount St. Helens 7 3-25-80 KOIN 6 150-263 Mount St. Helens summit 8 3-25-80 KIRO 1 0-542 Summit crater; fissures; ash-covered summit 9 3-25-80 KOIN 5 944-1594 Setting up seismic telemetry equipment near Mount St. Helens 10 3-25-80 KOIN 6 0-150 Setting up seismic station 11 3-26-80 KOIN 5 905-944 Reporter describes explosion and sounds of avalanche heard during early afternoon near Mount St. Helens 12 3-26-80 KGW 4 1-3877 Pre-eruption precautions: Roadblocks; roadblocks at Spirit Lake Lodge; evacua­ tions. Reporters at Timberline discuss earthquake 13 3-26-80 KING 1 63-129 Jeff Renner interviews Harry Truman at his Spirit Lake Lodge 14 3-26-80 KOIN 5 0-905 Mount St. Helens Volcanic Hazard Contin­ gency Plan meeting in Vancouver, Washington: Don Mullineaux (U.S. Geological Survey) discusses recent seismic activity, historic volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens, possible erupt ion products to be expected, etc. 3 Segment Date Sta­ Tape Counter Description no. tion no. no. 15 3-27-80 KOIN 5 1594-3161 Temporary seismic station at Timberline parking lot; interviews with geologists; driving chwn Spirit Lake Highway to road­ block and Camp Baker; U.S. Forest Service command center; news conference with U • S. Forest Service and U.S. Geological Survey personnel 16 3-27-80 KGW 1 3727-5171 Single crater; fissures; ash-covered snow; ice cap 17 3-27-80 KOIN 6 263-1576 Views of Mount St. Helens from south: Summit crater; fissures; ash-covered snow; ice cap. Comments by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 18 3-27-80/ KGW 1 1-1252 Composite of major \Olcanic events, March 7-22-80 through July, 1980 19 3-28-80 KOIN 6 2425-2687 Steam erupt ion seen through clouds ( Mount St. Helens is obscured by cloud cover). Comments by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 20 3-28-80 KOIN 5 4501-4715 Steam eruption seen through clouds ( Mount St. Helens is obscured by cloud cover) 21 3-28-80 KOIN 5 3161-3471 Summit crater seen through clouds. Comments by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 22 3-28-80 Kl RO 17 0-72 Single summit crater; ash on summit ice cap; fissures 23 3-28-80 KOIN 5 4715-5020 Seismornetry at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 24 3-28-80 KOIN 5 3471-3882 Roadblock at Cougar, Washington 25 3-28-80 KOIN 6 2687-2826 Roadblock at Spirit Lake 26 3-29-80 KOIN 6 2826-3630 Ash and steam erupt ion ( Mount St. He lens is obscured by cloud cover); steam puffs timed at 5-second intervals. Comments by Len Palmer ( Portland State University) 27 3-29-80 KING 2 2045-2232 Ash and steam plume ( set to music); twin summit craters 4 Segment Date Sta­ Tape Counter Description no. tion no. no. 28 3-30-80 KOIN 6 3966-4782 Sunrise over Mount St. Helens; small steam plume; ash blanketing f Ian ks of mountain 29 3-30-80 KOIN 7 0-865 9:00 a.m.: Ash plume dissipates to the southeast; recent mudf low/avalanche depos­ its on flanks of mountain; good views of twin craters, summit graben, and bulge. Comments by Len Palmer ( Portland State University) 30 3-30-80 KOIN 7 2955-3325 9: 10 a .m.: Summit and flanks of Mount St. Helens shortly after eruption; bulge; fissures; ash; ash blowing off slopes 31 3-30-80 KIRO 1 1494-3437 Summit crater; mudslide deposits on Mount St. Helens flanks; minor steam eruption; ice falling into summit crater; ash-covered flanks. Interview with Lee Fairchild (University of Washington) 32 3-30-80 KIRO 17 72-426 Mount St. Helens from the east side: Small steam eruption; close-up of twin summit craters; fissures; ash on summit and f Ian ks; mudf low/avalanche deposits on flanks 33 3-30-80 KATU 1 0-373 Steam and ash erupt ion, as seen from ground near Amboy , Washington ; mi Id ash­ f low. Comments by Tom Ben son ( Po rt land State University) 34 3-30-80 KIRO 2 1570-2304 View of Mount St. Helens from distance; close-ups of summit crater, steam fuma­ role in crater, ash-covered f Ian ks, bulge, notch, summit graben 35 3-30-80 KOIN 6 4782-end Ash-dusted snow of foothills east of Mount St. Helens. Comments by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 36 3-30-80 KOIN 5 3882-4501 Mount St. Helens from Skyline Road, Port land, Oregon 37 3-30-80 KOIN 7 3978-4178 Volcano observation site [Mount St. Helens not shown) 38 3-30-80 KOIN 7 3325-3978 Ground view of eruption from Yale boat launch; pictures of erupt ion plume 39 3-30-80 KOIN 7 2810-2955 6:30 p.m.: View of summit at dusk 5 Segment Date Sta­ Tape Counter Description no. tion no. no. 40 3-30-80 KOIN 7 865-1891 View of Mount St. Helens, from east, at dusk; clear view of bulge; smal I steam eruption; avalanche scars; ash on slopes; eruption becomes progressively ash-rich and vigorous; full moon and Mount Rainier in background. Narrated by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 41 3-30-80 KOIN 1 44-1344 Summit crater; ash-covered slopes; minor steam activity increasing slightly; summit fissures; dark ash eruption, 6:25 p.m., with full moon and Mount Rainier in back­ ground. Narrated by Len Palmer (Portland State University) 42 3-30-80 KOIN 6 3630-3966 Portland State University observation sta­ tion north of Carson, Washington; inspection of ash layers in snow. Comments on miner­ alogical composition of ash, by Richard Thoms ( Portland State University) 43 3-30-80 KOIN 7 4178-4808 Harry Truman news conference 44 3-31-80 KOIN 7 4808-end Ash cover on fresh snow (partially obscured by clouds) 45 3-31-80 KOIN 8 0-1246 Summit; twin craters; fissures; ash on slopes; smal I steam erupt ion from east crater.
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