Prepare for Radio's Moving Day~ page 37 -~~ar ~cpmere,Story by James ~trt;et; ~yrna Loy's !'.'ate.With Her E~·Husband www.americanradiohistory.com MO VIE· R.A·o·1O GU ID E: -National Weekly of Personalities and Progra~s To Our Readers lHESE are times of great transition. now reports the news of b~th. io Todey's events, importen+ and sig• those of us more .closely íntérésted in nificant, are tomorrow's vague mem• radio, it is gratifying to note that t-hen ories. Lest week to the staff and Hollywood gathered to honor it~ dis• readers of Movie-Radio Guide came tinguished citi~ens. the .highest arard a chenge which will not be immediete• went to a radio comedien. W.,e speuk ly forgotten. Curtis Mitchell, editor of of Bob Hope, who on the eveninq of i~is publicotion, long respected for his the Academy Award banquet was pre• honesty of purpose and vision, left his sented with a plaque bearing the in: post for new fields. For ten years this scription "For Achievement in Human• publication has been aptly called "The ities." Nevor has an entertainer been National Weekly of Personalities and moro sincere end generous than Bob Prcqrems." Within Hope in giving end- a few weeks the lessly of his time to. scope of these aid the less fortun• pages will undergo ate. The honor be- ·• a transltion. /"<!-·,• stowed upon him-: though n~ part of means that' he has Movie-Radio Guide put heart in Holly-· which has become wood and "hope" essentiol to readers into the lives of will be eliminated, millions. the change will Now, bod to the come with the same subfect of transi• swift pace to which tion: On Ma~c~. 29, e~:h~ modern Americans at 3 a.m., 785 of are now accus• the 833 existing ra• tom ed. The· new dio s+e+ions in the· TO FIT AND MATCH editors will an- Ginger Rogers United States ª.!!~ -- ·-" nounce no radical and Bob Hope chenging positiof\s YOUR CAR ••• OL!D OR N'EW policy; instead, they _ _ on your radio diels: A.car without radio in this fast rp.oving will let the improved publication sp{\.,k fifty to fifty-five new stotions will come for itself. Your lett.er~d suggestidlis \ir¡. the air at that same time; mony of. world is like a house without windows. form the basis for many of the inter• your favorite programs 'will be heard If you're planning to buy a radio for esting innovations which will appear in at new hours. For complete- logs .of fre• ym.~rcar· Stop at a Motorola Dealer ... their entirety for the first time in the quency chenges, the dial positions of Look at Motorola for 1941 ... and April 19-25 issue. new stations, plus time chenqes, don't A transition with which we are all miss the two big reallocation" issues of Listen to a Motorola with 3-D.imension now familiar is the gradual blending of Movie-Radio Guide-Mar. 29-Apr. 4 VITA·TONE. 'If you want everytht'bg~ movies and radio, reflected during the end Apr. 5-1 I. T~!'!Y:ll.c_arry-~Ji.tlja.jn.:. that's exciting and beautiful in radio in• past year in this publication. which formatioñ yoü'll need'.-The Editors. sist on a Motorola for your car. .. the only ~ radio with VITA·TONE. CONTENTS Movies Radio <Jke Sec/Ud o/t.. Hollywood's News Picture This Week's Radio Events 13 of the Week . This Week's Music 14 This Week's Drama '.15 Shots in the Dark 2 VITA•TQNE Radio's News Picture of the Tall, Dark and Handsome Motorola \a ¡rta11.dard Week 33 «1qo11ip11111t"'º"A~a•1 (an article) 4 Bob Hope Entertains Young fiMM 8'NG11tlh" lra\111 Motorola engineers, wi ch a This Week in Hollywood (news) 6 Refugees , 34 revolutionary development in I a@-. Reviews (a department) 8 Pictures Along the Alrlaltos 35 car- radio engineering and On the Bandwagon , 36 For Fun and Fight (Part 11) Get Ready for Radio's Moving acoustical design have brought (an article) 9 Day (an article) 37 11The voice and music up to a re• Lady Eve" and "ºThe Sea Along the Airialtos (news) 38 ception level which is free and Wolf" (Co· Pictures of the On Short Waves 40 Week) 10 • clear of wind rush and car This Too Is Hollywood Programs noises. That is why VlTA• TONE (a serles) 12 Week of March 22-28 16-32 gives you every musical Vol. 10, No. 24 March 22-28, 1941 nace, every sound, every whis• 11.:r')U~'flltS"U IDITt,11:: n11 I A. SirllflMl•l'C'r );lll"t'OlllAL•••••11''ml·~ l.ATIU1\'Ol't"ll·c11.: ,::~t;(:li'T'U'S l:IHTDE: lh1tJn )A"voh ::a l'IJMllKJ\I¡ ('utUI, t ,...