A Home Town Devoted to the Paper For Interests of Putnam People Home People he Putnam New "When The One Great Scorer '-“lues To Write Against Your Name Vol. 11 He Writes Not If You Won Or Lost But How You Played The Game" THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1946 FROM THE JOHN F. OODER, FORMER SUPERINTENDENT OF EDITOR’S WINDOW MASS PRODUCTION IN ALL INDUSTRIAL LINES BY MKJS. J. S. YEAGER PUTNAM SCHOOL, DIED IN ABILENE JULY John F. Oder, a funner resident n i j n f k AI Ip II I Tl NOT OPA SOLUTION TO INFLATED PROBLEMS A school teacher was recently of Putnam and superintendent of U AI i Ih ILiIIA l L stopped in Detroit for driving th­ the Putnam high school for three rough a red light and was given a years, died in Hendricks Memorial j l l C C Ifcj (|U A il AM Back of all the talk of inflation ticket calling for her appearance hospital at Abilene Friday morning U l L u 111 IJIiJlIIilltl TEXAS & PACIFIC MRS. GLENN BURNAM and price control is the undeniable in traffic court the following Mon­ at 2 a. hi. after an illness lasting (J flO H I T i ■ T l i r P I l 1 V fact that heavily increased produc­ day. She went at once to the judge, for more than two months. HUOl I I AL I UtOllA I tion is our only salvation. told him that she had to be at her Mr. Oder had taught ISO years be RAILWAY MAKINIG HONORED WITH Everyone knows that hlnek mark­ classes then, and asked for the im­ fore retiring and had taught at et:; are created by an inadequate mediate disposal of her case. many places throughout the Abi­ W. G. (Bud) Carmichael, a prom­ supply of desired goods in norma*, ‘So” , said the judge, "you’re lene district. His last teaching was inent and well to do farmer and EXTENSIVE REPAIRS SHOWER AT CISCO legitimate outlets. This country’s a school teacher, your presence here at Wylie high school, which lie ac-, stock raiser living it) the Cook price control policies have c. fulfills a long standing ambition eepted after retirement, to help community about six miles south of The Texas & Pacific railway has A bridal shower was given in the tributed unnecessarily to that in­ for me. For years I have yearned supplement classroom manpower Cisco, died in the Graham hospital a large force of men doing repair home of Mrs. Roy Finley of Cisco adequacy. No one will produce an to have a school teacher In this during .the war years. Tuesday morning. He was taken ill work on the main line. They have Friday evening, July- 5, honoring article if he can’t sell it for enough court. "Now,” he thundered, “you He was born April 17, 18t$8, nt Sunday and entered the hospital been doing repair >vork for some Mrs. Glenn Burnam. Mrs. Brunam to pay the cost. And no mauufm- sit right down at the table there Hope, Mo. He taught school in that early Tuesday morning. time in the way of raising the low is the former Miss Juakanu Young­ anrer, farmer, or retailer can “ hold and write ‘I went through a stop state several years liefore com­ Mr. Carmichael was a bachelor E. J- MILLER places and putting on rook ballast blood. the price line" indefinitely in De­ sign' 500 times. and had many friends throughout The guests were greeted by the ing to Texas. Since 1915, he had of Brown County and generally improving track all face of increased wages and oper­ maintained a home at 1042 Orange the territory, visiting Putnam quite along. The company has enjoyed hostess and Mrs. Ennie Qualls, and ating expenses beyond his control. The Agriculture Department ha9 Street in Abilene. ; often on business trips. He was the best business in the history of were shown into the dining room He must raise his prices or quit 25- Years active private practice arranged to relieve the shortage He was married in Missouhi to ’ horn in Tennessee, January 29, 18- tue road and are still running many for refreshments. producing. in State and Federal Courts. in 25 western and southern states the former Addie M. Russell, who 81, and came to Eastland county fieight truins duily each way. Ac­ Guests registered in the bride’s in the case of many agricultural 12 Years District Judge with a of fat6 and oils for cooking pur­ survives. Also surviving are four with his parents when he was nine cording to the number of trains book, which was presided over by products, the government lias at­ record above the average, asks poses according to report of July children, Paul I. Oder of Holly­ years of age. being operated, it appears the busi­ Mrs. Ennis Qtialls. House decora­ tempted to meet the issue through promotion to the 2 by this Department. wood, Calif., Earnest F. Oder of * Funeral was h 'd at the Thomas ness is