T he Courier-Gazette. V o lu m e 47. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1892. N um ber 36 THE GALLANT FOURTH MAINE. lower part of the Common was enclosed WARREN'S LIME BUSINESS. crusher is to be put in to size up the CITY CHAT, THE PAYSON REUNION. I for their accommodation, and those who rock I EVERYTHING M Tlie Paysons assembled in the heauti- | had friends inside or favor at the gate­ Properties That Are Most Ad­ A spur track will Ixs built to the kilns News Chunks °f More or Less Interest Holds Its Annual Reunion With the vantageously Located. and Importance. lut grove,styled Reunion Grove,Warren, ways were admitted. Outside there from the Main lin of the Georges Second Battery. on the 7th inst. What the gathering | — ATLANTIC— NO. 666 were thousands enjoying the fashionable Valley Railroad, one-eighth of a mile N. A Burpee Hose Co. had a nice Four years ago last July Silas W. lacked in size was made up in the quality amusement of tho time—a military dis away. This portion of the road, from time nt their ball, Oakland, Monday HOE LAKE McLoon and J. A. Stover of this city of the entertaiument. Alter a general Camden Does the Very Handsome play. This is getting to be an every the Knox & Lincoln branch of tho Maine evening of last week.... Wednesday Thing and Treats the Regiment nnd bought tho Buxton farm in Warren, and Central at West Warren to the kilns, evening’s dancing party at tho Oakland greeting anil hand shaking, near and TORE, LOCK. Battery Royally—A Reminiscence of day nffair, and fashionable audiences S B developing the rich limestone deposit dear ones sat together in small groups the Fourth Regiment. flock to the Common as they do in the will be running by December, nnd then Pavillion was a most enjoyable affair. thereon, proceeded to erect a kiln and and conversed very earnestly, review­ season thereof to balls and the opera. tho lime manufacturers of Warren will The committee in charge were C. A. I have fitted up nnd stacked n first class store nt the burn liras. The lime proved of so fine Rose, E II. Rose, C. M. Walker, T. ing the past, giving joy or sympathy or above place nnd -tin 'ally prepared to fnrnlsh all the Tho Fourth Mnine Regiment and Tho Common never looked better than have direct and ready transportation Latest and Bent Styles at ptlces that will suit. My a quality that other kilns were erected, consolation as the ease demanded. Second Maine Battery Association bold in its elegant Juno dress this year, but facilities. Additional kilns will he built E. Tibbetts nnd A. J. B ird... .Sonsa’s low expenses enahfes mi- to give the host at lowest nnd today McLoon & Stover operate two In the absence of the Pres., E. A prices. A full and complete line of its 15th annual reunion at Camden last the carpet of green on the hills and pa­ and Knox County will probably see War­ New Marine Band for the benefit of random kilns there auk the Rocklnnd A Payson of Morrill, If. If. fogler called Ladies' and Gents’ Tuesday. rade ground is worn gravel bare by the ren lime burned in Thomaston kilns, as tho Public Library, Nov. 25, is an an­ Warren Lime Co one. Although the morning gave every great audiences of late. The Maine boys nil that Thomaston’s lime manufacturers nouncement which has excited great tho meeting to order nnd announced A reporter of T he C -G. who a9 it that the hour for dining had arrived promise ot a stormy day, the drenching stacked their arms on Charles street will need to do to get their rock by rail interest, Farwell Opera House will be happens bad the opportunity of seeing The bountiful repn9t was heartily en Bools, Shoos, RnDhers, rains speedily gavo way to a clear blue mall, and the Cadets kept guard for and dispense with horses will be to build packed full... .Miss Clara Gregory was tlie first sample of lime from theso prop joyed by all, judging by the manner sky and a delightfully bracing atmos­ them while they ate and rested. spur tracks from the Knox & Lincoln to in Boston last week. .. Edward M. ertios tested four years ago, visited the phere peculiar to our Maine climate. The Brigade Band was out with the their kilns, which owing to the proxim Benner, nine-year-old son of L. W. which it melted away before the hungry GENTS' FURNISHINGS. plant last week. eaters. At eight o’clock the Rockland mem­ Cadets, and together with the