ORIGINAL ARTICLE Motor Nerve to the Vastus Lateralis Peter C. Revenaugh, MD; P. Daniel Knott, MD; Jennifer M. McBride, PhD; Michael A. Fritz, MD Objective: To further delineate the anatomy of the mo- There were 2 larger caliber branches (Ͼ2 mm in diam- tor nerve to the vastus lateralis (MNVL) in the context eter) supplying the proximal and distal muscle. The nerve of its use as a possible interpositional nerve graft in fa- branches are variable in their relation to the vascular cial nerve rehabilitation. pedicle and perforating vessels of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery. Methods: Twelve fresh human cadaveric thighs were dissected to investigate the anatomic location and branch- Conclusion: The nerve to the vastus lateralis is a read- ing pattern of the MNVL muscle. ily available, redundant motor nerve suitable for facial nerve cable grafting. Results: There were 3 to 6 primary nerve branches (mean, 4.4) supplying the vastus lateralis. The mean primary Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012;14(5):365-368. branch length was 93.8 mm (range, 51-196 mm), and each Published online April 16, 2012. primary branch had a mean of 2.3 subsequent branches. doi:10.1001/archfacial.2012.195 ACIAL NERVE PARALYSIS IS A describe the anatomic distribution of the potentially devastating cra- MNVL in cadaveric dissections and dis- nial nerve injury with both cuss the novel use of the nerve as a cable functional and psychologi- graft in facial nerve grafting. cal impact. Neural compro- Fmise following tumor resection or in cases METHODS of traumatic and iatrogenic injury can be treated in several ways. Direct anastomo- sis is the preferred treatment in cases of The study involves both anatomic dissection and neurotmesis if there is sufficient length to description of clinical cases. First, an anatomic provide a tension-free coaptation. If di- cadaveric study was performed using fresh ca- rect anastomosis is not possible, a cable davers bequeathed to the Cleveland Clinic Body Donation Program (Cleveland, Ohio). Dissec- graft spanning the interrupted segment is tions were performed under the supervision and accomplished with an autologous nerve. guidance of anatomy faculty in the Cleveland Resection of malignant tumors affecting the Clinic Lerner College of Medicine who oversee facial nerve commonly results in large seg- this program. The institutional review board of ments of neural discontinuity that may in- the Cleveland Clinic approved this study. volve several branches of the facial nerve. Twelve fresh human cadaveric thighs from Reconstruction of complicated cranio- 6cadaversweredissectedtodescribethecourse facial defects often necessitates free tis- of the MNVL. Incisions were made in the skin sue transfer. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) from the anterior superior iliac crest to the lat- free flap is a versatile and reliable soft- eral patella, and the tensor fascia lata muscle was incised along this length for optimal exposure. tissue microvascular flap. During harvest Under loupe magnification, the nerve was lo- of the ALT flap, the motor nerve to the vas- cated proximally at the inguinal ligament and Author Affiliations: tus lateralis muscle (MNVL) is com- dissected distally, coursing between the rectus Author Affil Department of monly encountered in close proximity to femoris muscle and the vastus lateralis muscle. Department Otolaryngology–Head and Neck the vascular pedicle.1 The nerve has been The main trunk and its subsequent divisions Otolaryngolo Surgery, Head and Neck were traced distally. Primary nerve branches Surgery, Hea Institute (Drs Revenaugh and noted to be redundant in its course, and Institute (Dr were defined as those arising from the bulk of Fritz), and Lerner College of its multiple-branching pattern is ideal for Fritz), and L Medicine, Case Western reconstitution of multiple facial nerve the descending nerve. Any further arboriza- Medicine, Ca Reserve University branches. However, controversy exists re- tion beyond the primary branches was consid- Reserve Univ (Dr McBride), Cleveland Clinic, garding the sequelae of nerve resection ered a secondary branch. Each branch (pri- (Dr McBride mary or secondary or both) was measured using Cleveland, Ohio; and during flap harvest.2,3 There is a paucity Cleveland, O Department of astandardsurgicalruler.Whennecessary,the Department Otolaryngology–Head and Neck of literature describing the typical course vascular pedicle was divided to follow the course Otolaryngolo Surgery, University of California of the MNVL. Furthermore, there is little of the nerve and obtain accurate measure- Surgery, Univ San Francisco, San Francisco discussion regarding potential use of the ments. The relation of the nerve to the vascu- San Francisc (Dr Knott). MNVL as a cable nerve graft. Herein, we lar pedicle