On the Inside , The Weather Paril7 elollll7, ...able Accelerated Droit Seen • • . snow &lid not 110 ~141 to­ . Paqe 2 Uy. CloUd)' "ith oera­ J)arlinq on AP All-American • . alonal raiD. pOMibl,. .. Paqe , m1xecl with ,_, Frida),. Quake Victims. Get Aid . _ . at Klib toaa.y, 3Z; low, 11. .. Page 6 Hllh WedneMa7, 2'7; low• S beI ••_ Eat 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Centa Iowa City, Iowa, Thuraddy. March 6, 1952 - Vol. 86, No. 110 Acheson' Says He Cleared Mor. 'ris'I Partner Reveals State Ollicial WASHINGTON (/P) - Secretary or State Dean Acheson acknow­ ledged Wednesday that he per­ Sonally cleared O. Edmund Clubb alter II loyalty-security board Firms! Role In Red Deals found Clubb a security risk. Acheson's action permitled the veteran foreign service ofCIcial - who otherwise could have been fired - to retil'e on a $5,800- a­ P a fty Lady Broker year pension. The secretary of Bevan Divides Labor state said, however, that his deci­ sion had nothing to do with Also Figpred Clubb's retirement. Left-Wing Rift Clears Asks Pension Withdrawal Chairman Pat McCarran (D­ Nev.) of the housc judiciary com­ Arms Program Vole In Ship Sales mittee promptly demanded that LONDON (iP) - Aneurin Bevan, WASHINGTON (IP) - Houston congress reverse the secretary of left wing Socialist leader, split the W. Wa son t Ull d W dn sday state "by cutting oCt the pension." Britis'h Labor party wide open that he and Newbold MorriS, fed­ Sen. }lomer Ferguson (R-Mich.) Wednesday and paved the way for President Turns Tables on Photographer a member of McCarran's internal an overwhelming 314-219 vole of eral anti-corruption chief, were security subcommittee, demanded lawyers lor a Chine N tiona list PRESIDENT TRUMAN WENT TO WORK with a press eamera Wednesday in the ro e garden of the conCldence lor Winston Churchm's to know how many state depart­ handllng of the rearmament pro­ shipping 1lrm which hauled oll White House. His subject was Raymond L. BaIrd, retiring after "6 years as news photographer for the ment officials have been allowed Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph. Baird haa photorra.phed every president from Theodore Roosevelt to pres­ gram. and other carg to Red China to l'ctire on pensions while under The bushy-browed Welsh Rebel ent and came to Washington to round out his series with olle of Mr. Truman. investigation. shortly b tore the outbreak or the and upwards of 50 of his leftist KOICIlll war. Depariment Reversal Uillted Labor followers 'in thc house of T timony brought out that 011 Previously the department had commons abstained from voting In declined to comment on the truth protest against both Churchill's shipments were discontinued after or falsity of suggestions mil de by $13.16 billion arms program and the war began, but other Bhip­ Tax Re(ords -Refused Committee Ferguson and Sen. Joe. McCarthy Clement Altlee's leadership of the mentS continued. (R-Wis.) last week that Acheson Labor party. Some of the shiPS. It developed, WASHINGTON (JP) - The jus­ cution of certain tax cases, some the investigation. reversed his own department'" Labor Motion Beaten were War-built U.S. surplus ves­ tice department Wednesday re­ of them involving big-time racke­ Duggan said the resolution loyalty-security board and cleared Coupled with the small normal sels sold through a complicated fused La turn over u huge stack of teers and gamblers. limited the inquiry "to specific al­ the 50-year-old Clubb. Conservative party edge in the <leal involving prominent Ameri­ rceords to u house committee in­ The refusal of the records, legations and complaints based house, the Bevan move let Church­ cans and 11 woman shlppmg vestigating Atty. Gen. J. Howard McCarthy told reporters at that which may mean another big upon credible evidence, and not time tlle secretary intervened with ill and his followers beat down broker. Czech-born Mrs. Olga )lcGrath's conduct of his office, struggle between the administra­ mere suspicion and rumor:' the understanding that Clubb, decisively the Labor part, motion ! ono w or ew )(ork and Palm Jt declared tartly that the ex­ tion and congress, came in a lett£'r formerly the $12,400-a-year head of no confidence on grounds that Bench, Fin. ecutive branch of government is to Rep. Frank Chelf (D-Ky.), Duggan's action drew quick (ire from subcommittee members. Rep. of the department's office of Chi­ the government was moving too Ma4e Mone, on ale "independent and equal" to con­ chairman ot the house judiciary nese affairs, would then I'etite. slowly in rearmament. ress and that the commitlee is subcommittee conctucli61g the in­ Keating (R-N.Y.) went into a Mrs. Konow testlficd sb netted Churchill conceded in the day­ exceeding its