The Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project PINS Ref: EN010114 The Keadby 3 Low-Carbon Gas Power Station Order Land at and in the vicinity of the Keadby Power Station site, Trentside, Keadby, North Lincolnshire Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) Report Volume II - Appendix 12B: Water Framework Directive Screening Report The Planning Act 2008 The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 Applicant: SSE Generation Limited Date: November 2020 Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Preliminary Environmental Information Report, Volume II - Appendix 12B: Water Framework Directive Screening Report Application Reference EN010114 DOCUMENT HISTORY Document Ref Revision P1.0 Author Tim Jones / Owen Tucker Signed Date November 2020 Approved By Susan Evans / Richard Lowe Signed Date November 2020 Document Owner AECOM GLOSSARY Abbreviation Description AEP Annual Exceedance Probability AGI Above Ground Installation AIL Abnormal Indivisible Loads CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CJEU Court of Justice of the European Union CCP Carbon Capture and Compression Plant COMAH Control of major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 DCC Direct Contact Cooler DEMP Decommissioning Environmental Management Plan DrWPA Drinking Water Protected Areas GPP Guidance for Pollution Prevention GWDTE Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator HSE Health and Safety Executive HMWB Heavily Modified Water Body HP Hight Pressure IDB Internal Drainage Board PCC Power and Carbon Capture RBMP River Basin Management Plan SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction WFD Water Framework Directive WwTW Waste Water Treatment Works November 2020 Page i Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Preliminary Environmental Information Report, Volume II - Appendix 12B: Water Framework Directive Screening Report Application Reference EN010114 CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 The Scheme ...................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Structure of the Report ....................................................................................... 3 2.0 Overview of the WATEr FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE .................................................. 4 2.1 Legislative Context ............................................................................................ 4 2.2 Surface Water Body Status ................................................................................ 5 2.3 Groundwater Body Status .................................................................................. 7 3.0 Screening Methodology ............................................................................................ 10 3.1 Overview.......................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Defining no Deterioration ................................................................................. 11 3.3 Future Status Objectives .................................................................................. 12 3.4 Article 4.7 Derogations ..................................................................................... 12 3.5 Environment Agency Clearing the Waters for All Guidance ............................. 12 3.6 Flood Risk Activity Permit Exemptions ............................................................. 13 3.7 General Approach and Scheme Assumptions .................................................. 14 4.1 Overview.......................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Description of the Proposed Development Components .................................. 18 4.3 Relevant WFD water bodies ............................................................................ 28 4.4 Zone of Influence ............................................................................................. 31 5.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 35 6.0 References ............................................................................................................... 36 ANNEXES Annex A: WFD Waterbody Baseline Status 2019 ................................................................ 38 Annex B: Baseline Surfacewater Quality Information and Data ........................................... 47 TABLES Table 1: Definition of status in the Water Framework Directive (Ref. 2) ................................. 5 Table 2: Flood Risk Activity Exemptions.............................................................................. 13 Table 3: WFD Surface Water bodies in the Study Area ....................................................... 28 Table 4: ZOIs and relevant WFD water bodies .................................................................... 31 November 2020 Page ii Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Preliminary Environmental Information Report, Volume II - Appendix 12B: Water Framework Directive Screening Report Application Reference EN010114 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 AECOM was commissioned by SSE Thermal Ltd (’The Applicant’) to produce a Water Framework Directive (WFD) Screening Report for the proposed Keadby 3 Low Carbon Power Station project (hereafter referred to as the ‘Proposed Development’). The WFD Screening Report has been provided as part of the Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) Report and specifically, as an Appendix to Chapter 12: Water Resources and Flood Risk (PEI Volume I). 1.1.2 New developments that have the potential to impact the current or targeted WFD status of a water body are required to assess their compliance against the WFD objectives of the potentially affected water bodies. In accordance with the Planning Inspectorate's Advice Note Eighteen (Ref. 6) and the Environment Agency guidance for competing WFD assessments for coastal and transitional waters (Ref. 7), a three-stage approach may be adopted: • Stage 1: WFD Screening - Identification of the proposed work activities that are to be assessed and determination of which WFD water bodies could potentially be affected through identification of a Zone of Influence. This step also provides a rationale for any water bodies screened out of the assessment. • Stage 2: WFD Scoping - For each water body identified in Stage 1, an assessment is carried out to identify the effects and potential risks to quality elements from all activities. The assessment is made taking into consideration embedded mitigation (measures that can reasonably be incorporated into the design of the proposed works) and good practice mitigation (measures that would occur with or without input from the WFD assessment process). • Stage 3: WFD Impact Assessment - A detailed assessment of the water bodies and activities carried forward from the WFD screening and scoping stages. 1.1.3 This report therefore presents the findings of an initial WFD screening exercise (the first stage in the WFD assessment process) which has been undertaken in relation to the Proposed Development. 1.2 The Scheme 1.2.1 The Proposed Development comprises the construction, operation (including maintenance) and decommissioning of a low carbon Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) generating station with an unabated capacity of up to 910MW (gross) electrical output to be located on land in the vicinity of the existing Keadby Power Stations (Keadby 1 and Keadby 2) near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire (the Proposed Development Site). 1.2.2 This Appendix should be read in conjunction with the following drawings: • Figure 3.1: DCO Site Red Line Boundary (PEI Report Volume III) • Figure 3.2: Indicative Site Layout (PEI Report Volume III) November 2020 Page 1 Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Preliminary Environmental Information Report, Volume II - Appendix 12B: Water Framework Directive Screening Report Application Reference EN010114 1.2.3 Figure 4.1: Indicative Layout for the Proposed Power and Carbon Capture (PCC) Site (PEI Report Volume III). Further details of the Proposed Development are set out in Chapter 4: The Proposed Development (PEI Report Volume I). 1.2.4 At this stage in the development of the Project, the final technology selection cannot yet be made, as it will be determined by various technical and economic considerations and will be influenced by future UK Government policy. The design of the Proposed Development, therefore, incorporates a necessary degree of flexibility, to allow for the future selection of the preferred technology in the light of prevailing policy and market conditions once a DCO is granted. 1.2.5 The Proposed Development will be designed to operate as a CCGT generating station with post-combustion carbon capture and compression plant (CCP) installed such that the plant can be operated as a dispatchable low carbon generating station. The Proposed Development therefore incorporates equipment required for the capture and compression of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the generating station for onward transport by a pipeline connecting off-site to the Humber Low Carbon (HLC) cluster for subsequent compression and transport to offshore geological storage site. 1.2.6 The Applicant will be responsible for the construction, operation including
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