•.••o, Jllhutü per with· brilliant definition. M.A~AOl:."o XttlTOE: Gordon S\to'UllUltut l'llOütCTIOl'I' Jr,1.A1oi.1.0•11.;Roth lllu.eU VITA•TONE is Auto Radio's .U~~U.Tll •rt1T01t1: F.'"u•• r1um1net. Uoll1wood: Jl.tio lluurc" lUJ..,·ut; ltlrlurd huiut..11u1n, l'1·01:nm•: JL.Uitt ll•.nloll, J..:duc&tlc111: Ch1rlcJ. A. )iorrl.tañ, Shur~ W11•ct most spectacular achievemenr P!PIT0111.u. u111t11'·1i.~TJI.:Jo11r1CnlJAlfl, I-'nr1d• C.:llui:, Jr .. ]l.lfm0o11i.1 Hanlon, C111.rle1Loalrs:nci• •\Hhur llUli!r, C..:l1reocc Ri1111tor,!If.MnSph:ul Milu ••• of_,.,.,.,. ... if you wane ro enjoy ir l(OT'IS•ll.u>10 Ou1011(TrJdl M.u'k RUhlered U. S. rllt. Ornct). 'folu111eX. N'un:iltf:r "4. We.ek. nr )hn."h !:!-!i. Jt-11. P11bllJhtdwrekl.r by Tri111cl• Publln1t11Hu, Iee., 40 N'or1.hHro.tdSt.ruit, Phllal.l•I· :¡i;i~:::.i,!"1..tf!M•ey insist on a genuine Motorola. rhla, !•tnntJ"lnnla. Edltorlal 1nd l'lrcul•llonOmra: ill Plft"IJUtbCourt, t.i1lca¡o, IJlh1ol1. ~liUrtd IS tft'OOll•f'IHI matter., U1<11POI' Otnc., t'hlcm.10. 1Ulnol1. F•bl'\IUY l! t. lftO. U.Qdlf the Ht º' .lla-rc:h 3, i.aa. 1:1!~11!f. Your Ou/e, CH Euily Get •nrl Oulc/dy ln.t•ll a MOTOROLA *~:~:~~:i11~fiu':r:~•.~1:g:.Ri°~r~~.~.11·~;·,eg~d.""tn1~~1~i~i:!n~::i:~;c~~:U1:•.!!•:·m1C.:~~~11~~\, ult•1tldn111ed a.11\"11Joptreir uturn. Ttin ce11u per COI)~ In 01<1 !;nhed :StllH sca•c•nrTIO!ll JUTE.ti In the u. s. ind pouelJlOJ'll U'ld Nt.IDlrlH º' the Pmn•AIDarlun ro111I DnlOfl: tis- mMllu.J:!.~O:Ne )"Ur, J.l.tO: twoturt, n.tt: tbr•• ¡en•. II.It. Sub1ttlpllon ralf!I in rore.Ian C'OIJntric.1: ai:t tnonlht. J=;.Vt; cm1 .rear. U:.11. B~111;11ltby pojlal IDQl181'order. enw-4 .-one.r 01du or ch..-k ~r)UJJ'DCQ. Kallw· /¡tri, CM and HDllU! dn1w11 to ordr!' Gt .Morn;·R"n10 Gu111•. n.ir-ren"y M!nl at 1ul11M"lber'• rhJt. Pl~ue all"w four week.I ft1r "han.u 11f acldrr-.u. Jl• 1ur• 1n all"t bntll t1ld .anil "'"' •rldrftJ~. rltaH •ddre•J .all t-0rre~ponde1\H uul f'010· plalnu In r•i:ileren.re !O LtJlucd¡llltiUJ to ure SublCrltt1.lon llt'p1111111a11t. í:ll Pl7mouth Court, Chlca1c. JJllnol1 GALVIN MFG. CORPORATION • 4545 AUGUSTA BLVD. • CHICAGO l'lols'T'IU~l!'í V, II. .l. www.americanradiohistory.com News Picture of the--Wee-k~- -lAPPIESTNEWS of the week for movie• their split, announced Nov. 15. Five days JOers who have come to regard Myrna Loy later, the Hornblows were seen together cit s the perfect wife was word thet the lovely the Mocembo. Note the obvious pleasure of actress and her estranged producer-husbond, Miss Loy as she danced with Hubbie (above) /\rthur Hornblow, had effected a reconcilia• in contrast to downces+ attitude (right! while ion. Recently Myrna end husband attended on earlier date with Nelson Seabra fol owing he preview of "I Wanted Wings," their estrangement from Hornblow. The alleged first appearance together in public since reunion came about shortly afterward www.americanradiohistory.com LEFT: Charles Boyer does a Pepe la ABOVE: Virginia Field models a dress FATHER AND SON-and both actors on RIGHT: Scion of one of the wealthiest Mocha on the purse of lovely Constance designed by Orry-Kelly and later auc• the M-G-M lot-have a spot of fun in an families south of the equator, Roberto Moore until that lovely young lady cetches tioned off at Lady Mendl's benefit "Cock• off-set gag picture. The son is the famous Seabra, of Rio de Janeiro, squires the him red-handed taking his inventory. tail Pay Party," held at the House of Mickey Rooney. The father is Joe Yule, always lovely. Marlene Dietrich to Ciro's. Boyer, whose performance in "Back Murphy. Funds went to the Air Raid vaudeville comedian, dressed here for his Seabra, with his brother, Nelson, is visit• Street" remains one of the year's pleasant Shelter Distress Fund of London. Sid role in "Billy the Kid" with Robert Taylor. ing Hollywood with the idea of investing cinematic memories, appeared on a Sil• Grauman bought the dress, returned it to Mickey started acting in vaudeville when in the film industry, a business in which ver Theater broadcast with Miss Moore be auctioned again for a fabulous price a child, with his father as his tutor both he and Nelson are deeply interested Photogr.aph$ by J;:i.c.jcAlbin.
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