COVID-19 Ciclesonide Observational Study in Japan: Preliminary Report The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Fujita Health University Antiviral Observational Study Group Introduction clinical status in 2,406 cases and 14-day clinical status Various approved drugs are being repurposed for in 1,891 cases. Clinical outcome at one month from the treatment of COVID-19. Ciclesonide (Alvesco®) is admission was recorded in 2,632 cases. an inhaled corticosteroid indicated for the treatment of Sixty-five percent of the patients in this cohort also bronchial asthma. Its in vitro activity against SARS- received favipiravir. These patients who also received CoV-2 was demonstrated by Matsuyama et al. early in favipiravir on a compassionate use basis were likely the pandemic1), and a case series suggesting its considered by the providers to have unfavorable potential beneficial effect in patients with COVID-19 prognosis based on the overall clinical status at the has been reported by Iwabuchi et al2). Given these time even with best supportive therapy5). Therefore, developments, the Japanese Association for Infectious the analysis was conducted on the all-patient cohort Diseases has issued a guidance on off-label use of (all patients who received ciclesonide) and the ciclesonide for COVID-193), and has encouraged its ciclesonide-only cohort (patients who received members to participate in the Ciclesonide ciclesonide but not favipiravir). Patients who received Observational Study4). This preliminary report other medications intended as COVID-19 treatment summarizes the findings of the observational study for (e.g., remdesivir, steroids) were included in both cases registered through the end of August 2020. cohorts. Methods 《All-patient cohort》 Hospitals were asked to provide clinical 【Patient demographics and comorbidities】 characteristics of COVID-19 patients who were treated The age distribution, sex, comorbidities, receipt of with ciclesonide. The information collected included other agents intended for COVID-19 treatment are patient demographics, comorbidities, severity of shown in Table 1. In this cohort, 58.1% were under the disease, clinical status 7 and 14 days from the start of age of 60, 38.4% were female, and 38.6% had at least the use of ciclesonide, clinical outcome approximately one of the four comorbidities (diabetes, cardiovascular one month after admission to the hospital, dose and diseases, chronic lung diseases, immunosuppression). duration of ciclesonide, use of other medications to Favipiravir was also given in 64.6% of the patients. treat COVID-19, and adverse events likely related to ciclesonide use. The data were collected using the 【Administration of ciclesonide】 survey function of REDCap, and limited data cleaning Administration of ciclesonide is summarized in Table was conducted. This study was approved by the 2. A majority of the patients received “other” doses. institutional review board of Fujita Health University Since the options in the survey only included doses and Toho University. approved for bronchial asthma in adults, the patients in this study likely received higher than approved Results doses, for example, 400 mcg three times a day. The 【Overview】 median duration of treatment was 13 days. The median Data on 2,728 COVID-19 patients who received time from report of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result ciclesonide by the end of August 2020 were included. to the start of the drug was 2 days, and the median time Patient background was available in 2,710 cases, 7-day from admission to the start of the drug was 0 days. 1 Table 1.Demographics of patients with COVID-19 who received ciclesonide (all patients) Variables Categories n (%) Age group (n=2,726) <10 6 (0.2%) 10-19 32 (1.2%) 20-29 222 (8.1%) 30-39 287 (10.5%) 40-49 462 (16.9%) 50-59 576 (21.1%) 60-69 470 (17.2%) 70-79 420 (15.4%) 80-89 211 (7.7%) ≥90 40 (1.5%) Sex(n=2,727) Male 1,679 (61.6%) Female 1,048 (38.4%) Diabetes (n=2,718) Present 518 (19.1%) Absent 2,200 (80.9%) Cardiovascular diseases (n=2,717) Present 469 (17.3%) Absent 2,248 (82.7%) Diabetes or cardiovascular diseases (n=2,720) Present 811 (29.8%) Absent 1,909 (70.2%) Chronic lung diseases (n=2,717) Present 288 (10.6%) Absent 2,429 (89.4%) Immunosuppression (n=2,716) Present 121 (4.5%) Absent 2,595 (95.5%) Any of the above comorbidities (n=2,718) Present 1,048 (38.6%) Absent 1,670 (61.4%) Favipiravir (n=2,728) Given 1,762 (64.6%) Not given 966 (35.4%) Lopinavir–ritonavir (n=2,728) Given 79 (2.9%) Not given 2,649 (97.1%) Nafamostat (n=2,970) Given 153 (5.6%) Not given 2,575 (94.4%) Methylprednisolone (n=2,728) Given 32 (1.2%) Not given 2,696 (98.8%) Dexamethasone (n=2,728) Given 112 (4.1%) Not given 2,616 (95.9%) Camostat (n=2,728) Given 46 (1.7%) Not given 2,682 (98.3%) Hydroxychloroquine (n=2,728) Given 68 (2.5%) Not given 2,660 (97.5%) Remdesivir (n=2,728) Given 54 (2.0%) Not given 2,674 (98.0%) Other therapy related to COVID-19 (n=2,728) Given 746 (27.3%) Not given 1,982 (72.7%) Outcome (n=2,632) Died in hospital 141 (5.4%) Transferred for escalation of care 148 (5.6%) Still in hospital (alive) 99 (3.8%) Transferred for de-escalation of care 267 (10.1%) Discharged alive 1,977 (75.1%) 2 Table 2.Administration of ciclesonide (all patients) disease, 738 patients (27.1%) had moderate disease (a) Dosing of ciclesonide and 104 patients (3.8%) had severe disease at the n Dosing n (%) time of starting ciclesonide. 