![[Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for Transmission by Post As a Newspaper] Single Copy 25 C., Annual Subscription $6](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper] Single Copy 25 c., Annual Subscription $6 Sub-part 3 WEDNESDAY, 19th APRIL, 1967 No. 47-Part 1 2.—Arrangement. 1. Title. BREWERY EMPLOYEES. 2. Arrangement. (Metropolitan.) 3. Interpretation. 4. Term. BEFORE THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN 5. Area, INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. 6. Rates of Pay. No. 2 of 1967. 7. General. Between the Breweries and Bottle-yards Employees' 8. Hours. Industrial Union of Workers of Western Aus- 9. Shift Work. tralia, Applicant, and the Swan Brewery 10. Overtime. Company Limited and others as per Schedule 11. Lunch Interval. attached, Respondents. 12. Smoko. , WHEREAS an industrial dispute existed between 13. Casual Hands. the abovenamed parties, and whereas the said dis- 14. Record. pute was referred to The Western Australian 15. Sunday work. Industrial Commission for the purpose of hearing 16. Holidays. and determination, and whereas the said reference 17. Annual Leave. of industrial dispute was allocated by the Chief 18. Bonus. Industrial Commissioner to Commissioner J. R. 19. Long Service Leave. Flanagan and whereas the parties subsequently met 20. Board of Reference. and conferred and have arrived at agreement on 21. Under Rate Workers. all matters in difference, and whereas the parties 22. Contract of Service. have this day appeared before the said Commis- 23. Sick Leave. sioner by their respective representatives and 24. Contractors. requested the said Commissioner to make the said agreement an award of the Commission: Now, 3.—Interpretation. therefore, the said Commissioner, pursuant to (1) "Casual Hand" shall mean any person who section 65 of the Industrial Arbitration Act, 1912- is not employed continually for more than forty 1966, and all other powers therein enabling him, ordinary working hours 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. hereby declares the memorandum hereunder (2) "Cylinder man" whenever used in this Award written to have the same effect as and be deemed shall mean a worker who is generally employed at an award of the Commission. a majority of the undermentioned occupations, namely filling, preparing, carbonating and racking Memorandum of Agreement. beer from a chilling cylinder, but shall not mean (Note: Wherever the word "award" occurs any worker who is casually employed in any of the herein, it shall be taken to mean and include last mentioned processes. "agreement".) (3) "Fireman" shall mean a person employed Award. in a stokehold attending a steam boiler or gas- 1.—Title. producing plant. This award shall be known as the "Brewing (4) "Leading hands" are workers who are in Industry (Metropolitan) Award 1967," and shall charge of and responsible for the work of others. replace Award No. 34 of 1963. (5) "Month" shall mean calendar month. 170 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. [19 April, 1967. 4.—Term. 8.—Hours. The term of this award shall be one year from Forty hours shall constitute an ordinary week's the date hereof. work for all workers. Such hours shall be worked on the following basis:— 5.—Area. All workers, other than shift workers, five day This award shall have effect over the area, com- week Mondays to Fridays inclusive, eight prised within a radius of 15 miles from the General hours per day to be worked within a spread Post Office, Perth. of hours from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with one 6.—Rates of Pay. hour for lunch. The minimum rates of pay payable to workers 9.—Shift Work. covered by this award shall be as follows:— (1) Workers may be employed— $ (a) on "regular shift work" that is in regular (1) Basic Wage: rotation from week to week on two or Within a radius of 15 miles from three shifts spread over 16 or 24 hours re- the G.P.O. Perth 33.50 spectively, day shift to be worked from (2) Classification and margin over male 7.30 a.m. to not later than 3.30 p.m., after- basic wage per week: noon shift from 3.30 p.m. to not later than (a) Leading hands 11.38 11.30 p.m. and night shift from 11.30 p.m. (b) Motor lorry driver and fork lift to not later than 7.30 a.m.; driver 10.68 (b) on "casual shift work" that is on one (c) Cylindermen 9.16 weekly shift only worked in any depart- (d) Cellarmen (including fifty cents ment, casual day, afternoon and night per week for working in cold rooms shifts to start and finish at the times or cellars with a temperature of respectively referred to in the preceding less than 45 deg. Fah.) 9.16 paragraph. (e) Topmen 9.16 (2) In the case of both regular and casual shift (f) Cask pitchers 8.88 work, the first shift of the week will begin on Sun- (g) Firemen 8.88 day at 11.30 p.m. and the last shift of the week (h) All other adult workers employed shall finish at 11.30 p.m. on Friday. Duty rosters in or about a brewery, bottling shall be posted on Friday in each week and shall works, malt house or bottleyard .... 