NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENT NEW NUCLEAR - DARLINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NK054-REP-07730-00027 Rev 000 Prepared By: Nuclear Waste Management Division Ontario Power Generation Inc. August 2009 New Nuclear – Darlington Environmental Assessment Nuclear Waste Management Ontario Power Generation Inc. Technical Support Document EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Technical Support Document (TSD) relates to Nuclear Waste Management for the New Nuclear – Darlington Project (NND) and has been prepared to support the NND Environmental Assessment. It describes available technologies and assesses the radiological effects on members of the public and Nuclear Energy Workers (NEWs) on the Darlington Nuclear (DN) site from operating the on-site radioactive waste storage systems. It has been prepared by the Nuclear Waste Management Division (NWMD) of Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG), which carries technical responsibility for the Nuclear Waste Management System for NND. This TSD is one of a series of related documents describing different aspects of the overall effects assessment, one for each environmental component. More details on the basis for the EA are given in Appendix C. The radioactive low and intermediate level waste (L&ILW) produced during the operation, maintenance, refurbishment, and decommissioning of the reactors will be managed in a similar manner regardless of the reactor design selected. L&ILW will be managed either on the DN site in a L&ILW management facility or transported off-site to be managed at an appropriately licensed facility. On-site used nuclear fuel storage facilities (both wet and dry) will be part of each of the reactor designs considered. The on-site dry storage of used fuel proposed for all three reactor designs is expansion of the current at the Darlington Waste Management Facility (DWMF). It is assumed that the used fuel will be stored on-site until the federally mandated Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) takes responsibility for the long-term management of the used fuel. It is assumed that the NWMO long-term management facility will be available within the operating lifespan of NND. ES-1 Waste Management Concepts The range of options presented for management of the radioactive wastes that will be generated by the proposed NND is intended to provide bounding conditions for the EA. No decision has yet been taken on which waste management system will be used. The EA will consider two options for storage of low and intermediate level waste (L&ILW): on-site, using compaction, packaging, and a modular storage building; and off-site, transporting un-processed L&ILW to an appropriately licensed facility. Storage is assumed to be in “standard” L&ILW Storage Buildings (SBs). The Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) MACSTOR (Modular Air Cooled STORage) system is the standard used fuel dry storage (UFDS) system offered by AECL for the proposed reactor ACR-1000, consisting of concrete storage cells that provide shielding and convective air cooling. Another option for the ACR-1000 is OPG’s Dry Storage Container (DSC) system - a proven system that has been used for CANada DeuteriumUranium (CANDU) used fuel since 1995. ES-1 New Nuclear – Darlington Environmental Assessment Nuclear Waste Management Ontario Power Generation Inc. Technical Support Document Three basic technologies are widely used around the world for dry storage of used Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuels: solid metal casks suitable for transport or storage; concrete canisters consisting of an outer vertical concrete shield with an inner steel liner; and concrete modules, consisting of an outer horizontal concrete shield vault with an inner steel liner. Long-term management and eventual disposal of used fuel in Canada is the responsibility of the NWMO. Refurbishment wastes are conservatively assumed to be stored on-site until the stations are decommissioned, at which point they will be transported off-site to a suitably licensed repository. Steam generators may eventually need to be segmented for off-site shipment. The majority of the decommissioning wastes will be generated at the time the station is dismantled. It is assumed that on-site storage of these wastes will not be required and that they will be sent directly to a suitable repository. Long term site planning for NND will need to consider space for three L&ILW SBs (4,500 m2), three UFDS buildings (16,000 m2), one UFDS processing building (2,000 m2), one steam generator storage building (4,550 m2), and one refurbishment waste storage building (3,150 m2). The total area should include a minimum 5 m buffer between the storage buildings and the waste management facility fence, plus an additional buffer for security around the UFDS buildings. While there is no reason to believe that a Safety Assessment could not demonstrate that a location north of the CN rail line is feasible, the safety assessment used in