PICKERING'S .LDINE EDITION OF THE POETS. Beautifully printed, price 5s. or bound in morocco J"or presents, 10s. 6d. each volume. Vols. 1. 1*. 2. Poems of BURNS. With Memoir and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, Portrait, and Additional Poems. 3 vols. 3. 4. Poems of THOMSON. With Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, and upwards of Twenty Additional Poems never before printed. 2 vols. 5. Poems of COLLINS. With Memoir by Sir H. Nicol4S. 6. Poems of H. KIRKE WHITE. With Memoir by Sir H. Ni- colas, and Additional Poems. 7. 8. 9. Poems of COVVPER. Including his Translations from Mil- ton, Madame Guion, &c. with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, and Portrait, the most complete edition extant. 3 vols. 10. 11. Poems of SURREY AND WYATT. With Memoirs by Sir Harris Nicolas, and Portraits. 2 vols. 12. Poems of BEATTIE. With Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce, and Additional Poems. 13. 14. 15. Poems of POPE. With Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce. 3 vols. 16. Poems of GOLDSMITH. With Memoir and Notes by the Rev. John Mitford, and Additional Poems. 17. 18. 19. Poems of MILTON. With Memoir, Notes, &c. by the Rev. J. Mitford. 3 vols. 20. Poems of SHAKESPEARE. With Memoir by the Rev. Alex- ander Dyce. 21—25. Poems of DRYDEN. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mit- ford. 5 vols. 26. Poems of PARNELL. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford. 27. 28. 29. Poems of SWIFT. With Life by the Rev. J. Mitford. 3 vols. 30. 31. Poems of YOUNG. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mit- ford. 2 vols. 32. Poems of AKENSIDE. With Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce. 33. 34. Poems of BUTLER. With Life by the Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. 35. 36. Poems of PRIOR. With Life by the Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. 37. Poems of FALCONER. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford. 38. Poems of GRAY. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford. 39—43. Poems of SPENSER. With Memoir by the Rev. J. Mit- ford. 5 vols. %* Each Author may be purchased separately. CHARLES WH1TTINGHAM, LONDON. NOBILISSIMO PRINCIPI THOM^E DUCI NOVOCASTRENSI OTIUM HOC POETICUM NULLO POTIUS QUAM CONDISCIPULI NOMINE COMMENDATUM HUMILLIME OFFERT ET DEDICAT VINCENTIUS BOURNE CONTENTS. *** The year inserted before the folio is that in which the Poems first appeared. Page Life of Vincent Bourne, by the Rev. J. Mrr- ford i Editions xxxiii CORYDON QUERENS 3 Colin' s Complaint, by G. Roive 2 Thyrsis et Chloe 9 William and Margaret, by D. Mallet 8 Votum .\. ,*, 1728 20 The Wish, by Dr. Walter Pope . , 19 Gulielmus Susannae Valedicens 37 Sweet William's Farewell to Black-eyed Susan, by J. Gay 36 Tueda 43 Tweed-side, by R. Crawford 42 Lucia et Corydon 1743 47 Lucy and Colin, by Tickell 46 Chloe Monita 55 Advice to Chloe 54 Musca 1743 59 The Fly 58 Ad Rubeculam, Invitatio 1743 61 The Invitation to a Hobin-red-breast 60 Florae Primitiae 1750 65 The Snowdrop 64 : VI CONTENTS. Page Amor Inermis 1721 67 Love Disarmed, by Prior 66 Chloe Venatrix 1721 73 Chloe Hunting, by Prior 1 721 72 Sertum 1743 77 The Garland, by Prior 76 Corolla 1734 81 The Wreath 80 Melissa 1734 89 Melissa 88 Three Divine Hymns taken from the Spectator Hymrms Primus 97 Hymn the First, by Addison 1743 96 Hymnus Secundus a 1 03 Hymn the Second, by Addison 102 Hymnus Tertius 107 Hymn the Third, by Addison .... 