childs play . Two eissential ingredients for a perfect date: A date and thiis. miff It's evcryvt/Herc you want to he'. contents RKPORTER • VOLUME 75 • NUMBER 14 features 1 1^ 12 1^ just beep me 24 teens at risk woman d e p a r tments 4 editorial 27 on tbe street 5 mail box 28 toons 7 in tbe news 30 tab ads 8 sports 14 bot spots COVER: Seth Gitner REKIRTTII MAGAZINE it publithed wteUy dunng the academic year by ttudenti at the Rochester Inintute of Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rocheatcr, New York, 14623. Editorial and production fcdli- tiet arc located in Room A-426 of the Student Alumni Union, Voice/TTY (716)475-2212 Subtcriptioni: 17.00 per quarter .The opimont exprcsted in REPORTER do not neccaiahly reflect thoae of the Institute. RIT doc* not generally review or approve of the contents of REPORTER and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in REPORTER. Letters may be submitted to the REPORTER in pctson, or through RTT e-mail, send letten to:REPORTER. Letters must be typed and double spaced. Please limit letters to 250 words. REPORTER reserves the right to edit for bbel and danty. No letters will be pnnted unless signed and accompanied by a phone number. All letters rccievcd ire property of REPORTER MAGAZINE. REPORTER tikes pride in its membership in the Associated CoUegutc Press snd American Civil Liberties Union, copyright 1993 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All rights reserved. No portion of thi* magazuw nuy be reproduced unthout pnor wntten pcrmitaion from REPORTER. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF editorial Gaiy R. Pcten So although the attitudes and opinions of Editorial IVIission this issue's new piece on Perette Barella, may In the December 17 issue, REPORTER ran not be those of REPORTER Magazine, they a unique piece highlighting a problem con• do express one important characteristic. fronting an RIT student named Perette They act as catalysts to further worthwhile MANAGING EDITOR Barella. The conflict arose with this ques• analysis and educated discussion. Christine Koenig tion: "Should she be allowed access to the women's facilities on campus?" Barella, a EXECUTIVE EDITOR transsexual in the process of becoming Rilly Gary Peters Kathleen M. Cole female, wanted to use the female bathrooms Editoi^ln—Chief on campus and was met with some institute OFFICE MANAGER HoUyWUcox resistance. Four months had passed since the origi• The Emperor's ART DIRECTORS nal article when Carla Hernandez brought to Robert N. Wescott • Josh Klenert the attention of our staff a photo essay. The New Clothes essay was a more in depth look at Barella as a Once upon a time, in a kingdom built DESIGNERS person. The captions, written by Barella, from brick and mortar, arrived an emperor. Michael J. O'Boylc, Arriving barely in time to save the kingdom Nate Amone, Kerri Karuba gave new insight into her struggle and fur• ther understanding of her as a person. The from undeniable peril, the emperor ordered PRODUCTION MANAGER images and text are very unlike the previous an elaborate coronation to unify the counties Maria Rosini piece. They are an editorial view from the and ignite a new spirit in the souls of his inside out. subjects. Designed to bring together his sub• ASSOCIATE EDITORS Because the basis of the essay was not jects and create a sense of pride that had Aimee Zakrewski, SPORTS from an objective reporting style, we as a never graced the kingdom's walls before, the Kerstin Gunter, CULTURE Victor Cardoso, NEWS staff discussed its weaknesses and merits at coronation was to establish the foundation Brandy Davis, FEATURES great length. We did not want its controver• on which a new kingdom would be built. sial nature to sensationalize its message. We The emperor commissioned a world WRITERS did not want to educate at the expense of reknowned tailor to design and sew a mag• Mark Natale, Jeff Gambles alienating our readership. After much deep nificent gown to be worn as he presided over Matt McNamara, Krissy Bush discussion REPORTER decided to run the the magnificent ritual. This gown would sig• Clarissa Cummings, Emma S. J. Walker Victor Cardoso, Alfred Penn article. We did not all agree on all asf>ects of nify his vision of the future. It took the tailor Kelly Bombard, Bryant Grahm the piece, but through the process of the dis• over six months to construct the robe. But Scan Aiyai, Aileen Pagan cussion, we voiced our concerns and views to when it was finally completed the emperor one another. By bringing this photo-editorial was confident he would instantly become the PRODUCTION STAFF piece to the RIT Community, we hope to envy of his rivals. Natcha Van Gelder, encourage awareness and understanding Upon his coronation, he entered an arena Trisha Kagcy through discussions like or own. The ability filled with awe. A whisper soured through ILLUSTRATORS