Population Votes—Not

Population Votes—Not

SPECIAL ANTISUFgRAGESyPPLEMENT 8TAKD BI THE IToi. Ike I«i«u-t (pop _ I rtadllj suppose ajr oplakrn nko elaasor for Ike fedtefc nronjr wlwii opposed ty the aUiIor- Bnt Ik* s»re-tkas>-»la«<j-fer- i eeat. wk6 <• Mt rart ft SECTION n. FRIDAY AFTERNOONS-OCTOBER 1, 1915.. SIX PAGES. POPULATION VOTES—NOT Population of States as Represented by the Figures In the Picture New York ;. 9,113.614 _Tenn».ssa „ 2,184,789 Florida-,..,.........:...-;; 752419 MM SUFFRAGE ••. Pennsylvania 7i665,1lt Alabama 2,138,093 Main. —.. 742371 Illinois :..... 5,638391 Minntiota 2,075,708 . Oregon 872,765 Ohio ... /..'..",; .77T7r...... 4,767,121 Virginia ; •.-..;. '2,061,612 South Dakota 583*88 To«»i ...'. : 3 856,642 Mississippi 1,797,114 North Dakota... 677,058 Masiaehusatts 3.336,414 Kansas 1,690,949 Rhode(stand 542,610 DOUBLE SUFFRAGE CHI Missouri „:.„ '.3293,335 Oklahoma 1,657.155 New H.mp.hir. .:..;....:. 430372 - Michigan .............-;... 2,810,173 Louisiana .;....;..;..:..: 1,656,333- Montana 378,053 Indian. 2,700,876 Arkansas r.T 1,574,449 Utah ....,..;...: "373.351 Georgia 2.609,121 South Carolina 1315,400 Vermont 355^58 New'Jeney ...;...; 2,537,187 Maryland :".:;....... 1,295,348 New Mexico ...' 327301 California ..—-2,377349 West Virginia 1,221,119 Idaho ..................... 325394 Wisconsin 2333360 Nebraska .• 1,192214 Arixona ....;.,...., '., 204354 Kentucky ., 2,289,905 Washington' ,..,;.; 1,141,990 Delaware ..:..... 202322 , lo\»« ....... 2^24,771" "Connecticut ...... .TT^1>114,756 Wyoming ;' 145,985 tforlh Carolina . „; 2.206,237 Colorado 799,024 Nevada :.......... 81,875 ——i :....,.......,., ;.»..%.,..*••..»•...».<! NEW YORK OHIO IND. TEXAS . I CA. PENNSYLVANIA •_. NJ. CALIF MICH* WIS OKLAHOMA W.VA. FLA. R.I. MEX. NEW levied by National Association Opposed To Woman Suffrage iNEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO WOMAN MEN'S ANTI-SUFFRAGE LEAGUE OF NEW JERSEY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO WOMAN - SUFFRAGE President . ' Dr. William Perry Watson. - ,-._-* SUFFRAGE Colonel William Libbey. -....' Jersey City. BRANCH PRESIDENT?. „_._ 1 ._ OFFICERS. ._ -----—-—• ••-Secretary--'—.— Stockton B. Golt.-Kllrabeth. -'-• •-P Mifls.JVUcell.Chlttcntlon. NewL.York. ._ _ ;' Dayton, Honorary President. Dr. Theodora Krlchbaum, Montclair. Walter C. Ellis. Herbert Barry, West Orange. ' Mfsr^Thur M?Dc^ge,"lJewnro?kF Mrs, Horace Brock, Philadelphia. P«» - Mrs. Edward Yarde Breese, President Mrs. Theodore C Woodbury, Orange. - Treasurer Henry M._Darcy, Nowark. Vice-presidents, Mrs. Rowland G. Hazard, ','. \ . VIce-Presldents. Mrs. Stockton Colt, Elizabeth. John C.-Elselc. _...' Jonn_ H. penchoon, Wcstf1eld.J MhiB'Mary. 3'. Ames, Boston, Mass. Pcaccdale. R. L f Mrs. Thomas" J. Preston, Jr. Mrs. Sherman B. Joost, PlalnJlcld. Jamie's W. GopslII, Xerscy City. " '—^ Mrs. John B. Heron,-Pittsburgh. Pa. Mrs. Daniel A. MarHhom, Mrs. .Garret A. Hobart. • . - Mrs. John R. Emery,_MorrIstown;— EXECUTIVE WSIMItTEE. William K. Vczin, Elizabeth. Miss Anno Macllvalne, Trenton, N. J. ^_____ Hartford, Conn. Mrs. John R. Emery. Mrs. Robert W. Smith, Spring Lako, T. H..Powers Farr. H. W. Woods. Little Falls. j , Secretary, _— Mrs. Augustus Gardner,' . „ — Miss Anno Macllvalne. Mrs/Abram Cooper. Belmar. ; \ Edward Q. Keasbey. W. H. Baldwin, Boonton. _. Mrs. Win. B. Glover, Fatrflold, Conn. Washington, D, Cr Miss H. O. Magle. Mfss Emma L. Bridges, West field. I Sherman B. Joost Treasurer, r Mrs. Edward Yarde Breeso»^: Mrs. A. S. Hlggins. Manasquan._ John A. Matthe^ve, Newark. aro. Thomas J. CraTen. Thomas B. LAdams. ' —^~ Horace F. Nixon, Woodbury, Miss Caroline JW. Stewart, Trenton, N. J.