In Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, I, Ed. N. Oikonomides (Washington, D.C., 1987), Pp

In Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, I, Ed. N. Oikonomides (Washington, D.C., 1987), Pp

Notes I. SOURCES FOR EARLY MEDIEVAL BYZANTIUM 1. N. Oikonomides, 'The Lead Blanks Used for Byzantine Seals', in Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, I, ed. N. Oikonomides (Washington, D.C., 1987), pp. 97-103. 2. John Lydus, De Magistratibus, in Joannes Lydus on Powers, ed. A. C. Bandy (Philadelphia, Penn., 1983), pp. 160-3. 3. Ninth-century deed of sale (897): Actes de Lavra, 1, ed. P. Lemerle, A. Guillou and N. Svoronos (Archives de l'Athos v, Paris, 1970), pp. 85-91. 4. For example, G. Duby, La societe aux xi' et xii' sii!cles dans la region maconnaise, 2nd edn (Paris, 1971); P. Toubert, Les structures du Latium medieval, 2 vols (Rome, 1973). 5. DAI, cc. 9, 46, 52, pp. 56-63, 214-23, 256-7. 6. De Cer., pp. 651-60, 664-78, 696-9. 7. See S. D. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society, 5 vols (Berkeley, Cal., 1967- 88), I, pp. 1-28. , 8. ]. Darrouzes, Epistoliers byzantins du x' sii!cle (Archives de I' orient Chretien VI, Paris, 1960), pp. 217-48. 9. Photius, Epistulae et Amphilochia, ed. B. Laourdas and L. G. Westerink, 6 vols (Leipzig, 1983-8), pope: nrs 288, 290; III, pp. 114-20, 123-38, qaghan of Bulgaria: nrs 1, 271, 287; 1, pp. 1-39; II, pp. 220-1; III, p. 113-14; prince of princes of Armenia: nrs 284, 298; III, pp. 1-97, 167-74; katholikos of Armenia: nr. 285; III, pp. 97-112; eastern patriarchs: nrs 2, 289; 1, pp. 39-53; III, pp. 120-3; Nicholas I, patriarch of Constantinople, Letters, ed. R.]. H. Jenkins and L. G. Westerink (CFHB VI, Washington, D.C., 1973), Bulgaria: nrs 3-31; pp. 16-215; al-Muktadir: nrs 1, 102; pp. 2-13, 372-83; emir of Crete: nr. 2; pp. 12- 17; Abasgia: nrs 46, 51; pp. 264-7, 278-81; Italian rulers: nrs 82, 145; pp. 338-43, 458-61; pope: nrs 32, 53, 56, 77; pp. 214-45, 286-93, 298-9, 330-3. 10. Photius, Bibliotheca, ed. R. Henry, 8 vols (Paris, 1959-77), 1, p. 99; W. T. Treadgold, The Byzantine Revival 780-842 (Stanford, Cal., 1988), pp. 376-8. 11. Georgius Monarchus, Chronicon, ed. C. de Boor, rev. P. Wirth, 2 vols (Stuttgart, 1978); date: P. Lemerle, 'Thomas le Slave', TM, 1, 259, n. 13. 12. The Logothete's Chronicle has not been edited as such, and is only available in print from manuscripts which included the Chronicle as part of a later compilation or as a continuation of George the Monk. References will be to the text published as Georgius Monarchus, Vitae imperatorum recentiorum, in Theophanes Continuatus, ed. I. Bekker (CSHB, Bonn, 1838), pp. 763-924, and occasionally to that known as Leo Grammaticus, Chronographia, ed. Bekker (CSHB, Bonn, 1842). 13. One manuscript of Pseudo-Symeon magistros is published as Symeon Magistrus, Chronographia, in Theophanes Continuatus, ed. Bekker, pp. 603- 760; the anti-Photian pamphlet: ibid., pp. 668-71. 14. Theo. Cont., pp. 426-9. 15. Theo. Cont., pp. 436-81, 753-60 (Pseudo-Symeon magistros); A. Markopoulos, 'Le temoinage du Vaticanus Gr. 163 pour la periode entre 945-963', Symmeikta, m (1979), 83-119. 