,i THE VEGETATIONOF IRISH LAKES 1984 BY HESTERHEUFF l APPENDIX --, U CONTENTS 7 Table 1 List of lakes iJ Table 2 Methods of water analysis Table 3 Vegetation classification of aquatic macrophytes Table 4 Benthic algae in same order as aquatic macrophytes Table 5 Vegetation classification of benthic algae J Table 6 Vegetation classification of plankton Table 6A Plankton taxa occurring less than three times in Table 6 Table 7 Classification of the lakes Figure 1 Location of the lakes Figure 2 Reaction figures and nitrogen figures for the releves J Figure 3 Reaction and nitrogen figures for the vegetation subunits Figure 4 Reaction and nitrogen figures for the lakes Descriptions of the individual lakes, including location maps. 7 J l TABLE I List of Lakes, including the ecologicaldivision in which it occurs PAGE NO. 1. Akibbon, Co. Donegal, div. 2 2. Ballyallia, Co. Clare, div. 4 Ballyroe, Co. Wexford, div. 5 4. Ballyteige, Co. Clare, div. 4 5. Beaghcauneen, Co. Galway, div. 1 6. Belle,'Co. Waterford, div. 5 7. Bunduft, Co. Sligo, div. 6 Bunny, Co. Clare, div. 4 9. Caragh, Co. Kerry, div. 2 `J 10. Carra, Co. Mayo, div. 4 11. Carr_ i_ckaport, Co. Leitrim, div. 4 12. Corrib (Southpart), Co. Galway, div. 3 13. Coumshingaun, Co. Waterford, div. 2 14. Cregdu{f, Co. Galway, div.6 15. Doon, Co. Galway, div. 6 16. Dr_omore hakes,-Co. Clare, div. 4 1 17. Ergooa, Co. Galway, div. 1 18. Errit, Co. Roscommon, div. 3 19. Gara, Co. Sligo/Roscommon, div. 3 20. George, Co. Sligo, div. 4 21. Glenade, Co. Leitrim, div. 4 22. Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, div. 2 23. Glin, Co. Roscommon, div. 3 24. Gowna (Southpart), Co. Longford,div. 5 25. Granston, Co. Laois, div. 3 26. Gur, Co. Limerick, div. 3 27. Inchiquin, Co. Clare, div. 4 28. Kylemore, Co. Galway, div. 2 J 29:" Muckanagh, Co. Clare, div. 4 30. Mullaghderg, Co. Donegal, div. 6 -1 31. Nabeist, Co. Wexford, div. 5 32. Nafeakle, Co. Galway, div. 1 33. Owel, Co. Westmeath, div. 3 34. Pollacappul, Co. Galway, div. 2 35. Round, Co. Cavan, div. 4 36. Screen A, Co. Wexford, div. 5 37. Screen B, Co. Wexford, div. 5 38. Slevin's, Co. Westmeath, div. 2 39. Tay, Co. Wicklow, div. 2 40. Veagh, Co. Donegal, div. 2 41. Yganavan, Co. Kerry, div. 6 J TABLE 2 -PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND THEIRMETHODS OF ANALYSIS u J IParameter Unit Method of Analysis LJ I (Conductivity umho.cm-2 Wheatstone bridge (field I instrument). LJ I Mackareth (1963) (Alkalinity I meq.1-1 (Transparency in I Secchi disk I Ca-hardness mg.l-1CaC03 E.D.T.A. titration I I mg.l-1CaC03 E.D.T.A. titration (Total hardness I I I J ICl- I mg.1-1C1- Mohr titration I N a-t- mg.1-1Na+ I Atomic Absorption I I I I Spectrophotometry J I K+ I mg.l-1K+ Atomic Absorption I I I Spectrophotometry l Ca2+ I mg.l-1Ca2+ I Atomic Absorption I I I Spectrophotometry Mg2+ I mg.1-1Mg2+ I Atomic Absorption I Spectrophotometry Digestion + Molybdenum Total P mg.P.1-1 I I I blue (unreliable) I ri u 1 J r c ian 0C<-vv,.,a, I4 E rui: `tt tia oJsec, Y. G Pz 6 R. o Q a c - o - t w.v c tb zoow Al J Cl 71V C2, 0 03 1 } 1 Z 6 Io ZIa2rL 33 1 9I$ 23 l12 2.62.6'31; la is 3 . Q - 4,- 13 13 22 39 14- 932 40 z8 34, 30 I S - 1 44 2.3 3 1 I I 2 3 2 12 , C.Qo ,,cLA tti 3 3 3 h .tiw - I J Srtiti,o-, kw.+ 3 2 2 Z ,u I 2 2. 3 33 .2 3 3 3 3 2 2 CCa,..kl.,: mµ+µ. 2. Z - S1'a,'° I 2 . _3 2- 2 3 2. 3 3 3 3 2 2.2,j== ou 2- 1, 33 3 1 2' 2 IZ 3 3 3 3 3 413 3 1 2 2 1 12 3 1 2 LI- 2 2 J 'rod,c2Qev+ a. 2 2 2- 3 3 3 3 3 3 2- 2 4-1, 2_ 1 1 1 33 33332 13 I2 24 23 32.3 33333 2.4 3 1 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 3333 1 223 33 CvcQ 4 2 2 3 3 3'. 3 z 23 2 1 3 3 z 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 1'1 2 224 3 1 1 2 2323 2. 3 1 4 31 2 333 1313 33;3:3342h3333 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (R 1 2 3 3 4 2 2 12 2 3 2.2 3 3 3 2- 3 3 3 3 :3 3.2 3 3 3.2 4 2. 3 2 2 4 2., 3 3 3. 2 3 2 13 2 4; >4 L8` 3 2-2 3 3 1 L 1 Ir,L,u / 3 2 3 33 4-Z 1 344 3 32.4,3 333232-2- 3 23 F3 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 Z 3 3 2 4 Z 1 2 I 2 I 2. Z I I I 1 2 3 . 2 3 .3 2. 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 Z 3 3 /o vo xx 2 a 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 n 2, 3 2Z, G.... 8 4 2 2 w - 3 2 2' 3 ScL ,,, 2- 1 2 3 3 2- 3 I. I 3 7a<8 I 2 1 2 2 2', 2 5 1 2 '2- I ! 2 G6 3 3 1 -,; e a I I 3 ! 3 I 2 LL.»tolb,. aG.l4. 3 Z 3 3 2 3 2. 2 2 3 2-- v wti Q.. Z 3 Z 3 3 3 3 3 2 I 2- 1 3 6Te,K > 3 3 (,-t &,.t 3 3 >SSI2- 2 3 I t.tti..a 3 3 1 J TABLE 6A - Phytoplankton taxa recorded less than three times TAXON ABUNDANCE (LAKE NUMBER) Anabaena<4N 4(35) J Amphora 1(18) Aphanocapsa>2,<2,- 2(30), 3(41) Aphanocapsa <lp 2(5) Bambusina 3(32) J Batrachospermum 1(9), 1(39) Bulbochaete 1(9), 1(39) Ceratium cornutum 1(34) J Chroococcus minutus 3(10) Chroococcus sheets striated >8<16/u 1(18) Chroococcus sheets striated >16<32,u 1(7) Chroococcus sheets not striated>4<6j 1(17), 3(32) Chrysophyta 1(11), 1(2) Coelastrum 