powers. , vestigation. huddle with chairman CheU and Acheson said he cleared Clubb more than holt tl miUion dollars In The house committee had de­ Asst. Atty. Gen. Joseph C. Dug­ laler told newsmen: solely on the basis of a reCOm­ long debate that the arms program lhe sale of U.S. surplus tankers to manded records on all ta x and gan, acting for McGrath, wrote "The committee, and not Atty. mendation made by "one of our was running a year behind the a company heavily financed by other prosecutions which have Chelf that the subcommittee's Gen. McGroth, will determine most elCperienae and trusted for­ time-table. He blamed this on a wealthy Chinese. eign service officers" who re­ lag in American aid, but said he been quashed in the last six years, blanket request for data on cases what shall be investigated and the She was Identified (IS th third or arc still ponding. over a six-year period went en- extent of the committee's juris­ viewed the findings of the board. pins his hopes for peace mostly Acheson declined to name lhis of­ on the United States' "rapidly wlte of Magnus Konow, 64, mU­ There have been charges Ula! tire\y beyond the scope of a reso- I diction." ficer. He said he did not have the growing s tocksr~e " of atom bombs. lionaire Norwegian shippln, man the justice department llnder Mc­ lution adopted by the full house Chelf called a meeting to detet'- alia tnternatloUaL yachtsrnan . .Her Grath has been lax in the prose- time to review the evidence in the Will Mobillu Uorne Front judiciary committee authorizing mine the next step. case himself. He also said that British air lawyer said sh came to this coun­ ---------------------------------r~---------------- power was drugging and an- Courthouse Burns try about 1939-40 and has been In * * * One Way to Beat the Draft nounced he was mobilizing home- TilE RE IDENTS OF BED.'ORO, Kl:', bad to stand around and the shippina business in New York 'enate CommiHee GOP Increases Action Iront volUnteers against the re- watch l.belr Trimble (lOUDly collnhou.se burn Wednesday treallSt the ,;mce 11144. LOS ANGELES (IP) - Charles Dale Rosenberger grew right ollt mote possibility of an airborne in- commWl.lty of 3to baa JlO llre department. The courthouse was bullt Bolh Mr •. Konow and Waon vasion. appeared before a jam-packed Down Changes of lhe draft. P;IrUament went on record form- !n 1814. The ,~~ TWas etilmated d 100,000. Vo,es In New Hampshire hea.rinll of n l>Cllate invesl1ialing Rosenberger, 21, was a 6 foot 5, 275-poundcr when he 'a",,~,,·~[] J ally in IaVOI' of the rearmament [or the draft in Oct., 1949. But called up [or his physical committee which is looklng lor Tuesday, By THE A SOCIATED .PilES program itseif by a 313 to 55 vote In Revenue Bureau the doctors found he's now 6 foot 71h, any evidence or influence peddllng Republican presidential hope­ which lollowed the vote of con­ or lax avoidance on huge profits WASHINGTON (IP) - President That's lin inch and a half above height limit. fidence. Truman's proposal to reorgamze fuls - or their backers - put on Ex-Tax Chief Finnegan tnvolving tho sale of U.S. surplus extra steam Wednesday night In The 55 votes in OppoSition came the bureau of internal revenue from the Bevan group, ~hips. wa s voted down by the scnate ex­ Warmer Weather Due New Hampshire, scene of the March 11 primary that will pro­ Attlee and his supporters ab­ penditure committee Wednesday, Hospital Opening stained on this ballot but made no Linked to RFC Loan Under a hammerlna cross-ex- 7105. After State low of -8 vide tbe nation's first test of vote­ drawing sbength, effort to block the program they ST. LOUIS (11') - An official of the Reconstruction Finance eorp- antinailon, Wasson told the senate Following the committee vote, May Attract 10,000 Somewhat warmer readings and ot'\ginated a year ago when they orallon here testified Wedn day that II previously rejected $565,000 committee that the ChJnese-1!nan­ Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) Dcmocrats showed awareness, possible snow made up the weath­ were In power. RFC loan went through after James P. Finnegan hod talked to him- ced United Tanker Corp. flnaUy said he was "confident the de­ Betwe'en 8,000 and 10,000 per­ too, that the battle of the voting er picture for Iowa City today, three times about it. stopped shlppln& 011 to the Chinese cision of the committee Illajorily sons 8re expected to attend the booths is drawing near. The witness was Charles G. Alexander, manager or the RPC's Commwllsts ofter the Economic will be reversed on the senate formal openJII&' of the Veterans after the thermometer dropped to Other political developments In Czech Deal Hinted regional orrIee In St.
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