Pulse of the Meadowhndf" Wood-Ridge • Carlstadt • East Rutherford • Rutherford • Lyndhurst • North Arlington NJMC looks to accept dredge material Mayor monies about 'disgustingsmelly mess9 The additives are necessarv By Susan C. ModUr to pirvrnt anv contamination SENIOR RFRurn* in the sediments from leaking out, and they make the mix- LYNDHURST — The New ture useable on land, accord- |er$ev Meadowlands ing to Lisa Baron, project man- Commission has petitioned ager tor the IS Armv Corps COMMUNITY BRIEFS the states bankruptcy court of Engineers, Harboi for permiv- Programs Branch Leader s«on to Proteased dredge material Newspapers ^^/J is not toxic, noted NJNK'. spokeswoman Lllo Stain ton. Investigation processed And documents related to the (1 i" e d g e use of PDM illustrate that in a [ e i i a 1 point. (PDM I to the controversial But the material is also not F.n( ap site. If the request is (lean enough to be plated just granted, [he material from iHnvwhere, and II'S not t lean New York Haiboi will again be Film Commission to deposited as part ol the cap on enough to 1M- disposed of in all local landfills. parts of the ocean. offer comedy shorts The Ai tm ( oi p* of RUTHERFORD — In b.ngmeei s, t me < >t the main What is PDM? < injunction with the government agencies involved Photo, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rutherford l-»h<>i Day Street In layman's terms. I'DM IN Fair, the Bertfen ( ouim Kilm sediment from the harbor that The long arm of the backhoe, "Dredge New York " owned and operated by Great Lakes Dredge & (Commission will present a has IM-CH solidified and stabi- Please see DUIDOI on Dock Co., plunges into tfie water of New York Harbor during dredging operations, if the New Jersey lized usnalh bv the addition of Meadowlands Commission gets its way, processed dredgea spoils from similar operations will again lice all-da\ (.lassit ( omed\ PageA6 Cavalcade ol Film Sept I, Portland cement and tl\ ash make their way to the Kingsland landfill in Lyndhurst noon to <> p.m. At this event, attendants (an pintbase tit kets to the upiomin^ Reel Jersey Film CONNECTING THE DOTS Festival, including tickets to the Weird NJ Midnight Movie Horror Pairs1 vheduled tot Baxter family reacquaints with history in Rutherford Fridav. Sept. *J(i at 9 p.m. (all 201-59*2-5663 oi visit By John Solles. Editor-in-Chief Diane (iiangemso. asking tot to the house, which lhe\ hope will uTt'U'.hfTgfticaunlyftlmcotTimiw- brief h ipp\ soon IK- plated on tin National \nti orgioi further details. It was a reunion more than a t<i oblige. "(Ret belle I wrote me Regisiei of 1 listoru Plat es. ihe\ centui v in the making when the this beautiful lettei." (iiangeiuso also stopped b\ the Meadowlands Baxter tauuh ictenih traveled to Museum on ( rane Avenue, where Shopping trip for remembered. "I was s<» happ\ i»> 1 Rutherfoiri from But ks < lountv. meet them &evei al I loa^ .u (ifacts .it e div Lyndhurst seniors Pa., to view and honoi the historic Ailei the ttaxu-i s visit, pla\ed, and P.ast Ridgelawn LYNDHURST — Hoage house on Donaldson Giangerufto even said the atmos- ( emetei \ in (llifton. where ('ottimissionei Tom Avenue. To the Baxters, the house phere of the historic house was Lafaveue. Hai net and several DiMavi^io. director of the is one of familial importance, as altered* "After thev left, it felt like othei Hoages are buried. depai tment of pai ks and their ancestors, Lafaveue and the house was smiling." she said. Vttet seeing the Hoage head- recreation, announced a Harriet Hoage. built tin- house in Stanley has been working on his stone, with .i nearby < edai tree sup- shopping nip lor l.vndhursi the IHoOs and lived within its con- tamih genealog\ since 'J<MM>. and plying some shade in tin Lite senioi t in/ens on Monday, fines foi some time To local histo- when he leali/ed there were August sun, Stan let (let ided the Sept. M. to Jerses Gardens in rians, the house has a significance Hoages at one time living in New experietue needed to become a Elizabeth. The bus will leave bevond its walls, .is the Hoages Jersey, he posted a comment on a tradition the \] Transit parking Kit at '.