this TSD assume that any waste processing or storage building are built south of the CN rail line and no closer than 150 m to the site perimeter fence. However, for EA planning purposes, this TSD has accepted this analysis to demonstrate that the UFDS can be located anywhere on the site. Should the Vendor require the UFDS buildings to be located north of the CN rail line, or any waste processing or storage building to be located closer than 150 m to the site perimeter fence, OPG has committed to updating safety assessment for this location as part of the licensing process. An EA for the existing DWMF was completed [OPG, 2003] and approved in 2004 for the construction and operation of the processing building for used fuel. The DWMF has been in-service since January 2008. ES-2 Waste Forecasts Operational Wastes will include both L&ILW and used nuclear fuel. L&ILW is assumed to be largely similar to wastes from OPG's current reactor fleet, both in its physical characteristics and in its radiological activity levels. The volumes and types of L&ILW for each reactor are summarized, both annually and the expected lifetime arisings for a nominal 60 years operation: for both the ACR-1000 and AP1000 ES-2 New Nuclear – Darlington Environmental Assessment Nuclear Waste Management Ontario Power Generation Inc. Technical Support Document designs, the expected lifetime arisings are just below 10,000 m3; for the Areva US EPR (EPR) design, approximately 13,500 m3 lifetime arisings are expected. An important “new” waste stream for the AP1000 and Evolutionary Pressurized Reactor (EPR) is related to the boric acid system used for reactivity control in light water reactors. All three reactor technologies under consideration for use at NND use enriched fuel, although the degree of enrichment varies by reactor type. The dimensions and configuration of ACR-1000 fuel is quite similar to conventional CANDU fuel. The fuel used by the AP1000 and EPR are of an entirely different design. The ACR-1000 is operated with on-power refuelling: fuel bundles are discharged in a regular stream to the fuel bay and stored in baskets designed to be compatible with the AECL MACSTOR dry storage system. PWRs are operated in batch cycles of 18 months to 2 years, after which the reactor is shut down and a portion of the core removed and replaced with new fuel. The expected used fuel arisings (in tonnes of uranium over the lifetime) from each of the reactor designs are: ACR-1000, 5,246; AP1000, 1,400; and EPR, 2,712. For refurbishment wastes, this study assumes that mid-life refurbishment will be required. For the ACR-1000, this would consist of replacing the steam generators, fuel channels, calandria tubes, and feeders. For the AP1000 and EPR, refurbishment would consist of replacing the steam generators and reactor vessel heads. ES-3 Waste Management Considerations ES-3.1 Waste Characteristics L&ILW from the light water reactors are expected to have much less tritium and C-14 than the current CANDU reactors. Tritium and C-14 from the ACR-1000 are expected to be comparable to current operations if no tritium removal facility is in operation. An important “new” waste stream to Canadian power reactors is related to the boric acid system used for reactivity control in light water reactors and criticality control in the used fuel bays. The fuel from the new-build reactors will have higher enrichment than current CANDU fuels. This introduces elements of criticality control requirements for storage as well as potential heat load issues for dry storage and eventual disposal. The light water reactor fuel assemblies are much larger and heavier than the traditional CANDU fuel bundle. The steam generators for the reactor types considered are larger and heavier than those used in OPG’s existing reactor fleet, making procedures surrounding their eventual replacement more complex. The radioactivity in a steam generator is expected to be similar for all reactor types. ES-3 New Nuclear – Darlington Environmental Assessment Nuclear Waste Management Ontario Power Generation Inc. Technical Support Document ES-3.2 Processing There are two processing scenarios being considered for LLW in the NND environmental assessment: on-site processing, consisting of compaction and storage; and transport to an off-site facility. On-site processing using compaction will reduce the volume for eventual off-site transportation but is the not the most effective technique to minimize overall storage requirements. Off-site processing can further reduce disposal volumes by the use of more advanced processing technologies at the expense of increased initial transportation. Processing of used fuel refers to preparation for dry storage, which is well-developed both within OPG and internationally. Some modifications to available designs will be required for all reactor types due to the new fuel dimensions and for the ACR-1000 higher burnup and heat load. Refurbishment waste may require decontamination and/or size reduction.
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