Paroisses du Canada Pour trouver rapidement une paroisse ou un lieu de culte, nous avons divisé cet ouvrage en deux (2) parties : Dans la section Recherche par Endroit, les fiches sont triées par endroit et par paroisse. La section Recherche par Paroisse présente les mêmes informations, mais selon le tri paroisse et endroit. RECHERCHE PAR ENDROIT Endroit Comté Prov. Paroisse Rel. Regis. 100 Mile House Cariboo CB St. Judes Cath. Abbotsford Central Fraser CB St. Ann Cath. 1929 Abbott Corners Missisquoi QC Baptist Prot. 1883 Abbottsford Rouville QC Congregational Prot. 1824 Abbottsford Rouville QC United Church Prot. 1880 Abénaquis Dorchester QC Anglican Prot. 1838 Abercorn Brome QC Methodist Prot. 1902 Abercorn Brome QC St-Simon Cath. 1941 Abercorn Brome QC United Church Prot. 1936 Abercorn Brome QC Universalist Prot. 1878 Abitibi-Est Abitibi QC Mission Indienne Cath. Acadia Valley 04 AB Bindioss Catholic Parish Cath. Acadia Valley 04 AB Nativity of Our Lord Church Cath. Acadia Valley 04 AB St. Mary Church Cath. Acadieville Non disponible NB Immaculée-Conception Cath. 1896 Acadieville Non disponible NB St-Joseph (Mission) Cath. Acton Vale Bagot QC Methodist Prot. 1863 Acton Vale Bagot QC St-André Cath. 1858 Acton Vale Bagot QC St-Mark Anglican Prot. 1864 Adams Lake Columbia-Shuswap CB Missions Cath. Adamsville Kent NB St-Timothée Cath. 1911 Admiral Non disponible SK Holy Family Cath. 1987 Agassiz Fraser-Cheam CB St. Anthony of Padoua Cath. 1939 Agincourt Non disponible ON Holy Spirit Cath. 1956 Agincourt Non disponible ON Our Lady of Good Health Cath. 1994 Agincourt Non disponible ON St. Bartholomew Cath. 1968 Aguanish Saguenay QC Marie-Mère-de-l'Église Cath. 1953 Airdrie 06 AB St. Paul Cath. 1972 Ajax Durham ON St. Bernadette Cath. 1952 Ajax Durham ON St. Francis de Sales Cath. 1860 Aklavik Inuvik TN Immaculée-Conception Cath. 1925 Akwesasne Huntingdon QC St-Régis Cath. Alban Sudbury ON N-D-de-Lourdes Cath. 1934 Albanel Lac-St-Jean QC Ste-Lucie Cath. 1902 Alberton Prince PE Sacred Heart Cath. 1879 Albertville 15 SK St-Jacques-le-Majeur Cath. 1910 Albertville Matapédia QC St-Raphaël Cath. 1919 Albion Peel ON St. John the Evangelist Cath. 1914 Alcida Gloucester NB St-Nazaire Cath. 1956 Aldergrove Central Fraser CB St. Ann Cath. 1955 Alexandria Glengarry ON Sacré-Coeur Cath. 1909 Alexandria Glengarry ON St. Alexander (Mission) Cath. 1851 Alexandria Glengarry ON St. Finnan (Cathédrale) Cath. 1883 Alexis Creek Cariboo CB Cariboo-Shuswap Missions Cath. Alexis Creek Cariboo CB Sacred Heart Cath. Alfred Prescott ON St-Victor Cath. 1871 Alix 08 AB St. Rita (mission) Cath. Allan 11 SK St. Aloysius Cath. Allardville Gloucester NB Christ-Roi Cath. 1935 Allerston 02 AB St. Isidore (mission) Cath. 1910 Alleyne Pontiac QC Holy Trinity Cath. Alleyne (Danford Lake) Pontiac QC Anglican Prot. 1888 Alliance 07 AB St. Agnes (mission) Cath. Alliston Simcoe ON Immaculate Conception (mission) Cath. Alliston Simcoe ON St. Paul the Apostle Cath. 1877 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC Hôtel de ville Civil Alma Lac-St-Jean QC St-Joseph Cath. 1881 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC St-Jude Cath. 1954 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC St-Julien-Eymard Cath. Alma Lac-St-Jean QC