An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY January 14, 2000 • Volume 126 THE • Number 24 Review Online Non-Profit Org. www. review. utlel. edu U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center • University ofDela~are • Newark, DE 19716 FREE UD professor Bush visits goes 7,800 ft. Delaware BY JOHN YOCCA "realistic and makes sense." under the sea Natinna i!Stare Nelt'S Ediror He said he believes that to make WILMINGTON - Republican sure the economy continues to grow. presidential candidate Texas Gov. it is important to cut marginal rates BY PAUL MATHEWS Geo rge W. Bus h made an foreverytaxpayerinAmerica. Administrati1·e News Ediwr appearance at a D e laware McCain ha recently called for a Associate professor Craig Cary talked with area students . Republican Party fundra iser middle-class tax cut of S237 billion, from a mile and a half below the surface of the water off the Wednesday to discuss hi campaign. half the size of Bush's. McCain also coast of Mexico Thursday in the world's first deep-sea dive Bush , speaking to a crowd of said he would set aside $231 billion of the new millennium. m ore than 200 suppo rters in the of expected budget surpluses for the The dive in the Sea of Cones, touted as "Extreme 2000: Hotel DuPont, outlined his platform Social Security program over five Voyage to the Deep," included a conference call with area and asked for s uppo rt from years. schools from the sea floor. Delawareans. F or lower incom e taxpaye rs , Tracey Bryant, marine outreach coordinator at the ''I'm interested in m aking sure Bush a id, he would lower the university, said seven Delaware high schools and this party is vibrant, whole and bottom tax rate from 15 percent to intermediate schools, along with two other schools in exciting," he said. ''I'd like to niake 10 percent in an attempt to promote California and New Jersey, participated in the conference s ure we carry De laware in equality. call. November.'' He said when a ingle woman Bryant said the call went according to plan for the most Bus h said he is asking for w ith children o n the outskirts of pan - aside from minor technical difficulties at the outset D e laware's vote and plans o n poverty earns an extra dollar to feed causing the call to begin 15 minutes late. coming back before the state's her children, the present tax code " It went well, at first I wasn' t sure if it was going to February 8 primary. makes her pay a higher marginal happen, but it all worked out," she said. ''I'm also aski ng for your help," rate than someone making ~ The call consisted of two rounds of questions, one to the he said. " I hope that you join my $200,000. :'AtJantis, the ship that carries the Alvin, and the second round team so that come February 8 I can "My p lan addresse it - of questions went straight to the Alvin. count o n. Delaw are as Bus h strongly," he said. "This is a plan Alison Sipe, one of Cary's graduate students, fielded the country." that's fair. that' s realistic and questions to the Atlantis. Currently , Bus h's most everybody gets a tax cut u nder Cary and his partner, marine studies professor George prominent opponent for the George W. Bush' s plan." Luther, were aboard the Alvin along with the pilot. Cary R e publican t ick et is Se n . J o hn McCain, s peaking in ew answered questions after he delivered an enthusiastic greeting M cCain, R-Ariz. The bi ggest issue Hampshire earlier this week, said to each school. the two candidates have butted America can afford a tax cut but "it The questions penained mainly to the goals and tasks of heads on has been their tax plans. must be a tax cut promise a leader the scientists aboard the Alvin, as well as the organisms Bush said it is health y for the can keep." found around·the hydrothermal vents surrounding the dive party's candid ates to debate on Bush a lso addre sed his foreign site. issues, and h e sti ll r espects h is trade stance. He said he believes in One student from the Jefferson School asked if data opponents. free trade and that he should reduce analysis begins aboard the Alvin. " There is a fundamental barriers and tariffs all around the "Some does take place on the Alvin because the data is difference emerging - and that is world so the world trades freely. time sensitive," Sipe said. how much mo ney will be passed "Fearful people build walls," he Other students asked about the conditions aboard the back to the taxpayers and do we said. "Confident people tear them Alvin and Atlantis. THE REVIEW/ Scott McAllister dare leave extra m on ey in down." A student from the East Amwell School asked how long Presidential hopeful George W. Bush met with Republican supporters in Washington.'' He said on a le vd playing fi..:IJ. the scientists were underwater each day and what the Wilmington Wednesday. Bush discussed tax cuts arid ·other efements of his platform. In his address, Bush said his $483 see CANDIDATE page AS temperature aboard the Alvin was. 