;n ' \ ' AVERAGB OAILT C D U J C t A T m S tmm WBA* ter the Meath et Fahraary, IMS Pereeaat at 0. a. 5,535 Member of Audit Bureau Meetly cloudy wIBi «iow furrlea this a fte ia e o a aad prohably la Berth of Olroulatlou. portioo toBli^ti Fndej fair. OL. U ., NO. 137. (OlaMdAed Adverttalag oa Page 10.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS SIX HUNDRED AFTER FATAL GAS TANK BLAST LEAGUE BACKS U.S. POSITION BABY IS STILL MISS STRANDED ONmCASE SUMS UP ALL REPORTS One Hundred Horses Also CREW OF COLLIER Win Not Recognize Any On Floes Which Break TRAFFIC ALIBIS Rmnors That Lindbergh Infant Has Been Found Denied ABANDON VESSE Treaty Obtained By Means WIN THE DERBY ' Loose During Storm; Air­ Judge So Astonished That He By Police Officials At Colonel’s Residence — Meslo, Contrary To the League’s Fined Everybody Involved in planes Drop Food. Ship Helplessly Tossed By Covenant the Case. New Haren Suspect, Has Been Released — Johnson Evanston, 111., March 10 — (AP)—Police Magistrate Harry Still Held In Newark— No Real Evidence That Helsingfors, Finland, March 10.— Waves For Three Days, Geneva, Switzerland, March 10.— H. Porter heard something new (AP)—Hardy boatmen accustomed in the way of traffic alibis and Is Alive Or When It Will Be Returned. to the northern wiute'" today rescued Cannot Be Saved. (AP)—A resolution affirming that he wsis so impressed that he the League of Nations Assembly about 100 of the 700 fishermen fined everybody concerned $6 cannot recognize any treaty or any and costs. stranded on Great Ice Floes which BULLETIN! , Aboard Coast Guard Cutter Ossi- agreement obtained by means con­ “I didn't know what the-speed may we have another definite an­ broke loose yesterday in a storm in limit was,” said James Kamen. Hopewell, N. J., March 10.— swer?” pee, March 10— (AP) —Abandoned trary to the League Covenant was the Gulf of Finland. "And I,” put in Harry Prlz- (A P )—PoUce at the Lindbergh And back from the home came by her crew after three days of in­ adopted today by the Assembly’s j the ready answer: "The child is per- The others with' a hundred horses art, "knew what the limit was, home announced today that tense hardship, the disabled collier drafting committee. * fectly normal in every way.” could be seen from Suursari islands and was trying to catchHip with they knew nothing of a rumor H. F. De Bardeleben w'allowed for­ ’The resolution was circulated Mr. Kamen and tell him be was In this list of questions police half way betw’een Helsingfors and that the Lindbergh baby bad I were also asked if the rumor was lornly today on the storm-tossed At­ among the delegates with a view to breaking it.” Leningrad, huddled together on two been found in Connecticut. ! true that Johnson, learning be had discussion before the Assembly’s “I never beard that story be­ huge floes, unable to help them­ lantic some 600 miles east of New The following question was I been the involuntary dupe of the general committee tomorrow. It fore,” said the magistrate as he selves. The island inhabitants could York. sent to police over the special I kidnapers, had thrown In bis lot would place the League’s supreme imposed the fines. not reach them, for all their efforts. teletype system: with the police and was trying to The Ossippee stoqd by, waiting organ in the same attitude toward Intense Cold for a chance to put a line aboard, “Reports from Bridgeport, ! help them run down the criminals. Japanese occupation of China as C!onn., are to effect that baby The wind still was high but the although the collier’s crew, safe ! Another Denial was taken by the United States in was found in Westport, Conn., storm had broken. Last night the aboard the British freighter Lagan- This reTOrt was denied and it was A terrific explosion shattered a gas tank at the Public Service Corpor­ Secretary Stimson’s note of Jan. 7. ROOSEYET GETS by Sheriff Thomas Reilly and cold was intense and it was feared bank reported they did not believe ation plant in Camden, N. J., had taken a toll of at least eight lives when announced that Johnson was still their vessel could be saved. A1 The resolution calls on the great County Detective William the fishermen, suffering keenly this picture was taken, showing a crowd about the plant as rescuers being examined. though the gale of the past several powers with interests in Shanghai Kearns, taken to a hospital in themselves would have to kill their brought out the body of one victim. Four persons were known to have In reply to another