Rockland ity of the K A L line to the kilns can Benner, broko ono of his arms Monday Warren’s lime business is situated in F. A. PETERSON. bers of the association boarded an elec­ Band which accompanied tho Maine be doue with little expense. of last week. He fell from n tree. F. L. Mansfield, K. P. Fish and Min the Northern part of tho town, with tho tric car and were whirled to the seat of Regiment, they issued some good notes The quarries at Warren nre 120 feet The Pullman train out, Monday even nio Gould furnished excellent music qunrrieB on whnt is called the Middle war where already a large number of to pay the visitors for their trouble. above the Georges River, and rock can ing of Inst week, blew out a bolt when whinh wns freely interspersed along Rond to Union, while the kilns and sheds their comrades had gathered. Th They were better than the Confederate be sent by gravity into the kilns. Again near tho Thomaston bridge, and the through the entertainment which fol stretch along the bank of the Georges lowea the uinner. noon was spent in ihe exchange of bonds. It was enough to make n man the kilns and sheds nre so situated that train was obliged to wait there until ROCKLAND TRUST CO. River nnd overlook tho Upper Road to greetings, and the spectacle of old gray wish to “go for a soldier”—all tho pretty tho bottom of tho shed will be on a level nearly eleven p. m ....G eorge Alle Several ancient pieces ot music wore Union, so called, which is roached by a haired veterans who had not met since faces and the music. There were whole with the floor of the ear which runs up made a trip to Boston last week*.. sung by the audience which made th road built by the owners of the plant. to the door, and the lime on being Mrs. Wellington Smith of Boston has "••and old woods re” :’._d. 5 the war, hugging and wrestling with troops of Maine girls about cheering the Tho three kilns are of iron and granite, I he stamp* are «old in denominations of 5, 10 one anolher, was peculiarly pathetic soldiers and making them more un­ trimmed can bo rolled directly into the been visiting Mrs. B. W. Adams. Berke Geo. W. Payson and his daughter of and 25ccntfl, nnd nre to be pasted in books prepared tho two of McLoon & Stover being for tiie purpose. When a leaf is covered it amount* And it seemed us if every veteran had happy when they left. A soldier’s life oar for shipment, and the oil used street.... Mrs, li N Doe of East Union gave some fine readings to $1, which is then deposited in the bank antf modelled after the Thomaston ,kilns and Montague, Me., is visiting her old home F. W. Smith of Rockland read two orig bnnK account opened. set his heart upon attending that reun is not always gay, but these boys were for fuel can be received in the same It inculcates habits of earing on the part of the that of the Rockland & Warren Lime in this city, O, A. Clark's ...M iss inal poems one entitled “Move On” and young. A great success wherever adopted. C rf ion. Teams came in from every ilirec bound to go in and enjoy it as it comes. way. With the advent of the road, also, and get full particulars. 1 Co, being like the Rockland kilns. The tion bringing comrades to add to the mer- The moments flew away, and at six lime for the pnlp mills will be shipped Jessie Knight left Wednesday for another by J. W. Fogler of Kansas capacity of these three kilns is about 3 per cent interest will be allowed on riment. Thero were present just 117 o’clock the regiment was assembled and in bulk, obviating the use of casks Wellesley, Mass., where she enters showing how the name Payson orig­ deposits. 75,000 casks of lime a year. Wellesley, College. Col. Knight ac inated. This was much enjoyed. Mr members of the Association, 70 from tho fell into column by platoons, and Tiie companies have five kilns, well A G E N T S r Ro c k l a n d —A. F. Crockott Co., Reoently the two McLoon & Stover built nnd capacious sheds, a well stocked companied her to Boston... .The small Smith also read some interesting his Ja« Donahue. H u r r ic a n e— T. W. Sullivan. Regiment nnd the remainder from the marched through Beacon, Park, Tre­ W akrkn —W. O. Vinal. Un io n - II. L. Robbins. kilns have been fitted with apparatus cranberries are in the m arket... torieal tacts relating to the family.
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