Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 4-23-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 23, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1991 Volume 76, Issue 141 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Universil Y at Carbondale Tuesday, April 23, 1991 , Vol. 76, No. 141. 16 Pages Conduct proposals submitted for vote By Natalie Boehme C" ' lege of Liberal Am and Sl aft Wrher . 'lmiuec member, in an interview in February. The Facuhy Senate will place !he The draft also in reases a finishing touches Tuesday on its departmen t's inv olve ment in SlUdent Conducl Code chealing determining whether or not a policy. Sludent has chealed. said Morgan, A committee. which has direclor of Allied Heallh and reviewed the code since Sept 28, Public Services in the College of h., prepared a drafl of proposed Technical Careers. changes for the senate to vOle on. This proposal would allow Ihe Committee member Frederic departmental chairperson to review Morgan said proposals includ e: th e complaint and determi ne • Reversin g the code's require­ whether there was a code violation. ment for a wriucn confession of he said. guilt [rom the sluden~ Under thi s proposal, if charges • Ass igning a grade of incom· are filed the department chair· plele unti l al l legal processes arc person would be responsible for eompleled; noti fying th e accused stud ent • Allowing accused sludents 10 within five school days. remain in !he classroom while legal No fo""al hearing is conducted processes arc occurring. al the depanmenl level under th e No bones abo ut it In past cases, °,llritten confessions current code. Instead Ihe case goes have led LO charges of departmental straighl 10 Ih e college's dean. Lara Punter, gradUate student in anthropolOgy, tor class Monday at Faner. The bone Is pan Of coercion. prolonging the judicial Morgan said. ident~ies a mysterious bone found in a dig sne the human shOUlder blade. process and clouding the issues, said John Jackson, dean of Ihe See CH EATING, Page 5 'Star Wars' mission ready Gus Bode launch period. "We're enjoying another clean ... Discovery to deploy project for testing countdown," sa id launch director Robert Sieck. "The lC3Il1 is still on a peak from !he orbiting nudear missile defense system previous mission. The enthusWn's high ... and we're looking forward to another one." C~?'E. C~N~~'E.R"L , Fla. (UP!) - for a launch allempl al 6:05 a.m . Tuesday, NASA faced a Thursday deadline for Braced for sLOrm y weather, rockcI engineers jus I 18 days aner Auantis look off on the getting Discovery off the ground this week cleared !he decks Monday LO fue l the shulue year's first shu ttle mission. before a mandaLOry five-day delay LO lOp off Discovery for blaSloff Tu esday on an While Discovery's cou ntdown licked liquid helium coolant supplies needed by a unc lassified "S tar \\ ",s" voyage LO develop smoothly into its final hours, Ai r Forc e heal·sensitive infrared telescope mounted in ways of delecting enemy missiles in fli ghL melcorologists predicted a (j()·pcrecnt chance the shulue's cargo bay. Pending a final weather updale. engineers of hi gh winds and thundersLO rm s al launch With commander Michael Coats and co­ plann ee LO sIan pumping a half-million time thaI could delay lifLO ff. BUI forccasLers pilol Blaine Hammond atlhe controls, Gus says there Is a SO/50 chance eallons of rocket fuel into Discovery's call ed for a 50·50 chanc e of acceplable that there wi ll be seven less eXlemaJ Lank al 9:45 p.m. , seltin g the sLage wealher laler in Ihe shullle's 2 1/2·hour See SHUTT1.E, Page 5 Americans on Eanh tomorrow. Betting parlor S!mon: Leaders needs to find TIDS opponents ready MORNING to boycott, picket solutions to deficit problem l'I:EWS By Leslie Colp By John Panerson Staff Writer Street Journal publishing plant in Staff Writer Students question Highland Park and the World Color Newman Center Press in Herrin, Simon said it is up A group coordinator The fede ral deficil wil l have Simon on education, loses priest oppo!