Index of Oregon USGS 7.5' Topographic Maps 1949 to 2009 All current and older versions of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5’ topographic maps are scanned and freely available online and for download through USGS websites TopoView and the National Map Download Client: MapView. The UO Map Library has a paper collection of past and current Oregon USGS 7.5’ topographic maps (scale 1:24,000). Except for the most recent edition these are kept in a locked area. Contact [email protected] or 541-346-3051 to access maps in the locked area. The most recent printed edition is kept in the USGS topographic map cases in the open map area, first floor Knight Library. These are available any time the Library is open. Explanatory notes: Quadrangle name USGS topographic map quadrangles are typically named after the most prominent place/feature on the quadrangle. OQ: after the name if map shows underlying aerial photography (orthophotoquad). Basemap Date P: after the basemap year for provisional sheets. Print type 2 copies: The Library has at least two copies with identical dates. 1 with woodland (green ink layer) and 1 without. Woodland: The Library has only copies with the green woodland tint layer printed. Ozalid: orthophotoquad is printed on ozalid paper. Litho: orthophotoquad is a lithographic print. Photographic: orthophotoquad is printed on photographic paper. Advance Sheet: "T" maps compiled at 1:24,000-scale at the same time the 1:62,500- scale maps were published. Notes PR: Photorevised (followed by the year of the most recent photorevision) PI: Photoinspected (followed by the year of the most recent photoinspection) R: Revised MR: Minor Revisions CRG: Shows the Columbia River Gorge, National Scenic Area's boundaries. USFS: Maps issued jointly by the USGS and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), officially referred to as "Single-Edition Quadrangle Maps" by the USGS and USFS. Imprint Year Date the map was printed. If a print edition ran low, USGS would reprint at a later date and indicate printing date. The edition year would remain the year of publication and minor or no revisions were made. Quadrangle Basemap Imprint Print type Notes Name Date Year Abbott Butte 1989 P 2 copies 1990 Abbott Butte 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Acker Rock 1989 P 2 copies 1990 Acker Rock 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Acty Mountain 1971 Woodland 1974 Acty Mountain 1971 1974 Northeast Acty Mountain 1971 1974 Northwest Adams 1966 2 copies 1967 Adel 1968 Woodland 1972 Adobe Flat 1967 1972 Adobe Flat 1967 PR 1980 1980 Adrian, Oreg.-Idaho 1967 2 copies 1971 Adrian, Oreg.-Idaho 1967 Woodland 1981 Agency Lake 1985 P 2 copies 1985 Agency Lake 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Agency Lake OQ 1975 Agness 1989 P 2 copies 1989 Agness 1998 Woodland 2001 Airlie North 1974 Woodland 1977 Airlie South 1984 P Woodland 1984 Akers Butte 1964 2 copies 1965 Akers Butte 1964 2 copies PR 1984 1985 Albany 1970 Woodland 1972 Albany 1970 Woodland PR 1975 1978 Albany 1970 Woodland PR 1975 1991 Albany OQ 1976 Lithograph 1980 Alder Creek 1972 1975 Alderdale SEE Golgotha Butte Aldrich Gulch 1972 2 copies PR 1985 1985 Aldrich Gulch 1972 Woodland 1976 Aldrich Gulch 1992 Woodland USFS 1997 Aldrich Mountain 1972 2 copies PR 1983 1984 North Aldrich Mountain 1972 Woodland 1976 North Aldrich Mountain 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 North Aldrich Mountain 1972 2 copies PR 1983 1984 South Aldrich Mountain 1972 Woodland 1976 South Aldrich Mountain 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 