Response to Questions on the FY 2018 Budget Request By: Supervisor Herrity Question: Please provide a list of FCPS employees who traveled for work and/or training over the last 12 months to include purpose of travel, destination, and length. Please include cost data as well. Response: The following response has been prepared by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in response to a similar question from School Board member Wilson. CD# TW-03 Question # 40 Page 1of 25 FY 2018 Response to Questions of the FY 2018 Budget School Board Member Requesting Information: Thomas Wilson Answer Prepared By: Kristen Michael Date Prepared: March 15, 2017 Question: Please provide a list of travel costs for all FCPS employees during the last two calendar years (FY 2016 and FY 2017 to date). Please include the employee title, employee department, date of travel, amount of travel, destination of trip, and purpose of trip. Response: Below is a summary of non-local travel cost paid by schools and departments for FY 2016 and FY 2017 through March 9, 2017. This includes travel for professional development, recruitment, and legislative travel. Following the summary chart is the detailed report that includes the employee title, employee department, date of travel, destination of trip, purpose of trip, and amount of travel cost. Department/Schools FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Schools $ 689,555 $ 519,661 Instructional Services 178,014 96,818 Special Services 78,412 41,953 School Board Office 37,794 10,142 Facilities and Transportation 36,664 10,476 Region Office 35,626 16,628 Financial Services 31,533 27,638 Information Technology 26,899 14,849 Chief of Staff 11,919 3,916 Superintendents Office 10,044 2,172. Government Relations 8,630 5,651 Communications and Community Relations 7,457 345 Human Resources 7,433 19,825 Office of Student Testing 4,843 6,513 Deputy Superintendents Office* 4,161 27,217 Hearing Office 3,584 2,239 Office of Auditor General . 2,817 Division Counsel 2,799 3,492 Chief Academic Officer** 43,091 Total $ 1,178,185 $ 852,629 FY 2017 YTD as of March 9, 2017 . * Deputy Superintendent's Office includes School Support Office for FY 2017 YTD **Chief Academic Officer includes Professional Learning and Family Engagement for FY 2017 YTD Fiscal . Dept. DpMinatloit..- ,! Oast- Departure Return Vow' • : Travel"' iob Title !•••::?".! bfrtCC/SchODr" :. •: Prefix : Departrnent/Sthdols - ' Travel Reasdn City : ststt Dfttc 1 Date Conference SpoMor 2016x.. ;-?;Hrud»,;Lijdn)lla Z,?;? :>?.;. Manager,Pr6gram..Eyaluatlon;;.:Xxx:.x .COS - PROGRAM EVAlUATION XX^ ....... x ;CS. Chief of Staff; . .; . ; x lonal development; x ^.443 ;• ..Crystal City. .-.;x?.-x--:..:.-. - ••:? . VA?.. ••:. : x x: S/2S, 016X;.,: , S/25 /2016; :The.V/ork of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press- X 2016 Smith, Marty Chief of Staff CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICE cs Chler or Staff Pro Tonal Development • 743 • Roanoke VA 5/1/ 016 5/3 /2016 Vlglnla Association of School Superintendents 2016',:';!' ,??Socj^ell,':Recara6.;:?:?.;::?? •Orrll, Program Evaluation cos- PROGRAM WAI,UATIAN;;!?!? ??X?. ?-CS"'?- ??Chjef ofStaif?! ;?::??: ?::p'rb iional.peyelopment? ? Crystal-Cityx; ?.? ; VA?';??? , 5/23/ 0i6;x?;?X5/23 /20i6? XxThe.Wbrk of.Edvyard Tufte arid Graphics Press?...?