>::d LO belting says ev~n 10 the com""milY and its leaders LO with some legal problems, he everyone digging into their JX>Ckct energy plan make change.;. - Page 6 think s Fairm ount Park still books, bU I solutions can be found , -Page 3 "If you do something LO improve wili open an off·track betting said U.S. Sen. Paul Simon. your communilY, il will payoff," Blood drive parlor in carbondale. If leaders arc willing LO pUI the of Public Affairs program luncheon he said. reaches goal Darrell Dunham, co­ cifon into finding new sol utions at at the Small Business IncubaLOr. Standing up for Ihe rights of coordinator of Citizens for a all levels of government, commu· Simon named four f undarn ental o!hers also needs LO be stressed for -Page 9 Beller CommunilY, said Ute ni ly development can be enhanced goals for moving ahead in a a communilY 10 fu lly develop, he Collinsville racetrack has along wilh reducing Ih e federal COt nmunity. said. SI'OHTS every reason to locate in defi cit, said Simon, D·Makanda CreativilY among planners, hard "There is a tremendous talent Carbondale. If il does. Simon gave a brief speech aboul work, taki ng ri sks and overall Ihal we haven 'l tapped," Simon however, he said hi s g!Oup econom ic development and how community development arc pan said referring to minorities, women Salukis to play will pickel and ma y impose Ih e federal deficit wi ll affecI of a communilY expansion, he said. St. Louis an economic boycott. soc ielY al the 17th annual Masters Citing examples such as the Wall See SIMON, Page 5 "Carbondale is an ideal -Page 16 place," Dunham said "h has Ih e kind of people (Fairmount Park ) targelS­ Guards thwart Marion prison break INDEX teen·agers and young MARION (IJPI) - An in male at nutdoor exercise yard wi th eight between the two barriers 10 International adu ILS." the federal prison in Marion scaled other inmates when a LOwer guard complete the escape, all under !he -Page 7 The quesli on of legalilY a fence before being delained noticed the man had climbed over scrutiny of armed guards in prison Classified comes from the proposal Monday in !he fmol reponed escape !he fence. watchLOWers. -Page 10·12 Fai rm ount Park made last attempt at the maximum -security "The officer gave orders for him Marion officials would not Comics mon u1. prison in nine y~. 10 cease and desist im mediately identify the escapee because their -Page 13 Fairm ount Park would The prisoner su ffered cuts 10 his and simultaneously summoned investigation of the incident was guarantee Carbondale and hands from the barbed wire alop slaff vi a radio and lelephone," sti ll continuing. But they said he - WEATHER Jackson Coumy a minimum Ihe fence during Ihe all empled Apple said. " There were 50·70 had arrived al the prison last June of $75,000 a year from the I· breakoul , which look place at aboul stalf in thaI area within seconds." to serve an undisclosed sentence percem tax on lh~ amount 12:25 p. m., sa id Fred Apple, Apple said th e prisoner would for bank robbery, assault on a ~3 adminiSlIali ve assistant to Warden have had to climb over two more federal officer and assaulting ur See BETTlNG, Page 5 John Clark. fences LOpped with rnzor wire and Cloudy, 60s Apple said the inmate w.;:; in an gel through a barbed wi re maze See BREAK, Page 5 Page 16 ApnI23.1<J<J1 Sports Vail~ EJO pli_n . SilUlhem Illinois University at Carbondale Salukis still strong after losing streak By Eric Bugger a 1.85 ERA and thn:o saves. Staff Writer Junior Mike Van Gilder a1so ha., been USc:d as a SUlncr th is 5C..1S0n and responded we ll for Despite a 2·1 4 record in the Missouri Valley SIUC. He has a 3·0 record. one s.we and POSL< Confe rence , Saluki baseball coac h Sam a 4.54 ERA. Riggleman believes his sq uad can make a O rfensivelv. lhe Salukis have been strong showing at the confcrcocc tournamr nL inconsisteOl the cntlre season. Wi th the In order to do !ha t though, Riggleman said absence of se nior slugger fl.hk c KirkpatrIck the team will have to usc every remainmg and Junior shorts,op Bnan Heather. SIUC has game to improve and build upon what has had 10 rely on some young talent In one of the developed so far th is season. Rj g glcm ~ln toughcst con ferences in college ba."Cball . hopes th at improvement will start at 3 p.m. Frcshmen Jeff Cwynar and Da n EspJJII today in a sing le ninc-inning game against SL continue 10 lead the Sa luki hilli ng Louis University al Abc ~1..1I1in Field. auack. CwynJr IS hiuing .365 while Espl in IS Riggleman said he still believes his team IS at .349.
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