'We are in the Alvin about eight and a half to nine hours per dive,'' Cary said. "The temperature in the Alvin is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit." ca"ry conducted a similar call last year with one of his Incomplete schedules students 1 COiifiiSJe;, classes, Bryant said. Dave Barczak, an director for the department of marine BY STEPHANIE DENIS He said final spring schedules not spur any complai n ts to t he assigning students to courses based on Administrati1•e Nelt's Editor studies, was responsible for maintaining the Web site for the s hould be maile d today a nd will be Registrar' s office, DiMa rtil ~ said . a speci fie a lgorith m . Prio r i t y for project, used to prepare the students beforehand. Incomple te Spring Semes ter available on the Web and UDPHONE However, Ann Ardis, director of the seating goes to senio r majors, then The Web site was mentioned several times on CNN schedules were post e d on Student o n M o nday, so stu dents s h o uld fi ne Honors Program, said m any people junior majors, then senior nonmaj ors, Headline News on Wednesday, he said. Information Services Plus fo r two days their confusion evaporating. have called the Hono r s Cente r with etc. :·we were receiving 10 to 20 hits a minute after each time last week, causing c o nfus io n among However, he said the spring courses questions. The Registrar' office fine-tunes the the site was mentioned," Barczak said. "There was also a iink students, offi cials said. many s tude nts ·saw t hemselves " It's created a lot of phune traffic schedules around the second week of from CNN's homepage to our site." U nive rs ity R egi s tra r J oseph registered for will not go through any and confusion," she said. January, D iMartile said, at which point The students participating in the call were provided with a D iMartile s tated in an e-mail· t hat major changes. S tudents who saw their schedules schedules are distributed to students. resource guide and a videotape from WHYY-TV, one of the sche dules were available on SIS+ " Ninety-nine percent of the classes o n line were often mi.ssing some "For example," he said , " the sponsors of the dive. before the enro llment in some courses themselves won' t c hange," DiMartile classes. They responde d in anger and Committee on Undergraduate Records "A call of this magnitude has never been done before,'' had been adj usted. said. puzzlement. and Certification met [Wedne day] and she said, "and it's never beer. done with local schools." DiMartile said he wasn ' t sure o f the I n an e -mail message, DiMartile "I only had two classes o ut of five," made decisions to dismiss students for Cary descended for an ho ur and a half in the Alvin, a exact reason why schedules were s tated that the finished spring freshman Cassie Totaro said. " I was poor scholarship. deep-sea submarine that was brought from Massachusetts posted early. schedules wi ll be a lmost exactly like pissed. I thought that was m y f ina l " The spring registratio ns of these aboard another ship for the dive, Bryant said. "It was not our intention ... that the the ones viewed on the Web. schedule." students will be cancelled and the staff " It was the same submers ible used to explore the schedules be available on the Web that "In instances where they diffe r , Sarah Charles, a fr eshman, said. of t he R egistrar's office will assign wreckage of the Titanic," she said. d ay," he said , " and I don' t fully students will find that a course they "My friend didn' t get any coll oquium students who are next in line to cour es There are several graduate students and post doctorate understand the technical reasons as to requested has been added," he said. for Honors, and she was really upset.'' that wil l open as a result of the fellows from the University of Delaware participating in the why they were there." The premature spring schedules did DiMartile said scheduling involves cancellations." Man,·41, kills City continues to deal himself on with water problem BY CARLOS WALKUP enoug h to meet the needs of the Newark area is a train tracks Nen:s Fea/Ures Editor slow p rocedure .
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