PART -IV (To be lilled by Nodal Officer or Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Head of Forest Force) (Detailed opinion and specific recommendation of the State Forest Department for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with remarks) Sub.:- Proposal for diversion of 10.2398 ha. forest land for construction of Left Side Flood Bank along the Godavari River upstream side of Medigatta Barrage to avoid submergence of the Aaipeta and Tumnoor villages of Sironcha Taluka, in Gadchiroli District of the Maharashtra State. The detail of the forest land proposed to be diverted is as under:- Sr. Item of Works Name of Survey/Com Area Legal status No Village partment (in ha.) No. 1 Construction of Left Aaipeta 103 2.3635 Protected Forest side bank along flood tt4 5.4603 the Godavari River upstream side t39 1.08 Medigatta Barage to 111 t.2032 2 avoid submergence of Tumnoor 92 0.1 328 the Aaipeta and Tumnoor villages of Sironcha Taluka, in Gadchiroli, District. Total Forest land 10.2398 SpeciJic recommendation of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF) Maharashtra State, Nagpur is attached on page no, (Sdrij'eev Qaur) Additional Principal Chi{ Conservator of Forests & NodallOfficer Date: 1310312019 Place: Nagpur lo]c Ani6b1i-6ffiR,NIArLAR/^slIrR{srArE,N'AcPUll' ADDITIONAL PRINCIPAL CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF iiirtiroot, 'B' Wing, Van Bhavan, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001' Sub:-Proposalfordiversionofl0.23gSlra.forestlarrdfor constructionofLeftsideFloodBankalorrgthc to Godavari River upstream side of Medigatta Barlage avoid submergence of the Aaipeta and Trttnnoor of r illages of Sir6ncha Taluka, in Gadc6iroli District 3 /2 0 I 9)' the Maharashtra State. (FPA{HARzuG/3 8 83 ' No. : Desk-174{C/UID-127151 4ql 118-19 ':til Nagpur - 440 001, Dated ' 4"q l0 3l{q \.9 To, The Principal Secretary (Forests), Revenue & Forest DePartment, Mantralya, Mumbai - 400032. Circle-l' The Executive Engineer, Division No.1 Kaleshwaram Project Yq"*Y.p,.I.hT land for construction of Left sidc'Flood submitted the proposal for diversion of 10.2398 ha. forest Barrage to avoid submergence of the Bank along the Godavari River upstream side of Medigatta District of the Maharashtra state' Aaipeta and rumnoor villages of Sironcha Taluka, in Gadchiroli as under:- The abstract of the forest land proposed to be diverted is Area Legal status Sr. Item of Works Name of Survey/Com (in ha.) No Village partment No. 103 2.3615 Protected lorest 1 Construction of Left Aaipeta side flood bank along 114 5.4603 River the Godavari t39 1.08 upstream side t.2032 Medigatta Barrage to 111 92 0.1 328 2 avoid submergence of Tumnoor the Aaipeta and Tumnoor villages of Sironcha Taluka, in I caacrriroti _ Total Forest land 10.2398 No'1 Kaleshw:ram 2.00 The proposal has been initiated by Executive Engineer, Division Act, 1980' The project Circle-l, Mahadevpur for approval under the Forest (Conservation) supply (ii) 139 Tr\ic to proposed project envisages lifting of 40 TMC for drinking water use. The proposeti project irrigate al area of 1g25700 u..rr liii; 16 TMC for industrial in Maharashtra State is 1:afi of Medigadda banagefor diversion of 10.2398 ha forest land 3168'131 ha requirc'1 for Kaleswaram project. Previously, the forest land comprising has been fbrmaily appr'cved construction of Kaleswaram Project in the Telangana State Climate Change, New Dclhi (FC vide the Government of India, tttirirtry of Environment, Adminis"ratively Division) letter No. 8-3112017-FC, Dt.24l1ll2o17. The project is approved vide Government of Telangana State vide lettel: vide the Chief Engineer, No.G.O.RT.No.231,dated.0ll03l2016 and Technically sanctioned 65 I&CADD, Kaleshwaram Project r.ide Proc. No.CE/KP/KNR/KIIID/TS/ 201613l\, dated 1110412016. The total non forest area involved in the project is 232.07 ha. Tire site inspection report of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Sironcha Forest Division, Sirqncha is enclosed on page no. 120 to 122. 3.00 Following documents as prescribed in Government Circular, Revenue and F-orest Department No.FLD-i081/2041/(A)/F-3,dated 2010311982 and accord;r:.g to Government of India's instructions issued from time to time are enclosed in tu'o copies. 3.1 Prescribed form dated 1010112003. 3.2 Certificate regarding minimum demand of forest land for the project, . 3.3 Area Statement, 3.4 Index map in suitable scale, 4.00 The Deputv Conservator of Forests. Sironcha Forest Division. Sironclla has, certified that:- the area belongs to Eco-value class III and having density dense forest. 4.1 'irt,, 4.2 there is no violation of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. 