South Alec Butte 1980 Woodland 1980 Alfalfa 1962 2 copies 1963 Alfalfa 1962 Woodland 1967 Alger Lake 1967 2 copies 1969 Alkali Buttes 1984 P 1984 Alkali Flat 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Alkali Lake 1984 P 1984 Allegany 1971 2 copies 1973 Alsea 1985 P Woodland 1985 Alsup Mountain 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Alsup Mountain 1999 Woodland USFS 2002 Altamont 1985, P Woodland 1986 Altamont OQ 1975 Lithograph 1979 Alvord Hot Springs 1968 Woodland 1972 Alvord Hot Springs 1968 Woodland PI 1979 1981 Amity 1957 Woodland 1958 Amity 1957 Woodland PR 1970 1971 Amity 1957 Woodland R 1993 1993 Ana River 1986 P 1986 Ancient Lake Well 1981 1981 Anderson Mountain 1974 Woodland 1977 Anderson Reservoir 1979 1980 Andies Prairie 1963 2 copies 1965 Andies Prairie 1963 Woodland 1980 Andies Prairie 1963 Woodland PR, 1983 1984 Andies Prairie 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Andrews 1971 1974 Andrews 1971 PI 1979 1983 Aneroid Mountain 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Angell Butte Advance sheet 1981 Angell Butte 1981 Woodland 1982 Ankle Creek 1968 Woodland 1972 Anns Butte 1963 2 copies 1964 Anns Butte 1963 Woodland PR 1981 1982 Antelope Advance sheet 1966 Antelope 1987 P 2 copies 1988 Antelope Butte 1971 1975 Antelope Mountain 1968 Woodland 1971 Antelope Mountain 1968 Woodland 1978 Antelope Reservoir 1969 1973 Anthony Butte 1965 2 copies 1967 Anthony Butte 1965 2 copies PR 1984 1985 Anthony Lakes 1972 2 copies PR 1984 1985 Anthony Lakes 1972 Woodland 1976 Antler Point 1988 P Woodland 1988 Antone 1966 2 copies 1968 Antone 1966 2 copies PR 1985 1985 Antone 1992 Woodland USFS 1997 Applegate 1983 P Woodland 1983 Applegate Butte 1988 P Woodland 1988 Applegate Butte 1998 Woodland 2000 Arbuckle Mountain 1969 Woodland 1973 Arbuckle Mountain 1969 Woodland PR 1983 1984 Arbuckle Mountain 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Arch Cape 1985 P Woodland 1985 Arkansas Flat 1988 P Woodland 1988 Arlington 1971 1972 Arock 1972 1975 Arrastra Butte Advance sheet 1966 Arrastra Butte 1987 P 2 copies 1988 Arrowwood Point 1982 Woodland 1982 Arrowwood Point 1992 Woodland USFS 1997 Ashland 1983 P Woodland 1983 Ashland 1996 Woodland USFS 1998 Ashwood 1968 Woodland 1972 Aspen Lake 1985 P 2 copies 1985 Aspen Lake 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Astoria 1949 2 copies 1955 Astoria 1949 2 copies PR 1973 1978 Astoria 1949 Woodland 1968 Astoria 1949 Woodland PR 1984 1985 Athena 1964 2 copies 1965 Athena 1964 Woodland PI 1974 1990 Austin 1972 2 copies PR 1983 1984 Austin 1972 Woodland 1977 Austin 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Austin OQ 1976 Avery Creek 1972 1975 Axehandle Butte 1968 Woodland 1971 Bachelor Butte SEE Mount Bachelor Bacona 1979 Woodland 1980 Badger Lake 1962 2 copies 1964 Badger Lake 1962 Woodland PR 1979 1980 Badger Lake 1996 Woodland USFS 1998 Bagby Hot Spring 1985 P Woodland 1986 Bagby Hot Spring 1997 Woodland USFS 1999 Bagby Hot Spring Photographic paper OQ Baker City 1967 Woodland 1971 Baker City 1967 Woodland 1977 Baker City 1994 Woodland 1994 Baker Point 1979 2 copies 1979 Baker Point 1979 Woodland 1986 Baker SEE Baker City Baldy Mountain 1984 P 2 copies 1984 Balls Lake 1971 1974 Ballston 1956 2 copies 1957 Ballston 1956 Woodland PR 1970 1971 Ballston 1956 Woodland R 1992 1993 Bally Mountain 1967 2 copies 1969 Bally Mountain 1967 2 copies PR 1984 1985 Bally Mountain 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Balm Canyon 1969 Woodland 1973 Balm Canyon 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Balm Creek 1988 P 2 copies 1988 Reservoir Bandon 1970 Woodland 1973 Bandon 1970 Woodland 1993 Bannock Ridge 1967 2 copies 1971 Bannock Ridge 1967 Woodland 1979 Barklow Mountain 1986 P 2 copies 1986 Barklow Mountain 1996 Woodland USFS 1999 Barnes Valley 1988 P Woodland 1988 Barnhart 1966 2 copies 1967 Barnhart 1966 Woodland PR 1978 1978 Barrel Springs, Nev.