I 1 February 1953 This is the first issue of "THE EXPERIMENTER" a monthly publication to be sent out to every member of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND PILOTS ASSOCIATION and interested agencies. This association has been in the planning stages since November 1951. A number of meet- ings were held at Curtiss Wright Airport in Milwaukee over a period of a year. We found that enough interest was shown by people to form a non-profit organization to encourage the developement of any type of aircraft by individuals through experimentation n and home building. Our January 26th meeting at Curtiss Wright Airport gave us some very sound ideas and a very good representation. We were fortunate in having. MR. ANTHONY HAUGERI, C.A.A. KAI'.? "Si-: - A17C3 BISECT OR. for this: area, present rnH v.-e knov/ with the help of individuals in positions such as his will make for a stronger organiza- tion,, HH* 3LVJ33RI was called upon to reive his ideas on such an organization which were very favorable and brought us up to date en pro- cedures used by C.A.A. in issuing airworthi- ness certificatoo for experimental, uircruft. I know that his talk enlightened and encour- aged all of us. After &R. IIAUG3RI completed his talk a vote was taken of all enthusiasts present to form an organization. It was unan- imously voted in favor of ' starting an experi- mental aircraft association. A move was made and the motion was seconded to elect PAUL POBEREZNY» Milwaukee as Presi- dent; CARL SCHULTZ, Kales Corners,' Wisconsin -as Vice President and ROBERT ITOLHTSKEt Milwau- kee as Secretary & Treasurer. The name of this organization was opened to discussion with the possibility of shortening it. It was agreed: upon that a vote would be taken on a permanent name for the organization at the next meeting. The newly elected officers are to prepare a constitution and by-laws for approval by mem- bers at the next meeting and also information concerning incorporation. ' Figures of $3.00 and $5.00 membership fees r/as the topic of discussion and will be voted upon at the next meeting, February 33rd, 'at Curtiss T/right Airport, Hilv/aukee. It was sug- gested that either the first or t' <ird I'.onday of the inontV) be designated a permanent Meeting night. It will be voted on at the ner.t neet- • ing and will be published in the liarch iusue of the SXi-BRnSEiTSR.; ' (continued - i-'iige 2) . •• ORGANIZATION (continued) 0ur first meeting to.organize an association "andV - to elebt officers was held January 26, 1953'at 8:00 P.M. 'at Curtiss Wright Airport, Milwaukee. We had an attendance of 31 people and because of distance, ten v/ere not able to attend. We had individuals in attendance' frbm Illinois and various parts of Wisconsin, 17e have individuals interested in this organ- ization as far away as Arkansas, Ohio, Conn- ecticut and Illinois. We believe that it will expand to other states in the country. The meeting was adjourned at.10 P.K. which enabled all members to participate in .much • conversation concerning airplanes which last- ed until midnight. It was voted upon that membership be open to anyone interested in experimental aircraft. We will publish a condensed form monthly of the minutes of each meeting so that individu- als of this association who cannot attend meetings due to di'stcince or other reasons are in the know, • IN AND AROUND THE AIRCRAFT SHOPS We see that the boys are really going to town with their.building so we have decided to bring some of the construction'to light in each edition of the EXPERDENT.*.;., unt.?l we have covered all projects. First, going -down to SUPRLSOD AIRCRAFT SER- VICE at Hlmhurst, Illinois we find that CARL "TIETZ .and his boys have completed modifi- cation on their Super Cruiser and have made a real performing aircraft out of it - "they took' over where th,e manufacturer left off. It is experimenting such 'as that, that will ad- vance private aviation. Good \7ork Fellas. We also received word from BOB IRVING and JUT DICKSON of Dayton, Ohio and Y/est Alexandria, Ohio that they have completed a Knight Twis- ter and are planning a midget jet, "That" is something we are anxious to see. I .took, a peek through tKe window of our vice presidents garage this afternoon and found that he has the fin, rudder and stabilizer on the fuse- lage of his folding wing ship, I understand from his customers that he , spends more time running out-to look at airplanes flying by then working on cars, HOT/ about that Carl? Received a nice letter from HERB RAY23ER who is in the dusting business down