2,700 200 mcg daily 35 (1.3%) 200 mcg twice a day 603 (22.3%) 【Clinical status and outcome stratified by severity 200 mcg three times a day 320 (11.9%) of disease】 Others 1,742 (64.5%) Clinical status at 7 and 14 days from the start of (b) Duration of ciclesonide Q1 Q3 ciclesonide was recorded as improved, worsened, n Mean SD Median (25%) (75%) unchanged compared with when therapy was 2,356 12.4 7.3 13 8 14 started, based on the providers’ clinical assessment (c) Days from positive PCR to first dose of ciclesonide (Table 3). The rates of clinical improvement at 7 Q1 Q3 n Mean SD Median days were 73.3%, 65% and 43% for mild, moderate (25%) (75%) and severe disease, respectively. Rates of clinical 2,686 2.7 3.8 2 1 3 improvement at 14 days were 85.6%, 81.4% and (d) Days from hospital admission to first dose of ciclesonide 57.3%, respectively. The rates of clinical worsening Q1 Q3 n Mean SD Median at 7 days were 10.5%, 20.6% and 31.2% for mild, (25%) (75%) moderate and severe disease, respectively. Rates of 2,685 4.4 141.1 0 0 1 clinical worsening at 14 days were 4.2%, 11.8% and 【Severity of disease】 27%, respectively. In this analysis, mild, moderate and severe Clinical outcome was surveyed at diseases were defined as those not requiring approximately one month into hospitalization as supplemental oxygen, those requiring discharged alive, died in hospital, transferred for supplemental oxygen, and those requiring de-escalation of care, transferred for escalation of mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal care, and still in hospital (Table 3). The mortality membrane oxygenation (ECMO), respectively. By rates at the time of survey were 1.8%, 11% and this definition, 1,886 patients (69.1%) had mild 26.9% for mild, moderate and severe disease, respectively. Table 3.Clinical status and outcome stratified by severity of disease in patients who received ciclesonide (all patients) (a)At 7 days after start of ciclesonide (b)At 14 days after start of ciclesonide Improved Unchanged Worsened Improved Unchanged Worsened Day 7 Mild 1,228 272 176 Day 14 Mild 1,077 128 53 (n=2,406) (73.3%) (16.2%) (10.5%) (n=1,891) (85.6%) (10.2%) (4.2%) Moderate 414 92 131 Moderate 443 37 64 (65.0%) (14.4%) (20.6%) (81.4%) (6.8%) (11.8%) Severe 40 24 29 Severe 51 14 24 (43.0%) (25.8%) (31.2%) (57.3%) (15.7%) (27.0%) (c)Clinical outcome one month from hospital admission Died in hospital Transferred for Still in hospital Transferred for de- Discharged alive escalation of care (alive) escalation of care Outcome Mild 33 70 58 151 1,489 (n=2,632) (1.8%) (3.9%) (3.2%) (8.4%) (82.7%) Moderate 80 71 34 88 454 (11.0%) (9.8%) (4.7%) (12.1%) (62.4%) Severe 28 7 7 28 34 (26.9%) (6.7%) (6.7%) (26.9%) (32.7%) 3 【 Clinical status and outcome stratified by age groups, with in-hospital death by one month groups】 occurring in 6.5% of those in their sixties, 11.8% Clinical status at 7 and 14 days from the start of those in their seventies, and 25.6% of those in of ciclesonide and clinical outcome one month into their eighties, compared with 0.7% of those in hospitalization based on age groups is shown in their fifties. Table 4. The outcomes were worse for higher age Table 4.Clinical status and outcome stratified by age group in patients who received ciclesonide (all patients) (a)At 7 days after start of ciclesonide (b)At 14 days after start of ciclesonide Age group Improved Unchanged Worsened Age group Improved Unchanged Worsened Day 7 <10 6 0 0 Day 14 <10 6 0 0 (n=2,406) (100%) (0%) (0%) (n=1,891) (100%) (0%) (0%) 10-19 18 10 0 10-19 9 9 0 (64.3%) (35.7%) (0%) (50.0%) (50.0%) (0%) 20-29 164 26 4 20-29 113 12 2 (84.5%) (13.4%) (2.1%) (89.0%) (9.4%) (1.6%) 30-39 217 32 9 30-39 154 13 3 (84.1%) (12.4%) (3.5%) (90.6%) (7.6%) (1.8%) 40-49 313 68 32 40-49 261 24 9 (75.8%) (16.5%) (7.7%) (88.8%) (8.2%) (3.1%) 50-59 402 64 56 50-59 396 25 14 (77.0%) (12.3%) (10.7%) (91.0%) (5.7%) (3.2%) 60-69 258 69 82 60-69 266 40 35 (63.1%) (16.9%) (20.0%) (78.0%) (11.7%) (10.3%) 70-79 204 72 86 70-79 237 34 44 (56.4%) (19.9%) (23.8%) (75.2%) (10.8%) (14.0%) 80-89 81 38 62 80-89 105 17 33 (44.8%) (21.0%) (34.3%) (67.7%) (11.0%) (21.3%) ≥90 19 9
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