We win Wentworth Park Games Despite quite foul weather the second of these games was successfully held on Sunday 27 September. I did not make it last year and so have no comparison, but I can report that it was a thorough hoot. Kids dominated the gum boots throwing. Glebe was sadly absent from the Boules. Adults were more obsessive about the mongrels cups races than the kids, but ‘Glebe’ dogs won both the mongrel cups (large and small dogs). I accepted the Gum Boots trophy for Glebe/Forest Lodge as the overall games winner for the second year. The starting line. Photo: Phil Young This trophy, along with the Big Mongrel cup, has had a further public party at Bicentennial Park and is now back in the Glebe Library for Glebe Rowing another year. - Lesley Lynch Club’s success Crews from Glebe Rowing Club were suc- cessful at the recent World Masters Games held at the Sydney Olympic Regatta Centre at Penrith. With a large overseas contingent of rowers as well as Australian competitors, 9/2009 October/November 9/2009 October/November Glebe Rowing Club's Men’s D coxless four won Gold over a previously unbeaten Rus- sian crew. The Glebe crew was Ken Major (Captain), Kim Mackney (President), David Clark (Committee) and Terry Davis. It was an exciting race with the parochial crowd Lesley Lynch earned 12 points for Glebe in cheering for the local competitors. In the the Ball Kicking contest. Photo: Phil Young Men’s E coxless pair, Terry Davis and Kim Harold Park Public Forum Mackney took the Gold Medal over a fast finishing Mosman Crew to win by 0.8 of a The City held the first of the planned two second. Terry and Kim won this event at a consultations on the rezoning of Harold Park World Masters Championship in Croatia two on Tuesday 29 September. It was a well at- years ago but faced tougher competition at tended meeting (about 200 residents and sev- the Sydney Games. Glebe members Nathan eral City of Sydney staff) and an exemplary Kraft, Brad Smith, Mark McKeown, Dan process. I have written to the Lord Mayor Sprange and the Ladies’ double scull com- and Monica Barone, CEO of the City of Syd- petitors Sue Field and Jenny McKeown also ney Council, congratulating them on the raced at the Masters, many achieving per- process. sonal bests in their various events. The Glebe Society has already met with - Robyn Mackney Council officers and presented its preliminary position. - Lesley Lynch What’s coming soon? Rowers on Blackwattle Bay. Sunday 1 November, 11am - 2pm, Good Photo: Gavin Roberts Neighbourhood Barbecue, Foley Park. The Glebe Society congratulates the rowers Sunday 8 November, 3pm, Concert, Great and takes the opportunity to put in another Hall, University of Sydney. plea for help. If you're not a rower but would Sunday, 15 November, 10am-5pm, Glebe like to support the Club, especially in their Street Fair. efforts to raise funds for a new pontoon, keep Friday 11 December – Glebe Society an eye out for news of fundraising activities Christmas Party Dinner, Wentworth Park. and become an Associate Member for $75 pa. If you are interested in assisting the Club, call See page 11 for details of these events. Glebe Society Bulletin Kim Mackney on 0408 460 355. ISSN 1836-599X A publication of THE GLEBE SOCIETY INC PO Box 100 GLEBE 2037 www.glebesociety.org.au Bays Precinct Consulta- ernment process if they proceeded to Artist Reg Mombassa, honky-tonk tion and Planning Process close us down before we could com- piano player Bridie King, and author plete our task. This was not neces- Peter Corris of the Cliff Hardy series After a poorly managed start by sary as the intervention of Verity are among the 150 Glebe locals that SHFA (Sydney Harbour Foreshore Firth and the support of the office of will be featured in the exhibition. Authority), this process is beginning the Minister for Planning resulted in a Go to glebe.com.au/glebe150locals to work- albeit after four wasted unanimous resolution last night to and click on ‘The Portraits’ to see all meetings. Community representa- continue our work until the end of the photos. Look out for number 25, tives have gained some control over February. It is our expectation that the photo of ten Glebe Society mem- the work process and the time frame. this will be formally approved. bers, and see the original in the win- The last two meetings have had use- The CRG has acknowledged that the dow of Roxanne, on the corner of ful presentations from the Commu- Government will act soon on a deci- Glebe Point Road and Francis Street. nity Reference Group members on sion for the Cruise Passenger Termi- - Edwina Doe various aspects of the Precinct. John nal permanent location. We have Brooks and I offered to convene a therefore (reluctantly) agreed