in Stuttgart, Arko He sure sent along a lot of performance requirements needed by the boys in the dust- ing business and he'says there'is a great need for a good duster, airplane so there is a good project. I guess the "olad man" of av~ iation, ERV MILL3R of ^Milwaukee, who., built, that well known "Belly Plopper" is going to dismantle- it and.build '.something he doesn't have to lay down- to fly«" As most of you know the "Belly Hopper "'is powered" with two power- ful Continental'A-40 engines and is flown in a prone position, BOB HUGGINS, another old-- timer in aviation is coming along "slow" but sure with his midget racer over at Brown Deer'Airport just north'of Milwaukee. Yours truly has sold' his ' clipped- wing Taylorcraft known as "Little Poopdeok" to a flying club (continued - paeo 3) S'TOPS (fcontinue-Vj at Stur-levant, '.Yisconsin and they «,re v^ry happy with. it. They-say It feers" like fly- ing a jet. I liave; "Little Audrey" (nn.ioed after ixy wife) about ready for covering. It v/ill ca a IS foot wing span midget shlo v/ith a 85 R.P. engine and vith the help of BOB 170LI3TSK2 will be in the air in three or four mont.is. Also have a father and son team, BRUC7! ?«id' Gil. PITT buildinp: a irJdget air- plane - 15 foot. sp&Ji - in iny aH.r'age, '-"ave tc keep the cars outside now. 'Teard from T2UA)r!3 COLS of the "famous Cole Brothers Air Shows". He says it looks like a good year for the p_ir shor.-- "business s,nd he and. 'r.?.s brother, KABIOK, (she international aerobatic- champ- ion) are rebuilding their ships tc meet the strain of continuous aerobatic flying. Good luck fellaso T . Wells guess I better not ^.-trer .o -••'.o:-. * ;-.v- ritory because we'v/ill have raooe gosai^ on • other fellows in the next issueo PLAN JAIJ BREAK WITH GLIDER - What is be- lieved to have been an attempted jail break, planned on most modern lines, was thwarted at the San Quenin, Cal., prison recently, A glider in the course of construction and nearing completion was discovered on the roof of the furniture factory. The parts for the glider were obtained in the various shops and the covering for the wings and fuselage was secured by purloining a bolt of linen from the flag room. Officials say had the plane not been found, the builders could have glided easily over the Y/alls and made their escape. 0"UK:.; T}r:2 T^Y^iO CTi.\r:.XS. That's r.bf? plan iililWHUkee has under ^ay to curb further ac- cidents in iphich faulty plujies have been t?. blar.ie. Carl Herzfeidp chairman of the air service committee of the city» and Thomas Z?. Hamilton, airplane manufacturer^ have olpjis completed vhereby every aviatrr will coope.cate v/ith the city and county it: doing away v/ith unworthy planes. All oilots v/ill be expected to be licensed before carryinc; passengerso Aviators here have agreed on the plan and about & dozen ylanes will be affected by the plan. There is no. law here to bah risky-flying but it is expected that every pilot will a- bide by an agreement with the city to take no risks. If this plan does not carry how- ever, then officials will proceed to obtain county^ legislation forcing plt,nes and pilots to be licensed* THE EXPERIMENTER for Aircraft Building Vol 1, No 1 Feb 1953 A NEW ORGANIZATION “MAYBE” This is the first issue of “THE EXPERIMENTER”, a The feeling is running “high” monthly publication to be sent out to every member that with a strong organization, of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND PILOTS enough pressure could be brought ASSOCIATION and interested agencies. to bear in the right places that some sort of limited This association has been in the planning stages airworthiness certificate could since November 1951. A number of meetings were be issued time proven held at Curtiss Wright Airport in Milwaukee over a experimental aircraft to enable period of a year. We found that enough interest the owner to carry passengers. was shown by people to form a non-profit It is a goal to work for. organization to encourage the development of any type of aircraft by individuals through “LOOKING AHEAD” experimentation and home building. We have many good movies Our January 26th meeting at Curtiss Wright Airport scheduled for future meetings. A gave us some very sound ideas and a very good 16 mm sound film titled “BIG representation. We were fortunate in having Mr. RACE FOR LITTLE WINGS” is being Anthony Maugeri, CAA Maintenance Inspector for obtained from the GOODYEAR TIRE this area, present and we know with the help of AND RUBBER CO.
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