4.3 no alternate alignment is possitrle and the forest land required is the barest minimum. 4.4 the area involved in the project does not form part of any existing National Pn:'l<, Wildlife Sanctuary, Nature Reserve etc. 4.5 the project involves felling of 1362 trees of various species and girth class. TLe details of girth class-wise break up is as under- Tree Girth in Cm. 0-30 3 1-60 61-90 91 - 120 121-150 Above 150 Total 1 ,< 36 15 11 t4 103 25 85 30 16 11 t7 184 19 113 68 31 t4 3 248 73 468 161 50 1' 37 827 Total Trees feeling 1362 4.6 the non forest land covered under the proposal of construction of MettigaBarrage. Dist. Gadchiroli are not under the provision of Maharashtra Private Forest Acquisition Act, I975 by virtue of application of Section-35 of India Forest Act, 1927 and are not recognized as deemed Reserved Forest as well as not irrcir:{-'d in the area identified as forest as the dictionary meaning of forest as intimated to the expert committee appointed under interim judgment of the Hon'ble Sttpreme Court dated 1211211996. 4.7 the proposed project is beyond 10 km of boundaries of the Protected Area (Serictuary and National Park). 4.8 the area involved in the project does not affect any monumental site of cultural. historical, religious, archeological or recreational importance. g4 4.9 and given the suitability over 10.24ha. (i) 6.24 ha. in village Aipeta in Survey Nt. 121. 122,12511,t2512,12513,126 (ii) 4.00 ha. in Village Survey No.39 & 40 Nandigaon Illy. In Survey No.39 & 40 and it is contiguous & suitable for management purpose and it is free from encroachment and encumbrances. 5.00 Thg IISer Aee*ucy has*sJlbtqtlsd an undertaking thati: 5.1 the user agency has agreed to defray the cost of compensatory afforestation. 5.2 the user agency has submitted an undertaking to defray the cost of Net Present Valtre of the forest land proposed under diversion. 5.3 the user agency has submitted Environmental Clearance issued by Governrnent cllndia, MoEF &. CC (IA Division), Neu' Delhi letter No. I-l20lll20I7-IA-A (R),r dated 5.4 the user agency has submitted comments of the Government of India, CentrzLl Water commission, Project Appraisal (s) dt. No.F.No.6l23ll20t7-PA(S)fi2728, dt.3011012017. 6.0 The Collector. Gadchiroli has issued certificate- 6.\ that all other alternative for the purpose have been explored aud the demand''i:r the required is the barest minimum. 6.2 that availability of the non forest area proposed compensatory afforestation and tl.: samc has not been proposed for compensatory afforestation previously for any other pro.,:-t'viCe letter No. Desk-/Al?Land- 1 /CR . 5 87 I 20 Ig dated.O2 I 03 I 20 1 9 . 6.3 under Schedule Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dweller's (Recognition oi irrorest Rights) Act 2006 issued vide their letters Desk-3/AIVLand-1/CR/W.S./53t'i2019, dt.O2l\3l2019 prescribed format Fonn- II as per Govemment of India guidelines dated s17l20r3. 7.00 In view of this, the proposal is recommended for approval under section - 2 (ii;':,f the FCA, 1980 subject to the following conditions: - 7,tThe1ega1statusoftheforestlandrequiredwillremainunchangec'.ti.: 7 .2 Compensatory afforestation will be raised over over t0.24 ha. (i) 6.24 ha. in village- Aipeta in Survey No. 121 . 122,1.2511,12512,12513,126 (ii) 4.00 ha. in Village Survey No.39 & 40 Nandigaon Rly. In Survey No.39 &. 40 in Sironcha Tal. of Gadchiroli District. 7 .3 The boundary of the diverted forest land shall be demarcated on ground at the prorttt cost by erecting four feet high reinforced cement concrete pillars, each inscribed with its serial number toward and back bearing and distance from pillar to pillar. 7.4 The user agency will defray the cost of removal of 1362 trees in the area f1,i$g in diversion. 7.5 The user agency shall ensure that the actual numbers of trees to be felled shall be kept minimum. 7.6 The Project Authority should provide water to forestry and allied purposes at the ratc fixed by the Government of Maharashtra. projcct. 7 .7 The forest land shall not be used for any pu{pose other than specified in the .,... /-.\T T"-."\Enrao+\T\aolu+nn\P annmmpnr{qfinn Ancqri Qir\E'nnvcrdino Dncv G3 7.8 The project authority will defray the cost of Net Present Value of 10.2393 ha. of forest la,cl as per the latest Guideline of the Gor.ernment of India. 7,9 The project authority will defray the additional/revised cost of Net Present Value oi.forest land as per the latest guidelines of Government of India. 8.Ct0 The forest land shall not be utilized for any pu{pose other than specified in the project proposal. 8' I No damage shall be caused to the flora and fauna of the area.
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