16. See]. Forsyth, 'The Byzantine-Arab Chronicle (938-1034) of Yahya b. Sa'Td al-AntakT', 2 vols (University of Michigan Ph.D. thesis, 1977). 17. Theo. Cont., pp. 436-69; Skylitzes, pp. 233-47. 391 392 NOTES TO CHAPTER 2 I8. Peter the Monk, 'Vita S. Ioannicii', ed. ]. Van den Gheyn, AASS, Novembris II.I (Brussels, I894), p. 427; C. Mango, 'The Two Lives of St Ioannikios and the Bulgarians', HUS, VII (I983), 393-404. I9. Theo., p. 490. 20. See C. Mango, 'The Life of St Andrew the Fool Reconsidered', Rivista di studi Bizantini e Slavi, II (I982), 297-3I3; cf. L. Ryden: The Date of the Life of Andreas Salos', DOP, xxxII (I978), I29-55, and 'The Life of St. Basil the Younger and the Date of the Life of St. Andreas Salos', HUS, VII (I983), 568-86. 21. Theodorus Studitae, Epistulae, ed. G. Fatouros, 2 vols (CFHB XXXI, Berlin, I992), nr 420; I, pp. 400*-0I*; 11, pp. 588-9. 22. ]. W. Hayes, Excavations at Sara(hane in Istanbul, II (Princeton, NJ., I992). 2. THE STRATEGIC GEOGRAPHY OF THE NEAR EAST I. Via Egnatia: see N. G. L. Hammond, A History of Macedonia, 3 vols (Ox­ ford, 1972-88), I, pp. I9-58; the military highway: J. K. Jirecek, Die HeerstrajJe von Belgrad nach Constantinopel und die Balkanpiisse: Eine historisch-geographische Studie (Prague, 1877). 2. R. Byron, The Road to Oxiana (London, I937), p. 228. 3. F. Burnaby, A Ride to Khiva (London, I877), pp. I34-5. 4. A. M. Khazanov, Nomads and the Outside World, tr.]. Crookenden (Cam­ bridge, I984), pp. 28-33; Byron, The Road to Oxiana, p. 228. 5. P. Burnham, 'Spatial Mobility and Political Centralization in Pastoral Soc­ ieties', in Pastoral Production and Society [Production pastorate et societe] (Cam­ bridge, I 979), pp. 349-60. 6. Khazanov, Nomads and the Outside World, pp. 3, 70, 8I, I6I-2, I64, 222-32. 7. D. Morgan, The Mongols (Oxford, I986), pp. 86-8; D. Sinor, 'Horse and Pasture in Inner Asian History', Oriens extremus, XIX (I972), I71-83; R. P. Lindner, 'Nomadism, Horses and Huns', Past and Present, xc11 (I98I), 3-5, I4-I8. It is worth noting that 20,000 is still a considerable military potential and therefore Lindner's conclusion (p. 19) that, '[the Huns'] chiefs soon fielded armies which resembled the sedentary forces of Rome' is misleading. 8. Leo of Synada, Correspondence, ed. M. P. Vinson (CFHB xxm, Washing­ ton, D.C., I985), pp. 68-9, I27; L. Robert, A travers l'Asie Mineure (Rome, I980), pp. I55, 276, 286, 348. 9. See D. Morgan, Medieval Persia, 1040-1797 (London, I988), pp. 6, 25; R. P. Lindner, Nomads and Ottomans in Medieval Anatolia (Bloomington, Ind., I983). IO.]. M. Wagstaff, The Evolution of Middle Eastern Landscapes (London, 1985), pp. I7-20, I39-4I, I48-5I; R. M. Adams, Land behind Baghdad (Chicago, Ill., I965). II. P. Crone, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam (Oxford, I987); cf. W. Montgomery Watt, 'Makka I: The Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Periods', in El/2, VI, PP· 144-5. 12. For the idea of a variety of options to be exploited see W. Lancaster, The Rwala Bedouin Revisited (Cambridge, I98I). 