TJ __ DT T DT TT T A. 1'..T Dy 1.,U C U L,Ltft l ~ I • · ..11 ~'F .lu \'- Th e Australian Elizabethan Th eatre Trus t PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEE N PRESIDE T The Rt. H o n . Sir J o hn Latham , G .C. M.G ., Q .C. C HAIRi\lA Dr . H . C . Coo m bs EXECUT IVE DIR ECTO R Hugh Hunt HO N. SECRETARY i\l a uri cc Par ker ST A TE REPRESENTATIVES: Ne w South W ales i\l r. C. J. A. i\loses, C. B.E . Q uee n sland P ro fessor f . J. Schone ll Wes tern Au str a lia P ro fessor f . Alexander Victor ia Mr A . H . L. Gibson South A 11str a lia i\l r . L. C. ,~late rman Tas mani a Mr. G. f . Davies ive are proud lo introduce yet another Australian play . CURLY ON THE RA CK. Th is is the third to be produced al the Elizabethan Th eatre and we commend it to Enioy yo ur favourite melodies yott in the hope that it may f ollow in the line of its dis­ tinguished predecessors, THE DOLL and THE SHIFTING with a PI ANO ACCORDION! HEA RT (incide111ally, THE SHIFTI N G HEAR T is complet­ ing a tour of Victoria. Ade laide (I/Id Tasmania, a11d THE Play just for fun-or capture admiration and popul arity in rumpus room, bunkhouse, at dances or barbecues , with the stirring notes of DOL L is playing i11 the co11111rycentres of Q11eemland). the piano accordion. CURLY ON THE RACK is by author Ru P11!./an,so far1 It's so easy to learn, so easy to own! For as little as 8/ 6 a week /1erhc1ps,better kno u111as a 11'/'ilerfo r radio rather tha11 the you can play a famous Scandalli or Settimio Soprani piano accordion . theatre, but 1/Je feel that the prese11t play. with its shre1l'cl Models cost from as little as £3 3, in .,, attractive carrying case. c111alysisof certc1in aspetts of Amtralian character will be folloll'ed by others. The q11ality of "male-shi/1" a11dthe war of co11/licting loyalties which is the b(/sis of the play lend SCANDALLI or themselves to tense drama which, relieued by c1sharp humo11r, is the essence of good theatre. An 1mus11almilieu lends a11 SETTIMIO SOPRAN I intriguing quality lo the /Jlay's background, cll!d we wish yo11 Piano Accordions c1 pleasa11t evening as this 11ew 1/Jork unfolds before you. Next in our programme is the Trust's first Australian MATON GUITARS illusical- LOLA MONTE Z-an exciting and amming story -t he finest in the world - and there's a full range of the gold msh days in Ballarat and a certc1in tempestuous at Palings, from only 6/ 6 Palings lady whose 1,isit camed as great a sensation as a lucky strike. a week! 338 George Stree t, Sydney, BL2331 ; 328 Cha pel Road, Bankstown , UY 1404 ; •nd at Wollongong , Newca stle , Goulbur n, Orange , Tamwor th, li smore . H WJI <JII KENWAYNE Ken \ Vay ne began ac tin g in r.lm s shon ly aft er leaving school. He ap· peared in the Cincsound " Dan Ru dd" ,c rie s a nd in th e \ ,Viii J\'lahony r.1111, "A n ts in Yo ur P ant s". AL th e o ulhr eak of war h e joined the R .A.A.F., and on return appeared in 11u1nero us stage pr oduc tions at the l\fin ­ erva a nd Tivoli Theatres . Also fcawred a t the Palla di um in ·'T he Cai ne Mutin y Court­ l\[anial" . Hi s 1nost recent stage show was "The Big Kn ife", in which he pla yed the lead ing role. H e ha s appeared in man y Australia n films , in cluding "So ns of i\lat ­ thcw", starred with Engli sh actress Jill Adams in th e feature film "Du st in th e Sun ", and played a leading role in th e A. 13.C. TV show "Th e !IIulti -Colour ed Um ­ brel la". H e has just ret urn ed from Holly­ wood where he studied acti ng meth ods. _,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,, ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ______ NEVER WAS THERE A PRETTIER WAY TO GREET SP R ' NG served froni T .\KE .\ T l'.\T ... Sheathe your legli ·in new "mi.9/y tont" pastel nylon 8torki ny.,. •V Pl'Pr wa8 am to 6 pm therp a prrllin u.·<tylo r1reet Spring. Beautiful sheer nylon ., .,off/11finled Luncheon at the Rhine Castle Bistro is quite an eating adventure in pa.