• 2016 - Ford, Kahili Program Evaluation Specialist COS- PROGRAM EVALUATION 'cs Chief of Staff Pro lonal Development 157 Unthicum Heights MD 5/3/ 116 5/3 /2016 Mld-Atlantlc Equity Center Conference ; ; 2016?x ?;?Sm)th, Marty;?;: ?.;:;.?.?.?; ;?es?:? ;.;;:Chlef.of.Staff xx- -Pro ;|onal development x ; 1,665;;? ?;Bpjton7'Cambridge!?;;x :xx xMA? </8/ 016??:•?i:4/ll /2016?: x?Natloha! School.Boards' A»wtl#tldrt:!;??:;!;!;:;;;?;?!:x 2016 Hruda, Ludmlla Z. Manager, Program Evaluation COS - PROGRAM' EVALUATioN C5 Chlef'of Staff Pro Tonal Development 1,663* San Diego 'CA 10/29, 015 11/2 /2015' Association for Supervision and Curriculum Dev. 2016.:..;: .'/Smith/Marty:-.. x? CNef of Staff X:' :x?x:xx??:?:: : - CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICE; ;:?-:?-v:;.???:.;?.:; cs.? •. ! ?:Chlef of Staff - -x '.'.--Pro :|ona| Development.:. -.675,: '•?: Charlo ttesvMle ??:?-?:- •?:x;;??\;:-? • VA-xx-' ' : ?:;.10/18, pis; ; xio/ic/2015 ; ??Vlrgin|B Asso.clRtlqiv of School.Superiritehden,ts?':-x; 2016 Smith, Marty Chief of Staff ... CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICE cs Chief of 5taff Pro Tonal Development 1,443 Dallas TX 9/29, 015 10/2 /2015 EDLeader21 2016?:. •: ?:.Lacina,Janine M.X '.?:? Program Cva lua'tl on'Spe cf a| l<it ?:?: xi: : ?x ?: x?COS?PROGRAM EVALU/^bN:???;????! !;':'cs ?'-! ? xbhief.pf.Staff ?-.?• ?- Pro ilohaj development x :i>46;? ?;chapei'Hiii:?';????:;;?x??;:;??:; :;NC!;??:?: '• ::7/28, 015-' ?•?:7/31 /2015 :•; XResearch-Talk: XxxX'r.x?-;: 2016 Smith, Marty Chief of Staff CHIEF OF STAFFOFFICE cs Chief of Staff Pro Tonal Development B30 Richmond VA 7/22, 015 7/24 /2015 ETE Summit : : : : ; : 2016' !•;; PeijJett? Charitarc.?;?????- Program EvaluailohSpeclailst:?:??':. ;???CbS? PROGRAMEVALUATION ?;?;?ii:;; :?:; ; ;?!cs??: ;x !chlef of Staff : i:'?:??? ?.Pro ilonal development :: 1,-336;; ;-'Saii Diego??:/.?xx ?CA?! ? ??x??; 6/20, 015;? - : 6/22 /2015! :x. C6iihdl of Chief State.Schoorbfflcers fCCSSO) : .- 2016 Smith, Marty Chief of Staff CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICE cs Chief of Staff bm Travel 378 Wlntergreen VA 6/23, 015 6/25 /2015 FAESP 2016." VxTdrre, johh.j X' Dlr II, News.81Information.:...: ?? ? cos -.occn? NEWS, INFO Acmsis ?';? ;?;«?:? OCCR-.?:? .??:?? !?? :?;:;Pro ilonal 'Development X - 94S?? .; Arlington XX-.: ? .; X'.:;.-:;.;.- :VA ?:-.'?•;.:'??:'; 4/26, 016??:?'.4/27 /2016? x.NaHonal SUmhiit OnStratkglCCoffimunicatlOfisX'.'x.' 2016 Thomas, Kathleen N Dlr II, Employee & Comm Engage COS? OCCR- NEWS, iNFO & CRISIS "cs OCCR "'' pro iionai Development "900"' Arlington ' VA "? 4/26, 016 4/27'/20iG ' National Summit OnStrategic Communications : : 2016. ' Qul|foyle,Matthews -: . x.x.Ek blr ll; bbnirh'giCbmhlRelathsx- xx; ::X:?:C0S'-'OCCR r COMMNICATN S COMM.REL ?'.cs??- .x?OCCR-x:?-:..?---?:x'xx:- •?x Pro ilonal development : 991 ?• ^Arlington ?:xx:xx;?;:??:'r?!x!?;;? VA ??!??:?':•'' 4/26, Dl6; •? 4/2772016: ??Natlona|Sunih>librt'Stfiteglccohimuplntlonii: r;X 2016 Grunig, Andrew J. Communications Specialist COS - OCCR - NEWS,INFO & CRISIS cs _ OCCR ?' ^ _ "'Pro lonal Development • 229 Annapolis MD 4/21, 016 4/221/2016 Chesapeake Chapter of NSPRA : : : : 2016-'.!' Grunlgi-Andrew J.'..?: X..? ? ?:; Com munl cat) b S pedai Is i ?