to give small work group between meetings priority to advice on this very con- to progress the all important strategic tentious issue. Leichhardt Council Final report to the planning principles for the whole of (who along with City of Sydney is on 2009 AGM the Bays Precinct. This has worked the CRG) has agreed to convene a well and we now have a draft which it work group to develop draft advice is planned to finalise in the near fu- on this as a priority. We will attempt Infrastructure Defect ture. This gives us an important to determine advice on this to send to building block towards the overall Government before Christmas. Reporting strategic planning framework for the - Lesley Lynch Much work has been done to achieve Precinct. safe footpaths to encourage pedestri- ans use, and implicit in that is well lit, The Community Reference Group smooth surfaced paths, with appropri- (CRG) last night agreed to set up a 150 Locals ate corner kerb ramp access for number of these small work groups to On Thursday evening 22 October, a wheelchairs, prams, strollers, and develop principles and preferred uses cross-section of Glebe residents gath- general walkers. However, much for individual sites within the Pre- ered for the official opening of 150 work still needs to be done. The City cinct. This will provide us with the Locals by our State Member of Parlia- of Sydney Council has a program for next parts of the overall framework ment, Verity Firth. The venue was the progressive repair and mainte- jigsaw- and it is where the most in- photographer North Sullivan’s huge nance of areas which are its responsi- tense debate is likely to occur. John studio space at 5 Franklyn Street, near bility, including the lawns and gar- Brooks and I will convene the work the Broadway Shopping Centre. dens around the foreshore walk. I group on the Blackwattle/Rozelle Bay noted that the section of the footpath 150 Locals runs from 24 October to site. We will be working closely with in Wigram Road near the intersection 28 November and is one of the largest relevant community groups in this with Glebe Point Road, which has photographic exhibitions of its kind in process and we will be checking the been significantly uplifted by nearby Sydney. 150 life-size photographic existing Master Plan against the CRG tree roots, has been painted with yel- portraits showcasing Glebe's vibrant principles as they are finalised. low fluorescent paint to alert pedestri- community are being displayed ans to it. That problem exists else- The CRG community members were throughout Glebe to coincide with the where, as well as generally uneven willing to take on this heavy work suburb's 150th birthday and celebrate surfaces, and they are duly reported load to generate strong and credible its cultural diversity. The photo- to Council. advice, but the continuing problem graphs, taken by North Sullivan and The 2008 Infrastructure Defect Re- was the unrealistic timeframe being Tom Psomotragos, are being exhibited porting Annual Report mentioned the imposed. The original time frame across nearly 60 locations, including pit cover at the corner of Wigram allowed only six meetings. From the outdoor public spaces, apartment fa- Road and Bell Street, and the sur- beginning we argued that was unreal- cades, shop windows and cafes, to rounding footpath surface, which is a istic for the task. When the first four literally transform Glebe into an art hazard to pedestrians. One local resi- meetings were wasted, the notion of outdoor gallery for one month. This is dent suffered a slip and fall with re- shutting up shop after one more meet- the first exhibition held at the Grand sultant long term injury on that pit ing was totally unacceptable. We had Tour Gallery, a new outdoor exhibi- cover and reported it to Telstra, understood the Minister for Planning tion space that transforms Glebe into whose responsibility it is, in January to have indicated that she was open to an outdoor gallery. The Grand Tour 2008. To date (25 August 2009) no an extended time frame, but that was Gallery is a new annual initiative of obvious action has been taken to rec- not reflected by SHFA in their man- the Glebe Chamber of Commerce to tify this. agement of the CRG timetable. provide a public space for Australian - Margaret Sheppard photographers to showcase their pho- We had a contingency proposal to tographic artworks. I apologise to Margaret for omitting continue our work outside the Gov- this report last month. - Editor 2 Glebe Society Bulletin Foley Park and Wireless House relaunch Letter to the Editor Dear Editor The reopening of Foley Park last month was a welcome event and an enjoyable one.
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