106 Ode ex Initio Psalmi xix Desumpta Ill An Ode taken from the beginning of the Nine- teenth Psalm 1743 110 Dedicatio ad Regem, in ipsius gratiam Latine Red- dita 115 Dedication to the King, by Arbuthnot . 1741 114 Anus Saecularis 1734 120 Ad Grillum , 1734 123 Solitudo Regia Richmondiensis 1734 125 Mutua Benevolentia primaria Lex Naturae est. 1721 127 Ad Davidem Cook, Westmonasterii Custodem noc- turnum, et vigilantissimum 1734 129 In Obitum Rousssei, Collegio Trinitatis servi a, Cu- biculis 1726 132 Epitaphium in Canem , 1731 135 Epitaph on a Dog, by Lamb .:, 134 Hymnus Paschalis 1734 138 Denneri Anus 1734 139 CONTENTS. Vll Page Ad Johannem Perkins, Astrologum Cantabrigien- sera 1734 141 Epilogus iEthiopissae, ad Terentii Eunuchum 1734 143 Idem agit idem 1734 145 Simile agit in Simile 1734 146 Agens et Patiens sunt simul 1734 148 Fanatieus 1721 149 In Posthumam Effigiem J. Fermor, Arm. &c. 1734 151 Novarca 1734 152 Ad Heemskirkum 1734 153 Hobsoni Lex 1734 155 Eques Academicus 1734 157 Thrax 1734 159 In Effigiem Dominse Catharinae Hyde 1734 160 Lachrymse Pictoris 1734 162 Epitaphium in Septem Annorum Puellulam . 1734 163 Pietas Rubeculse 1734 164 Verulamium 1734 165 Ad Richardum Lamb, &c 1734 166 Reconciliatrix 1734 1 68 Schola Rhetorices 1734 169 Ode Magistri Gulielmi Shakespeare, versione Latina donata 1734 171 Cruel Deceit, by Shakespeare 170 Canis et Echo 1734 172 Crura adscititia 1734 173 Rosa : ad Stellam 1734 175 In Fenestram Septentrionalem Fani Westmonaste- riensis 1734 176 Alexander et Xerxes 1734 177 In Statuam Sepulchralem Infantis dormientis .1734 178 Memorise sacrum Benjamini Ferrers, Pictoris surdi et muti 1734 179 Victoria Forensis 1734 181 Certamen Musicum 1734 182 VI li CONTENTS. Page .'.'.'.'. .'.' Carmen Lapidarium . 1734 183 '.' Pyramis ' 1734 184 Stradae Philomela '. 1734 185 Thestylis Coqua 1734 186 Cantatrices ' 1734 187 •j* , Ad Gulielmum Hogarth, UapaivsTLKov 1734 190 Plus scire oportet quam loqui 1734 192 Non es, quod simulas 1734 193 Oceanus Prsedator et Restitutor 1734 194 Parentis Solicitudo '..".'.' 1734 195 Epilogus Cantharse, ad Terentii Adelphos .. 1743 196 Manuale Typographic omni antiquius, nulli uspiam Librorum insertum Catalogo 1743 198 Mola juventutis Restauratrix 1743 200 Cornicula 1743 202 Conspicillum 1743 204 In Edictum Regis Georgii Secundi de recudendis Nummis Aureis : 1743 206 Pons Westmonasteriensis 1743 207 Milliaria , 1743 208 Epilogus Critonis ad Terentii Andriam 1743 209 Caupo Mediator 1743 211 Cicindela 1743 212 Ode Nuptialis ...;.: 1743 213 Haeredis Luctus ..." 1743 216 '.;.*. Bombyx '. 1743 218 Regnare Nolo, liber ut non sim mihi. ....... 1743 219 Regnare Volo ....... ..'. : 1743 221 Au>pov"Ad<t)pov .1743 222 Apes .'.v. ...... 1743 223 Ingenia in occulto '.'.'.'...' 1 743 224 Dignitas et Otium V.Y. 1743 225 Ad Stephanum Duck, 'EyKWjuiaoriKoj/. */.*. 1743 226 Prologus ad Terentii Andriam '. 1743 227 Epilogus Lesbise ObstetricisY. 