-tteltonr . ..,, lo malrh yo11,·dress, any week day . temptin g continental di shes with a glass " .MJ:-,'l'\" TO'.\E " ~\"LOKS I 1/0ltr shoeAi;rind othPr nrt: f'.s,sories1 ·n of wine are served from 11.45 a.m. in a real cellar-cum- Parisian atmosphere. Our Plat du Jour is really something and from Sprinf,,8 excilinq new colours. 3 o'clock to six we also serve open style Danish Sandwiches, In full fashioned and .seamfree .style.,. Classical Soups and Patisseries with a glass of Champagne. Espresso coffee available with every meal. I See you at the 5 ,,,r Pardon me, madam- GUANTTAYLOR English -born actor Giant L a1- lor came 10 .\ usLralia a~ a -;choo lb ov. and 0 11 leav ing ,c hoo l en1e 1cd films. th e· f11S1 of which wds "Co ne 10 th e Dog," with George \ Valla cc. followed bv th e " Dan Ru cki" e, ie, . He th c11 pla,cd the · leading role in th e Au s­ tr a lian film "'40 ,000 Horseme n ··. At th e ou t­ break of war he join ed the .\ .! .F. a nd after discharge was signed for a lead in g role i11 "£ 111eka Stockade" and later in "Cap ta in Tl11111derbol1". AL this stage he began hi s career in Lhe theaLrc, p laying a large num ­ ber or engageme nt s at th e i\fin erva, ope nin g with th e Fili Banvard production , " Lo, c F, om a tr anger" . In I 952 he appeared at th e Pa lace Th ea tre in "The Two llf rs. Ca , ­ ro lls" with th e not ed German actress, Eliza- beth Berg ner. l mmediately aftet wards he new to Fiji to make the film " Hi s J\laj esty O 'Keefe". starrin g Bun Lancaster. He also appeared in th e J. C. \ Villiam son produ ctions " Dial i\f for Murd er" . "Tea ­ ltou se or the August Moon" and "Doubl e Image" . Both Giant T aylor and hi s son . Kit , a pp eared in th e film " Long J ohn Sil1e1" 11ith Robe , t , ewton. Hi s latest film was "~mi le, Ceh a Cun". di1ectecl bv ,\ nthon, Kimmim . -__ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,____ ____,,_ ,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_.,_,,_ /) 1 • your 'bargain IS showing The lady made a mistake, you see. That "bargain" stole she ru shed to buy has turned out to be the costliest flop of her caree r. If only she 'd realized chat, without spending more, a truly good yet inexpensive fur could have been hers - together with t he personal attention, the confident advice of a real craftsman furrier . As it was, the salesgirl who served her knew less about furs than she did herself. There are such things as genuine fur sales, of course. Eve ry furrier muse make room for new stocks once a year. But a really good fur - whether timel ess mink or inexpensive marmot, wheth er ermine, kolinsky or squirr el - deserves some though tful considera t ion. And chat can be a real pleasure. So, 1f you've mink on your mind or something more modes t , do call }' our lt:mih i\ in i:nnd hand~ ll'ilh T .--IA - HVJII th1 •1 'JI ' "' !, ,mu • ofrt'r " HIIOoth , /t1H , T AA S1wa l'i\ cmmt fl 1i:ht on the man who knows furs, and sells nothing else. At Bernhard 0 Hammerman's salon you will find true fashion In fur, tr ue craftsman­ TAA Airmanship . Th e k11oll' ledge and ski ll i11 all sh Ip, true value. 1hi11gs relr11i11r: 10 1he opern1io11, 111ai111e11a11ce, /lla11age­ /ll e111and rn/c•11· of air 1rn11.1pona1io11. "RN H ·~,rJP'L / rlr .. -·v 11'11''--4..... V.lil'I 7th floor, Trust Bui/dint, 155 King Street, Sydney B W 1309 6 STEWA RT GINN A f ully illu stnt tPtl p11blica tin11 ~t t: \\ ..lll C..in11 Ucg·an ac ting wh ile , llll at sch oo l and whi l>t wo 1kin g in a Ban k h e pl aye d in m an y arn a tc,11 pr odu ctions . Uu, in g W o rld \ Var I l h e ac ted as Arm y \ ff1c 11iti c.., Offiu :1 and wa::, in !'itr u1nental in buil d in g a la, gc , tad ium a t J\li ln e Bay o ut o f ,a ha gc mat c1ial s. H e m anag ed well· THEAU STRALIAN k.110 \, n a1 ti ,t!:i, includi ng Stre ll a \ Vilso 11 and Ed win ~L\ le!), who tour ed wilh en Let Lai n­ mc nL unil s.
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