November 29, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6321 going to sit there forever. For 1 year, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there reer besides politician and lawyer: they get together, work it out amongst objection to the request of the gen- actor. themselves, and come back with rec- tleman from California? He came to Memphis one time, I re- ommendations to us so that we can do There was no objection. member specifically, to speak to the our job well, which is to support the Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I yield Chamber. And he had a droll way about people actually suppressing these fires myself such time as I may consume. him. He said—and I guess he said it and maintaining the safety of our com- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6135 would des- other places, as well—sometimes when munities. ignate the Federal building and United I am in Washington, I miss the reality Again, I rise in support of this bill. States courthouse at 719 Church Street and the sincerity of Hollywood. Well, I Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance in Nashville, Tennessee, as the Fred D. laughed when Fred said it. I think of my time. Thompson Federal Building and United about it often here. Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I yield States Courthouse. When he ran for office, Fred took a myself the balance of my time. I would like to thank the gentle- little red truck and used it to cam- Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, this is a woman from Tennessee (Mrs. BLACK- paign. He drove that truck around the great bill. I urge my colleagues to join BURN) for her leadership on this legisla- State. People identified with it. He was me in supporting this important piece tion. ahead of his time. It was kind of like of legislation. Senator Thompson was an accom- Donald Trump eating McDonald’s, I Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance plished lawyer, actor, U.S. Senator, think. He related to the common man of my time. and a great friend. We spent numerous with that truck. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The occasions together here in the Wash- I thought about Fred as I was flying question is on the motion offered by ington, D.C., area as he got to know up here. I just did get here in time. I the gentleman from California (Mr. new Members when we came in 2010. I was on one of the last of those regional DENHAM) that the House suspend the have appreciated his counsel, his jets, which was kind of like Fred’s rules and pass the bill, S. 546, as friendship, and I look forward to seeing truck with wings on it. But we made it. amended. this bill passed. I want to thank Fred Thompson for The question was taken; and (two- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of all he did as an attorney, as an actor, thirds being in the affirmative) the my time. and as a friend to me. He was bipar- rules were suspended and the bill, as Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield tisan. He was always friendly to me. He amended, was passed. such time as he may consume to the was a courteous gentleman. I came here when Fred won the Na- A motion to reconsider was laid on gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. tional Conference of State Legislatures the table. COHEN). Award for looking out for States’ f Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to rise on this occasion to have rights. He was the only member of the Senate to vote on a bill that the NCSL FRED D. THOMPSON FEDERAL the courthouse in Nashville named for was in favor of. And he was right. BUILDING AND UNITED STATES a distinguished American, a friend of There was a province that belonged to COURTHOUSE mine, Senator Fred Thompson, who is the States that the Federal Govern- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I move the only University of Memphis grad- ment usurped because it was so won- to suspend the rules and pass the bill uate to serve in the United States Sen- derful to do and sets good brownie (H.R. 6135) to designate the Federal ate. points back home. But Fred didn’t do building and United States courthouse Fred was an outstanding attorney that. He stayed with his position that located at 719 Church Street in Nash- and Federal employee. He made Ten- States’ rights should be first and those ville, Tennessee, as the ‘‘Fred D. nessee proud when he was counsel to areas of tort liability should have re- Thompson Federal Building and United the Watergate Committee. In a phe- mained with the States. I came to see States Courthouse’’. nomenal fashion, he gave people a good Fred get that award. The Clerk read the title of the bill. feeling about bipartisanship when a Re- Fred had a wonderful wife and a won- The text of the bill is as follows: publican such as Fred Thompson stood derful family. One of his sons was a H.R. 6135 up and raised the questions that needed good friend of my mine. He still is. I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- to be raised to end the illegal and am honored to be a sponsor of this bill. resentatives of the United States of America in crime-ridden episodes of Richard Nixon I am sorry that Fred left us, suc- Congress assembled, that were exposed in Watergate. cumbing to cancer last year, but it is SECTION 1. DESIGNATION. Despite the fact that Richard Nixon appropriate that we name the U.S. The Federal building and United States was a Republican, Fred Thompson saw courthouse located at 719 Church Street in courthouse and Federal building in to it that when the President acted in Nashville after this great American. Nashville, Tennessee, shall be known and an untowardly fashion, diminishing the designated as the ‘‘Fred D. Thompson Fed- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I yield eral Building and United States Court- Constitution, diminishing our govern- such time as she may consume to the house’’. ment, all Americans should stand up gentlewoman from Tennessee (Mrs. SEC. 2. REFERENCES. and oppose such. Fred did it in an ad- BLACKBURN). Any reference in a law, map, regulation, miral way, and Richard Nixon resigned Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I document, paper, or other record of the eventually, and Gerald Ford helped want to thank the gentleman from United States to the Federal building and save our country. Vice Presidents can California for his work in moving this United States courthouse referred to in sec- do that. legislation forward and also my col- tion 1 shall be deemed to be a reference to Fred served as an Assistant U.S. At- league from Tennessee for joining me the ‘‘Fred D. Thompson Federal Building and torney. He was a mentee of Senator on this bill. It is such an honor to bring United States Courthouse’’. Howard Baker, a great Member of the it forward and to push for the naming The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- United States Senate and a great of the Federal courthouse in Nashville ant to the rule, the gentleman from American. He was also a private-prac- as the Fred D. Thompson Federal California (Mr. DENHAM) and the gen- ticing attorney who had a case con- Building and United States Court- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. CAPU- cerning pardons. It was a Democrat house. ANO) each will control 20 minutes. was doing things that were illegal. Ray You know, it is so interesting. Fred The Chair recognizes the gentleman Blanton from Tennessee was giving learned a lot about life and about the from California. pardons that were improper. Marie law working in the current Federal GENERAL LEAVE Ragghianti stepped forward. building. As that building has been Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask Fred Thompson wrote a book about outgrown and the need for a new one is unanimous consent that all Members Marie exposing illegal pardons. Some- in the works, it is so exciting to know may have 5 legislative days in which to body who did the script thought Fred that Fred’s name will be emblazoned revise and extend their remarks and in- could make a good actor. And Fred on that building. It is exciting for all of clude extraneous materials on H.R. made a good actor. He did a lot of TV the residents of Lawrence County, Ten- 6135. series and movies and had another ca- nessee. That is where Fred grew up. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Nov 30, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29NO7.013 H29NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 29, 2016 That is in the Seventh Congressional OFFICE OF THE CLERK, (A) conduct a study to determine whether District. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, enhancing the restitution provisions under Then, as Fred decided to go to law Washington, DC, November 29, 2016. sections 3663 and 3663A of title 18, United school and came back to Nashville, he Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, States Code, to provide courts broader au- settled in Williamson County, right Speaker, House of Representatives, thority to award restitution for Federal of- Washington, DC. fenses would be beneficial to crime victims there in Franklin and Brentwood in DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- and what other factors Congress should con- suburban Nashville. And that is where mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of sider in weighing such changes; and I got to know the Thompson family.
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