Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-13-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 248. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/248 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Occasional Drizzl*, Freezing Rain; Temperature Same Worst Idaho Flood in 25 Years Kline III 6 Irrigation Dam Collapses Others Plead n Flight Not Guilty Glen MINN EAPOLES (AP) ? - Six of seven persons formerly asso- ciated with the Sister Kenny Dozen Villages Flooded Foundation pleaded innocent to art indictment containing 15 counts of BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS P&rts of downtown Pocatello were of mountain snows during a warm dents in isolated areas were still Southeast Idaho fought its worst ! ¦ ¦ '^ mail fraud Zand one of conspiracy flooded. ?:' . ' ' spell coupled with the downpours. cut off . when they were arraigned today floods in 25 years today, as col- Seven Idaho counties ha-ve been An earth-fill dam broke Mon- before U.S. District Judge Guhnar Outlook Bad lapse 0/ an irrigation dam and ! declared disaster areas . More Twenty-six dea th s wera attrib- day, Impounded water ? swept H. Nordbye. heavy rains inundated new corny than l;OO0 families have fled their uted to the rain , which totaled down the Teton River and spread The seventh defendant, Marvin muhities and sent hundreds of homes, more than eight inches in down- over half the town of Sugar . City, L. Kline, forrtier foundation direc- residents scurrying for high In Southern Cal i fornia skies town Los Angeles. Among them Improvement ¦which has 700 inhabitants. " '., , was not in court and his attor- ground. cleared after six days of rain , were three Sah Diego boys tor ney said he was "ill and in- ,utter, Swollen streams which already National Guard troops and vol- and. high waters began to recede; trapped Monday in the cave-in of collapse." had surged over their banks into unteers battled to control the In their wake were tons of mud a rain-softened sandstone cliff. Needed lor more than ?a dozen villages and rising water, in the face of new and debris and scores of wrecked Cars were mudded in along The seven men were ' charged towns threatened still others. ?Low dangers caused by rapid melting or damaged homes. Some resi- ¦ with misusing thousands of dollars ¦?- >¦ ¦ ¦:: ¦ ¦: ¦ . Hollywood Boulevard in the heart . , ' .: ,». .:.,.- ry ... v . " J V ¦: v of the movie studio area alter an contributed by the public for the Wednesday early-morning cloudburst Monday charitable group's rehabilitation sent muck roaring down a resi- work. By PRE OS. HOFFMAN dential street? Judge Nordbye tentatively set ¦CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla? (APi 23 for Kline's appearance. Feb. agency officials said to- Some homes were buried in He accepted a suggestion from the -T-Spate mud to within a foot of the ceil- day weather prospects for astro- ' US. district attorney that a doc- ing. Cars were tossed down tor be appointed to examine Kline naut John H. Glenn Jr.Zs pioneer BeachAvood Drive along with and see if he is Sit to appear. orbital flight Wednesday are planks, boulders , trees and other , attorney for- Harry H. Peterson about . '50-30. - They indicated, the debris; Kline,: said his client had been ill mission might be postponed again |n suburban Sunland, 150 resi- five or six weeks and has been if things did ii"t improve. dents of the Riverwood . Ranch- bedridden the last 10 days. Peter- Sunset Springs area above Foot- son did not indicate the nature of Lt. Col. John S. Powers, spokes- ' hill Boulevard ? were stranded Kline s illness. Z man for the astronaut team , . told Nordbye gave the defendants 30 when flood waters ripped out the a news conference, project chiefs road providing access. Food days to file motions and all six only corisidered the vvcatlier outlook and medical supplies were, furn- were released on $2,500 bond each. ished by means of a line shot District Attorney Miles Lord said " marginal." In terms of odds, across the wash by firemen. he would not move for a trial date SUKARNO GREETS KENNEDY .. Indonesia 's President Powers said this was about 50-50; until the time for filing of motions cloudburst ap- Sukarno greets Robert Kennedy as tile U.S. attorney general ar- The Los Angeles has expired. Powers - said Walter - . -Williams, parently was the last gasp of the rives at Merdcka Palace in Jakarta today for a luncheon with Su- ' storm? which caused millions of The defendants, all indicted karno. Kennedy said before the meeting-that he had a personal Project Mercury s operations di- dollars , of dam age. The Weather Jan. 30 by a Federal Grand Jury message from his brother , President Kennedy, for the Indonesian rector and the man who would Bureau predicted partly cloudy after lengthy investigation? are: chief of slate. 