to recognize and talk about such issues is the audience. The emperor paused and then Edward MX. Cox, Larry Conrow, essential to formulating opinions based on rose to a hushed kingdom. No one could find Jeremy Sniatcki, Gil Merritt experience rather than on ignorance. the words to adequately elaborate what they Whether one agrees or disagrees with the saw. His address centered on the significance DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY statements made by Barella in this piece, or of his gown. The gold thread symbolized the ErikMathy any of our editorial opinions is not the issue. fiscal flourishment that he would bring the We hope that the real issue becomes each counties. The ropes of many colors which PHOTO EDITOR Victoria Arocho reader's reaction. By informing, REPORTER, bound the robe were interwoven to represent through most of our objective journalistic the dependency of each of the counties on PHOTOGRAPHERS pieces, tries to provide a stepping off point each other. They reflected the unity and Julie Henderson, Max Schultc for opinions. However, in our editorializa- community he would encourage amongst the Amy Wood, Rick Cinclair tion of certain aspects of RIT and the world, peasants and nobility, the courts and ser• Aris Economopoulos we suggest our own perceptions as an exam• vants, the people and princes. The intricate ple. With good facts and knowledge to embroidery which lined the bottom of the DISTRIBUTION STAFF Jcffjakobowski, Matt Sicvcnpipcr strengthen editorial opinions, worthwhile cloth possessed designs which were unmis• debate and discussion occurs. Without such takably a statement of the intricate concept ADVISOR facts and information, nothing is fostered of shared governance that the emperor Dr. Elaine Spaull except uninformed argument and ignorance. promised. A shared governance that would 4 REPORTER VOL.75 N0.14 mail box encompass the entire nation and line all the being away from their own homes—bricks activities and policies of the kingdom in the The Great Pet can he rather stifling. Handled in a responsi• future. ble and appropriate manner, pets are harm• The audience sat back in complete Controversy less. amazement for they could sec no robe. In Drug dealing, vandalism, sexual harass• Animals have proven to he a beneficial their eyes, the emperor was naked. But as ment, and owning small pets. All such illicit psychological and emotional asset; they they sat in complete shock a rumor circulated activities pose a danger to the RIT-NTID always are there whenever you're struggling which explained the emperor's elaborate community and must be curbed. with loneliness, depression, or the slings and nudity. Only the most educated and elite Hold on one evcr-lovin' second. Owning arrows of outrageous fortune. They are our members of the kingdom could see the robe. small pets? Dangerous and must he curbed? true friends in a world full of fickle oppor• It was their inferior intellect that was the Sure, "curbed" as in "oppressed." How tunism. They are the only constants in our problem and not the emperor's lack of inau• rational. Why don't we let the powers that he constantly changing lives. gural garb. strip us of our individual liberties, censor us Besides, we pay over $20,(X)0 annually to As no one wanted to feel foolish, they all whenever we utter something disagreeable? enroll here. With all the money we invest commented on how beautiful the emperor's The status quo on campus is careening into getting an RIT education, the very least dressings were. After hours of applauds and out of control, reaching monumental propor• RIT can do is honor our living spaces. To laudation, the emperor ran to the tailor and tions of sheer absurdity. Starting quite stem the onrushing tide of student uprising, begged him to orchestrate more gowns for recently, Campus Safety and RIT have RIT should consider designating some resi• future rituals. And it was done. The emperor decided to flex their biceps and enforce the dential floors for small pet owners. The col• had enough gowns to successfully usher him quizzical "no pets" (except for fish and Elvis) lege and its students could abide by an initial through the next year. policy, they have taken it upon themselves to contract emphasizing conduct and responsi• He donned these gowns at the presenta• conduct random, surprise raids of dormitory bility of pet maintenance, one-chance basis tion of awards, holiday celebrations and rooms at all the residence halls. Not even only. The Greek houses could form their weekly breakfast rituals. Each gown had a Greeks are immune. own pet jxilicics. This is a solution with the specific design. Diversity, education; living Subsequently, students feel resentful and potential to appease all sides: the animal conditions; peasant survival...the list goes on violated.
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