flutnb. 34. 995 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Juhlisg.eh ~ ~utg.orit,i. WELLINGTQF, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1941. Land proclaimed as Road in Block II, Orere Survey Di8irict, and Block X, Wairoa Survey District, .Manukau County. [L.B.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General, A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section twelve of the Land Act, 1924-, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, I the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as road the land described in the Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE. Approximate Areas of the Situated in Situated in Survey Coloured on Pieces of Land Being Block District of Shown on Plan proclaimed as I Plan Road. I A. R. P. 0 I 17•7 Part Orere and Taupo Block, and part X Wairoa Section I, Block II, Orere Survey Dis- II Orere P.W.D. 110657 Yellow. trict on D.P. 10831 { } 0 0 12·3 Part Orere and Taupo Block on D.P. 9805 X Wairoa .. Blue. 0 0 22 Part Orere North Block on D.P. 9805 .. II Orere .. " (S.O. 31335.) " " (Auckland R.D.). In the North Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in th<i office of the Minister of Public Works at .Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 21st day of April, 1941. H. T, ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public Works, Gon SAVE THE Knm ! (P.W. 34/426/7.) A 996 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 34 Land proclaimed as Road, and Road dosed, in Blocks I and II, Taiharuru Survey District, and Block XVI, Whangarei Survey District, Whangarei County. [L,S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor.General, A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance an. d exercise of the powers conferred. by section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, I the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto ; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto. FIRST SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS ROAD. Approximate Areas of the Situated in Situated in Coloured Pieces of Land Being I Block Survey District of Shown on Plan on Plan proclaimed as Road, I A. R, P, XVI Whangarei i 7 3 15 Parts Allotments 26, S.W. 25, and N.E. 25, Waikare i II Taiharuru /> P.W.D.ll0545 Yellow. Parish l I ,, j 7 I 22 Parts Allotments 24, 23, and 21, Waikare Parish I ,, .. I 2 4 Part Allotment 21, Waikare Parish .. .. I ,, .. ,, 0 I 36 Land below mean high-water mark, Taiharuru River I .. Red. (S.O. 31077L.} " (Auckland R.D.) . SECOND SCHEDULE. ROAD CLOSED. Approximate J Situated in Areas of the Adjoining or passing through Situated in I I Shown on Coloured Pieces of Block ; Survey District of I Plan on Plan Road closed. I I i A, R, P. 7 I 34 Allotments 19, 26, S.W. 20, S.W. 25, N.E. 20, I and II Taiharuru P.W.D. 110545 Green. N.E. 25 and 24, Waikare Parish · 6 I 34 Allotments 22, 23, 21, and 24, Waikare Parish .. I I I 7 Allotment 21, Waikare Parish, and Taiharuru No. I 4c Block (S.0. 3I077L.) (Auckland R.D.). -------------------- All in the North Auckland Land District; as the same arc more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 21st day of April, 1941, H. T. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public Works. GOD SAVE THE KING l (P.W. 33/J5I.) Land takenfor a Public School in Block VI, Retaruke Survey Apportionment of Representation on Tauranga Hospital Board. District, Taumarunui County. C. L. N. NEW ALL, Governor-General. [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. ORDER IN COUNCIL. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and author,.·ties At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 22nd day of I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of April, 1941. every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ Present: General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim THE HON. W, NASH PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. and declare that the land described in the· Schedule hereto URSUANT to the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions is hereby taken for a public school, and shall vest in the P Act, 1926, His Excellency the Governor-General, Education Board of the Pistrict of Wanganui as from the acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive date hereinafter mentioned ; and I do also declare that this Council, doth hereby order as follows :-' Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty­ I. This Order m,i,y be cited as the· Hospital Representation eighth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and forty­ Order 1941, No. 2. one. 2. The Order in Council made on the twelfth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, making pro­ SCHEDULE. vision in regard to the representation of contributory districts APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 6 acres 1 rood on certain Hospital Boards, is amended by revoking the 31 perches. Schedule thereto so far only as it affects the representation Being part Tawata No. 2 Block. of the combined district of Tauranga County and Mount Situated in Block VI, Retaruke Survey District. (S.O. l\faunganui Town District. 20634.) 3. The numbers of members to be elected to the Board of In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more the hospital district named in the first column of the particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109702, Schedule hereto as the representative or representatives of deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at the contributory districts named in the second column Wellington, and thereon coloured orange. thereof shall be" the numbers specified in· the third column thereof respectively. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 4. The following provision is made for particular cases :­ General of the Dominion of N cw Zealand, and issued (a) The first election of representatives for the Tauranga under the Beal of that Dominion, this 21st day of County shall take place on the date of the next April, 1941. ordinary general election of County Councils. H. T. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Publie Works. (h) The first election of a representative for the l\fount Maunganui Town District shall take place on the GOD SAVE THE KING! date of the next ordinary general election of members (P.W. 31/1060.) of Town Boards. APRIL 23.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 997 (c} The present representatives of the combined district And whereas the Commission in reporting on certain ques­ of Tauranga County and Mount 1\faunganui Town tions touching the church-site land expressed the opinion District shall continue to hold office until the date that if the persons entitled to the buildings thereon could of the next ordinary general election of County be ascertained they should be given a limited time in which Councils. to remove the same : And whereas it is desirable that certain matters and questions relating to the rights of Natives in and to the SCHEDULE. buildings hereinbefore mentioned should be determined by the Native Land Court: Third Column. Now, therefore, pursuant to the provisions of section First Column. Second Column. thirty-four of the Native Land Act, 1931, His Excellency the Number Hospital Board. Contributory District. of Repre~ Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent sentatives. of the Executive Council, doth hereby confer upon the Native Land Court jnrisdiction to hear and determine, upon the application of the Minister of Lands, any question as Tauranga Tauranga County 5 to who are the persons entitled to the buildings erected upon Mount Maunganui Town District 1 the reserve and the church-site land and mentioned in the Schedule hereto, together with any outbuildings pertaining T. R. AIOKIN, hereto, or as to who are the persons equitably entitled to Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. receive ·any compensation money which might be payable by or on behalf of the Crown in respect thereof, or as to who are the persons who should be granted the right Conferring special Jurisdiction on Native Land Court. to remove the same, or as to whether payment of com­ pensation money ought to be made by or on behalf of 0. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. the Crown in respect of any such building or outbuilding ORDER IN COUNCIL. and, if so, what amount of compensation money ought to be so paid by or on behalf of the Crown, or whether At the Government House at Wellington, this 16th day of the persons entitled to any such building or outbuilding April, 1941. should be granted the right to remove the same, and Present: any other matter or question incidental to the ownership Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL rn OouNcrL. or possession of any of the said buildings and outbuildings HEREAS upon the acquisition by the Crown of un­ or arising thereout, with power to make such order or orders W divided interests in the block of Native land situated in the premises as to the Court shall seem necessary or expe­ at Orakei, in the City of Auckland, and known as the Orakei dient, and to impose thereby such limitations of time in which No.
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