1 AP Photofa x via radio from Jakarta) make the -crucial deci sion , did not skies? but warned of a possible Kline, v f 0 r m e r Minneapolis feel Glenn would go "with the new storm by midweek. mayor and director of the founda- current weather ," that is, as It The northern Nevada town of tion until ousted following a state investigation . exists today. Battle Mountain was declared a " ¦ ' ¦ disaster area oy Gov. Grant Fred . FadelL . 53, Minneapolis , Robert However , Powers said a better Kennedy/ : former Kenny publicity agent. Sawyer after ; JReese River flood- idea of-this . weather'in. the critical waters attacked- it. ' ¦:¦; J. George Zimmerman, 50. St. recovery areas out in the Atlan- Paul accountant who audited Ken- tic would be gained from visual In Utah 40 miles east of Well, ny books and whose license has Sukarno Meet observation by Navy* ships mov- b*/ Nev ,, North Fork River flood cur- since been revoked the state. America has " (n ing into those areas-. , By P ETER ARNETT ! a big Interest rents washed out a bridge and Abraham L. Koolish, 77 and? his this dispute and wants a peaceful forced closure .' of U:S. Highway son , David, 42, alleged owners of JAKARTA , Indonesia f AP) - The recovery vessels, chiefly ¦ solution." 40. ¦ '- four Chicago firms that distribut- Robert F. Kennedy told Indone- carriers, are expected on station sian President Sukarno today the Kennedy's remarks to Sukarno , Officials in Bancroft , Idaho , cast ed foundation mail solicitations by four hours before launch now ICE WITH THE WATER ... The ranch home surrounded by water and huge blocks of ice, some from 1952 to l9S0. U.S. government has ".done all if were the basis of a verbal mes- planned for 7:30 a.m. Wednesday? of Pocatello, blasted a railroad sage he carried to neutralist In- of Melvin Jeffery? six miles south of Riverton, is 30 inches thick and 20 ieet across. (AP Photofax) John B. CarneU\ 50 , and Philip can behind, the scenes" to pro- However , ^fayy officials said they line to relieve pressure on the mote a peaceful solution to the donesia from his elder , brother ' track fill. Downtown Bancroft G. Rettig, Chicago, former pres- could gather accurate weather idents of New Century Corp., one Dutch-Indonesian dispute over President Kennedy, the embassy data about eight hours belore was covered with five feet . of West New Guinea. -'¦; ' . source said. water. • of the Koolish firms. launch-near midnigiht. A U.S. Embassy source said Meanwhile, a . weather ? recon- Rexburg, a city of 5,000, had The Kenny Foundation has been Kennedy emphasized to Sukarno The U.S. attorney general made naissance plane also took a close only U.S. Highway 191 for an es- reorganized and is now headed by in a two-hour conference over similar remarks in conferences look at the recovery areas. Dr. Frank H. Krusen , noted today with other top Indonesian Senator W cape route as Teton River flood lunch at the Mfcrdoka Palace that In hopes the weather would political figures who regard him waters spread on thi-ee sides. Rochester, physician who is on clear. Project Mercury as a direct pipeline to President officials leave from the Mayo Clinic. today began . the preliminary Three Ricks College students in The foundation staff and those Kennedy. Crammed into Kenne- Rexburg took: a boat into the Tet- dy's tight schedule were talks countdown aimed at a 7:30 a.m. directly involved in : treatment of launching. The M-hour count is on river. It capsized. They grab- patients were never linked with with". Sukarno; Foreign Minister bed an ice flow, they said , Rusk Dashes split over two days, not necessar- Story from Powers and the scandal touched eff by the in- Subandrio; National Security Min- hung on for an hour before ister Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution; ily consecutive, with the last half WASHINGTON (AP I-Senators vestigations of former Atty, Gen. Evidently the only members of "I'just wish, they 'd t el! iis what a - 'railroad- employe heard their Atiy. Gen. Gunawan, ard a Su- picking up shortly after mid- have told the State Department " Miles Lord and his successor , his family permitted to see Pow- it is. cries. Two volunteers picked lip •'¦ Irarno advisor, Ruslan Abdul Gha- night on launch day. Walter F. Mondale. Lord is ' ' they want the now ¦ • ¦ full storv of U2 spy -who . ers are his wife Bwbara - .. As senators began moving in the trio in a rubber raft.
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