-??:? ?;: ; ?: ?:?COS - OCCR'- NEWS;.INFO aCRislS.':?';.??;'" j?:-cs??;!. x :'bCGR-x?:? ;!??pro lonai .Development!:; ?-'362-:. ?Virgfnla Beach' !.VA :!:???: ;? 11/12, 6l5:-:x- •11/13 /201s ? :?'Chesipeiike Chapter of NSPRA.,:-:?: 2016 Gullfoyle, Matthew S Ex Dlr II, Comm& Comm Relatns COS - OCCR?COMMNICATN & COMM REL cs OCCR Pro lonal Development 1,558 Nashvlile TN 7/12, 015 7/1S1/2015 NSPRA idisr!;; x-x Wynne,Traeey BX'X: :?;: : Commurircatlbhs Spetdailst?. x?;?: COS-OCCR-:COMMNiCAfNi COMM REL?! :?;cs??: ";' bccR?;?'?;???? ;'x?Pro ioriai dBvelopment.; ;2,'472;? •;NashvilleXX V:?? •;TN •! x?:.? "?"x-7/12, ois'.? X?7/1S;/2pis? -? Nationai School PubncRelastlonsAssodatlon!:; ?:: 2016 " Emery, Mark H. After-School Programs Admin SO-STUDENT ACTIVITIES DS DepSups Office lonal Development S66 Baltimore City ' , MD 3/30, 016 .4/1/2016 Ready by 21 2016 ? Reynolds?J6hri???;x!x,?;,;?; x;?:'AW)letle Training PrgrmsAdmin???;? ?: x?SOxSTUDENTACTlyiTIES? ? ?? ????!?? • DS?'• kvoep sups ofnce:;?;:??; ::? ; Pro lonal deyelopment. ; :'i;b28? x.Hqusttm??;....????;:??^ :;TX:.?'X?X ? ?4/28, 01,6 ;?•; :? ;'4/3C1 /2016.? 2016 Curran, William G. Dlr II, Actlvts & Athltc Prgms SO - isTUDENT ACTiviTIES DS " Dep Sups Office "' Pro lonal Development "476" Richmond 'VA 3/8, 016 " 3/1C1/2016 Vlrglna High School League : ; : 2016:k! xxModell, Melody xx x.?.^Student .Activities Specialist ;;.;:;.;:;:;. ???;:sO-STUDENT ACTIVITIES??;?'; x??! x DS I;-!. "XDep SUps Office----- x-x'Pro lonal Development:::. V'443:x; x Richmond : xx: ;; ;VA ;•-?;:?.:?-?:?3/0, 016':-'.; 3/1C1 /2016; ! ; yHsix?? xx;:.? 2016 ' Reynolds, John AthieticTrainlng Prgrms Admin 50 - STUDENT ACtiviTIES DS Dep Sups Office Pro lonal Development 1,648 St. Louis MO 6/23, 015''' *6/277201s' National Athletic Trainers Association : : 2016::;..f . : Larrabee, Carolyn M. ? :.:..;? ?>: •' Staff Attorneyx?.?: .: .SO - DIVISION COUNSEL?;???.- ????.;?:.;:? x xso;? : x-: : Division'Counsel ? x ?.r ! Pro |ona| Development? -2,004?'! x Boston/Cambridge; :-MA; ;??•;'?: ?. 4/6, 016.x .? ;4/s72016;? :? NSBA Council of SchoolAttorneys (COSA) ; : :;; 2016 Foster, John E Division Counsel SO-DIVISION COUNSEL SO Divlslon Counsel Pro lonal Development 79S ' 'Roanoke VA 10/15, 015 10/17 /201s Local Government Attorneys of VA (LGA VA) 2016!;?: ? •Gambhlr.SObhash. ???Arch|tertural!EnglneetTI:?x?x?xx: ??x ;:Fr>:.bESIGN'AN'bbpNSTRUCT!bN'x !;?FC! ;;?!lTS ?:???!• ??.::?:??•!• •? ?Pro lonal development?: :i;294?: Philadelphia?: ::!:xx::?:?.v?x::;.?xx'PA????? ?:' ? '5/18, Oi'fi?:? x?5/2172016; XvAmeriean Institute'of Architects:- ?:?? 2016 Saltier, David R Coord III, EnergyManagement FT- FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FC FTS Off! 1 Travel 219 Virginia Beach VA 5/11, 016 5/12:/2016 Virginia Enery Purchasing Governmental Assoc : : ; : .2016;:? ? ?NW6su,;Godson j:;;?;::?;??: ::!'i ] ?;A rtiijt edtii rai En^l ri eer] li: x;.;;;:x; ; x; ;;;:;;?;Ft?bE5IGN;AND;CONCTR^ ?;... _FC ;?:: x?M:?:T:?x-x???: ?-:•! ?:?:prp ionajXpeveioprnehi?: ;:i!529? ; ?PA;'' ? ;'?!: 5/18, 016?'; ?'x5/23 /2016 x;::Ameficar\ Institute 0if Architects; 2016" Haidacher, Jeffrey L Architectural Engineer II FT - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ""FTS Pro lonal Development 518 , Williamsburg/York VA
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