1(23) Cosmocladium 1 (9) Crucigenia tetrapedia 1(40) Cyclotella 2(21b) 1(33) J Cymatopleura species n Cymatopleura elliptica var. hibernica 1(24) u Dactylococcopsis 1(12) Dinobryon bavaricum 3(4 ) J Epithemia 3(26) Euastrum 2(1 ) 1(17) Eucapsis alpina var. minor 3(9) Euglena 4(3) Gloeocapsa 2(5), 2(30) Gloeotrichia 1(23) r, Gomphonema 2(6) LJ Gonatozygon 1(13a) Hormidium 3(15), 3(41) Hyalotheca 3(32) Micrasterias 1(17) Microspora (8u 2(32) Microspora >24,u 1(17) Mougeotia <8p. 2(7), 2(23) Mougeotia 1(39) n u J TABLE 6A: contd. 7 Li TAXON ABUNDANCE (LAKE NUMBER) J Aphanothece 1(12) Cruciginea species 1(25) 7 Netrium 1(17) Nostoc 3(21a), 2(32) Oedogonium punctatostriatum 2(32) Oscillatoria <2,u 1(13a) Oscillatoria >12416u 2(35) Pectodictyon cubicum 2(3 ) Phormidium <2,u 3(32) Pinnularia 1(17), 2(32) Pleurotaenium 1(13b), 2(40) Rhodochorton violaceum 1(9) Schizothrix affinis 4(9) Sphaerozosma 2(30) Stephanodiscus 3(11), 3(24) Synechococcus 1(33) Synura 2(32) Tetracyclus lacustris 3(32) Tribonema 3(30), 3(41) Ulothrix zonata 1(9) Zygnema >12<16, 2(14) Zygnema >16424N 2(2), 1(5) Abundance scale J 1 = rare (seen up to 3 times) 2 = occasional 3 = common 4 = dominant species 5 = bloom _I CI CI CI F 1 1__7 C U C-7 CI CI CI CI CI C_JC->F I e t a, Aek 14, dek 01 "1 l e"IF, 1.1A u.t l hd t', o¢igctno oiye_'1o oKc- oU-.o ltiuno- , Jt+t..o+:c. rvuso-'te wuno _ t n.p 1 L,, y c OQ30 ,r hurCO+ 0 MT ry IU 5; o;01 o 036 -b o ,- 0 13 14 3o 32 21 2$ 31{ S fo139 41 l 6 15Jxx II2 - 16 31 12 2 24 L1 23 3533 20 JoilB 29 QfJ 0000000 00000000000O 000;000 i0 000 0 000 0OO000 rl\AIj s n b'YoI3 -2 1000 000 0, - - Gtlg c _. MY 000000000 -°'° bz ?riot oz ££ 5£ Fz f, hz z ZI0t£ 9r f fzm3rif 51 -41(h btIoh00 5 hF0000000 g iz00 b i z5 o£hi £i00010yr ,I)y 4 "3711 0X1'1000OO'.° Iv''ak -m."{ Sow c ?ffQ P b Iff -{ -o NN 0 ,010 you a tcf , e } X u , V 0117M0 I,.. 41-,e, 0 1 M4 77 ( V -17 Q ll C-7 C C-73C-7 CT] C^7 C-7 n CTJ C-7 [--,-j C-7C-7 E-7 1--7 F--] C---3 CT7 C-7 C J LJ n b u .v yo. 30 i DONEGAL D E R R Y AN TRIM J T Y R O N n LJ :zl FERMANAGH D O W N n ARMAGH u MONAGHAN SLIGO n .35 \\v 19 LEITRIM u rj8 11 C A V A N *2.3 LOUTH M A Y O ROSCOMMONNZV \ LONGFOR IS c7 a MEATH 28 3 / -2 .3..'38 S«32 ri rr WESTMEATFI LJ `^ r'\ IS G A UBLI 14 W A Y n 1 1Z O F F A_ L Y LJ KILDARE 39 LAOIS WICKLOW 22 25_ AR LOW 26 TIPPERARY KILKENNY / 33/)36,3 WEXFORD, LI M ERIC K n 0 LJ 0 e WATERFORD E R R Y CORK :-ocai.,, 1 za.Q(A> QgQukK.
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