• • • aCl lC Cl 1 Established 1929 • National Publication of the Japanese American Citixens league ':2.522 Vol. 108. No. 11 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 .' (213) 626-6936 Friday, March 24. 1989 ORA Operations Proised House Subcommittee Initiates Budget Process for Redress Money \\ A HINGT I - Rep. Don bi­ neta and R !'l i\lilhui II lth J)-Cahf) \\anis (D-Calif). hair of the H(lu~c empha,iltxl that tlh' int 'n! of the l;t\\ ludicim $ubcotl1miltee on Ci\il and I 10 "1'1\1nl load" pa~ ment· . In the carl) Con~tinitlOnal Rlchb. h kl two da\ s ) ears, . igmficanl am~)llnb C. (X) mil of hearing. thi. ~ p~t \\eel in lht.! lion) need 10 ~ appl1lpnall'<l bc..'\:~use Rayburn House Office Buildmg. ThJ man) of the eligible I '''on:- arc 111 oversight hearing was on the Fiscal their ~enior ) ears. Year 1990 Authorization R eque~t for The econu panel. consuing of I\'p­ the Civil Rights Divi ion of the Depart­ ~e ll talh e~ ('mill the Japanl: . Amer­ ment of Ju tice (DOJ). ican Citize n ~ League-Legislative Edu- In opening the hearing on the first ation Commiltc~ (J CL-LEC), the day . March IS , &h ard - aid that the National Counci l on Japanese mer­ hearing were to " ... explore the ican Redre' ( CJ AR). and the Na­ perfonnance of the Civil Rights Divi­ tional Coal ition for Redress/Repara­ sion in carrying out it new mandate tion (NCRR) , trongly recomm nded UTAH'S REDRESS NON-TAXATION LAW-On March 14, Utah Gov. Norm Bongerter signed into low SB 22, [under Public Law 100-383 J" . that the $500 mill ion be appropriated . which exempts redress monies from state fax. Bangerter recalled that as a child, his father opposed the Two panel were called to re pond and that the DOJ be given sub 'tantial ·internment of Japanese Americans at the Topaz WRA Center in Utah. For the signing ceremony, Bangerter to this question, as well as to the que - amount to admini ter the redress pro­ invited members of the Salt Lake, Mt. Olympus and Wasatch Front Chapters of the JACl. Salt Lake Chapter tions of resource needs to implement gram . President Jeff Itami presented Bangerter with a Certificate of Appreciation for Civic Contribution for the the law . Furthennore, the three representa­ governor's prior efforts on behalf of the Nikkei community. IDC Veterans' Representative Mitsugi Kasai Intent of Law Stressed tive gave glowing reports about their presented the governor with a hardbound copy of Go for Broke. Pictured above (standing, I-r) are Jeff Itami; experiences with the Office of Rcdres In the f!CSt panel , Reps. Nonnan Mi­ Kevin Aoki; Mits Kasai; Roy Nakatani; Mrs. Nakatani; John Owada; Floyd Mori; Alice Kasai; Sen. Rex CO lll;ll/wd 0 11 Page 3 Black; George Sugihara and Floyd Tsujimoto. Seated: .Gov. Norm Bangerter. American War Veterans Relief Association Interpretation Snarls Redress Payments Anti-Redress Group's Past Called 'Murky' SAN FRANCISCO - An investiga­ al so investigated the Anaheim , Calif.­ WASHlNGTON - Confusion and until all eligible individuals have re­ tion conducted by San Franci co repor­ based veteran organization . Elli con­ misinterpretation of wording in Public Attorney General Says ceived payment in full (emphasis ter Vic LeeofKRON-TV has revealed cured that there wa "no proof that Law 100-383 regarding redre pay­ added)." that the American War Veterans Relief they were giving any kind of money ment procedure among high-ranking All Eligible for Redress When asked about this issue the next Association, which has ftIed an injunc­ to any VA hospital in Northern Califor­ bureaucrat may have further delayed Must Be Identified First! day, (March 16), during hearings be­ tion to stop redress payments to Japa­ nia ." distribution of redre s money, accord­ fore the same subcommittee, which nese Americans, i "a little known The American War Veterans Relief group with a murky past." Association reportedly conducts its ing to the Wa~hington JACL-LEC Of­ before the House Judiciary Subcom­ was chaired by Rep. Don Edwards (D­ fundraising by hiring independent con­ fice here . mittee on Civil and Constitutional Calif.), Office of Redress Administf'a­ According to Lee's report, filed tractor , mostly veteran to solicit During recent testimony before the Rights on March 15 and said , tion Director Bob Bratt said that they March 17 , the organization claims to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee do not plan to wait untiI they identify provide services and money to veterans contributions in front of s uperm arke L ~. "Contrary to tlle testimony given by It was also reported that "as recently on Commerce, Ju tice, and State, the the attorney general during a Senate all eligible persons. They will , how­ and VA Hospitals. However, inter­ Judiciary and Related Agencies, U.S. ever, attempt to identify as many as views with VA Hospital administrators as 13 month ago, Kirby headed hearing