* were possibh the tirsi freed black well-known tamiK tree Web site "Its going to IK- an annual tick a.m. and will return .it !l p.m. slaves to own pio|x*rt> in Bergen That bail was taken b\ ( Juistonhn foi us," Stanlev tomluded (all the parks department at (ountv Bovd, who owned the Donaldson 201-804-2482 to sign up Todav. the ltalianate-st\led Avenue house before Giangerusn. estate sits adorned b\ a welcoming "(hei the t ourse of th.it tune, HMMC will hold blue-hued facade and lush gieen- we had been conversing back and Hlatory of MM meeting Sept 8 er\ -— and pleim of stories to tell. forth," Stanle\ said of his talks with Though it was iheii first time Bovd. "He had been filling me in LYNDHURST — The stepping thiough the threshold of on the historical data ~ Nat ken sat k Meadowlands the abode, the Baxtei lamilv felt At the time of theii talking, • Dates back to the 1860s- Municipal Committee will right at home. "1 was w> over- Stanley was living with his famih hold it.s next regular meeting whelmed to be in the house of mv on the West C^oast. But in due time, 1870s on Mondav. Sept. K, at 7 p.m. forefathers. a< tualK sitting in their as fate would have it, Stanley was • t»»H»«i»»» architecture in the (Environmental (Center, dining room anil having lunch," transferred to Pennsylvania, a located at Two DeKorte Park said Stanle\ Baxtei. whose great- much shorter drive to Rutherford. • Lrshaped plan Pla/a. l.vndhurst. great-grandfather, Lafayette "And then 1 got the bug again, so • Historic nearby barn Wr HMfn Noufnonn Hoage, lived in the house. to speak, to do some more The Baxter family, including from left, Stanley, Malik, Stanley's wife, Rechelle. was the research on m\ dad," Stan lev Mymique and Maria, visited their ancestors' home cause for the trip, aitei she con- added. recently in Rutherford tacted the house's tin rent owner. When the Baxters made the visit Jets, Giants fans hit with stricter alcohol rules violating the rules are harsh, with sever- lot, where fans will be prohibited from to enforce the policies as well. By Alexis Ibmui al infractions ending in the ioss ot sea- entering and tailgating until five hours Inside the venue, alcoholic bevei- SKMOR REPORTKJI son tickets. before opening kick-off. Fans will also ages will not be sold following the end "The Sports Authontv. as well as the onlv be able to take tip one spot, and of half-time, a rule that is one of the fienbtr EAST RUTHERFORD — With the Giants and Jets teams, feel the experi- will not be allowed to enter or leave the strictest in the NFL. according to occasional presence of excessive drink- PuUiltwd WMkly ence of coming to a football game is a stadium with alcoholic beverages. Samerjan ing, obscene gestures and scary fights, 2SI Ridge Rood pleasant one for all fans," said John To ensure these rules are enforced, Additionally, patrons who are found some fans choose the comforts of their Lyndhunl, N) 07071 Samerjan, NJSEA vice president of pub- the NJSEA will deploy security officials to he visiblv drunk, rowd\ or using Periodical poslog* paid at own couch over a seat in (iiants lic affairs and communications, in a tt> monitor the parking lots foi under- Ruit)«ferd, MJ 07070 Stadium to watch a National Football improper language behavior will be phone interview with The Ijtader. "Some age drinkers and excessive consump- Subioiption $14 League game. ejected from the game. Out of ArcM $33 may say there are only a few fans out of tion; ticket lakers and ushers will also The teams have implemented a But, in an effort to make the experi- those thousands who attend that misbe- be instructed to be on the lookout for zero tolerance policy lor season ticket USPS 611-680 ence more enjoyable to fans, the New Poitmoilw, pkau Mnd all address have at a game. But if they happen to sit visibly intoxicated patrons as they enter holders who are ejected from the stadi- chang«lo2SI Sidg. Rd , Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority next to you, then it ruins the experi- the facility. lyndhunl, NJ 07070 has started enforcing Mricter rules for ence." Please see AiCOHOi on those attending football games in the The New Jersey Stale Police will www UodwNawspapef j net The new rules begin in the parking employ the use of undercover officers © 2008 UooW N»«Group, UC Meadowlands. The consequences foe PageA6 "We treat you like Family 328 ORIENT WAY* LYNDHURST 201-939-7708 Point- file.% ... UNItl OV1 KM 1) llll)(-r. the establishment. When refusal to submit to a breath motor vehicle accident in the asked to leave, HaiKflrid mt and was released to a 200 block of Chase Avenue. LYNDHUMT — Stephen allegedly started to challenge rMnonsioie party. Police reported Robinson Formica, 50, of Lyndhura, the officer to a fight. When NORTH ARLINGTON — •truck a fence by the DPW «nai arrested Aug. 10 at 1KM attempting to arrest Joseph Adubato, SI, of North building. Robinson was a.m. for assault, possession of HarufieM, he resisted and Arlington, was arrested Aug.
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