Ste-Marie-de-L'Isle-Maligne Cath. 1937 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC St-Pierre Cath. 1952 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC St-Sacrement Cath. 1947 Alma Lac-St-Jean QC United Church Prot. 1930 Almonte Lanark ON Holy Name of Mary Cath. 1842 Alvena 15 SK Holy Trinity Cath. 1905 Page 1 Endroit Comté Prov. Paroisse Rel. Regis. Alverne (L') Gaspé QC Les-Stigmates-de-St-Franç Cath. 1938 Alvinston Lambton ON St. Matthew Cath. 1879 Amaranth 17 MB Assumption of Our Lady (mission) Cath. Amaranth 17 MB Our Lady of Angels Cath. 1924 Amaranth 17 MB St. Emeric (mission) Cath. Amherst Non disponible NE Nativity of Our Lady Cath. Amherst Papineau QC N-D-des-Anges Cath. 1904 Amherst Non disponible NE St. Charles Borromeo Cath. Amherst Papineau QC St-Rémi Cath. 1883 Amherstburg Essex ON St. John the Baptiste Cath. 1827 Amherstview Lennox and AddingtonON Blessed Sacrament Cath. 1968 Amherstview Lennox and AddingtonON Missions Cath. Amirault Hill Yarmouth NE N-D-des-Iles (Desserte) Cath. 1875 Amirault Hill Yarmouth NE Ste-Famille Cath. 1901 Amos Abitibi QC Centre Chrétien Prot. 1973 Amos Abitibi QC Christ-Roi Cath. 1954 Amos Abitibi QC Église Unie du Canada Prot. 1927 Amos Abitibi QC Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu Cath. 1935 Amos Abitibi QC Hôtel de Ville Civil 1932 Amos Abitibi QC Pensionnat Indien Cath. Amos Abitibi QC Ste-Catherine Cath. 1969 Amos Abitibi QC Ste-Thérèse-d'Avila Cath. 1922 Amos Abitibi QC St-Viateur Cath. 1940 Amqui Matapédia QC St-Benoit-Joseph-Labre Cath. 1879 Anahim Lake Non disponible CB Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cath. Ancaster Hamilton-Wentworth ON St. Ann Cath. 1951 Ancienne-Lorette (L') Québec QC N-D-de-l'Annonciation Cath. 1695 Anderson Road Victoria NB St. Theresa Cath. 1932 Ange-Gardien (L') Montmorency QC L'Ange Gardien Cath. 1669 Ange-Gardien (L') Rouville QC St-Ange-Gardien Cath. 1857 Angers Papineau QC Coeur-Très-Pur-de-Marie Cath. 1864 Angliers Témiscamingue QC St-Viateur Cath. 1929 Angus Simcoe ON Our Lady of Grace Cath. 1959 Angus Simcoe ON Our Lady of the Assumption (mission) Cath. Anjou Ile-de-Montréal QC Communauté Chrét. Jean XXIII Cath. 1970 Anjou Ile-de-Montréal QC Notre-Dame Cath. 1959 Anjou Ile-de-Montréal QC St-Conrad Cath. 1950 Anjou Ile-de-Montréal QC St-Jean-Eudes Cath. 1967 Anjou Ile-de-Montréal QC United Church Prot. 1959 Annapolis Royal Annapolis NE St. Alphonsus (Mission) Cath. 1874 Annapolis Royal Annapolis NE St. Louis Cath. 1836 Annonciation (L') Labelle QC L'Annonciation Cath. 1888 Anola Non disponible MB Our Lady of Hope Cath. 1990 Anse-au-Griffon Gaspé QC St-Joseph Cath. 1882 Anse-aux-Gascons (L') Bonaventure QC Ste-Germaine Cath. 1898 Anse-aux-Gascons (L') Bonaventure QC Saint Philip's Anglican Church Prot. 1896 Anse-Pleureuse (L') Gaspé QC St-Jean-Baptiste Cath. 1932 Anse-St-Jean (L') Chicoutimi QC St-Jean-Baptiste Cath. 1861 Antigonish Antigonish NE St. Ninian (Cathedral) Cath. 1874 Apple Hill Glengarry ON St. Anthony Cath. 1914 Apple Hill Glengarry ON St. Michael (Mission) Cath. 1914 Arborfield 14 SK St. Lucy Cath. 1930 Arborg 18 MB St. Philip Neri Cath. 1921 Ardmore 12 AB St. Peter and St. Paul (mission) Cath. 1952 Arelee 12 SK St. Anne Cath. Arichat Richmond NE Assomption-de-la-B-V-M