a few weeks ago, the law does another group called the United Vete­ Attorney General Richard Thornburgh not require the attorney general to first possible before payments begin. and the San Francisco Veterans of stated that the Ju tice Department had In fact, Bratt said that they were in Foreign Wars dispute their claim. rans Way . an organization that identify all eligible persons and then used the same solicitation methods." to identify all eligible persons before begin payments. Rather, the attorney the process of trying to locate the har­ In the television interview, Leslie payment could begin. der to reach eligible persons, such as Buchman of Volunteer Services of the Lee also discovered that four sol­ general is to attempt to make payments icitors for the United Veterans Way OMB Seems to Agrees to the oldest eligible persons f!CSt. persons living in Canada and Japan, San Francisco VA Hospital stated, as well as those in remote ruraJ areas . ''They were using this medical center were arrested in November of 1987 Apparently, the Office of Manage­ Priority Is to Age The hearings were considered im­ as an example of palces where they for various drug charges, providing ment and Budget (OMB) is under the ''This means that payments can be portant by JACL-LEC because they had donated money and had given fal se infonnation to a police office.r same impression. In the March 9, 1989 made to the oldest persons who have brought to the record important tes­ money to support recreational pro­ and existing arrest warrants. letter to the Japanese American Citi­ been identified at the time monies are timony with regard to the administra­ grams at this medical center. That was Upon learning of the news investi­ zens League-Legislative Education appropriated. In no way should the tion of the redress program. Further­ not true." gation, JACL National Director Bill Committee (JACL-LEC), an OMB Yoshino commented, "While the payment process be delayed because more, it dispelled some of the incorrect In addition, Lee disclosed a letter representative declared: each and every eligible person bad not interpretations of the law, Takahashi American War Veterans Relief As­ "Until the identification and location written in 1988 from a hospital ad­ sociation claims to represent 30,000 been identified. Congress had no inten­ concluded. ministrator sent to John Kirby, head process is completed, the Department tion of setting up such barriers to re­ veterans and supports VA hospitals, of Ju tice will not be in a position to . of the American War Veterans Relief the evidence presented by Vic Lee dress implementation." Association, requesting they stop make individual payments. That is be­ Specifically, the law says, Calif. Senate Reviews suggests that no such services nor cause the law requires that funds be using the VA Hospital name in their money were provided to veterans in ''The attorney general shall en­ solicitations. disbursed to eligible recipients in order deavor to make payments under this UCB Admissions Northern California. These revelations of age, starting with the oldest." section to eligible individuals in the Policy Report Don Ellis, commander of the San may call into question the credibility Because of the inaccurate state­ order of date of birth (with the oldest Francisco District of the VFW , has of that organization." ments by the Bush administration, Rita individual on the date of the enactment BERKELEY, Calif. - California Takahashi, acting JACL-LEC direc­ of this Act (or if applicable, that indi­ tor, quoted the law in her testimony State Sen. Art Torres chaired a hearing vidual's leli&ible) survi_vors )!. of the Senate Special Committee on University of California Admissions NEWS IN BRIEF on March 13 to examine whether or not UC Berkeley admissions policies discriminated against students of Asian Yamaguchi Competes in World Championship ancestry. PARIS - Kri t:i Yamaguchi of Fremont, Calif. finished ixth in the women's According to an article appearing in individual competition at the World Figure Skating Championship held March the Oakland Tribune, Asian American 18. The 17-vear-old also fini hed fifth in pairs event with her partner. Rudi leaders were disappointed with a UC Gallndo. Thl was Yamaguchi' first world championship experience. Mean­ Berkeley faculty committee report that while. Midori Ito of Japan took f!CSt place. Last year, Ito flni hed ixth. cleared the campus of long-tenn bias in admitting students of Asian ances­ Iwata-Sanchez Passed Over for Chancellor Spot try . The hearing was held because, ac­ SEA TILE - aomi Iwata-Sanchez was passed over in her bid to become cording to Sen . Torres' office, of "con­ chancellor of th Seattle communi£) colleges when trustee chose Thomas fusing conclusions." According (Q Gonzalel for the PO 't on March 15.
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