still up from pre-war days. tions which emphasized the yellow the old advice of subsidies. A child The states getting this relief and Sweetwater, .1. Russell Oder of St. Funeral home at 4 p. in. Wednesday COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS Since they contemplate putting and gold theme were used through­ cau see the economic fallacy In that ' with H. N. Bulderee, pastor of the described as receiving less than Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Iriou of Mem 11th District on those large Diesel engines it out the rooms. a subsidy means that a part of the their share are Virginia, West Vir­ phis, Tenn; a sister, Mrs. Wallace ! Baptist church at Carlsbad, o fid-.. w ill requite a much better road bed Following refreshments, guests cost of what you purchase is paid ginia, North Carolina, South Caro­ H. Douglas of Smithville, Mo., a | ating. to succeed Judge Gray, who has to carry the trains that they ex­ were seated in the liiving room for opt of your tax dollars. In the lina, Georgiu, Alabama, Mississippi, sister-in-law, Mrs. C. H. Bradley of i Survivors are three brothers: C. withdrawn. pect to run in the near future. where they enjoyed conversation. long run, the bill Is greater. Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Delano, Calif., all of whom were at I.. Carmichael, Nimrod, R. W. at (Pol. Adv.) They hud advertised they would Gifts for the bride were brought in Those who try to bring about Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkan­ his bedside. Hamlin, L. A. Anderson, &. C. and have the new passengers in opera­ and presented to her in a large, businesslike administration of price sas. Codorado, New Mexico, Ari­ Funeral services were held at the R. S. Dunning of Cisco. tion by October of this year but white box, tied with yellow and control aren’t the friends of infla­ zona, California, Oregon, Washing­ University Baptist ehureh in Abi­ Lone Star Canning they now announce it will he April gold ribbon. Many beautiful and tion. They are the friends of pro­ ton, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,Utah, lene of which he had been a mem­ or May in 1947 before the manufac­ useful gifts were seen as the duction, inflation’s enemy. This and Wyoming. ber for many years, Saturday at AMERIICAN LEGION Bulletin Boost To turers can deliver the new, fast honoree opened the packages and cmuitry has the greatest production The Department said these states 5 p. m. with the Rev. C. A. Pow-ell engines on account of strikes and passed them around for inspection. capacity of any country in the should begin to receive increased of Rule, a former pastor, officiat­ Food Preservation other work stoppages. Those present for the occasion world. It has In addition, a highly supplies Itetween July 5 and 10th. ing, and the Rev. W. C. Ashford, ELECTS OFFICERS were: Mrs. Glenn Burnam, Mrs. eompetetive distribution system Southside Baptist pastor, assisting. Cooperating with the Department Jesse Youngblood, Mrs. Mark Bur­ which is a miracle of efficiency. It is said King George VI of Luther Webb conducted the music. of Agriculture's appeal for National nam, Mrs. C. A. Warden, Miss Until these forces can operate free- England has recently received hon­ MONDAY, JULY 8TH Home Food Preservation Week July WILLIIAM N. MCGEE Dorothy Cooper, Mrs. J. D. Hall, lv, we shall continue to enrich the ors in America that no other Eng­ MRS. GEO. BIGGERSTAFF 15-22, Lone Star Gas Company's Miss Dorris Lee Hall, Mrs. Forest1 black market, and prevent legiti- Miller, Mrs. Howard Carlisle, Mrs. lish king has ever had. His name is COMPLIMENTED ON POEM At a regular meeting of the Eu­ current reciite bulletin stresses mo­ DIES IN COUNTY mate producers and distributors Ennis Qualls, Mrs. J. E. Burnam, among the 8,919 newcomers in BY HOME TOWN PAPER gene Bell Post, American Legion dern methods of canning fruits, in all fields from performing the "Who's Who in America.” officers for the new year were vegetables and meats to assure Mrs. Vam Berry, Miss Gayle Le- vast services of which they are The reason given by tlie publishers Mrs. George Biggerstaff, who elected and will be installed at an Americans a better diet and help HOSPITAL MONDAY Voise Burnatn, Mrs. Dock Iscnliow- capable thereby assuring goods nt is that several years ago they be­ was reared near Grand Saline, gave other meeting "scheduled to be held the famine stricken of the world. er, Miss Mary Joe Isenhower, the least inflated prices. gan sketching foreigners who were us the following item of news: August 13.
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