8.47 show the starting and finishing times of each (3) Cold Cellars: Workers in cold rooms or cel- worker during each week. Particulars relating to lars with a temperature of less than 45 deg. Fah. starting and finishing times shall be rigidly ad- (excluding cellarmen) shall be paid fifty cents hered to. per week in addition to the minimum rate. (3) The provisions contained in the previous (4) Boiler Cleaning (which shall include scrap- subclauses of this clause may be varied by mutual ing, cleaning and painting cylinders): For all time agreement between any employer and the union. which they may be employed at this class of work, (4) All workers employed on regular afternoon workers shall be entitled to be paid at the rate of and night shift work shall be paid an allowance fifteen cents per hour in addition to the rates equal to 10 per cent, of their ordinary weekly rate prescribed herein for their ordinary classification. of pay. (5) Ammonia Coils: For all time which they may be employed chipping, cleaning, scraping or (5) All workers employed on casual night shift painting ammonia coils, workers shall be entitled shall be paid an allowance equal to 124 per cent, to be paid at the rate of fifteen cents per hour in of their ordinary weekly rate of pay. addition to the rates prescribed herein for their (6) A crib time of thirty minutes shall be allowed ordinary classification, and whilst so engaged shall to all workers on regular or casual shift. Crib time be supplied free with goggles, pullovers and respira- shall be included in the working time. tors and allowed reasonable time before the end (7) The additional allowances mentioned in sub- of each shift to cleanse themselves. clauses (4) and (5) hereof shall be taken into consideration in calculating overtime rate for any 7.—General. overtime for work done beyond eight hours per (1) Boots: The employers agree to supply boots day on Mondays to Fridays inclusive. Except as to those workers employed at bottle washing on the aforesaid, the above allowances shall not be in- tanks, at the tubs, at the filters, at the cask wash- cluded for the purpose of calculating any other ing shed and at the bottlers, to be worn during penalty rates under this award. working hours, same to be supplied free of cost by the employers. 10.—Overtime. (2) Oilers and Aprons: The employers agree to (1) The following overtime shall be paid for at provide oilskin coats and leather aprons for carters the rate of time and a half:— to be used whilst the employer's work is being done only. (a) All time up to four hours worked. (3) Overalls: The employers will provide overalls (b) Over eight hours per day on Mondays to for those workers engaged in cleaning boilers or Fridays inclusive. economisers whilst so engaged. The overalls will (c) Outside the starting and finishing time remain the property of the employers and will be mentioned in Clause 8. retained after completion of the tasks. They will (d) In the case of shift workers outside ros- then be cleaned for future re-issue and use for tered starting and finishing times. the same purposes. (e) On Saturday. (4) Pullovers: The employers will provide pull- (2) All adult workers employed in or about a overs for the use of workers permanently employed brewing bottling works, malt house, or bottleyard in cold cellars. The pullovers will remain the pro- and engaged in the process of manufacture, pre- perty of the employers who will also arrange to paration for distribution and distribution of the have them laundered from time to time. product, if called upon to work on a Saturday or 19 April, 1967.;i WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. 171 Sunday shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (b) Twice the ordinary rate of pay for all hours pay and any other workers not so employed time worked in excess of four hours. shall be guaranteed a minimum of two hours pay. (2) The days to be observed as holidays accord- (3) All overtime in excess of four hours worked ing to the provisions of this Award are Christmas during the periods referred to in subclause (1) Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Anniversary and on Easter Saturday shall be paid for at the Day (in January), Annual Picnic Day, Good rate of double time. Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, (4) Subject to any alteration by mutual arrange- Foundation Day (in June) Show Day and ment, all workers on day work engaged in or about Sovereign's Birthday.
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