- Mrs. William Libbey. : Mrs. Henfy M. Darcy; Newark.- E. Coleman Kissam. - - , - . Charles ;M. Lum, Chatham. Glen Ridge, New Jersey, Mrs;. H. E. Talbot. Dayton, Ohio. Miss Clara-Veiln. -. • Mrs. Robert C Maxwell, Trenton. Henry Cory, Morrlstown. ,; General Secretary, Miss JanoU. Rutherford, '—~- ! Mrs. KarJ O. Roebllng — Mrs. Frank M. SUUman, Rahway. STATE. COMMITTEE. Rynler Wortendyke. Jersey City. MIB i Minnto Bronson, New York City. Rlchmondi Vm.- I Mrs. William a Stryker. Mrs. Thomas P. Graham, Paterson. Ei-Cbanccllor WilliamJ. Magie, Dr. Jbseph~StokcB, Moorestown. Board of Directors. Mrs. Brookes Brown, Vermont. > j Mrs. Sherman B.JooaL . Mrs. E. J. Waring, Perth Amboy. ; Mrs. James M. Cod man. Boston, Mass. Mra. Albortas T. Dudley. Exeter, N. H. Mrs-XL Howard McFadden, EUzaboth. Win. Kearney, Perth^Aroboy. * [Mrs. Henry M. Darcy Richard Stockton'. Trenton. Dean Wi.P.-Magte^Prlnceton. I Mrs. Theodore C. Woodbnry _ * — Hackenback. OF NO PIUt'TICAIj^AIlVANTAGE. "country. I have preferred to consider, B Mrs. Henry_SeliKnian. Miss McKeeHTMoorcBtown. | tho propriety of womenjvptlng lolelj - | Mrs. Hamilton Fish Kean. Mrs. Allan L. McDermott, Jersey City. -WOMEN Di>.\OT WANT IT. - suburbs of larg-.e -cltlealwher . e fathers Vlfltr. of Hon. Edfntr M. CuIIen. Chief .from Its effect on government, though f Mrs. Robert C. Maxwell. Mrs. J. C Hutchlnson,, Sewaren. and mothors are raising children to bo- —Judge of Court of Appeal* of tho other aspect of the subject may be- Recording Secretary. Mrs. E. G. Williams, Frenchtown. Opinion of Chancellor William J. UBef^1:.. To. that-task tho'/father has Sew York.rk. • tho more Important. Mrs. L. S. Read. Camdcii. I Mrs. Ellsworth A. Corbctt, — • Maifle.- but little time to devote, it must de- - EDGAR M. CULLEN- . Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Charles Wt Fcrnald, Fanwood." l upon the mother. To perform My own belief Is that to grant ! Mrs. O. D. Oliphant Mrs.-Tr B. Adams, Summit.—' I am aaked to briefly state thejrea- that duty properly she must maintain i womcn_ suHrogo will not man" any HOES NEW JERSEY WAJIT General Secretary. Mrs. Thomas,J; Craven, Salem. sons which Induce me to oppose the tho family hearth na a placo where suhstanllal change in government and [ Mrar George B. Yard. Treasurer. Miss Mary Bergen. Haddonfleld., hft her children-can come"for sympathy ,">""" th»t.;tli».iirea.t maaB otjomen SOCIALISM T giving t and encouragement and love." It Is will ciorclse tnc surtrnGo in uaniiany 222 Greenwood Ale.- Mrs. CEartes wlth Mrs. John Constable Moore, Mrs. A. P. McMurtrie, Boonton. 1. I am satisfied that a vast ma- her Influence which stamps tho-char-. Ihelrjnon relatives and friends, A_ Vote For Woman's H off raff* Wfll -T^ Finance Chairman. Miss Helen A^Pierce."Newtntt. Jbrlty of tho sensible women ~oT the acter-of the child. ' | In. Omt'case tho grant-of^uffrage will —Help^Socialism. [ -Mrs. Henry M. Darcy, . Mrsi^right Stout, Bloomfield. - State do not desire -to be 'burdened To grant to such a mother tho liave_hod ho practical effect, except to franchise Involves a duty olTBoT part incrca»e the cost of elections. It I f.hQ_Ne.w_TorkjCall..tho official or- . —-• . Press Chairman. Mrs. A»nstave - Stromberg, ', • wlth_the rasponsibllUtcs-of the fran- ff&ri of tho, eastern Hngtlsh-speaking Mrs. Edward H—Cross. , — , '^\ New' Brunswick. which will not bo natlsfln! with mcro~ ahouli) lie mistaken In-the .foreTCBBt, ly casting the ballot. At flriF it Is "'?' ™en »«d women will voto alike. SocrullBts/jiiubrished • without date,. -- . •• kntert&tnnieii^ Chairman. Mrs,-Thomas J.'