- 1966 Woodland 1973 Oreg.-Calif. Bartlett Mountain 1977 1977 Barton Lake 1967 1972 Barton Lake 1967 PR 1980 1980 Basin (The) 1979 1980 Basque 1982 P 1983 Bassey Creek 1967 2 copies 1969 Bassey Creek 1996 Woodland USFS 1998 Bates 1988 P 2 copies 1988 Bates 1996 Woodland USFS 1998 Bath Canyon 1971 2 copies 1973 Battle Ax 1985 P 2 copies 1985 Battle Ax 1994 Woodland USFS 1998 Battle Ax SW Photographic paper Battle Ax OQ Photographic paper Battle Creek Ranch 1982 P 1983 Battle Mountain 1982 P 1983 Bear Butte 1968 Woodland 1972 Bear Butte 1999 Woodland USFS 2002 Bear Canyon Butte 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Bear Canyon Butte 1992 Woodland USFS 1997 Bearbones Mountain 1986 P 2 copies 1986 Bearbones Mountain 1997 Woodland USFS 1999 Bearbones Mountain Advance sheet 1979 OQ Photographic paper Beatty 1988 P 2 copies 1988 Beatty 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Beatys Butte 1971 1974 Beatys Butte 1971 PR 1980 1980 Beatys Butte 1971 1974 Northwest Beaver 1985 P 2 copies 1985 Beaver Butte 1985 P Woodland 1985 Beaver Butte 1996 Woodland USFS 1998 Beaver Charlie 1982 P Woodland 1983 Breaks, Oreg.-Idaho Beaver Creek 1984 P Woodland 1984 Beaver Mountain 1990 P Woodland 1990 Beaver Mountain 1993 Woodland USFS 1996 Beaverdam Creek 1972 2 copies PR 1984 1985 Beaverdam Creek 1972 Woodland 1976 Beaverton 1954 2 copies 1956 Beaverton 1961 2 copies 1961 Beaverton 1961 2 copies PR 1970 1972 Beaverton 1961 Woodland PR 1984 1985 Beaverton 1961 Woodland PR 1970 1975 1977 Beaverton OQ 1975 Lithograph Becker Creek 1964 Advance sheet Becker Creek 1990 P 1990 Bedford Point 1986 P 2 copies 1986 Bedford Point 1997 Woodland USFS 1999 Belknap Springs 1989 P 2 copies 1989 Belknap Springs 1997 Woodland USFS 2001 Belshaw Meadows 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Belshaw Meadows 1999 Woodland USFS 2002 Bend 1962 2 copies 1963 Bend 1962 Woodland PR 1975 1977 Bend 1962 Woodland PR 1981 1982 Bend 1962 Woodland PR 1981 1986 Bend Airport 1962 Woodland 1970 Bend Airport 1962 1963 Benham Falls 1963 2 copies 1964 Benham Falls 1963 Woodland PR 1981 1981 Benjamin Lake 1983 P 2 copies 1983 Bennet Peak 1990 P Woodland 1990 Advance sheet Bennet Peak OQ 1976 USFS Ozalid Beulah 1966 Advance sheet Beulah 1990 P Woodland 1991 Big Baldy 1964 2 copies 1966 Big Baldy 1964 Woodland PR 1980 1980 Big Butte Springs 1988 P Woodland 1988 Big Butte Springs 1997 Woodland USFS 2000 Big Canyon 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Big Canyon 1998 Woodland USFS 2000 Big Craggies 1989 P 2 copies 1989 Big Craggies 1998 Woodland USFS 2001 Big Hole 1982 Woodland 1982 Big Lookout 1988 P Woodland 1988 Mountain Big Meadows 1963 2 copies 1965 Big Meadows 1963 2 copies PR 1983 1983 Big Meadows 1963 Woodland 1975 Big Meadows 1963 Woodland PR 1978 1978 Big Meadows 1963 Woodland PR 1983 1995 Big Meadows 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Big Mowich Mountain 1990 P 2 copies 1990 Big Mowich Mountain 1992 Woodland USFS 1997 Big Mud Flat 1972 1975 Big Pasture Creek 1968 Woodland 1972 Big Pasture Creek 1968 Woodland 1983 Big Rock Flat 1969 2 copies PR 1983 1984 Big Rock Flat 1969 Woodland 1973 Big Rock Flat 1995 Woodland USFS 1998 Big Spring Butte 1990 P 1990 Nev.-Oreg.
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