question « po­ days had abated to a fresh north­ to collaborate for the maintenance Norwalk and Gov. Moore will horses unless they were rescued been injured and twelve to fifteen others were missing. MINNESOTA'S YOTE lice said that none of the three west breeze, the sea still tossed and of order In the zon to be evacuated axmounce recovery tomorrowi soon as they had no fodder for the by the Japanese. ’The Assembly al­ Lindbergh servants had asked for a heaved and the De Bardeleben no Reason for withholding baby,' day off since the crime, but they animals. ready has adopted a resolution look­ longer steadied by her engines, all too ill to be removed home. Is did not say whether the servants Two planes took off this morning but rolled her beam ends imder. ing toward Japanese troop retire­ this report true?” ment. would be allowed to leave If they from Viipuri with food. Without cargo and riding high, the But Smith Men Start Fight And from headquarters of should wish to do so. To Keep Up Work collier’s gaunt derricks and hoisting LA FOLLETTE MEASURE the search came back the an­ Every question was answered to­ gear described wide areas against The drafting committee also de­ and Stage a Rdnp Con­ swer: "We have not received day (although generally in some the stormy sky. The Ossippee, skip­ cided on a special committee of i t ” negative or non-committal way) ex­ HOUSE CONSIDERS pered by Commander N. G. Riketts, nineteen members, including the cept one. This related to the fact with a long record as oceanolograph FOR REUEF, ENDORSED twelve powers on the League Coun­ vention. Hopewell, N. J., March 10—(AP) that although Col. Lindbergh was er in Labrador waters and on the cil and Assembly President Paul —Rumors flew thick and fast in the ‘p- scheduled to speak at a banquet In annual Atlantic ice patrol, was the Hymans, to continue the work of Lindbergh baby kidnap case today New York the night of the kidnap­ NEW REVENUE BILL mediation and to keep informed but one after another they were first Coast Guard vessel to reach the St. Paul, March 10.— (A P )—Min­ ing be did not do so and returned scene. She relieved the Laganbank about the progress of the peace ef­ brought to earth and found to be home from the city about 8:80. Tb« Federation of Labor Says nesota Democrats will contribute which in turn had relieved the White GERMANY FEARS forts. worthless. kidnaping took place between the* Star Liner Ashiatic last night and The resolution made it clear that their 24 votes at the National con­ The troopers who have guarded and ten o’clock. Budget Most Be Balanced allowed the latter to proceed to New Jobs Most Be Created By the Assembly considered itself com- vention at CHbeago in June to the the Lindbergh estate and the road "Is Col. Undbergfat willing to ei(- York with' her passengers after a ELECTION RIOTS etent to deal with the entire Sino- cause of (3ov. Franklin D. Roosevelt leading to it for more than a week plain his absence from the spealdng Jt^anese problem—the 5Tanchurian of New York In his drive for the were replaced by others this morn­ engagement now?” the questiop and Over a Billion Mnst (Gonttnoed on Page S.) Government Or Condi­ phase of it as whll ps Shanghai. party’s nomiilation for president. ing. But it was officially annoimc' read. It proposed to ask the World After a tussle over a microphone ed that this was only a routine re­ "No answer” was the police re­ Court for an advisory opinion on and the breaking of the presiding lief. sponse. Be Raised By Tax. tions WiD Not Improve. Government Prepares For An early rumor that a private car the conflict. The Assembly’s com­ officer’s table, the majority turned on a train from (Chicago bore per mittee will report to the Assembly back a late bixvm for former Gov. QUES'nONS ANSWERED COAST GUARD BUSY In a resumed plenary session not suns important to the case was 'diS' Wasbington, March 10— (AP)— Washington, March 10.—(AP)— TronUe, Even a Revolt By Alfred E. Smith, who was support­ proved when the train arrived at Hopewell, N, J., March 10.— (AP) later than May 1. Meanwhile the ed by Minnesota Democrats four —Rumors that the kidnaped Lind­ The House today began considera­ ’The principle of the LaFoUette bill Assembly will take a recess but New York. years ago. Roosevelt forces then Reports that the baby had been bergh baby had been found within tion of the new $1,096,000,000 tax ON DISTRESS CALLS for a huge government program of A e Hitlerites.
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