1743 229 CONTENTS. IX Page Suicida 1743 231 'Ap^irs/cTwv 1743 232 Artis est celare Artem 1743 233 Iris Portabilis 1743 234 Levius fit patientia, quicquid corrigere est nefasl743 235 Veritas et Amicitia 1743 236 Enigma 1743 237 Labor Ineptiarum 1743 238 Nemo miser nisi Comparatus 1743 239 In Nuptias serenissimi Auransiae Principis, Anno mdccxxxiv 1743 240 Phoebe Ornatrix 1743 241 Odor Lucri 1743 243 Decor Inemptus 1743 244 Limax 1743 245 Udvra TsXiog 1743 246 " Si propius stes, Te capiet minus" 1743 248 Vulgus non rectum videt 1743 249 Innocens Praedatrix 1743 250 "Ignavum fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent". .1743 251 Passeres Indigenae, Coll. Trin. Cant. Com- mensales 1743 252 Epitaphia 1743 253 Pauper Johannes ; Poculum sic dictum : Coll. Trin. Cant, dono datum 1743 259 Sella Pacifica 1743 261 Epilogus ad Eunuchum 1743 262 Defendit Numerus 1743 263 Usus Quadrigarum 1743 264 Perveniri ad Summum nisi ex Principiis non po- test 1743 265 Spe Finis 1743 266 Quod tibi vis, id alteri et tu feceris 1743 267 Consule, quid valeant humeri 1743 268 Obsunt Authoribus Artes 1743 269 b X CONTENTS. Page Optimum est Convivium, in quod Choraules non venit 1743 270 " Minorem ne Isedas, cave" 1743 271 Nulli te facias nimis sodalem 1743 272 Ut vivas, vigila 1743 273 Tempore nil facias alieno 1743 274 " To perugd /itpijuvw" 1743 275 Epilogus in Eunuchum Terentii 276 Epilogus in Phormionem Terentii Faulam 278 TRANSLATIONS BY COWPER. Invitation to the Redbreast 279 Ode on the Death of a Lady, who lived one Hundred Years, and died on her Birthday, 1728 281 Reciprocal Kindness the Primary Law of Nature . 283 Denner-s Old Woman 285 The Thracian 287 The Tears of a Painter 288 On the Picture of a Sleeping Child 290 The Cause Won 291 Strada's Nightingale 292 A Manual, more Ancient than the Art of Printing, and not to be found in any Catalogue 293 The Cantab 296 The Silkworm 298 An Enigma 300 No Sorrow peculiar to the Sufferer 302 The Snail 303 The Innocent Thief' 305 Sparroivs self-domesticated in Trinity College, Cam- bridge 307 The Maze 309 Familiarity Dangerous 310 THE POEMS OF VINCENT BOURNE WITH MEMOIR AND NOTES BY THE REV. JOHN MITFORD. LIFE OF VINCENT BOURNE BY THE REV. J. MITFORD. IT has been the general complaint of the bio- graphers of literary men, that the lives which they have to examine and record possess few cir- cumstances that can sufficiently diversify their narrative, so as to make it engage the attention of the public mind. Of Vincent Bourne, how- ever, it may be said, not that what is known of him is devoid of interest, for that is far from being the case, but that scarcely any remem- brance of his life has been preserved. " Qui bene latuit, bene vixit," seems to have been the motto of his easy and unambitious mind : and his scholars, eager perhaps to lose sight of the tutor, subsequently ceased to recollect the poet and the man. We might almost say, that we are better acquainted with the lives of Shakespeare and Spenser, than with that of a poet who lived in times so near to our own. A few meagre dates, which only mark some unimportant asras of his life, have alone been handed down to us, without any accompanying facts ; as if the B 11 THE LIFE OF enumeration of the milestones on a road were to form a satisfactory description of the fea- tures and scenery of a country.
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