.Preston, Jr., , Bays among Other things: . -JBriLcbarlesJW, MacQuoJd,^ _^_ -* • x"~ Princeton^ 2. If the majority of the~~women_of possiblp -that, men Lwill -sllontlv etween- the sexes' dominant In" —-Every -man-whois-amcTpBer of • \ Organization Chairman. SinState really^Mire^ii^ffaHchiseT ~~ Tliermiliertult thoe wdmori.owdmen.off Thoi the Socialist party will voto,Myes'HHf-— .-* Campaign Manager. — Mr* H^rteH^C.-NewelVGIen Ridge. If wouldjtlll bo' necessary, before ac- klndXaip thinking of to connno<themconnnot - *l>e Government and "pasp s laws' it BT f l h blTwu'd nly rfult thnt tho lawa would (lie woman BufTfage amendttent This ": E~ Miss Clara Vedn, - '- Mrs. Page R_TTedway, Little trolls. cedfng toTbelr deslreT to be satisfied selves to tBTuuty of castlnR tho only rofu.lt thnt tho lawa would Is ono of iho things his party demands. 712 GroTe Street. Elizabeth. Mrs. Sarah W~I*eds, Atlantic City. tliat the possession of the franchise, It Is by tho Tiallot that tho j beUgnorefr * *_?_A wlso man may of— hlnii^— not an in jury-to. the home and family. For it must-hot bo forgotten j.lmt a" grant- of tlie franchise is practlcajly TJbNTE BIGHT REV. DANIEL*3YLKESTER incapable of .being withdrawn even If "I, am-opposed to the ETmntlns ot TDTTLE. Episcopapp l DlBhopp of Mia-; It works Injury. •-' —~^-. -suffrag- - e to woinen. becaus•" -e I"•-••- believ- e rt na presiding Episcopal Bishop \No one can deny that, up~~to this, that ItTVOuld be a loss to women, to t»f the United SStates, says: • date, legislatures elected by~maiTe"suT^ all women*land to every woman; and "It Is not fair" to women^to rglvo frago have been willing to accede to because I believe it would be sn-in- them the ballot. Already women aro any legislation claimed to be of bene- Jury to the-State. and to every man fit to women;- They have sometimes and' every woman in the State. It work. It is said that suffrage would yielded • to woman's demand and en- very soon, sex, BomelarKely^dcmlnato In ono\sex ^would be useless to argue tbis-ilthe eliminate many of the social evils. acted: legislation, that in .practice, may the <dutic& of^a/cltizen-inust ,be.. pcrvj Th^:remairis"to'be seen: "Manyof iho be Injurious rather than beneficial. .formed by women^'ns well as men; .,. -— — —7 "—-—- -- pj ~If It were a natural right, then women women who would vote are degraded What ore Iho reasonable probabili- Herald Supplement.). ; • women, who 'could be Influenced by that they serve'on Juries, act as con-I Christianity lies mnile to civilization should have .It though the heavens ties* of Improving conditions' by rca- stables and pirtlcemen,-bc called on to has been tho exaltation of so-calledI scan tho daily papers o'er, and learn fall. But if, there be any one thing prejudice and money, and .it-8j!ems to Bon of ,women's voting? I have not me there would be merely an addition fc.

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