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Adkison et al. , " Semicarbazone - Based Inhibitors of Cathepsin K , Are They Prodrugs for Aldehyde Inhibitors ," Bioorganic and * cited by examiner US 9 , 920 , 002 B2 METHODS FOR PRODUCING SULFONIC these compounds in good yields and which can be carried ACID DIAMIDES out with inexpensive starting materials . This object is sur prisingly achieved by the process defined hereinafter. This application is a National Stage application of Inter - The present invention provides a process for preparing national Application No. PCT/ EP2008 / 063630 filed Oct . 10 , 5 sulfuric diamides of the general formula I designated above , 2008 , the entire contents of which is hereby incorporated comprising the following steps: herein by reference . This application also claims the benefit i) the reaction of a secondary amine of the formula II under 35 U . S . C . $ 119 of European Patent Application No. 07118416 . 2 , filed Oct . 12 , 2007 , the entire contents of which R ' R ?NH ( II) is hereby incorporated herein by reference . 10 The present invention relates to a process for preparing in which R and R are each as defined above with sulfuryl chloride in an inert solvent, especially an aromatic sol sulfuric diamides of the general formula I vent, in the presence of a tertiary amine to give a R ' R ? N — S (0 )2 — NH ( 1) sulfamoyl chloride of the formula III in which R and R2 are each independently a primary alkyl 15 radical having from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, a secondary alkyl R ' R ? N — S (0 ) 2 - C1 (III ) radical having from 3 to 8 carbon atoms or a cycloalkyl in which R1 and R2 are each as defined above , and radical having from 5 to 8 carbon atoms , or, together with ii ) reaction of the sulfamoyl chloride of the formula III the nitrogen atom , form a 5 - to 8 -membered , saturated obtained in step i ) with ammonia , nitrogen heterocycle which , as well as the nitrogen atom , 20 the sulfamoyl chloride of the formula III being used in step may have a further heteroatom selected from O and S as a ii ) in the form of the solution obtained in step i ) in the inert ring member , where the nitrogen heterocycle is unsubsti - solvent, especially the aromatic solvent . tuted or may have 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 alkyl groups having in each The process according to the invention is associated with case from 1 to 4 carbon atoms as substituents . a series of advantages. Firstly , the process according to the Sulfuric diamides of the formula I are interesting inter - 25 invention is comparatively easy to perform . In addition , it mediates for the preparation of active ingredients , for affords the desired sulfuric diamides I in good yields, both example for the preparation of the active herbicidal ingre - based on the secondary amine used and on the sulfuryl dients described in W001/ 83459 . chloride used . The release of hydrogen chloride is substan Processes for preparing sulfuric diamides of the formula tially or even completely avoided .
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