Cath. 1736 Arisaig Antigonish NE St. Andrew (Mission) Cath. Arisaig Antigonish NE St. Margaret Cath. 1792 Arisaig Antigonish NE St. Mary (Mission) Cath. Armagh Bellechasse QC St-Cajetan Cath. 1857 Armstrong Thunder Bay ON Our Lady of the Snows Cath. Armstrong North Okanagan CB St. Joseph Cath. Armstrong Beauce QC St-Théophile Cath. 1892 Arnprior Renfrew ON St. John Chrysostom Cath. 1867 Arntfield Témiscamingue QC Ste-Famille Cath. 1945 Aroland Thunder Bay ON Immaculate Heart of Mary Cath. Page 2 Endroit Comté Prov. Paroisse Rel. Regis. Aroostook Victoria NB Our Lady of Mercy Cath. 1925 Arthabaska Arthabaska QC St-Christophe Cath. 1852 Arthur Wellington ON St. John Cath. 1857 Artic Red River Inuvik TN St-Nom-de-Marie (station) Cath. 1860 Arundel Argenteuil QC Episcopal Prot. 1892 Arundel Argenteuil QC Grace Anglican Church Prot. 1868 Arundel Argenteuil QC Holiness Movement Prot. 1898 Arundel Argenteuil QC Presbyterian Church Prot. 1875 Arundel Argenteuil QC Rouge Valley United Church Prot. 1868 Arundel Argenteuil QC Standard America Church Prot. 1936 Arviat (Eskimo Point) Keewatin TQ Ste-Thérèse-de-l'Enf.-J.-Vierge-Sourire Cath. 1924 Asbestos Richmond QC Church of England Prot. 1910 Asbestos Richmond QC N-D-de-Toutes-Joies Cath. 1955 Asbestos Richmond QC St-Aimé Cath. 1897 Asbestos Richmond QC St-Barnabé Cath. 1950 Asbestos Richmond QC St-Dominique-Savio Cath. 1966 Asbestos Richmond QC St-Isaac-Jogues Cath. 1946 Asbestos Richmond QC United Church Prot. 1927 Ascension (L') Labelle QC L'Ascension Cath. 1902 Ascension-de-Patapédia (L') Bonaventure QC L'Ascension Cath. 1939 Ascension-N-Seigneur (L') Lac-St-Jean QC L'Ascension Cath. 1917 Ascot Sherbrooke QC Church of England Prot. 1824 Ascot Sherbrooke QC Hotel de ville Civil 1914 Ascot Sherbrooke QC Précieux-Sang Cath. 1906 Ascot Sherbrooke QC Universalist Prot. 1844 Ascot Corner Sherbrooke QC Anglican Church of England Prot. 1876 Ascot Corner Sherbrooke QC St-Stanislas-Kostka Cath. 1894 Ashcroft Thompson-Nicola CB St. Gerard Cath. Ashern 18 MB Holy Cross Cath. 1913 Ashfield Huron ON St. Joseph Cath. 1841 Asquith 12 SK St. Theresa the Little Flower (mission) Cath. Assiniboia 03 SK St-Georges Cath. 1914 Assomption (L') L'Assomption QC L'Assomption Cath. 1724 Assumption 15 AB N-D-de-l'Assomption Cath. 1928 Assumption 15 AB Sts. Peter & Paul Cath. 1970 Aston Jonction Nicolet QC St-Raphaël Cath. 1915 Astorville Nipissing ON St. Thomas Aquinas Cath. 1902 Athabasca 12 AB St. Catherine (mission) Cath. Athabasca 12 AB St. Clement Hofbauer (mission) Cath. Athabasca 12 AB St-Gabriel Cath. 1915 Atholville Restigouche NB N-D-de-Lourdes Cath. 1896 Atikokan Rainy River ON St. Patrick Cath. 1931 Atin 01 TY St. Joseph Cath. 1907 Atmore 13 AB St. Philippe (mission) Cath. 1953 Attawapiskat Kenora ON St-François-Xavier Cath. 1912 Aubigny Lévis QC Church of England Prot. 1827 Aubigny 03 MB St-Antoine Cath. 1903 Auclair Témiscouata QC St-Émile Cath. 1932 Audet Frontenac QC St-Hubert Cath. 1902 Aumond Gatineau QC Ste-Famille Cath. 1861 Aurora York ON Our Lady of Grace Cath. 1946 Austin Brome QC St-Austin Cath. 1913 Austin Brome QC United Church Prot. 1953 Authier Abitibi QC St-Jude Cath. 1920 Authier-Nord Abitibi QC St-Mathias Cath.
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