was also recorded. (Dr Knott). ARCH FACIAL PLAST SURG/ VOL 14 (NO. 5), SEP/OCT 2012 WWW.ARCHFACIAL.COM 365 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 4 5 RESULTS tor neural supply. Patil et al described 2 to 3 main di- visions of the nerve in 10 limbs and what appeared to be The nerve to the vastus lateralis was found to branch ex- a proximal and distal division of the nerve. Our investi- tensively as it coursed distally through the thigh. There were gation yielded similar findings, with proximal nerve 3to6primarynervebranches(mean,4.4)supplyingthe branching occurring high in the thigh. The distal divi- vastus lateralis in each thigh (Figure 1). The mean branch sion corresponds to the portion of the nerve often en- length was 93.8 mm (range, 51-196), and each primary countered in ALT dissection, and the distal nerve was ob- branch had an average of 2.3 secondary branches (Table). served to branch more robustly than the proximal nerve In each specimen there were at least 2 larger branches in our dissections (Figure 1). (Ͼ2 mm in diameter) supplying the proximal and distal The MNVL is variably related to the DLCFA, the nu- muscle. The nerve branches are variable in their rela- trient vessel most commonly associated with the ALT flap tion to the vascular pedicle and perforating vessels of the (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Casey et al1 retrospectively re- descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral ar- ported that 7% of ALT flap harvests had a relationship of tery (DLCFA). the nerve and vascular pedicle that was unfavorable for un- complicated flap harvest. Rozen et al2 defined 3 poten- COMMENT tially deleterious variations of the nerve-pedicle relation- ship. In their study, 28% of 36 thighs had 1 of the described The vastus lateralis is the largest of the quadriceps muscles. variations. Type 1 is defined as a motor nerve passing It receives motor innervation through a branch of the fem- through the vascular pedicle. Type 1 variations are fur- oral nerve, namely the MNVL. Although the vascular sup- ther subdivided into type 1a, in which a motor nerve passes ply and sensory innervation of the lateral thigh have been through a perforator from the DLCFA, and type 1b, in which well described, there are few studies addressing the mo- amotornervepassesthroughthemainvascularpedicle. In a type 2 variation, the nerve passes between 2 adjacent perforators of the flap.2 We observed a type 1a variation in 3specimensandatype2variationin2specimens(Table). 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 cm 1 2 3 This accounted for 42% of specimens with 1 of these ana- inches 1 2 3 4 tomic variations, a rate slightly higher than previously re- ported. We would expect that with a greater number of dis- sections, this number would reduce. Because the nerve can be intimately associated with the pedicle, there are occasions when sacrifice of a branch or branches of the nerve is necessary for safe flap har- vest. Kuo et al6 suggest that there may be weakness of the quadriceps femoris when there is harvest of a por- tion of the vastus lateralis muscle. However, they did not specifically study the effects of nerve sacrifice. In a se- ries of 220 ALT harvests, the nerve had to be transected 22% of the time, and postoperative lower extremity weak- ness was not found to be related to nerve sacrifice.3 Fur- Figure 1. Anatomic specimen of the nerve to the vastus lateralis with thermore, all patients with complaint of weakness post- extensive arborization. operatively had resolution of their subjective weakness Table. Anatomic Details of the Motor Nerve to the Vastus Lateralis From 12 Cadaver Lower Limbs Primary Maximum Secondary Branches Specimen Primary Branch Length, Primary Branch per Primary Branch, Type of Relationship No. Branches, No. Mean, mm Length, mm Mean, No. to Vascular Pediclea 1 4 147.3 195 4.3 1a 2 4 118.3 196 2.5 0 3 4 86.8 106 2.5 2 4 4 143.3 244 4.5 0 5 6 95.3 127 1.8 1a 6 5 73.6 98 1.8 0 7 3 108.7 129 2.6 2 8 5 103.4 153 2.6 0 9 6 138.3 250 3.0 1a 10 3 97.3 126 3.0 0 11 6 144.8 171 2.0 0 12 5 77.6 127 2.0 0 a The numbers indicate the following: 0, the nerve is not involved with pedicle; 1a, the motor nerve passes through a perforator from the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery (DLCFA); 1b, the motor nerve passes through the main vascular pedicle of the DLCFA; II, the motor nerve passes between 2 adjacent perforators. ARCH FACIAL PLAST SURG/ VOL 14 (NO. 5), SEP/OCT 2012 WWW.ARCHFACIAL.COM 366 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. by 6 months. These data suggest that harvest of a por- for cable grafting. Traditionally, cable grafting for facial tion of the MNVL does not impair overall lower extrem- nerve repair has been accomplished with sensory ity function.
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