The Role of President of Philippines in Combating ISIS: The Case of Marawi (2016-2018) Rizky Anugerah Putra 016201300130 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Specialization in Diplomacy 2018 THESIS ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “The Role of President of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte in Combating ISIS: The Case of Marawi (2016-2018)” prepared and submitted by Rizky Anugerah Putra in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirement for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defence. Cikarang, Indonesia, May 2018 Recommended and Acknowledged by, Isyana Adriani, BA.,M.Si Thesis Adviser i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “The Role of President of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte in Combating ISIS: The Case of Marawi (2016-2018)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, May 2018 Rizky Anugerah Putra ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET Panel of examiners stated that the thesis entitled “The Role of President of Philippines in Combating ISIS: The Case of Marawi (2016-2018)” that was submitted by Rizky Anugerah Putra majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on May 16th, 2018 Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR., MA. Examiner I Anggara Raharyo, S.IP., M.PS. Examiner II Isyana Adriani, BA.,M.Si Adviser I iii ABSTRACT Terrorism is a problem that has made the world chaotic and split long ago. Terrorism has become the idea of killing children, women, and other innocent people. This radicalism also indirectly makes Islam considered one of the religions that started terrorism itself, which also tarnished the name of Islam and made "Islamophobia" as a new disease. The 9/11 incident in the United States can be said to be a modern-day terrorist initiator. The increasing reputation of ISIS has made many terrorist organizations in other parts of the world expressing loyalty to follow them. Two of the many organizations are Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and Maute Brothers in the Philippines. With two groups of followers there, they assigned both groups to capture the Marawi city and appointed Isnilon Hapilon, the ASG leader, to become Emir and Abdullah and Omarkhayam Maute, the leader of the Maute Brothers as his khalifa. In elections in 2016, the Philippines named a new president named Rodrigo Duterte, a hard-working person and wanted to remove drugs from his homeland. Brutally duterte kills every dealer and drug dealer Bandar. But by mid-2017, its mission to the Philippines was slightly disturbed by a terrorist organization under the influence of ISIS in the country. On May 23, 2017, the Philippine Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was assigned to capture the Emir Isnilon Hapilon, unfortunately the operation failed and the two terrorist groups succeeded in occupying Marawi. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte reclaimed the marawi City and what policies he has made in the process. The materials and data for this study were obtained from official publications of the Philippine government. Keywords: Terrorism, ISIS, Rodrigo Duterte, Philippines, Marawi City. iv ABSTRAK Terorisme adalah sebuah masalah yang sudah membuat dunia kacau dan terbelah- belah sejak dulu. Terorisme sudah menjadi paham yang membunuh anak-anak, perempuan, dan orang tidak bersalah lainnya. Radikalisme ini juga secara tidak langsung sudah menjadikan islam dianggap sebagai salah satu agama yang memulai terorisme itu sendiri, yang juga mencoreng nama islam dan menjadikan “islamophobia” sebagaisebuah penyakit baru. Peristiwa 9/11 di amerika serikat bisa di bilang sebagai pemulai terorisme zaman modern. Meningkatnya reputasi ISIS membuat banyak organisasi teroris di belahan dunia lainnya menyatakan kesetiaan untuk mengikuti mereka. Dua dari banyaknya organisasi tersebut adalah Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) dan Maute Brothers di Filipina. Dengan adanya dua kelompok pengikut mereka di sana, mereka menugaskan kedua kelompok itu untukmerebut kota Marawi dan mengangkat Isnilon Hapilon, pemimpim ASG, untuk menjadi Emir dan Abdullah dan Omarkhayam Maute, pemimpin Maute Brothers sebagai khalifahnya. Pada pemilihan umum di tahun 2016, Filipina mengangkat seorang presiden baru bernama Rodrigo Duterte, seorang berkepribadian keras dan ingin menghapus obat-obatan terlarang dari tanah airnya. Dengan brutal duterte membunuh setiap pengedar dan Bandar obat terlarang. Tetapi pada pertengahan 2017, misinya unntuk Filipina sedikit terganggu oleh sebuah organisasi teroris dibawah pengaruh ISIS diselatan Negara tersebut. Pada tanggal 23 Mei 2017, angkatan bersenjata Filipina, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), ditugaskan untuk menangkap sang Emir Isnilon Hapilon, sayangnya operasi tersebut gagal dan kedua kelompok teroris tersebut berhasil menduduki Marawi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyelidiki bagaimana Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte berhasil merebut kembali Kota marawi dan kebijakan apa saja yang di buat olehnya di dalam proses tersebut. Materi dan data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari publikasi resmi pemerintah Filipina. Kata Kunci: Terrorism, ISIS, Rodrigo Duterte, Philippines, Marawi City. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim. First of all, I would like to send my greatest gratitude to Allah SWT the Most Gracious for every breath I take in every second in my life. This thesis will not be possible without the blessing from Allah SWT. My faith on Allah SWT is the strength that endures me in conducting this research. Second of all, I would like to send my gratitude to the Prophet Mohammed SAW. Without the path he had shown to the humanity, the world nowadays would still be in the dark era. Thus, the education development will not be as solid as today without his guidance. To the most important thing in my life, my family, I would like to say thank you so much for your support, guidance, and kind heartedness while I conducted this research and my whole life. To my prudent father and lovely mother, Mr. Muzafir and Mrs. Mahdalena, as the ones who take care of me since I was born to the earth. To my one and only sister Febrilia Ariska Putri, thank you so much for always being there for me. Next, I would like to thank you Ms. Isyana Adriani, BA.,M.Si. as my main advisor in conducting this thesis. Your wise, generous way in supervising me has been really supportive for me. I also want to thank you for being very lovely and easy to reach. Not to forget, my second advisor Mr. Bustanul Arifin BA.IR, thanks a lot for your friendly, bighearted effort in supervising me at all time possible. Without your guidance, both of you, this thesis would not be as content as it is now. The last but not the least, I would also want to thank Ms. Feronika desy in assisting the administration for finishing my study. Then, I would like to thank all outrageous friends of mine who always be there for me Diazzamun Afif Nur, Teuku Haikal Putra, Farhan Abdullah, M. Bryan vi Arifando, Muhammad Fachreza Saputra, Fathurrahman, Ramiz fadhillah, Muttaqin, Ahmad Yaser, Noerfaizi, Firmansyah Noor and Aldi, thanks a lot for the support guys. Not to forget the lovely ladies Ayla Namira, Fatimah Zuhra, Qatrunnada Fitria Arista, Hinayah Nur Asri, Dila Nur Anggraeni, Siti Raudina Carmelia Putri, Arsyika Claudia, Fenni Adella, Mentary Rizka Rahmawati, Sara Iasha, Nasya Ramadhini and Fadilla Apriliani, thanks for being always there for me through thick and thin. To my highschool friends Ikhsanuddin basili, Muyassir Kahar, Dzikra Daud, Abbe Aulia, Facrul Razzi, Rizki Hidayatullah, Teuku Abrar, Sayyid Fahmi, Muhammad Aufar, Muhammad Ichsan, and the other FATIH 6th Gen. In the end, I would like to say thank you to all of the people who assist me and close this acknowledgement with Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless all of us in the remaining days of our lives. Cikarang, 11 May 2018, Rizky Anugerah Putra vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION IEP : Institute for Economics and Peace ISIS : Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIL : Islamic of Iraq and the Levant WTC : World Trade Center AQ : Al-Qaeda AQI : Al-Qaeda in Iraq UNSC : United Nations of Security Council ASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian nations NPG : National Preparedness Goal ASG : Abu Sayyaf Group AFP : Armed Forces of the Philippines FBI : Federal Bureau of Investigation ARMM : Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao JI : Jemaah Islamiyah MSU : Mindanao State University IPAC : Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict Eastmincom : East Mindanao Military Command IED : Improvised Explosive Device viii MILF : Moro Islamic Liberation Front ix CONTENTS THESIS ADVISOR ...................................................................................................... i RECOMMENDATION LETTER ................................................................................ i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................ ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................... iii ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................
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