13. R. W. Bulliet, The Camel and the Wheel (New York, 1975); cf. M. McDonald, 'Near Eastern Nomads and the Evolution of Bedouin Life', in Archaeology and the Rise of Islam, ed.]. Johns (Antiquity special number I, June 1995). 14. Bedouin raiding is currently a controversial issue. For the approach NOTES TO CHAPTER 3 393 taken here see B. Isaac, The Limits of Empire (Oxford, 1990), pp. 68-74; and the chapter bibliography. 15. D. F. Graf, 'Zenobia and the Arabs', in The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire, ed. D. H. French and C. S. Lightfoot, 2 vols (BAR, Int. Ser. DLIII, Oxford, 1989), 1, pp. 143-67; Isaac, Limits of Empire pp. 220-8; F. Millar, The Roman Near East, 31 BC-AD 337 (Cambridge, Mass., 1993), pp. 319-336; cf. I. Shahid, Rome and the Arabs (Washington, D.C., 1984), pp. 38-41, 149-53. 16. M. Hendy, Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy, c. 300-1450 (Cam­ bridge, 1985), pp. 613-18. 3. THE ROMAN WORLD IN 600 1. M. Hendy, Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy, c. 300-1450 (Cam­ bridge, 1985), pp. 613-18. 2. A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire, 2 vols (Oxford, 1964; repr. 1986), I, pp. 607-86; M. Whitby, The Emperor Maurice and his Historian (Ox­ ford, 1988), pp. 138-83, 250-304; Maurikios, Strategicon, ed. G. T. Dennis, tr. E. Gamillscheg (CFHB xvn, 1981); tr. G. T. Dennis, Maurice's Strategikon (Philadelphia, Penn., 1984). 3. John of Ephesus, Historiae Ecclesiasticae pars tertia, ed. and Latin tr. E. W. Brooks (CSCO CVI, Scriptores Syri LV, Louvain, 1936); English tr. R. Payne­ Smith, The Ecclesiastical History of john of Ephesus (Oxford, 1860); John of Ephesus, 'Lives of the Eastern Saints', ed. and tr. E. W. Brooks, PO, xvn-x1x ( 1923-5); Severus b. al-Muqaffa, 'History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria', ed. and tr. B. Evetts, PO, 1, v, x (1904-15); Michael le Syrien, Chronique, 3 vols, ed. and tr. J.-B. Chabot (Paris, 1899-1905). 4. 'Histoire de Saint Maurice, empereur des Romains', ed. and tr. L. Leroy and F. Nau, PO, v (1910), pp. 773-8. 5. Whitby, The Emperor Maurice, pp. 213-15; P. Allen, Evagrius Scholasticus the Church Historian. (Louvain, 1981), pp. 21-2, 27, 42; J. Moorhead, 'The Monophysite Response to the Arab Invasions', Byz, LI (1981), 579-9. 6. L. S. B. McCoull, Dioscorus of Aphrodito: His Work and His World (Berkeley, Cal., 1988), pp. 1-2, 5-15, 63-6, 72-6, 147-59. 7. N. GarsoTan, 'Le role de l'hierarchie Chretienne dans Jes rapports diplomatiques entre Byzance et Jes Sassanides', REArm, x (1973-4), 119-38; A. Guillaumont, 'Justinien et l'eglise de Perse', DOP, xxm-xxrv (1969-70), 41-66; S. Brock, 'Christians in the Sasanid Empire: a Case of Divided Loyal­ ties', in Religion and National Identity, ed. S. Mews (Studies in Church History xvm, Oxford, 1982), pp. 1-19. 8. Maurikios Strategicon, pp. 262, 474; tr. Dennis, pp. 77, 159; Chronikon Paschale, pp. 167-8, and n. 454. 9. Th~ophylact Simocatta, Historia, ed. C. de Boor, rev. P. Wirth (Stutt­ gart, 1972), iv.13.24, p.

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